xt73bk16mf8w_565 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [406] J.G. and Ed Campbell v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [406] J.G. and Ed Campbell v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_55/Folder_13/3727.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_565 xt73bk16mf8w a
iéj/lV/yflmyflf/7f/f/l/I’x/I3x/Zx/m ,:,/é” [.22/1N5” r41 / ///’//// ////r/7f,
””"’/”’"' f/éfifzgza’ffzzm /, , ’
fm“/027,”,72’32’5wmr. ”IO/””417 March 26th,1915.
W 2.9 / ¢ / 80578
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sirz~

I am in receipt of yours of the 23rd with enclosures
relative to the case of J. G. and Ed. Jampbell v. L. & N. R. Co.,
Perry Circuit Court.

I have passed Mr.Campbell's witness certificate for

Please exercise your discretion in the matter of
carrying out plan outlined in last paragraph of your letter above

Yours truly,
fl; 2 ‘4 a» 2“; w,%
» Assistant District Attorney.

 0" '
v .
March 23, 1915. .
er. C.h.iioo:mnen, '
Dear Bir:
Horowith, please note corresponflence and witness Claim'
for 96.00 in favor of Janos 3. Ce mhell, of Yerkee, Kg., in the
oaee on Perry Circuit Court, of J. G. enfl 30. Campbell v. L i E. '
Kindly have voucher iseueé eeeoon as convenient in payment of this
claim ena oblige.
This oeee’wes called for trial on last Thursday, the 19th
instant, and we spent a good part of the afternoOn arguing the len
to the Court one trying to pereueoe the Court that the plaintiffs
had etetefl no eeuxe of action and, under the allegations of their
petition, were not entitlofl to recover in any event. Jufige Eewie
frankly aflmittefi that it one the first case of the kind that had ever
been brought before him and fig& not know any law on the subject.
, This was incentive enough for no to try to enlighten him. he seemed
to struggle pretty hero to get by the low, but Friday morning, in~
stead of prooeefling with the trial, he abruptly aojourned Court for >
the term, which, all things eoneioerod, I do not regard as an ill
The Chief ease relied upon by the attorneys for the plain-
tiifs was the Gene of ?afiieh v. a & N’-;1XL Editjj:£_ (originhl opin-
ion). While we were arguing rho law before Jufige Lewis, we were
not aWore that rhio Opinion hefl afterwaros been withdrawn on'a re-
hearing by the Court of Appeals. Ihie I discovered after the adjourn-
_ meat of Court and immediately called Juflge Lewie' attention,to the I
oeeonfi opinion fielivored by the Court of Anneale on remheoring, Lng
' “gig 5:¢. avg“ ?

 _. ' comm-#2. ' i . 3723/15.
, , ‘NQ‘VVVV
fl. - » - under 3
V V/” In the argument on the law, no urged the point thatgno i
Végate of facts is a property owner entitled to recover damages for E
‘ i 53in3ory to crepe on account of alleged defects in cattlceguardo, the %-
f. phdéct of thc.law regulating cattle~guardo being to prevent stock i
i from getting on the right of way or railroad tracks and so to E
} prevent injury to live stock and danger to passing trains. "I be— ng-
liove this point is well taken and we intend to insist upon 11:
' has atrcngly as possible.
VThe trouble with EESEQ sfiocknguard cases is that none of
_ them, so far as I know, involves an amount euggicicnt to admit of-
' - appeal to the Court of Appeals and an advcrse decision by the Court_
or an adverse verdict by the jury (which is practically a fore—
gone conclusion,) could leave no door open to us for relief. It
has occurred to me that, if we see an Opportunity to make a clean-
cut toot case out of one of those cases, it mifiht be a good plan -
to agree with the plaintiffs that the annunt of damages shall be
’ fixed at 9200.00 or $250.00, if the defendant Shall be held liable-
at all, Then, if the verdict or judgment goes against no in the ,
' lowor court, we can apply to the Court of Appeals for an appeal with
' a good chance of having it allowed and, if no, of scouring a rag
vorSal with Such a statement of the law as Shall be decioive of? hp
. V - _.‘ N.
. other cases. Of course, I have not dotcrmincd finally upon anyisuchx,
course of action, but, if you do not fioapnrove, I shall fool aft V
' liberty to adopt such course if it scone cxpwdinnt and afiviscblckon ,
any occasion in the future. - V i 1:
Yours truly, . EEK
' ‘ one. I ' '2' . I j . » 3‘
- . a under

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. I ::GCSUETCe 35:1«1 $3011.52: 150335.111, ’
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' ”‘.-01.1151.5271:7211:
725-31123 0;" “2:310 {5:1, 1::; ‘.‘;‘tfa:1.‘r:21:3:’= “Lo '"‘ suit? received
’ 1“ I :1:: 5:131? ’:i.11..'- 3;. 31:? L 2:11 1:0 ’1” ‘1‘-‘11.? if? :'1:;"=r"v.:;211:;c- (1;? '52:. J.C.
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$315?ng {7116: {11‘-2'311'11TLC: 111 fir-11111.3(: (>2 0311‘}: a I :3.-"C, ;zt‘-;:,;';r 2371?; Km for
- ifs-1.95:9 {amt-M4133 :7:): Liza: 17:31:: 55:11}: mi" 9 73:133., 1‘71?» . '
V Fer; 3:21.13; your-s,
. ft';.;.T/-11
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1 .
1 .
I - . .
l , ' '

Aiin'r 1t 1‘ H s at 1’: min
HAZARD, KY; maI‘Ch 9, 1915.
LT. ._... LL. Hilton, ‘
Lexington, Ly.
Lear wir:
Yours of the 8th relative to the case of a. e.
Campbell vs. l. u A. nailway company and that O: a. J.
and dd Dampbell ve. L. e 4. received. 4e received all
of the correSpondence mentioneL in your letter and at
tLe tihe carefull; went over the cases and really
oreeented the law ifl the lover oourt, but the oudge
took'tho position that terminal pointe mentioned in
the statute ano in those CCSeS were terminal points of
fencing and hence we lost. L
row they file the amended petition wlich we
sent you and allege ~ eoeciel agrenment. ”e have seen
uudge U_HFL611 and talked nith hi4 since we sent you
this amendefl pleading and he says that this agr.ement
was nade with your or. tickerson; i think Lie name is gt? ,
d. U., who was euperviwor 0: construction on this line. to t
I I Le says that he called on “r.nickereon about
fencing the right 0: may and that gickereon told him
they could put in stock guards that would do jutt as
well. gothing of tLis Lind was mentioned in the first


Ritual 1‘13 5 at 7521111
'Cviel 00 “011' have ‘oe‘:."uez= have ;.-1‘.1;ickerson BOOI‘t here

—. 4.. ’ LJ 6 x.» --

an the Cam" of the ‘urial, which is the 171;}; day of “arch.
~ ‘— «a MHWM:‘“MM»
14.130 1111178 .-.r 4137 and your section ':.'oreman on that section
of road to come. vim you attend to this.”

“' Very t r1111: yours ,
J..; C ,,./, Mai/11.x, 71/ ' ,1

/ / , l/

 ’fiflfi/‘W/VN.Gl‘iz/Ylljzflé/(f/ y/ {F > 7 1, ._ ) /
7225,1421 }/ ZfZLZ/Ym .., ,(z/w 1/ 1/241/111/2/1 / ///1 //’(I11////://y.
/‘/,,,,,,p.;// -12/7.712912%;W 1' --;/21.111 1 ///, ;,ngmr ch 9th,1915.
/ 805:78
Mr. W. A. McDowell,
Manager, L. 3: 3f}. R. 00., ”76% /D ,.'/j
Lexington, Fien‘tuoky. -
Dear Sir:—- ; ' ‘ 1'
V Please reflex to yanks of Izovember 17th, addressed to
.7116 g6 Wilson, relative to the case of J. G. Campbell v. L. Ea Te- R.
Co. , Perry Circuit Court. I am handing you herewith Jud ge Wilson's
10’t’cer to me, dated March 8th, together with copy of amended petition
recently filed in this case.

As requested by Juéige Wilson I shall be 3136! if you
will have the supplemental investigation made as promptly as practice;
ble and furnia'n him the facts.

Yours truly,
Assistant I; istrict Attorney. .
001737 to ‘
Mr. 3. ‘.'!ilson, //
Counsel, {:’c 1'}. 31.00..
Leznztngton, Kentucky. ’

 ‘ m 111 f‘ {7:1
$0178.33“ 3, 1,,...4.
”‘1‘.... .. ‘.'_v'm .. .. , 7 7r ..,: ,,~ .. ‘,'. : ._,.. ,\>~ r -,L __..
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fl . .L. ,-- ~n
U-enul 9:110“: -
In (toanactlon w; .1; sisocsz._.xr. 0.:,sses, please 1101.8
- a 1 '1 -.'.. _,. .,:~ '.1, . . . .-‘ :..“.Lr .. 1. ..,, ,.. - - <. ,.'-.4“.
”.’.1(3,‘.OS€‘(! COIJQK Oi J.:)Luili' '..U. Lil-._:. $327.:le J_i£§',fii:;l;liu ;QGulVCU J.:-.Uifl
“'.. 1 - ..N-.».. .'2» 3 L ' 11.1, ,1.- : In ‘»--,L- -.- “.. 4. ”r... 7 n. ._
4.53.. ileUlT.lc,:,.:1, .:.;SSLS (MIMIC .'—,z.-3L;.L‘.:.CL/ AinuLL.).L;1C::/o .3.‘" HOD .’.-..’...
. .;.. . .. .- .. ,‘.. r -,,-....2: fl , 4.1 r. .~'- ..1, . .‘.‘.': .e. ; .... :- _- .. 1.1. 1‘ . -1 n N \1
correct- _Ll'l L.).g-§;_;+:;,u.u.g 9.14.. cm; _,,‘UL.J.U.L.U;1~:3 .L.. we Luluyi‘bGlJ. Guam.
. - — .- I: .‘.-1 .. ..~ .— ‘ _... ,_ ......- . .L '- ~ '- \
are 1.".I.GJ.JLI’).::11 0.1. mils-22.: (3:100. 311 (:.CAL;L7._L_'. _'_ ..C)- tilt: .’.'..dfiOfl (57$sz 1'1; ‘.‘
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,: 3.5:.- .‘10i. SQUVIJ} b.5152 Lyn-.,‘ C..-..‘,!;bJ_:-g‘;‘ah-ik;S .'.:1 ai1.a_353l_~.\_ln \.'-’..:.LC Laue-.905». 9.1?
’ Wixahwmu .,,‘“, J l ' ' ‘-
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Crwinblflin O}, »-.U .{l'lr mimic: '».).i. '.L‘Jlghuul .L'-.3:;(JGAJ _gvr.:..'.:,x_!_.2ut;..lng L;./.V.; .
'.::‘i.‘"ht of 1:53:34"?
‘ v.01“? 1“ W111” ‘i7""‘:-<"'
”..J d...(_a..-ul (1011...), t
.3183. .
u 01111321 .

 . ‘l . V
‘ Hovembor 5, 1014.
.usot. Diot. Atty.,i & E 3 E Co.,
Dear Sir:-

I aoknowloflgo receipt of your favor of the flnfi inot.,
anawo:ing my raconfi query regaroing oattleguards in connection
Nith suits of JoG.Camoboil an? 3d.Camoboll v. L i E Ry.Coa,and
J.G.Caupbo11,alono, V. 3 a 3 33.60. Your letter toughes the
precise points resonating which I sought your Opinion anfl I am
obliged to you for h viog trifiion this letter. I éo not think
iho pot tiono in these cases are sufficient for the reasons

3 pointed out in your lottoy, to—Wit: Thai neither ShOWS that the
\ um.VWMMF, ,wni ..2”

1% oattloguoros in question were at oroosingo or at tho end of par-
: alloinfonoeo along tho Eight of way. Ehrthormoro, I do not be-
:1iove on invosfiigoiioo ifi will ho §352a thoi oithor of those

conditions exiptefl,un1ess it be in the Braohoars case recently
Again thanking you, I am, Very truly yours,

 ' //0/7:” x2222 9/o1,//1/72/22//
27;’I’/Q/9’/¢”:‘72. ~//”’/”//;}§W/ November 2nd 1914
71a} j 74 a
Hon.Sam'1 M.Wilson,
Counsel L. & E. R. Co.,Lexington,Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Referring to your favor of the 50th ult.,enclosing
copy of petition and docket report in the case of J.G.Campbell
and Ed Campbell v. L. & E. R. CO.,in which plaintiffs seek to recover
$75.00 as damages for the alleged destruction of a crap of corn by
stray hogs trespassing through a defective cattle guard. As pointed
out by you in a letter relative to another subject,this case and the

II J.G.Campbell case (Law Department file 80579) demand a very thorough

§§ investigation at the hands of Mr.Hardesty and I know they will receive

I: such attention at his hands.

5' Referring‘to Wooten & Morganfs letter to you,dated Oct.28th; .
unquestionablyfgnIa_arogerhégggjghether or not cattle guards are suffi-
cEEEEIEoE:E§EIé§r§dE§ for which they wereiinténdedgwill be a”m1{t;;“3?“*
gmggggwggme St.L.R.Co. v.Beauchagnfp~;bé.'Sitv‘Vlfi;lofl)rj-’But in the
Campbell cases are the gatieiggs;1g réiiifigflte gigggg that the cat-
tlg_guards in cuestion wereweither at crossings angat the and w
°133§§1§116n°6s81°38the 2r18h_*i°£ewaze.§.°°d.9n “was...“ It
would seem that they are hot,tested by the opinion of the
Court of Appeals in the case of Gibson v. L. & N. R. 00.106 S.W.

 ,f‘ ‘
tw‘ In the absence of the investigation papers it will,of course,
be impracticable to undertake to a: intelligently decide the
question of the Company‘s policy with reference to the matter of
an amicable settlement of the cases. But I shall be glad to hate
you consider this question when Mr.McDowe11 has submitted to you
information with reference to the merits of the claims so far as
the condition of cattle guards and extent of damage sustained are
’ concerned and then,if you consider the claims ones for compromise,
please bring them to my attention again.
Ymustmu ,
C;2;;%:;/Z‘”EEle’"25z$1>¢zzo¢:;ng¥£ I
Ass't District Attorney.
00py W.A.McDowell,
ex} ‘ :5‘ 2&5 xx? ,_ .n, “Mn ‘r‘n4“t
M f ., ; ’ Jgem W “ “‘“’
@fihrtgwpewéwwfllg;{mfffé:;iéwqg éiivuf?i /$n%nifif'

 ’{q _
' October 30, 1914.
C. H. Moorman, Esq.,
Asst, Dist. Atty.,L & H Ry Co.
Dear Sir:-
fierewith enclosed find copy of Petition and ”ocket Report
_ in the case of J. G. Campbell & Ed Campbell v. L & E Ry.Co., in
ierry Quarterly Court, filed October 27th, 1914, in which plaintiff
asks judgment for $75.00 damages for the alleged destruction of a
crop of corn by stray hogs tresPassing through a defective stbbk—
guard. I am referring the same matter to Mr. McDowell and Mr.
Hardesty for prompt attention.
Also, herewith note copy of letter from Wootton & Mbrgan
under date of Octobef 28, 1914, in reference to the above-styled
suit and claims of similar character.
Enc. Yours truly,


‘ October 30, 1914»
CeH.Hoorman. an.,
seat. Dist. Atty.,L & H E 3 CO.,
Eear 3irz-

I auknnwleage receipt of your letter of the 26th instant
in reply to mine of the Rand instant regeraing claim of P. G.
Braehsars of Viper, Kentueky, for alleged damage to crap by stock
I treepeseing through a fiefeetive cattleguara.

In connection with this claim of Brashoars, I ask your pertiou
ular attention to two suits files on the 37th inetant in the Porgy
Quarterly Court, based upon the same general claim, one unfier
style of 3.3.Camybell V. L-& E By.00.. and the other under the atyle
of J. G. and Ed. Campbell v. L e H Ey.Co., one both reported to
you herewith in separate 1sttnr. Unless there is eame effective way
of cheekmating it, I fear this class of claims will shortly assume
alarming preportiona.

See/a Very truly snare,
Comm (331.

 a .;7 '

' { October 30, 1914.
at. A. McDowell, Esq.,
Manager, L & E Ry,Co.,
Pear Sirz~
’2 Hereiwhh enclosed find copy of Petition in the case of
‘J. G. Campbell and Ed Campbellv. L & E By. 00., in Perry Quarterly

r: Court, filed October 27, 1914, in which plaintiff asks judgment
for $75-00 damages for the alleged destruction of a crop of corn
,by stray hogs treSpassing through a defective stockguard. Please
Irefer this matter at once to Mr. O. M. Hardesty, Stock Claim Agent,
for immediate investigation and report, unless the claim comes
more particularly within the jurisdiction of the Section Foreman
or Roadmaster, in which case it should be referred to one or the
other of the two last named.
at Very truly yours,

Enos; ' ‘
smv/a Counsel.

October 30, 1914.
Messrs. fierzttori é}. Hergan,
Mix/lard, Ky.
I acknowledge receipt of yours of the 28th instant,
enclosing three copies of Petition and Docket Report in the two
' cases lately filed in the Perry Quarterly Court of, J. C. Campbell
17. if; (:5.: F1 Eiy.Co., and J. G. and Ed Campbell 7. L 6: R 331.30., both
asserting claims for dmge to crops caused by cattle tremmssing
through defective stockgunrds. ‘,
‘2 in this connection, you have doubtless noted 3.123 fienrman's
’ letter to me of October 26th, 19.14, a copy of which was mailed
to Mr. Morgan.

I am asking fir. iieDmxell to name an immediate investigation
and report made on both of these claims and trust that same will
be ready for early delivery to you.

Sim/a Very truly yours,

;:-_..l;’.;;: t'_?” WT ’
J.L . LlrpglL a ;L C;_gtfldq Elillrljfi.

l .CL;I§TC&T L .;-i;:;;aj ;;;IZL.MT’ '_ uh .1.-3

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_ w/gyzsz¢7%%~:m1/ (MU/WM ,. /////%//flfl/ Qflfl%flflZ%'
-‘ . ‘ / \2’ K/ / Ix") I} ,/ ./ 77" /
A wax/2% /mz;/;& .
/ /
Judge S.M.Wilson, i; ¢Z¢¢¢«£.&13-9”"
Counsel, City. flgiéflaw.é‘A/V‘3"lflfi
Dear Sir; "A;,;;; ;g;1M"~r
‘ Replying to attached letter relative J.B.Campbells
claim for attending Court at Eazard; I did not have him
at all and did not gromice him any thing, I presume he
was summansed in the regular waygat least I do not know
. .any thing about it at all;
Yours Very Truly;
. '“ m”/«79%¢
“Stock Claim agent.
\ r//'

7 . LEXINGTON.KY. Junc- 27, 1915.
1.1:. U. 7.7;. ii:‘1_r€:_=f:s 1:717,
" ~ _ ' ; ;. 3 \
Dtocli Claim ugh. ,L :::: 7. 137,00 .,
Lexi nqto n , K37 .
:ear Oir:
. -—-—~-,. .7 _-7.. \ —, ‘4-
1191127721 th, pleas-3 mate copy 01 a lain-:3; 01 £776; 71.57u
inst. 73111011 1 have just received Ira; Loot-ton 7“;- 7._org‘an 1'0“:
. _ , , .
7791‘ Giem S7167, oxtaerlses 01 J. Campbell, <7 witne SS in the case
‘ ‘ 7 u 7' -7 w '- “w. '7' i < 7. “w.
0; J. JP. and Ad. U7‘.=.7;117b:27.l V. the vomimng, in 13811.4, Ullc’ult (whit.
» v I“. _ -‘V ,1 .. J__"_A_ .,.fi . <2. (‘7 ..A 41_I .‘. 3-7 00 1 0.7; thic 18.1;‘33:
3167:7919 note 7777.1“ulsulai‘iy Lnu S Lubuelxc; m; u b177, Ci in, J. u i,
‘ A- 7 ——1 ~ " . «noani' "r7“ 7:1: 4: w 011 ‘z'*77'7='-7‘77' 0,96 tr: 1111017
{37173.12 it was 1741‘. :.;0; 25111 b Ll}’l(.3i._7m-1.7_x.l 17:, pi-..» J "is”.-uJ _ , .
Chi}: Iti‘tnens 313.730 1:70:- (1:; :07." his attendance. he 18 clauung; 101”
two dav's tine 57:716. also ior e:~:<:7c;1:3738 in the 5217117 of “371.00 or 7.55.00.
' h “ "r7" ‘ T‘ A 'r‘fm-A 1‘13 I j 14."
firm est-«377.973 bill is unusual $7.17... I 77.0 1707“ 1mm so 877.77.7iom, 11. mull
' < ~ ~>7v n ‘~‘vu<-~“- ' <--,-~ :r T7
ssh-cijai'ioé‘; that, 11717173: $17177 731rem-7:;1_-..,77020, 7.».777...L 18 77.7057“
‘ - V -x “'7‘ - _. ___,“ ,7‘3 - _‘ « '3'-'7‘: 1 , . 1
act. me he .571 1107.1 you 73: .L‘riLLLI'JlAL‘lELJ. 1‘,: 17. 90:37: i015: , am:
7’ \ ‘7” '7’, _.:: .17". .'7‘7
001 i553, «~ .- 7. .7"): 7. -.
- 11‘: 7' 7 £7 . . 7, 7 .7 . , .
[my-'8" “1‘1“” 7 7' ,i,u.ou11se'l_. .
(N‘«' p... ._. . v77" '
enC. ).D17;|.—/84 / ._

 _ ‘ ‘ (COPY)
7 0
Hazard, Ky. June 21, 1"15.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
We are in receigt oi your letter 0: the llth inst,
in regard to claim oi witness, J. B. Canmooll, in the case of
J. G. and 3d. Uamuoell, Perry Circuit Court, in which y u Say you
cannot opqrove so large a claim as 9F.OU Ior the exuen8ee of this
It is the opinion Oi our Jr. Iorgan that this Witness
, is really entitleu to two days, as he arrived here one aitornoon
about 1:45, and leaving on the iollowing day at U A.H., and that
this witness is really‘entitleu to two dago attendance at Court.
He also Seye that this witness cane to Hazard at the Special
instance of Mr. Herdeety. Le are thoroiore enclosing you gorm,
goverihg two day? attenflzhce i: this witness, and as to his
‘ ‘ exeeuee aooounfi, Vhidh will be gi.OO, we will leave it with you.
E Cur hr. horgeh suye he underetoob from this vitnoes that Mr.
E Hardeuty »romieeu to allow thie witness 92.0u per day.
Yours very truly,
1»OL¢ toxl & li01ggan.
HER—r ,

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