xt73bk16mf8w_57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [29] Monroe Ballard vs. L&E, Fayette Justice Court text [29] Monroe Ballard vs. L&E, Fayette Justice Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_7/Folder_4/63985.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_57 xt73bk16mf8w H‘ ., _ ‘ 4 W;. % .,.. ‘ g ‘_ > \ "V :' ,.~’;
- ‘. ‘ December 31, 1915. .
W. A. Mofiowéil, Esq., , 4 _-
‘ Manager, L & E fiy.Co., _ - I ’
Lexington,Ky. ' ' 1
Dear Sir:— _
An$wering your favor of the 24th instant, relative to the
ease of Monroe Ballard v. the L & E Ry.Co. for time due, I have to
say that this case was tried this morning in 'Squire Oldham's Court .
and éismirsofi without prejufliaa.
. Yours firmly, '
‘ SEW/A .'
- ‘ Counsel. .' _
’ g

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Superintendent Bradshaw replied:

"Monroe Ballard the has sued Co. is not
employed on L.C.& L. He have no foreman named Jim Southern.
Smith says no such foreman in Construction Department."

The Paymester wired:
" N0 foreman named Jim Southern"
The Headmaster of Construction wired:
"Jim Southern Exg No.2 does not work under me."

Monroe Ballard Was in my office the day of the 18th,
asking for his time and furnished the information that he had worked
in November for Jim Southern, Extra Gang 2, at Covington. He was
told that we would request the Paymasaer to send his time to

‘ Lexington, as it is not the order of things in making payment by
the Paymester to do so unless the party is known personally by the
Peymaster, or is properly identified.

Furthermore, it is a requirement and a fact generally known
to employee as to then payments are to be made at the various points
and that it is necessary that each individual be with the gang to
draw such money, the foreman making the identification. In cases

L L , L V» ' - -- V - . A. ._-‘ .
Where the indiVJdual does not meet the pay car for such yeyment the
next step would be to have the Deymaster send a ticket to a point


" S. H. W. 2.
as might be designated by the omploye, the oayment being nude
through an agent and then only on identification.

The above may not be pertinent to the case in question
but it is by way of explanation of Yhflt B llord should have done
to secure the amount claimed from the Company. If Ballard was
aware of the facts above stated, and it is my Opinion that he mas,
esneciellr so if it can be shown that he he; bee; working for
the Company for any length of time, could we not claim exemption
under the law of equity, that of the Golden Rule?

The facts as we have been able to secure them, controvert
all claims made by Ballard in his conVersation prior to service of the

I do not beliebe Ballard can ohom refusal to pay on the gart
of this Comvaiy as is required according to all rules and laws of
buxiness but can perhaps show delayed payment. We stand ready
to produce any amount due,ri5htfully belongin; JO him, provided he
can furnish the exact location 0' his eervices. It was not a

' case for the court but onefior Ballard's common sense. If it is
desired we will produce our file in court on any day set by you
as the facts can be furnished by us as well as the Paymester, the
Superintendents at Louisvil e and Paris, and the Roedmester of
Construcgion at Covington, there being nositive information from
each of them that Jim Southern was not a foreman under them.

Yodrs truly,
I’. \f/* \5 fig’liY?)
v V ,/ Managers“ ,§>‘ //
75’ , _\ \X - '
B .
\——/ .

 ‘i " ‘ . ' . Docombei £6,I1915.
’ ~ ' W, A. McDowell, Isq., I ~
manager; T a». T: 337.00.,
V Lexington,Ky. V  
Dear Sir:- . _
Reforring again fio the suit in Squire Gfidham's
Court of Honroe Ballard v. Iouicvillo & Hashville H.?.Co.,' .
I have found since dictating my last 19 tor to you regarding
this case that while the Suit is only against the Louisvillo &
Haohville T.R. Co., that no effort was mono to oummon the true; »
fiefohdant by delivering or offering to fiolivor the sum ons upon
any agent of said Louiovj lo & Haohvillo 3.3.Co., but the sum-
mons, as appears from your own lctfioi of recent date and gzio
Cholosures thorvwith and also from the memorandum dockeéghimr
servca ’ .
v i1§élf,wasAonly upon Arthur Cary as ?resioent of the hexington &
Eastern Railway Company. Upon Guo consifieration of the matter, .
I fool sure that such manner of service was wholly insufficient
to bring the Louisville & Koshvillo Railroad Company before the
Court in this suit and the suit/being only broughfi expressly
against the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company. of course,
tho Loxington & Eastern Railway Company ané its Piosifieht or é‘
other officials can have no profior place in the litigation
or in the defense thereof. In View of these facto/which have
1 come to my knoWlodgc more clearly since I wrote you, I have .
E reinforcea our motion to set asiflo the default juagment and to hav
F a now trial granted by Showing to the Court that the summons in
1 . the first inotohco was not properly served and that tho officer‘s
return fihoroon should be quashed. If a new trial is not granfed

 . . . ‘,‘és
‘ E
o- 2.
'27. A. MOD.#2. 12/26/15.
and the plaintiff ineiots on having the benefit of the default
juégment rendered by the Court, I think there would be good
grounfis for enjoining the enforcement of the juflgment. However,
the amount involvofi is so small that such expensive proceedings
as an injunction woulo involve would barely be justified to '
’ defeat the enforoentnt of this judgment. I am hopeful, hofiever,
that upon a full and proper presentation of the matter that
Squire Qldham will promptly not asifie the default judgment
‘ lately rendered and grant the éofendant a new trial — that is
will require the plaintiff to take a fresh hold and start
. over again by having the Summons for the Zouisville & Hashville
servefi on some local agent of the Company. '
. ' Very truly yours,
\h_ .
x 9 ‘

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. , / ,
December 24, 1913.

2?. A. Hcfiowoll, Esq.,
Ianagor, L & R Ry.CO.,
Boar Sir:-

Your letter of fine mbnr 22nd, encloaing summons in the
0&36 of Honroe Ballard v. Icuisville & Narhvi?1e R 3 Co., rhachod
my office yesterday, the 35rd instant, after I hgd 16ft on the
mmrning C & D for iouixvi?10. CfilSOthhtlj, ? flifi not 500 it
in the mail which oumc in the first morning ficiivnry of fiuesday,
thick I found on my desk and examined befmro taking fihe train.
I first say your letter ani thv miclnnnre $unsday night about
9 O’clock on my return from Iouievillo. ‘

From the SUM40£S (ané much tho enc?asrrw uppvura to be)
it appears that thr trial of the case was set by Squirn ilflham
for 10 o'clach f.fi., Tuesday, 300 mbcr 25rd. Thjs summons was
issued on theiBth instant uné nervcd at 9:25 é.3. on the sane
Gate. 0f coursn, under the circumctamcoa, I have had no op—
pcrbunity whatever oithmr $0 prnparc for trial or to make any
defense fig who plaintiff’s 0131 . T will tak< the mattnr up
with Squire Glaham, hOWmvor, and $00 if Eha ficfault judgment
ronfierea in my absence may not be Hfit amide anfi the ease tried
out on iba merita. I call HCSCZtiQn here, however, to the fact
fihafi thu Rupfirintcnfiont of the Knntucky Division does not state

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ti o T 0—4013. $.31. 12/24/3.59
in so many words that the Company anvs ”allard nuthing or that
Ballard has no valid claim against the Company, but Cirply
‘.s n . r , r n .2 .1 . .. “.fi‘ - ‘ w, - . ...,
that he has no record or Uhls name aha is unaolo to locate
an amount in Usllard’s fever." You, if, on a trial, Ballard
hi self csmos in and testifies to his a? cgnd wnpl yacht and
tho rnndition of services by him sci the resulting mfidohtednoss
of the Railroad Company, how are we going to meet this! If
the Superinton3ont is pr parrd to deny fletiy that Ballard was
- ever employed or, if Foreman 9vuthorn,in charge of 7xtra Gang
Ho. 2 at Covingtvn, will contradifit Va‘larfi’s firstiwony in sup-
port of his claim, then We night stand some chance of defeating
it, but, without the testimony either ofAflupcrintondont ’
or of Far man Southern, I am afraid we will be worsted on a
If I succeed in having the default judgment sot aside,
I will try to have the care a signed for trial on some convenient
II’I‘f‘fx ‘n J" n ‘1’!!‘\"(‘ J's-Vt - 7> ‘3 n7 7x7 3’: m '1 " 'l‘\{‘)""+‘ v‘r» 3" T
\lL»v“a’ 1,1; on», ]L(.'(J«.'. .‘.Li 1.11.0, p- O')<_.L 3,3,)! 0.. ”07710 wary “Mike: A]. ( .‘.‘Lu ~17.
reply to this letter, you might indicate what we may expect
i: the way of cvificnca and also indicrto what day next week
would probably be tho most convenient for trial.
Very truly yours ,
»_-'i, a; 1‘.

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$3110'ConlmnnwvuliIi «if l{(‘lifiiil’ii}'. 1
To the Sheriff or any Constable of Fayette County;
J ’7 i \ )7 '
. , ’ ,. ,4 . , 3 . .
You are commanded to summon“”’(QZiL/t’,»7/(44 flgtKflL/
/, ,/ " x ,1», '7
to answer on the first day of the tuttim in this court. or in the Court of an}:
Justice of the Peace in said County to which this summons may he [nun-nod. at the first term thereof
"71 ' . /
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/ ¢ / " /
(///é/({will be taken for confessed 01//\\111 he proceeded against for contempt.
“ . , ,‘,/4“ 2L/ . . V
(IIVQH under my hand as I.Iustice of the Penna, DlSil‘M‘i’. Fayette (..ounty
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licmfoc 3:4"? are, Plaintiff.

V. 7.“??? ’ “T“: ‘1‘-IV”.
Trntim’illc 8: ”V :: Taffy-9.x“: Co., Defendemt.


L’E'." (1013‘:163.7%;, "You? "‘.‘."”‘t.‘_“C «"~ 7"::~'~"=‘r‘.‘."7""e "‘is‘u‘flifoad Cord-
EF-ili’YJf‘. t‘:‘i”"i‘i1""1'7:‘77 93":‘1"<‘I"fi‘ (9173-7 To." j’mr’olwra of making“ the pres-
‘YTL' .‘YiQ‘bjO? ‘.'“:Tfi‘Y’TYI: it" i).§":’_f:"€..'-"f;‘m‘ .<_'.. S. Qprfrznfiayit to thlS
not: 1‘1, (wow .5 7 :‘,-was that (Hg-1.‘“: 1'2" er“:- szsrir’ic tho (iofmxlt
"M L; exw':u.-’-7_\.12 ‘ "1 the vii-:':. f; EasilivaYc
“,.'-7:71'i1fned Sirel'gflii‘flff or. ’Tiéz‘sfieg', T'cca-‘TCJ-er £75, 791.". 5:326: to .',:razit
‘3”; the G<~fL-:’:z§.z~:.-.t hex-(3‘12? 2 711;“: trio": of this (action.

ficccz‘virtg‘ its :':ppvcrsuic" i1: tceTrim" the present mo-
tion am} for all “91127302103 except to main." the ‘1‘):i‘r'erwt notion, I
"the ~ictfz‘rnr‘ir.?:'?":, r 'fi'iif‘: “ TiniJLI'cm CI’;3"1_.T_):J.11;;7, now
come and states that :2.: .:rp‘cczai'c from the etctr‘wnt {2115: pro-
oe ».‘: it": this; case-7:. ‘Jhe swiqrz has been "institute-6i. Le..t'_-‘:ainct the
T:o‘:1i:t7‘.rii1c 5: Fiaf“‘.’:':‘rilio 7:27, rum? Twin-.233] :13 offer/Rant; but that

' :::: :‘7)};3v“7::.2.*s3 from tho 260511211 on ’:?‘u‘ 5321:1133“ 5" if”.‘~“.-LI’“"“. heroin, said

f“:.i?33tf‘1.")“‘:.'53 was: not in :35:-ct nervefl. upon the ' <.\:1.:i.:'rvi.|3o E: iiaehvi] lo
3331:351'08fl Cox'ipeny or any agent of seia Company, "out, on tho
contrar -, woo actually serWrG on the Lexington 3: Earthen; Rail-
way Company by delivering: to firthur Cary, Presir‘wnt of $9.161
Lexington c" Factory) i‘iailway Company, a copy of said summons.

Defendant states that the do? ivory of ezazid BRITNO‘IES
to the President of the flexington 8L: Eastern Railway Campsmy w:

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té‘i‘.a21‘:7 1311374511111: :z‘iratms. that h? ‘nn $14170 1’ :10 aatnzfl no 1:100 or
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“ :11". u :‘:r : I- Lo ”5%.? “twat/1 8c
Vii-‘“"ti-z’ifn 3‘-) \ ny' .:tfaru: :".:2‘; 37"f7'1'3f Emit"! “':,mlfizm‘ga‘:
3216‘; ‘.1-31']: arm} “: :':?aimaa 6:; km: Zavri'umrr"; 33:! 3
1512:“ wir:.i2;’.‘ii‘f, 57(77‘13"(‘ér'.' 73af31’Lum'. "may“. 37.“;r7’03fraom if {it 6,11;
. "”’-‘73 311’ 3m0‘i'r: 1;:‘3 {fl-”PTGE'I ’Tx.:::3117‘ 3'37".“ 35:31: 5,.-j” the 30711331771330 5‘:
13F~Thviliéc 7133.1? 1:1-.”1 C'fl’d,£‘iii‘ri-’7IJ’ TIT: m:- :’:"?{LZE' 477:1 City of Com.
3.“L:;""if.3'.‘i on 135.211“; 12:11:39.5. on. The :.‘:fiffisz :‘.: states that film '.(zlxzméL
V3553" 8° 3”“5'Ll’3‘7-17T- 135i '3313'1‘117 ".“-"u=_=;_>a: {if it: 5:; 1'.;‘1~31:":‘.::a«7 comatmation
‘3‘3305-339’7‘7 “'3‘-.‘3 (’..'? 5’ 1:13.20?) ;Ea'rm the T‘ aim/'11? " 3351:}1vi719 "ail“
"'iih‘if’? i3=‘3m3‘)zz.r1:r aw? 31:79; 3.53.“, “937.31%: (.;.;'L~,-,;-:1g;, :’.‘z‘cam 5;:-..:; CH3; of TH}?
:.H‘Tt‘m in an 1’5’-’=“3-‘-‘¥‘7l.17 5.:-:16: :~-~,z_tf;hs“-:.~.:.:this}? direction into .‘fimth-
“"3“ K 537331931537" :1:-tr? “iii-3a": flir: {mi-:1 Traditizton :’.; Faster)". T317—
‘-'-"€v?;" CIR-”173122.”:g' ham no line or ‘7 111m; $171 :15: 2131* f:‘§1x-‘..rz.z:r_-:If!..‘;f from
3'7'3513WTW‘73’1 1” '1=1:’—=‘.'.’h~:c°»:‘. '35:; 1:120 WM :31" Cmrisug.ftr321, Priozmmer. or
’7 1?.-’5»? 1'1""..‘3FJJ’213: .713 Tints-.‘: 1;: z): Shift r3710. Ci‘ar of Covirafimn.
This CHE-€3.17? f; fuming-z- chat 3 that as; soon 618 11c
91711.3 Cemvczzimzfly (“so :”.) he can "miea‘asrzzi With the 1005‘s.? offi-
01521.9: an 35:51:55.5? of the? 7702:521514501'1 ("=3 Theater]; Railway (fora-ban?
“775 :"3011;?,ht from +n inffil‘i‘lnti/YIZ emf: afivice rmzprctingir the
07:35»; of the pig-3,.izwifi', mam 39.31am]. 831,3 plaintiff in thr
. 1‘33“"53'1'Tilt' 31172.45, but that such infemution £7216. arlvico came- to
him aft-7r the rz-tnrlition “:3;; the Court 01" its Juvisz'mnt harem

.‘ -
__4‘_ -
[‘24-‘333311125 ,ijur‘tn-zjr Mates 13.3.1318 sahol'izl‘uzf after rr-cr’iviszg
55-71:» '§3:.‘-.z‘-;-"‘:-1;zhim ;-.‘.'r’.n-.r.;~ 1151013;- CL he. nos-.‘:; :20 15111:. 3-11, of firsuiro
‘Ez‘flaaz-rE, 1:; Jazz‘tiar‘ 2.21:" that T113:- ;;-j:‘ Taytfifisc. 5133121333, before
3:31.323: 217E113: S1151; Em". ".3-13273 :12:::t.iy-:1;'?:-‘-~I and 2731:: ;2-“126113'1g; and vrvrbally
I eff-f3") 5231313 37-1. 22:33:; 37.: "tics: bf thri- “195-129 ci':“<3um:1€;a'r,cr:s 2711:2031
13:.2-‘3. ;‘2r(::'-,:‘::-;‘!:-“-i 15h 1.1115"x‘t.‘-3_,_':‘:-;‘:3. .::.‘i'f‘iezatiz 311:": ;Li-IT‘L-L,’ ’Jh-‘E r1‘:(§“.1i:3itc
:.:/rib"nt‘ir-‘r: 3::- J-IT‘LEs; r “3?; .;.-1d '.'L'.-:.-1'"..u:*oa 3:211:- :.-;':'::.Z '17-’33“: 21113;"! b’"f-fi')1‘ff
iii-.ir: '2? “2'53 ”’:-.‘.:er- :3 mac-1333‘: ":.: .':-'3': 21131113: “551:1 default
312‘- -_'_;"-. 31': 1131;?" 1’2‘331‘31' ‘ '.; 3:1“er .’“131‘f5317‘ ::n’bing of E?
31.11; “"3, 51.361 :3523‘ r1 73.2-3431}. 1.2 filthy-1.3124311: ‘.'"217" 3:; said Jutrtico
311‘ the-,- "(22213-1 .' :71}: ‘_.'"'-' 1‘. ' ;2.‘ 41:» “:‘xi. :1". Fri 212237.
,“=,‘-=’"T‘:".‘.«E.‘Z" T81 731"”), :3.L: J :1 13"} “~37? 1, 17.1127: ;3.f_f';3‘..‘."-.t further
51751315313: {ff-.":? EC .': jyz'w't'n‘i 3:? i;i'.‘ a: 53:177....53 Ens-“:1" “215,313.31
£1211 ,7 331-”. {Ez'igfsei- .2131: :.‘r: :1»: 61. :13; 177:1}: 23 2.3117 “ft” 10.? ‘EEIH
33737;? 0:? ”viz-m, 3 '.1 a:‘-.'.i13j_ .3:”: 1:13-2:1msition
iii-1: 73.3.1533 6.62.131: 33:. 117311-1321? 2.2212 11:33.: proifs‘fl"; €1.13 E113 office
“’:-‘.1 ‘21:; 43311.3; 4 211-"- ‘zhn. 22"3'233211'17 1131-.“ "its" W in“??? was also
‘T: .":-=33 fii1le‘f‘ was fit: L!"g‘}’.)-"'?"f3‘.“:fz'7 1 s: :3.-23:13'311; 31'
221-11". ‘.1-1' "7735? :1- 33353‘310L, 'UP: :13“? 713': "3'21; :.‘7'2';'_';L'Lt 37:13 1111321317 and
~3‘:‘.:3'.1*; 3n??? 3.151111? ‘5;- rain. 7'! ":.::ifix-(1.1.5131r”: :33:- ffner fzrtatcs that
“1:31-17 :33-3:13:72 3‘2“” 35": him 3'33] ithz“: rfl‘i‘fi. Gr“ 71:. mm”. £11.."“71‘E: of
1’13113 T-(‘Xingtmz 8: “i€:.:_ste..3::-1 31%? 37031133222; .-3"-*':?§:5';r:‘-.:2; :.:-”‘i't'aa-Jzt of the
'31'22151‘317111113021 and 3::-1.119%" 31:19:; :3.‘ #3119 viii"; din? 11:31.: 1‘ " affiant's:
:31“ :31? an '53::‘r'3r-gh 313:4: 22:13.79 1111131213 z;.:.:'a;:."; .21" :11..- 3.1;; 11:5 'L‘mmday, 3‘0-
CHEF-“7TH” 32”.", 797?: Fizz“: 13319171313113.11y 01". 3:115: 33:13:19 (littf), affiazzt had
“‘:,Vi'f-i 5;: :‘. 2111;; 33;-T5436: am} -‘.:::a‘:.“z"11<>rl the ma 31 «Erlivor-s’w‘ {m that
no 3.1511215: anti, after (3.01321; :33, 11238.. 3:132”; the (3:11:37 of 'exiz‘zgtan
5231307114.; 9 0’0? 303:: .’ for "23130 C3333] of Enniwviii 11>; that {azrffiant
was: ubgmt from 3the City of War-:.ington 8.25.3. of snifi ‘3?=..;rt:3v‘say,
Doc-"floor 25, 7, and. Mr] 1104-; r-r'ttztrn to 3:110 {1.1.4:}; of 11‘03211223ton
frat-3. the City of "Deni :3viF10 111135211 about 5! o’cficmk on the night

. -—b~- -
of saii Tx-sfiuy‘ T 0»mhnr f5, F915; that affiant than vjaitnfi
‘ his affiee fifln {my uhw first time rfiawivofi finfi rand fihn afore—
saii ?efit r giving 33% ihfwrmnfiiwn 3f fhe fiiing of thr above—
:tf3ofl tuit, fiffiurf fifitfflfi fhnt as hp thvx for thr first time
Bisrovnrnfi fihé Hu~mnn, in t“iw ;ui? Lad flown made rvturnabfin
921 ’:‘-.,;..-.:".z?:;;', Burrs;:37-'::,- :2“:, HEEL}, :.:: 3:2". \‘)'{3711.f1.:':. 5:," m 170:? :it'
’ B'cann appu?~nt tn the affinnfi +hefi & hearing wné trial if this
Ci‘if'r’. 3:21.11 Bren had 3);" 533V: Vitrifimi- (W? 3;};‘(2- “Warm :‘.1-mire ‘_’1121’ F:./"—
Tart ?Wifl Ir‘tvr and fififi Cfiwfivnts chum~ knfiwn to fihfiS mf?iant.
‘.".Im 17:):iie:r'-;~:‘agra-"v6: ;szs'tizizi’; ‘:‘" thufi 'bhix 312$“? 3.;.6’:
Evy Crfwhww proper $0 an interpOQvfi hzrrgr on behalf of the
ée’flnéaat, T fifiSVfififie fl fisvhvifl a 9&fi7roafl Cowyaxyf gr an hchalf
of the L”Kiig$0fl % fiafitrr: iajlwvy ?mmpeny, 3f which Cnmpany
’ thjr aiffisxt i3 attorxpy, have fajfivfi to ?PfifiVC ?hc rnqtfisite
' atfiéntion fram the afifiant or}; finnpuwe a? 11H m aewsarg absence
absence from 3h: City of aninfton and becaumr sf his fgiiflrc
f0 zr‘cwiin‘ timejgr nnfdirr Pr 334$"7wfgxé if {#9 fililyy 0f 'thiS s3uit .
shi fihe asFifnmcxt wi’rrw: far trial as afcrfsaid on the morn- ‘
ifib of Tuoeflay, flvecmber Va, 1915‘

Thu uadnynignné affiant Eu thnr Rffitefi finat aw he is
afiviSvi, if the aefrndant, iouixvillo a Nuahvilla Railroad
Company,hw grantnd a nun trial heroin, it has a awed and sub-
stantial Grfcnsr to fihv w75untiff'fi claim nndi with a reasonable
opparfiunfitj to Re 80, can uqfi wiTV ptncura watncxgws to establish
itC 3?id flwfvnsn. ?Hw undorsignfid uffiant status that in con-

, tradiotion of tha GLfijm a~rortnd axfl su*d upon by fihu plaintiff,
Tanroo fiallarf, the defendant iw proparhd to prove, if given
a raawwnablm opportntity to as so, that said Konrwo Sallard is
mat anfi has not bvmn in thfi nn Sis-

, 97 V“V“' 7‘5‘ iilif= :;?:Ti::3 % :;1:? 23' ‘::? J Jive) ;2; a»: j:% ixfiz>w":ri‘)i e 1333? ‘tiro
flyfrwiuxf by ifis ;tfiérn'y 1~ ;‘V: “:- =3 ,nwginfa n@%:fiticx
“f; ':.?k!‘ fié."77?115'?.“ :"i 7_‘}:"i"? “371?.

'V‘-‘,»; 7.-’.‘-:§“‘.Lj"tf“: C" Y: 5 +7755: 7511‘: 31:5; :'fg:12‘;'t:‘:,;:;v,‘, "3‘31: ifii‘;
maficrngfisfi filficrr’y, ?FTiicf "fialvu tug? it? chul fifent afié
I5TT“FFI*??iv; in ”rxir‘tn: £33 FGEVFi~ C,rnfi? 3f the Touifvillé
? VERfiVi??? fififWTC=fi Czwfcrj 1H *2: 3. 7. C333 ;:f that any
<1 vans 0r nofiica int :5?! fr? 2L3R ’wwicri??w 5 Farhvfiilc
?O‘Fera-‘I qu‘rrnfiaz‘3y 01331313 jay‘ppgjy? I?" ”H:- r“; .~j,_ '34.??? ,~ 4'50 53%“ REEVES
Ryan vaifi E. B. Carr as 2hr cg n? #7 a??? 'gcigvi??r 3 Task»
Vi?1n flailycafi Cdewny‘ #ffiar? Turti I ufrf a t?afi tha

' :77:{‘1"F’:.5"{1-"i mffljiflr? ai‘fl-r‘ +7}"f' ff-fjath~r._4; TLC-1“} 3’;:‘-;"_{: fly} 3_; 11.11301“: {:1? 4;: 3..-Fe
fil fl as much on beh33§ 3f tho Tcxirg3~1 ? Tant<1m ?a41w3y
Company as on behafif if thfi Tatinvich E Tayhviilr feilrdad
Company; that said wcuiavifilc ’ Rashviile Railroaé Cmmpaay,
a: hvrnin have explain a, has never b“9fi duly or yrsper‘y
summonef as a ficfwnd It in this action and naié 10x 3 to: F
Tastnrn Lailway Company upnn WhOfiC Prrsié at the summons was
acfiually SFTVCd. i3 mat a party fin this suit unfi ought ngfi to
be procccdofi against hnrcin for any purpose whatsoever.

1 JJ.. ..'3'" _ .'. . ‘ .~. . , t. I
Mung-:1 21.1.113‘» 17:13.1“: stab.
1“’ L . fl .. 7 q .,. ,. ._.», ;— ...’?“ _,. . _ - "' — . A .' “ _ '.‘..“ ,A‘
._:»,Lér;.u;{'. 11:-.l.; --.;-,s;‘ ..:; ..'{?J-U,,F 5731* UV 545310. .“1 {13311,
W . v .. .- . . ,
7’7 ,' “ "."‘,u, ;'L' ‘2.. ‘...‘ , - 1' L ,I _. ., '
Julian; . x ;4.-'1 w:- :-:-._‘« .,': L-n-qur; :Y' IQ} l ’I?,
v ~ --1,-... .. ‘ - ~ 4 ~ ---
..“-”‘.;wa . '.“
» ,. A .II” t . ,. 7 -
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