xt73bk16mf8w_558 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [398] George Hogg, L.H.N. Salyer v. L&E and L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [398] George Hogg, L.H.N. Salyer v. L&E and L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_55/Folder_6/3469.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_558 xt73bk16mf8w /*/m/77%/ %
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 . '. ‘ t . 1 ' ‘ ’ j 1 December 30‘, 1914.. '_ .
‘ 1 I}. I. 3e37, ESQ. , Attorneyet law, ' .., ' t " _
~ ‘ 1‘ , I ' E‘ihitesbm‘g. Kentucky. 1 ' _ .7 I ’. 1 K .;

‘ 0 Dear Sir: » j '1 t ' ‘ ' t . I ‘ ‘ . 'l/ 1 ~

,3 > [I ' Just a line to, .sn.:izno=wledge receipt, ongreement, Release .
t , end Conveyenee, e153 eorreeted, betweenfGéaorge ‘1ogg,,&e. and the '

. _ ‘ Laxington Cc Eerstorn "E32; ilweg-r Company. 1‘ t 7 , 1 1

. Thanking you for same. I are, ' , ' ‘ -

_ . . V ‘ I ' ‘ Yates; :1.; 101113;, ' I '

. 1 ,1 ‘ A ' t , 1 j t V ‘
Z , I' n M - 1 I \ Sonneel. _ t ‘ I

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n ,1 _ .. m- (x. , V 1 .
\111111221'12-113, my . .00 . 3.7 L11, ‘,J.‘+.
.13-"1:1":‘11. -.' . 1 |.;Ssi.\~1, "»:"-.';.,
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911-3 10 are 5116‘ 11860. L) ”‘,‘JWL.

1.; ..1 :1 .411 J I.. ‘3' , f &
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 7 ". A» ’ T nee'ember 22, 1914.
I U ‘.’ E..-{1‘. Tito I. Say,» 2422;232:1323; atlmr,‘ ' V "
' Whitesburg, Kantucky. ' . '
. Dhar~fiirz J . I ' .
.I. I , > I'am hérewith returning éhe deed fTUfl Gworge Hug;,&ca to
- L the L-& E Ry,00.. rnnently executvfi in settlemant of suit By the ‘
' V.. ' gréntors agéifist fihi grnfiteea 4' ’ , ‘
~ ’\ .. I Thdrs a§e twn or thraa little aerrncfiiong which I wqfilfi
V ' .’_ like you to mafia in tfic donfi befnre 1 snnfi it on to Zenisville. Ax I
tha bottom of pign 5, will yum pianfin infinrt in the blank syace the .
I number'finé fame of fiha denfi’hoak whaye ?he fieai item Sulyof to
U fioég, of 22211 10, leifi, is roanrdefi. ‘ - ’
. : ' 2' I In your certificfitcv‘kinfily 3331] an? the work Kéntneky '
’ ‘Iat‘thn flop Sf yaécL?g whwrs fit fi}fi9??§ abyroviataé 99 ”Ky2? I
> : . £180, afitfich your material seal f0 tfia aertificafie of
ackncwlfiégment. '2 ». 3 32 L
47 x ’ . ' If you_will_kini15 fin fihis at once and refiurn to mg, I x ‘ '
I will be greatly dbligefl to you; Either-séaé the deaé back by reg-
iSteroi mail or by train maii unfior valuable imbal. 7
L ’ .' wishing yofi a mgzr; Shristmasb'I am,‘ 2 ‘
‘ . '7 ~ ' Véry truly 301.3313, . ,
. 4 .GECQ L ' I ‘ ’ > A ,
* . I L V a anuswl. ,

 Bu'CEY F’ woo-r-roN JESSE Mons»;
‘ Aiinrum‘gs 21% 7132-in:
‘ HAZARD‘ KY' becemuer 20, 1914;.
. , ,
M 01:2 / %
;_r. '~..ils;on,
onington , L-:, .
Lear Dir:
herewim I return to you. all papers relative
to the 1.2-603338 Boga Settlement, which has been duly
executed, as ;.011 w, 11 note.
4 our 3 truly ,
/l/J ‘ , ,

LEXINGTON. KY1 _ ,7 1‘ .‘
.,,Ll: “«" _;__I 1.
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 FORM 1——Revised July, 1909
' Messages which are appareptly uuuecesga ,or that could be scqt by Train Mai1,wi11 bq transmitted and O
L M delivered promptly, but copxes thereof wxll Kc forwarded to Supermtendent of Tranqurtatxon for attention. E R AM
TE EGRA SeeruleassandGeneralManager'sCucularNo.101. TEL G
.. dw” “‘. ‘:‘-"“A'w '-~ . .- »a» “ -,, K‘.-.1“ " ’2"- “ '
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"~ '11’ —'. rm”: «7 H‘ '\ :7:- I
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.I.?» m .,. ~31 " “..1. “.v -..‘ :... “.:...13', flmw ..'. , m _. ,- m ' ' .
_‘.le O; U-“ 3'.? if} .490.“ 1.4; PM: , 1..1r’f:.:;.:,i;.; GILT if; {1:327 I C‘Z‘.‘ ijLR‘Z”T:,‘\."'fC 7'30 ""2':":“'Iil ‘ "1: ':
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1 "‘ , “
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u 312.3103 9 .4. 1:19;. 7.51 L»: .w 3.0.1. Lanc- 2mg; Ema/“Tram; me :;“.gzrflc'gs 1,'-154.16: ":3.? 1.
m an .., ‘.4/L" ; .f. .';: ._‘” - ,. 4 ‘ I = .r -‘ m. -. .I...!.- .. .2. ~ *
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' ‘5 > ‘_5 . Becaflnfi'10,2914.
. 1316533 1'8 . 1% 00 itto 2: w @301" 53.11 , At 1; 0111:; :78 a 1;- law , ,
. ' Hazarfi .~. Lientuc 1:37.» ' '
Gentlemenzu - - ’
. I herewith encloae draft fer $300900 in favor of Georgg '
303$, with voucher raceiyfi atfiaahed, i a130 enclofle a fieeé of ‘
’ ‘ Agreement, Releage anfi Conveyance to be ezeeufied by George Hogg
and wife ané by he i; E; flalyer aflfi wife. ~0f caurse; éhe 399d 0f -
* ‘ fialeage muat he executefi by the parties of the firgt pa?t'before

any Salivary ig wade of the draffi ana b$fare the voucher is receipteé '

- by 3033‘ Qhe fieefi indicafies that Eegg is 232d the 9300.00 for him“. '

- $elf ifi his own righfi and alga as r39re$entative of big wife anfi
0019 fialyers anfi wife9 whe are joined with hfim aS éarfiieg in the ’
$uit for damages“ Eon must infiiat upon the exacution of the réa '
' lease by all'four sf the parties namefio .
. ,
The payment to George EDgg-ifi also unthmsizefi by a clause
in the aeefiv Ificiting that such paymeni i3 mafig with fihe knswladge, ‘
. cangent anfi approval cf @he attorneya of reeard for the plaintiffs.
To infiure‘thai fihis 18 SD, 1 wonla like yam to fifikc a written state- .
- . ' 333% Iron the attoznagg of $03036, inflicating tfieir cousent‘tc such
- ~ -payments If thig canmgfi be flame, n8 floubt-fisgg Hill consenfi t0 have .
you interline the érnft 80 £5 to make ifi payable fio’hig atfiarneys,
, _nnming them. 5 . ‘ , _
‘ Whatever yam fie, be certain to havg the B§ed of Eclease
‘ axecutcfl iiyst before any payméat is mafia. '
’ -‘ Vamy firmly yours, -
. eneso - ' ' - . «
v'. Ekfig/a - ~ ’ ' ' » . m '
., > I ' ‘. \
_ . - , ' 4 - coungelo .
, .
. . . . . -
‘ . ‘ . , > _ :

George Hogg, L. H. 131. Salyer, and wife,
I ‘1 ' W . I J_ . nrb
ballle :;alyer, l?1a1nu1:c:cs/
~ ~VS~ 0 D 3'3.“ 11' .
Lexington an Eastern Railway G'ompany, and
Louisville 5:“: Nashville ~Trieilrood Company, Defendants.
' ,1 U‘ on motion of the lain‘tiji’fs it is ordered that this action
be 2..-ml the some is now dismieeed settled. as to all claim 1’07: past,
present and future damage, grad in bar if any fvfoure action thereon,
{ma at plaintiffs‘ costs. (

 . V ' _ ‘ FORM l—Revised July, 1909 _ > , V
. . » ragga: whicht€rebalzmrcptl{hunne€es§firg, Off maidcgiultd ls): .seqt t.1;»yd'.l‘ratinfn'g‘ail. Will'thi tméxsmitted imd Q
. \. - W1 0 a 1111 en en 0 11 tt .
‘ TELEGRAM e v" pm“? y' " ép‘essee $i°sssand 8.211311 Mamier‘ipémm No. 101. "L ”3"“ °n "3 “M” TELEGRAM
1" ) - ’ ‘ » Lexindton , Ky. , Eecember 10*:71 , 1914.
‘i '.‘Ioofifson 5; E10. '{‘?5111 , § '
. E19. mart} LT? "3b 1 tes‘r 1M" ”*7. ~ ‘
. V ~ , A, . A, .' a ' /
Vamohnz‘ To in Three himirefl r1 3113,32: 9.11:1 fine’i of release in Ge Urge
" 710575; suit w}. 11 he 1:"0rwarflx3fl 37011 021 L70 . l ‘ S‘rifiay , the eleventh.
I ' E: o Ania '3'; .i. :Lf‘; On a I
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;jflfif 3.5,}: “5.21:6 212:3: 4.32:" 4511' Jan"; 32:23:: -3. by 5:33;: 2.33“." 1:216:31.
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PM ’~ finallifi?‘

~u,’;.-~ that 5.11-1rtxzir'1 lot, or 51’: 1115‘ 5' 115;, 1323.111" 2.11151
1.1511515: :‘1 1'1. 1271552 eonsfit-f <25." 7.511123451- r, 111153 2911113111 of 35.1115.5.1211753; 12.1152. in
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1531;211:3515. in #2225321"? 5515122: .110. “5“: 1111.551 5151., '55-.2'te'211521' 5:011:1t3; Ziom't’s
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