xt73bk16mf8w_570 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [410b] G.M. Derickson v. L&N, Powell Circuit Court text [410b] G.M. Derickson v. L&N, Powell Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_56/Folder_2/3997.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_570 xt73bk16mf8w . . at" "Y
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. , 1
‘ Lexington, Ky., Hovemhor 17th, 1214
hr. J. J. Donahue, , - ' ,'
' Chief Law Agent, Louisville, Ky. ’
Door Sir, ‘ .
, ;fi' 3
» G. M. DerriCKSJn Vs L a N R R Co. _
herewith I enclose to you the following statements in connection
with :nn above case: ' ' .
- A. L. Collins, Agent, , ' ‘
Jemee Stone, outsider standing on depot platform.
Donald Bonannan, standing on nl:tf0rm of depot~
D. Dean, ConduCtor,
D. Murphy, Erskemon, ‘ .
_ C. T; Long, Engineer,
E. Wallace, F roman,
A. L. Welz, Elremen.
Derrlcxson is a Deputy Sheriff at stunton. His son is the Sheriff
' .t that point. The old can and the son went to natural Bridge on tran
Eu. 1 Shaggy August 16th to not a peace officers at the Bridge during
the day. rhey ters"omp10“ed by the railroad company to go there end ,
were furnished transportation Stanton to Returel Bridge :ndmroturmhg
They were returning from Natural Bridge on Cinc‘nneti Eioursien”frsln.
It seems to_haVe been the intention of our peopl' to get them off of
;the train With aslittle delay es oossible and according to Engineer
‘Lcng the engineers were told before leeving Natural Bridge to 810W
£333 going through Stanton to let those men off. According“t5”ficster
of Ireins Kesheimer they were told to make a short stoo to let these
men off. Anyway the train was brought to a very slow Steed,' a woman
and one or two others got off and a hlgnhull signal was glVen and the
tr in proceeded without stopping. After the train commenced t: increase
, its speed and the our on which G. M. Derriokson was ridingupessed the
depot he gunned off. The train was then running possibly miles per
'h or. he fell to the ground and skinned his arm and shou§der. Aewffi‘
aing t; the statements secured there was no erk or gar of the trsirffitifl
égthfefl the old men off but he got off while ghe train was runningwsih [ J
gfell. 1 use at Stanton Monday and'eaw Mr. Derrlakgon in the Coulx,yfigq
'0"; our. ‘.‘imm ” l +. Va 5‘ to 3'" In“- ‘" ‘ - "' '!‘ "‘ . '““'"" ”V" Y ’7‘
went out of $$wn“%o“sfimi3i2 ggdg giggle”2u36§°:§-‘-53gifiif.”;.?im.§“/ ;
'. him. 'he has talked to Mr. Eurdesty, Stouk oieim Agent. gnfi-as : figdul‘
.3 stand it he oases his claim on the failure of the train tn stop Amvofigi‘fi
‘ ing his jumping off. He was only slightly hurt. YR
Our Attorney Mr. Atkinson said that we would VTODEDlY RDt hfiVE t0 [
try the case at-this term ~nd not having IGDOTtS Of any Kind TTOE ih€
train crew i did not take the matter up sith the attorneys on the cthsj
.sido looking toward 3 settlement. It is undoubtedlg a case for settlt;
. jment. 31f we are going to unload peeple “on the fly we must undouotecw
xeuffer the consequences. I halted to Mr. Kesneimer about this arse e1;
’ he said that the train some to e stop.hef0r€ “IOGGGG S anal W88 Ziven
out he must be mistaken in that as there is only one ther man tfist Si
_ that it did come to 2 stop. Our Agent The The standing *n the TLctfu
N :3.-".'1-‘3 WIT-gal it Y not. I . . 3 ‘

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gtgemnent of James Stonw m*de to C S Landrum at Stflflivn, Hy“, 3L fine
\ ;dih dfiy 3f Nsvmmbo , 131+, in IagaTQ mo accident to G. K. DETTiCKSflE
. :2 Stanton on August lain, 181%.
My name is James Stone~ I live at Stanton, Ky. A; the film; any:
hr. Derrickso: gut ff a? tug trsin and ffill I was standing in from:
=9 tna office. I saw him when he fell and when he got off. This
mfn Just stepped off of the train. Eggpwtnls man got aff ins 1:5;n
gag already come to its slowest an; “33 starting out again. ‘.I“::
‘vn0£ thingjtnat the train ever did stop efitirely still.'”‘Thers was ”
fflwnmfii”th8t ffit off nf the train. She gut of? befurc Derrickscn
411 and then the train increased its speed. Mr. Henry Derriukson
59L off before the 01d man did. 2: M2. G. x. Derricxson as: 31f
#15L: in front a? the office and fail in the flirtation Qne train was
sunning. Dr. DeHargflgpt_offfof the train just Snead of young Derricksan
I d; not rfimémber whether or no; the dactar 3nd ycung Derrzc so; gs:
inf? of the same stems that the old n n ggz off 0f. At the time
“fiihfit old man Derrickson get off of the train it was running at F stcEAV
“igait 9nd th€€i,fifi$ no gurgqu gar of fit.
I hgve reaa the above statement and it is true.
i3 .é‘w’whmw - W“ ,...-.___...) ' ..;—._......
\t/Y _figxfi‘ulfif“..4i.fie%rA“) f ‘
f”: if 54 I‘ ':“": :" fl ,‘, .1 .«ifiwW/fi
: réfifiidwmv-“wv~wv

 Stafamszi 3f Douala Efififlnin madv to C S Landrum at Stfintofl. HYo. 93 the
36th flay cf S“V?flfi??, 4&14, in regard to accident to G. ;. Dvrrfic?san
t 3:::2113211, Ti". , .:‘.n 1:113:31; 1611;, 1,914.

My ¢Cm€ 1: Donald 57hrnnan. I live a; :tanton, Ky. When the
tr71: Afisueu her: tum day tart Derrickson was ingured I w&5 standing
on; in fr at a? Tug dapot. I saw ur. Derrickson When me g0: of? of
:1;»: train. I 5&7? trzxytn‘r‘n “1.2175 2331'- ‘if‘f if the 1.265111 1.30. 7.11.9 ‘
”fifién‘fifi'ixt gét ff of the earn stevg that Derrick9)2 did. I uwljive
ihPL 3H6 ‘Dt off before up 532 93?. i do not remember whether 0r net
you‘; Darrin rqn ;vt cff a? fine same stage thht the old nan gat affof.
1;an Era Forrickson 3:: of? he hit am his feet cnfi just went right
ovar. rho trrgn never did cgme to a stop. ,, When ur. Derricks n
;.t nff ffi%‘t:$in had airmaiy adme"€3 its slowest pnd started an
.:. 'w -1~~~. ‘,1 s "Hp"! "u '1 ‘ a"? + W,“ . H“ M r‘rxrf ' ' '

;.V a»: g 33:73:“ :.:t' .E . ,E ;E, E;2 3 E 1“: E31 *:":?“ sfife‘igjfii'nkq ,\ @333
t " L 7;:-'5 . {.Ax‘- 2:1”.1hLLtV L‘f‘zrul +a‘)";;11VL15¢.;EIS “an, ' w . L.. .J. .Cp» \.v‘ln‘ :3: v U; .» ,4,
.wu tub L Li ;LF, tnis mt: get of: : aotlceg no jgxxng tne train 2»
“11. 13 Wis gettin; f?3t0? a;1 afffh§7time,n It nERpen?fi before
\\,£*;K. ””The”wdlk where thla méfl get off w~s just likt it is new.
‘.J: '“i of? fin frant T tna waiting room floor.
I have heard 15 St vs stutvment read ani it is true.
373. ‘ 118 $1. 8 3 ._...—..‘-.“...m __ .-V.---........-...._._..... ,-,--.-“ ‘_ __’
i .'. ~g .,‘ amid“
E {1535“ 3 iffy-4‘
\ flak?"

 a.“ 1 I»:
1?“ ‘“- 4 Wi"."f€f[lu€:.. L ,n
. 4 nq (“I A . “I",
m T nvl‘fi'qulfn In L~'-"“4 “A. ~"(‘3n+01’1 iii-7c y ‘1‘
Yx‘v,1‘_3 +U C w .1- . - 1"?C‘C?‘ I" L0 :3,“ 4 ”I .’
D Dean mam U “ dew:
fit": +€ffi+1gtv OJ» 0 A "I, jflfilt t I: u' A... v
D ,I.: ; Mfi'fu‘r‘fl to 3“;‘I:_1-:«1,;\ fly
‘1 vmnfi :1 JAmhmMm 9: ‘ -, ,1—5, :..
>19¢4’ J.‘ Al’r'uqt lath, J“; . 41:.» T 3 n 13-. ufiu- .I um»,
XQIE LUV: . ufifluf‘tfil‘ f0? 1»-va 44 I1, 37?- ‘1;C‘L"...:i,w
n 1. “J Cf’whl‘“ ‘. ~ . A ‘W‘qu. 3.6L“. “'V‘ L «r‘,' 017”“.
*r‘ U DEVH' .L ' "7"“ ”7" ‘5: hun‘" ‘ h ”-71 71‘ L 1»- .. L
., A .x c ‘47“ .. 4-,. L 6‘ I. II
M" n “it "A. ‘ Fr?!“ "‘9 +11% '1’“ ’5“)— ‘L 1C ‘1' F‘I‘fiffil‘ in .~ Av't’ 7.1-, T‘m‘. Lg,
. . .~ TI “L 1’} Cylflfi L; “ .: * 'v- 4‘ 1L. .1. rum. .1 9:} ‘ ","5' C; .'. “I.“ ‘1
y: Cmflwatvh “Ir-c: 313-. anatomy “"3c M“, Bhez~i;.ab ‘49 9; WOW“ tn":
Ila ”lie that me L P VN-‘f-‘ff. if??? .1 Wrifln : f'.‘~.1n.u. "H 7-1 ."-y,.u‘.,:3;;
£0 7 .1 l‘r! xvr This-I‘d ..’ "V. L‘NVLIVXL'“'LLTL£ thC U "I far, ut-th'Iglln u... u .
at :Tt‘qxliv-by I.)- ,,~ '10 T ~vr'(.3r_L-.: LILA-V I? .r“. "Ogiqn’efl w I_, y . -.,~ :1 cg)“.
:. gt"; ”raglan PPM). ._..». A WW +113 :;1':,1.Ln ..~ ’-’ ~ Tart ‘I‘ESZE‘KZ‘Lit-b' ,L y- w
.‘n-l tht‘u Obgklk («f-4" tLIDVC. a; \{‘I~A~T. +"-¢t T HQ;- tH-A 7 "I." H.» .‘V’EELlexj-LLEZJH
. .. ,3 .‘u “A-vk- _, _I. n‘ ,\ I '} .-.‘.-,; ... n ‘ I. I II II“.— ‘ ‘.- I J
wa‘jltfl?d to ~51.“ qm.++‘o1~,;1 :3»! um. “'15. Va- 4230 Llfiifl W: ”AT” ’1‘?” :3:
|-',. _ . ‘4 I .;.L'.' -L . - , ‘ CI. 'uL \c . ,.-_ - ...‘.wy> ‘2‘ ‘-.. I
“I (Mt out. 3r- bdi 7‘3" ‘wo 95-11 grszt 0‘; Lg 1:) 111-3: train- {a}; xm-WW. gm“:
.,» , 1)" _. a; .. 's" I, - u «l h. v . '-;:,f\.3 - . I L ,3 I :1“; x‘..:_' I ,,
fbs ‘flora‘wii “ntl 01‘s :‘ "“”-”‘L 741181"; * 37911.: b- ”'7'”;- cpl-Ow: LYLL‘CI’H L13 ‘4 ‘ lT‘,'n'>7‘q‘
«u h o‘lljndi L “‘ "" 1111*??? Vtwyfir .4151: ,1 “I. ..L
{..we 715119811 F—m ”(m It WHb 4L1 “gbf‘cifl-Qr rive ”1* u, g M,
,f-s ¢- » n, .‘ will. ... ,--I - ‘ . H/Hn. . ‘ q “ “(MI—“w
1;; .4 came ta, u :ull § ”13,11'1; B‘LlDTJOSax. (Armin o“ Vhrqn me. fall. WI w
.L‘»_. ' ' _ V 4‘ "I k. ‘ fl ‘ ”A ‘ ‘L IA.\. ”:..! I.“ '1“ H
“,340‘ Mm trad).- 7‘ .1, 241mm he 153?; 0 I. - a rrhhzll 915mm,. “1L .. J,
Ofi- 1.11:" UlU. Mugl n LV‘ 1- GIG“, tilt; 1‘10 VI. 1 1‘ wring ‘13P. Jud
I am 1111; see u n more off when ‘ if,” the Speea a, . [W ”3-3,
I, WW '9 “'30 *n-S' s~ w 1 / a“ 7* ~.:; 1:94;. ~ , _: .gwgr Venn-3 w... I .
i% {41.721 5311 -3 £11 ih‘iq t‘f‘fiin and 29-}! "'ebab‘ or ’mnCCGS£uT,L JCA L .
L’ V " 1 nor: ’Y {i'DJH .. -—' ' h I '10 Y “has LAA. I
. <1 I" -...L x ‘I’l‘ IL
.1311- k-AJL ‘15“ 191‘ 2nd there. ,3. ,_. ”szre train.
r; 40.3%}1’ m1}! -: “"“s‘h-rflqcr v L
(a S-a _ 1cnkiflg 01'! Sun... v...4 C.
’10 maiden 0.1%“ .h 7
I“ ' .«u‘
> I» ..s:’
‘ 43'.
" a (-1 ' o W.
Vinita-471 in Sh)lth.cm “If?”
of»; ya. I. I FWD-I“
’ ' J .‘ .I~
. :5; '1! J
My, :‘l 5 f5} $979.1, . ,
“’4 {LS (1,3335%
1.4/1; ,

 k ' ‘ f‘ '”“'"'”’ ~73 + Taoiison )2.“ o r ‘.2... .21. ..
.2. . q‘ nr.r-'~ + f‘ y. L‘Li'l‘hflfi' 717;;3'3—3, t {J 2.. Loudl 4..: .u u L 2. .',‘ :2; r\.1.,.1.,..2_ “V /
QLl/i ..v'JJi-wl u 2. -, J. i in up ,1. 2 .111 ring? '2. t5) aca:§,d":tn ..- to .J. 1.‘;- 316-4. .5-.- .. A“
‘ ' 2-3’ V 4 :2 1 '5‘ . ; _ .-. .2 _ Iv} .
‘.‘ 6‘ 1}; {(14 (f -'.L A: 232.11.2J .2 J iv , L V‘ . 7V . V ,1 30+ 1 1':
... b ‘.' ,. 1.1 +11, 15+!» '55-y Hf Kubhuo, .. .
'.2 »‘. Etallbwn’ 3L3 o , 3. ugh ’.‘.. .
., 2 7 1: an
' '7. ' "” ,"WMIK “' [1 f0 ’.. tilt? .L A N R ;‘. \JV .
"" “' M “ " 2" L "'I"“2"1‘" ’2 ”'2’ L" 2 ‘ “"' 22 .. -.., v? ,22 ,. ,~ ..
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v " ~t -. 7- ,',)rsr "V -) 4 On All r713“ “Let“; 7v; J, A‘ 2. {_._ ‘ 7 * V.V‘n‘ ,- 7‘ 7"
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-.,. ..4 .2 I .2013“: '53" L 0239-} 1,511:- ‘..;c1u 12.....- ...L.-.“ . . 2. .2 "mm.“ + O
. 2‘ ,',-23 .lli:..s...>nx _+ 2:..:.x~"_~»1-:»~"““’,",';T + 2,1- ””F-‘Yl ..7,. 0‘19 945‘ 3&9? mt}: ‘.2]. k. 22V... J
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V ‘v M I '- ,‘ ll : '_‘. A. H > ' " \- ...5 a“..:;— ' _ - ., 23- v2, : ..
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..r ‘ . _, A «qr: .': 22 2:.: , EZY‘L’ J Jil— t1" .1 .,, __3’ . A ._.». 7 (7%?»-
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r/ . -. . . . 2 :2::1"2 1} ”23” ,1; ,._ 4‘ .2.. .. ‘ V ‘V _ V
j k 1:22 H" “‘ 752'- “ ‘I‘ S no. " L‘C ‘ "'. ; 12 .2 .. 1 t 2 21¢ in 111231262321 omen
rm -'_2 _' H.222.” .1 , , 2.-.; ,,,3 ‘ ..; '.2" . c '.2: 5.', “_V ..2 . - V V V‘ V V
2 ;7 ;.in.1,. 2, .3;"? 2.222,. 2. vs 1...?21... . . V.1 :22 3.2.221'2— ...1. 3M2 C21." ms train ; .5
h. ”N ’ V " '2 " " A. J "‘ P"‘=:'C-v"~ .,‘H‘T'f‘f V”: ‘3 A 4 (‘.th V ., fi . . ' .l.. -252 ..'. .
.;u. .,., -. .~ A. .-.,>\ 1, .V .1 -l,'-..2‘v‘ ~.A _ .. . ‘ 3‘. ‘_ __‘ . 7 V '7.:
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.- -‘ ET“ .1: t'flw‘ in C ”TIE-ff .“L" U " d ‘.' V " . 3- 2. “f ”A“, -... A....uw' ‘,.-...2 51.2. in «2 L32F.«,..€; .
'.. .:. ...- '". ,_ .. . . . . . _ , r r” ,. Avian-..‘; ‘ -.
‘E . ‘»"Ll' 7 ‘ i w, . . ,»'21'9c2‘8 W9'Tr'. ’12) abCV: on \.. A " b A J. .
52.22.32, 52, «21:2. sir-2 tion. 2.112: (2.151,. .. or- m».-- m“ the-‘.'2.» 211.222, :1?-2'2! our.
N4 . .., - ~ ‘1 ‘ ‘ , . V‘ 1. f" ',‘Yr‘lru‘n 3';; 2 , :V ,»..-B ‘1 '.‘. \‘V , ,. ‘1 ~ ~
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J”- U A, ‘ "‘ "‘ C 2.2- .. .1..1. .. ...
- h ' 2, ' “ " ‘ 0"” F T ‘2C1V2...1 L3 fl .1.... .
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.V'- y 2, ‘.. . - _ .‘_ r‘ ... : . V . A V, _‘, ‘I‘”...
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—‘ .5 , ~- A 1‘.-,- _,|.‘- 2. “‘,‘?" .2“ 7“”. V V l ‘ VVVV V. ..:~
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, . . _ 2 .‘:. 12 22.2 2 - . (3 22”.. -2.). ..; .2 ,...... ,:., . . - . _ 2,1, W V
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I‘M . ifio‘y‘flmv 21“? ("I til 0.;), 2‘, ,...]. LI‘L'.23. ..2 .. .. ... ,. V _.‘. A ., ,V V“ l“ (1+ 5.7 ~th
.2: L I. I. - "'2 h '7“ ' bovs “112‘ " “053231113; 7.512350 2.:.no. 15.19:; 2. .. \.-..»..L o .7
A ~ .' N '3 M7: 7“" ‘ -'2 l w \. 2.2;. 2 .- . 2 , _ ,... . .1
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‘ 2 - 2’.-..-. 2‘. , .- 'v ‘ ‘,‘; '2 =, L . 2' — 2“
227-2.,». .. 2..-,2 ...7-,_:. no 115,“.ch l Authwut o . .‘,. 1, . W. ,.‘}an “‘00“ t ‘t .5‘
. s ~..2. .i 2 w . ..,..w ,,,. , .‘7, A ,,V, (_~“ k C u. 7' . V
‘”‘ 21w ' ' n . 2 222.2 .2. {a o...
$321112. Luau?! 1.1..! 2.1...IILU. ._ .. ..
i ‘ ‘- l ' " ‘9‘ '2'-51."
' " f ‘n _.');‘2 (.3‘ 52 T r '.LIAC
’ '2" '2‘ ’2'“? '22:: '.";2 .,Vi‘.‘ st-utomeno 1.6.. ... . -12.. .2. . is o .
.L .3. 2.‘ AA .1.: .. 22.. . a
. X‘VVVV- V . I
H «I "W“ i , . ---2.2--—--:.—--1-~—-—‘-
“J. . .L‘. .-'/.3 o .J. I V. q A
. J.
x” / .2
If ‘1 ‘I' - 2:2 J ‘1': :2“ 44‘”sz
if («fix/.2125: )2-"1 ”4va 5.4%;“3’fifi‘
2 in :‘2 .2.. .'_r ..’.4
.' «'5’ij 23 {135‘ #3,:ng
’ _,‘/4 , .22 ..
\'.I“"‘ "

Statement of C. T. Long made to C. S. Landrum #1 Jackson; Ky.,c n an:
1613 any Of vaembpr, 191 , in regarfi to acpident to 3. “. Darricksun
it itantun, Ky., 0n tn~ lath day of august #91+.
EV name is C. T. Long. I 3n Enginecr an L g E QiViPi n :7 ‘2"
L 1 N. I was rngfineer on 2nd No. 4 August 15th, *914, which v~w
I turel Bridge Excurslan. Before 78 left Eatural Bridge 13 the ?QJ»
~Qvt¢ the ir. Héshaimr: cum? to uynclf and Engineer H:gkfns Wh? Tr”
11 double neadfu; with m¢ 13: t 1: us East tLerc wore 7351 d WELT
‘ {suaviff‘s to git 0T? 3: SI’HLCK, ;pit we Wfiu:d no; stO§_ta 1E? ggap
303$ but 1311 “F “Guld_sle" d~mn f3: tn63.' VG 910* J dovn‘;f ”L hiax
FT?“ i11“::13”1'i.'k€‘ 4 31.13.98 1’“? mar "31"??"1‘113‘16'1-1‘». rFCéi‘IF’i'Wm‘l- 8152*): I'.
“1‘310m the Eyefinmaster 9nd vroaeuded. After r:ce:ving tnv high; 1;
gslxnfli ”3 larefilatmly commegsefi in increase th€ : 92d of th& train.
$1 did not S“8 any one T312 in gCtting off of the train. in slewing
dawn 931 :3 "wgfiinin; t3? Speed it was doing in a steady manner 2:2
Sthgggwgé; no gvrk n; 3r43331;5g cf tnc tr in, there wss n qudgg
§ctbppinfiwif"$§5:ting 3? an: tratn at all. . ‘ ‘ ‘
Taken in shsrthnnfi as I caught him just £839 wfw zchv'n;
on trip to Eazeri. ._'
‘ .9 ..
.1 1m 1 -~ .,
‘»:/’,:; ‘ "J

 . .,...
Jacifiztfifl, 1".: - a
» m. «a rat;
I ,~, ' :.‘ ,, E “J . , __ ..L 4
“ ' ”.__ 1 1 ’.__F I'_-;.-;rJ 1".; U ,"- Lf—uld, DJ.._ I; u,“ 32ng 1 w _1. ‘10:.“ 3’51].
-. .L, 1. Cfié’in'vl‘V .‘..‘ZI l} ' U .5 .1.-»'~-"'~ ._ . 'V' .:_. 7 + A :’V CC _‘:_L"f,‘:ig L, 0'3 C}. Jig LC.“ 1 .‘. _\_',_, ,
u wad» ‘ j‘ _ _ ‘. ”‘-.’, 1.314 :33 33336” (L Uv - ~
‘ -.'. +'~ {"4 ". TSUVW'EEID‘I‘L “"'" ' ~ . ..4. .19, ’2 é
J,,;;~.u -~ J - ~ I ‘ 1,. 'f .‘IT‘J’NV ..:. a
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. g .7 T) I,‘"
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‘ in n ‘ “.1.- L 0 . . Jr wvr . w ‘1....“ en‘-
~v..- «mp-4L ‘ 1 l. ‘ - ‘ A ..
u .. .“. ' ’49- on Wu“ M m 111" .‘,. m
“ q. ...-3: "w. f; , ‘ -‘ ~ ~ _‘ _ Y I,‘, ,- .1.,“ '.u.‘
1- TH" yhzimf'lbm‘l‘ '5‘“! 7" int; de. Miro-- 1‘!“ ~ :1" Kiwn (‘1 LbngLngvzgwl' b k" ' :1’~ T ,\
& w “ '“ " i - 1 :.., ""'Fg (.‘.'.‘: ' -,.-n-7‘-*~~"““""" - ~ r - ‘c‘ '71 7.‘} N - .
_Ihmflfi I‘llbg‘m “‘5‘ ‘.,; .,.,,“; VAL V- .l i“- , 4 V1“ 01331” thiflé flog-11L L.’.; 193... (:‘. ”41:5
dk v‘ ,   1‘. ‘ 4‘} 17.», 7:7. n'~"zlf-_; L,:Y.;.hu ‘4 A A 1 ; ‘V‘m 73:9 {$1ng 110T.
r-n ‘7 1. “4.0 .. v ,., <,
‘ - F‘Lflb" w‘ - f D ! .,”“ '”‘K"
C: ‘3‘} I LEM I ”’." '7” ‘fi{" } 3LT Romp- 9‘30le 0'L M. J L I! ‘77-13’ H ‘ ».' ".1»” L ‘:fiOIQF}
~ .‘ ’4' “_' P, J. :1 4“: LL‘, 2. ,“1-‘L.... >1 I - ~ - 1'; '31:- .‘.d .‘.'; .. ”.V‘ &. ._, ‘ _ (‘me
.“Mu . -v. , '.. Woo“. - , w :1me “It?!
5:,‘4; -'».~ -’->-* , .‘ a “Ff ‘) 3?} S10 V: ’ , .4. ., " '«WIQIV ‘VI‘ Ca 80
, . . um ‘« -~ “ .‘, " ‘ " ' .. ... a - ;-‘ I w...‘ "-
wwmmw” §M<~ ~11” .. ,v—..-1‘:'::3'1"*”rny 35 anal from 1‘” 03“.? .‘ low-.91»
'»‘Q" :-’. - ' 14-“ " Ln‘ .. U -‘ "4 4 , -v'. " t . \1‘4‘.’ «u‘
L « - L»: ~«~ ~ 7‘, . )0 7 r‘ lt‘ —- ,
L-..‘ f 3,1512" I ‘ U1 ‘VIt’_n¢-\ w'i 1n"?! 5“.”31'3 1Z1“ Utah)? :JLQJ. ‘18:“;‘FW-yafillr ”138?-
3?~“1“",._2’.‘ *1; r21"'7"v"¢5 7’ ..‘" ' ‘“ .... an . ""‘!”“8 “.‘3, -..; «"~ 6““ J“ ‘
“1 ,‘ ..1; ,__ .‘,‘J-‘y ‘ r . ‘ ”"45 ,. '... .Vn “‘tvfl ~.. ‘ ._' F
! 'L'” .V.; :.‘ 4;; 3"”? In 3-*'3““‘n3 .1 .- “NP-NH “[103 0r Sv,;‘TtS.
. +1 ,., r1 1: .n’. 61... ~4.».th . ,., A... an! cauléw,“ .. L -._ .
ill; i" - ' ”““’" V ‘ Aw»- ' 1w 7:1" Jiirr‘ina v-I- -“‘ "’ ,: wx.‘ be? '
,tfizf’“: 1'1 é‘rn-‘vr: WE 11v 3‘- - “‘L‘; ..H. “311 3.:1 $.93}. I “0‘11"“ 1“" ’
5L,“ ‘C ""..:"ffi'" ; dp ‘42”. rum“; f; 1.11115 “1* “ “
..'" , - (w w- .) ‘ ”C1416“ 4‘ p511.» -'-' ¥ v ,.,. f .g 13718
Y “vii".hL 0;: 1"“ mQW Slaw '.1-":1 0&1“? 50 1.1 v0 “1 " ‘
\_ . V o -) .‘ V AJ V’
bond-me- H.) u . "_’, it 1a m 1e.
.. . ‘,- ,0 “+9 tement ”.‘5-“Pd mi“ ~ "
I :rwm neaffi gm“. gamu- m.»
A ‘~ "»' " ‘
2' ( .;
”"‘; ,’. “',:: ~ - ., «,.‘
‘24“? -"h 5:" :‘:..ufl ’i-T"'A1““"'§-N '
. . ‘
.‘ f .j q \
_V V. _ .V.
f , if"; f «Ahwuw
‘ 3 I": ' 12 5?; ..:Pm-fijwr‘“
:'l “'.:".3‘ f ’ J~ 7”? 5“:}: ‘5'
I .:- . , ,> _ «._,-..: 4
5.' 3" s92? {invaf’r
'.‘_‘/“‘..‘! g 4!,

Statement of A. L.‘Telz made ti C S Lindrum at Union Stfiticn Leylagi
Ky., on the 17th day of Hevember, 1814, in regaxfi to accident it
G. M. Derrickson at Vtrnicn, Ky., august 16th, ifiié.
‘.’] ~
My name in A. L. W912. I cm Fireman fer ‘Hc 1 i I K 9 :0. I w
Fireman an tram End 3;. 4 gugust, thn, 1314’ 3y figft fl,fi% ;Iliff
quwgtop‘vt Stanton, Ky. ngslgfi g ggfigflfhPTC to let rcx' men“???
bfit glifh 2 com; to.a full Etofifl we egggig 5Qfifwfi? ?hnvt €313 57;::
werwhouran” then regained speed; TMEIE nzt”eea€ny of th~ me: when f-
got off. I S‘W no signals at all given. In file in: iota the 17??!
gand regaining the Speed there W88 no.unnoces:aryfigerxing or 3$3§§k§mm
“ sand no sudien stopping or starting of tge train. “
3 kwwwu WHY V H ,

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G, H. Doriokson, Plaintiff.
—vs-— INSTPUCTI 01.78 Oi’i'ee-a-w:?_ in; Duf‘onciant.
LCUiSVlllG & Nagnvillc Railroad Comflanv, Dwfoxdant.
1. If hm“; jHJT‘r ’mliove from tho frflrifiiiCr—J tint, on the
occasion in question, plai tiff atfiomptad to alight from de—
iendant'g train, TMGR inn some rose ed Rtanton and, in at—
tenmting to gai off of said train at said time and place, was,
of #39 motion of osid train, thrown or C2used to fall to the
3330111113; and ti1:'>::re-_:‘n~ i.3'2;jwn7mj_, yet, if 1313;: Jury ',"1‘_j_“*_i1€3j17 ‘:’:«‘»:1ieve
frOm tow evidence thifi plaintiff H;;@ such attgmnt i0 alight
frOm maid train, whilo saia ‘?Eifl '23 in motion Hid 32m‘.‘o:=e
maid train, affior roaoniny filo station at Staxton, had some
to a £611 stop fihoroat, file jury will find for the defendant.
?.. Ii‘ ti!) Jury 'k'malii'ivn £12011 tnc‘) {?fif‘ldglice 14131;, mi 1~,'_:-,_e
occasion in question, yiainifff attemptag to alight from do—
12:3 11 da)‘ 1. Jr, ' :.'; t :1: 1 i n , «mm/351,,waKfiwvs/agmm+mm@,mlmymsfi— .
; imgflfipflfiéfifléfifi wailo 2216 was in motion and running at such a
?ato of‘gpagd that a ruaoonahlv prudent person, in too exoroifie
of ordinary care for niS own safety, ongut not to have so at—
tenmtod, Ema that, in so afifiempting to alight, the plaintiff
was, by tie motion of said train, caugod to fall or Tu tgyown
to the ground and thoroDV injured, the jwnx will find for the
3. If tho jury holinwe from fine evidence that. at the
time and bloom and on the occasion in ques