xt73bk16mf8w_587 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [424] Pearl and May Cornett v. L&N, L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [424] Pearl and May Cornett v. L&N, L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_57/Folder_10/5102.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_587 xt73bk16mf8w V
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-, fl , / April 7th,1915.
1 ,«44/ 44345:; 1298
JUdg“ Sam‘1.M. Wilson,
Laxington, Ken tucky.
Dnar Sir:--

Rafnrring to your lettar of April let in roaard
to tha sattlmmant of the 0266 of Paar] Cornett at 31 vs ’
tha Lexington & Eastnrn Railway Campany in tha Parry Cir-
mzit Court.

I havn preparad a dfiad containing tha prepar
description of tha land to be convayad end enclosfi samfi
harcwith. I also anc109° sight draft #167 in favor of
May Cornatt, amounting to $125.00, and vouchar which is

. to be signed as a recaipt in support of tho draft, which ‘
' draft is to b9 turnnd ovnr wtnn all of tha parties to the
dead h2V9 proPnrly signed and nxacutafi Samfia

If the parties in quastion refusa to Sign the '
dead of convnyanca,it wil] than b9 nQCQSSary to propare a
raleana from all damagas and have than axaouta the raleasa.
Sinco wa ara paying fuil Value for tho land I prefer that
wa sacnra tha dand.

I shall b6 glad if yo“ will hendln this mattar
with a viaw of promptly closing Sam“. Tha daed shonid ba
rnturned to this office beforw sama is recordeds .

I wish to cal] your attantion to tha fact that
as tha considaration is in excess of $100.00 and doos not

‘ excaad $500.00 that it will be necessary to affix a.50¢
docnmantary tax stamp. Th9 Act of Congress providas that
4 this stamp must be provided bthha grantor.
“.'.‘/Eur}; ring: 734“. sent "Lo this Yofzrs truly, I
affix: 4‘44; 2.x; approved before , ,
. they are recorded. m
WRP/MCC. Chiof Erwin-Mr of Construction.

 Q 0 7 . .
‘ Iaipril 1, 1015. _
fieesrs. Weetton & Morgan, W- g
. . : g. ’
Hazard, Kentucky. 55 fl i
Gentlemen: '
I have yours of March Slat, enclosing papers in the
suit of Pearl anfl may Barnett v. the Compeny. I shall forwqrfi
thcee papers $0 Hr. fiilliame in orfier that he may furnish me an I
accurefie deseriwtion of fihe bounfiery to be coverea by the deed of
release. I will 33k him to let me have voucher with the descripw
tion which he will furnieb 30 that there may be as little delay
as povsible iflieloeing the matfier up.
Very truly yours,
Jr/a ‘ ‘ .
T ‘ Counsel.

 ‘.‘, ‘.' . _ . ,, . .
., _ ' ‘ emu 1, 1915.
Ho 0; William$,'Esq., ’ > '
' Louisville,1{y. ‘ ' ‘ '
Dear Sir:, , _ ' ' V . I
I acknowledge yours 0f Heron 30th, in regarfi to settle—
. wont of case of ?eerl ené may Cornett v. fihe Company, in the . '
Perry Circuit Conroy .I have obtainea from Wootton & Morgan the
'1 - file in thei‘i“ possession, finish is 11::: rewith hanaea you, together ‘
‘ ‘x with a ooyy of fir. fiorgan's letter fie me of March 313%. Will you
' I kindly heVe prepared a proper flesoription of fihe lead to be cov~
“ ereé by fihe deeé of releeee ano, incidentally, furnish me all
the information necessary to socufe a proper afld effectual release.
At fihe some time, if ifi can convenienfily be done, I would like
V you to fiend voucher for $125°OO, which I will attach to the deco
of release, when same is forweroefi to Wootton & Morgana I eek
- this in orfler thefi the matfier may he oloeed up as promotly as
practicable. , I '
_ _ flowing to hear from you Shortly, with the aesirefi
information, I am, I ‘ A , >
‘ I 'v Very truly yours; _ -'
ends. 1 ' 1 ‘ ‘ I
SKEW/a . .
' . ‘ _ Counsel.

\\. g/Q M...” '
‘ " Wo “.'}éTON & MORGAN
, itsrnvgs at 753,111
HAZARD’ KY‘ March 51, 1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky. ,
Dear Sir:

Yours of the 27th relative to the Pearl and
hay Cornett tract, for which we desire to make settle-
ment for @125-00 and obtain release, received. I am
sure this strip contains 1.25 acres, and is the strip
shown in red lines adjoining the right of way at
Construction Station 2620 plus 270, shown in the file
which I herewith enclose you, on the small piece of
tracing paper, not on the blue print.

I think it would be well for you to confer
with Mr. Williams about this, however, and be sure to
get all the description.

I return you the entire file in this matter.
Let me have this release together with voucher as
soon as you can, as they are continually Worrying me
about this matter.

Very truly yours,
m/ , um W2 M] mm,
Enc. Kr \

 , iii/mafia A a ”Aw/g; ”fly/m5 ”flfiyflfl/M/
/t~~ ,.,,~
. / / ‘
. ms; Mag 3 < «é‘
‘ Mch 30—1915.
Mr. d. m. Wilson,
Geneva Counsol,
Lexington, Ky. ~
Dear sir:
Your letter of the 27th rehitive to settlement of
the Pearl Cornett claim.

I find that Mr. Morgen has my entire iile on this ~
claim and I am of the impression that it contains e release
which it was proposed to tePe from these parties some time
ago and it also contains a sketch showing the portion of
their property on Whi h the road which was abandoned was
partly constructed.

{ I note that you have asked Mr. Morgen to send ytu '
i the file on .he subject and would state that if the file does

2 not contain sufficient information from vh ch to prepare de—

ZM g scription of the property we should Net for the settlement
% roposed to be made, if you will send it to me I will under—
\ take to have proper description furnished yon.
Yours truly, ‘
Chief Engineer of Construction.

 ' . march a7, 1915 .
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 g. ‘0
' WOOTC’TTZ-f; & M5232?” ' '
Aiirrtnmgs at 753m
HAZARD, KY. march 22, 1915.
2%y6/1n2.J /¢':
MI. (.3011. Wilson,
Lexington, hy.
Dear sir:

Yours of the 15th relative to the case of rearl
and may Cornett vs. Lexington m nastern hailway Company
together with coPy of letter from hr. h. C. Williams,
received. 1 have seen these parties and they insist
that they Should have 9125.00; that they were offered
this by the engineers at one time and did not accept
it, but that they are now hard up for money and will

l/accept W125.OO, so if you desire to make this settlement,
'.’»? Prepare release freeiiiafl ornettand rifle: W. 9,9399%
; hay tornett_and his yite,m _ Uornett; John n.
Hell anduhis} w1fe>,MSally nailwtoréxingtofizsciiastern
figiitéy Uompanj and send to 5; direct with voucher,
and i will close the matter up.
Very truly yours,K
’/ /
JM/c 5/

Aitnrmrvs at LCam _ '1
HAZARD KY. baron lo, 191:).
-.-1‘. xi. '.‘.ilsou, -
.u e 3:111 5‘; t on , A; .
your :11":
Yours 0:? the 12511111 fioge‘o er with 0033;: 03‘
’1 4‘”. "v": '1 '7’]: awn”: mopp’ :
Leh‘bOI‘ __Lon 4.1. ... U. “Lug/.,M w,,..we .
“elative to ‘ 05,39 0;. wearl and may
Cornett vs. .:. L1 .4. _.::Lil‘sia; aomga‘uy, .L :;m sure we
can muc— ‘L’Lit’. settlement 1'01“ 3,135.00, and will
attemfo to do so at once.
fer: ‘iJ 1"“:113’ :7 JJV-.1‘:; ,
7 >4 1 7 “".—fly ‘\I /),)r'7 ,, ,/ , ,, .
/',’ / // (“t/J «‘._ .
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I .‘,,: y/ , y/ .. . " I, , f, . . ,/ , / , ,. ,
. all- fillfl)! (5 fl / 4.»/l.) Ali/é [4 g/ .Jé/r/Z’MK/ [WK/707%
'. // V/x/ /7/ /, a (0 . /../ , . V . .
-‘ , . ////’// n/ ///% fizz/HMWW/ éfl/ld/I‘Z/K’éfll/
// \‘ j? I ' 7/ %//:j
/ Ié‘éMJ/i/ll/flk’ y:
March ll~l915. ~ ~
MI‘. “01.419 :‘:.v‘rilSOl’l, Mei/24 [9
General Counsel,
Lexington, Ky.
De er s ir :
Your letter of the 8th relative to claim of
- Eeorl and do; Cornett.
On December 23rd I sent to hesSrs. ”cotton & \
N...__,..,..,...“,...yw-.-...r....... ..V. ,_ v" "'““ ’ ‘ "”‘ ' “ ‘ “ ‘ “" ' ‘ ' ' v-»«........ -\».. ...,., ..,.._,....-...;. ..3. 1‘
Morgan my entire file on this claim which contained ixfcr— l J
LmWWWM _ .“w..i--mi-lww-mi~.«w~~'” ~“mvwwwawmmww~"“”‘ 3 4
. «4...»... . . -— :.. ‘ ‘ J“ ‘ ‘ . 1 _ ‘ ’.‘ 7 _ _ . ; “\_
“mation as to the SMgSGSLEQ settlement Wllh LEeSG parties 9
‘""~~~‘-».m-.w....-..~.. “_‘,,," ,,.,.,,,,, .. ..»-....-~..,.,_ __‘“ ... ...,....W... w“NA“.....,.i....,........»,.m-'~“‘""“ ;
some tige ago, which settlement, I belieVC, was not con~ ;
summated on account of one of the parties having to leave
the country suddenly.
It is my rccollection that it was agreed at one .
time to settle with these parties if they could furnish
release from all of the persOns interested at about $100,
land I thin” that if Mr. Morgan cen.now dispose of the
%:§ ma:ter for dlEE.OO and secure proper release that we had
g best do so.
i I think that if it COlld be done it would he well
to make settlement in the form of a deed conveyird to the
Company all of the land occupied by the road which we uh—
dertook to construct across their prreerty and lying between

 . O
3 LE E‘iileon, 2
the road and our right-of-way. If, however, this cannot
be arranged, he should erren e to take proper release and
receipt for the amount on voucher form when he can make
draft on the Treasurer for any amount up to 433125.00 in
Your: trulyv
/.4/ W x 3.-» 33‘ ,,,, t r ,
‘hief Lnajireer of Construction.

 ‘ . 17 _ . 5‘; ,‘., ..
marcn v >, law» . .
.3 ,
‘ v1 "‘.’ " ‘3 .I' . .. {'1 .~ I ‘
, 1:. .. b. u _L 1mm , 54:34.. ,
' f r“ a ' Q ' "'. "‘- 4’ (3 t7 n3.” :r V
.:JnflleerguLe , «hall .1. v;'\.,y 0
fl V‘ '_ -, . > _ .
DEB-2L1" DAL“; '
1‘ r .. , . , t \ 3,. '1 V . r - .:_ _, 4* ".:3 .- , _‘V 3 ‘4'- ,:3. , - ’
.:’:LUFNG AOL a, 2:115 L0 S1 cu. M? L ‘.CJ <3 ... mm b (.:3 5.11:} L..-gm .'_ J. (J.J
\" p Jun“ 7 -' r «(w- w ~,.» r‘ .1,. , 4— ,- ” ..1.: Jw _-’~ '9 ».. "..“, H —_—. ‘ jq—W .-,+4
HOG LI L'vn. :..: .‘,eiOJ. {‘.'-«.1.:.; l“. J.. ~3.; \jl— GILL; 6 bk.) '3 {.1.:. U u J, -, EH I.:. .r_}: -“.:th ‘— \. .LLL . L/ L'
-'~ '.“ ,. .C- .‘, " 7».. I. , L a : , - ,_ .:_ ,:. , - . ' ._ ..‘ .I. I. 3 r‘ _:r . ,
Va .:.x 42s 4M}; (350 .1 3241.1: HG." U31 JE _L- u “if L O '.. u [2 ML”: :..: .x 10 2 13.1.43:
..fi'x' .,. "'..."H‘ .‘.. ., ‘: :1 .., »..M. -7 , , Z .4‘..~ .‘.“ -‘-“-' .w‘, ‘ "
1.v3..LL j 11 21mm 1;: Shula-u. m: 52:14.5; gm L2,: 1 ..J-.‘,: ”.:: 2;:: was: ‘ «3- 2:: 0171-5:
.:. .:J- '. 1* .-., w ,.., ‘.‘-:3 . _V ,, .~ .‘ ., w ‘1. ‘ g ., .,. w .7 .. ,, '1 . 3 . 3 m ¢ ":9
‘30 i; 1;.L8 5.1: fix; [7- v 00. M31“ ;L’XL C t‘.‘ 53" 1‘13“, 55:55 '1;! _L 2’: ».'”l-i": ~1305€171Tu ‘3 .LL
-'~ «... , .. m ..," , .,fi ., ‘.. ; » ..': _‘ ,,r- : ; ‘_‘: ;. .. ‘ \ .'
n0 h , 1:793011 3.11:; u 3;; wivutaS Shffluil he L 3.1 :2 1- {fine as Lf,'...1-l;‘;o
- ~.' (721?“ 7.3 "H .11,’ 21:1)“: 1 3 w '
6110 I-
.' . /_
quJ/ {'3. _
. ‘ .. «n ‘fi
. w... W: £23.. 3
‘ QIMX" L: .
L 3“ .
. /; ;

 \.'», j ‘ =. \‘
\ ”\' l
L‘. . ‘3‘/l. .'7
' Aihrritrg‘s at 7‘4 21m 3
HAZARD. KY. march 6, 1915.
174/1 2% X ’ 7:
...r. 22......2115011, '
Lexington, ny. »
hear sir:

In the case of :eurl and hay Uornett vs. L. o n.
hallway Company, these men ought to take ,125.00 and
settle tlie case. rhey say that this is what they were
offered one time by an engineer and that the engineer
stated to them that this is what it would amount to at
,lOc.£Q p;r acre.

this action was on account 0: county road
change. it seems that the road was abandoned, and the
present county road is on the right of way. i don‘t
understand why, it we abandoned the road we should pay
for it, but it might be that we 1.1211161 be liable for
damages, but iron the map furnished me there is 1.60
acres tanen by this road change; that is, between the
, right or way out including the road bed. however, let \
3 me nnow whether or not you desire to settle at 9125.t0.)
Very truly yours, ‘
\,\\\ ).j
».Jl (. / ,,. J J.. > ,.
/// .‘.’/3 / flw/fi' "~«c / 1] .7
.. / ./
di../ C

OFFICE OF ATTORNEY ATV--. 1:3Lard , n... .. .. L W
B. D. WARFIELD, . 28 m g;.... - Lee ember 191 11
District Attorney.
171 1716 case 0;. Pearl Uornett , etc . . _ w. - JL. {.7. 1.. 11.511 lway uoxgipaziy. -
l/Icfo/[orz/Lz'fig proceedings were liar! a! [116. LYEHIZ, IQILLL L
' a a ‘ .1; ‘ .7
of l/ze L . V11 (All? .. . L Court (3f "‘ e1 I‘Z/ .Cmml}.
retit ion i‘iled 1.017e1nber 10 , 1914-. 1.. 0 maps
taken by; do Lends}; t .
y ,
A) I , V W 1/ /7‘ / 7 I ,‘
[SIGNEDL / 07/7/44? 7/(.\ /' /7" 1. ”77 ;" 1.L:.T '1/(L/. _
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
WWI Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at Whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

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31in: 113,135 at 15;-1m
HAZARD, KY. November 50, 1914:.
, .. .- :x‘ ,o ,
LT. L. Ll. HllSOIl, WW! ,‘1; i
Lexington, Ry.
. Dear Sir:
Enclosed we hand you three COpies of petition
and docket report in the case of Pearl ana hay Cornett
vs. Lexington & dastern Railway'Company.
Yours truly,
\. \\
. ///5 x 34” 5
a ' kij/K/I’C; [IN/k, r‘ ’
JlI/C . ” ‘ - 1. , xfl/MLV._I
' // ‘ ‘1Lz.

 .‘_ x
Q .0
y: ;Y CI;--;LUIT CLUE-’.1”.

E._‘MEL L.i(.;:.?;‘..-LJ-T'_i? xiii.)
L :’_.Q1’fi.'ri‘jjT , 1?;mlliflbhxi).
7.23. ’.'LZTlE‘IQLu
:14 4:.) _',.Y. ’_.‘0, _ \
.',‘ (1.; l. 11, :30, , ; ‘ ;' A “I:

The pi'friil'ltiffffi, Pei'rl Cornett no"; ,,_?y Cornett
73113" *bhrt "the L_Je::in;;“wn :;: ':4*;;—>1";1 i‘fiilt‘ftzy' ...c:;_.‘_.z;2:_-;;;.r, i I
cor-jgboL‘z“I;ior1, area-213661., organised ';;1:. existing Lam-:01: 211:1
";'i'v‘tu: 0: *131-3 1:31.73 01' the .ita’te oi" Tientuclcy, 711;: in i338
c:>1‘2<>:~=~.-s.te Elam? ;i‘ozzlno é: 1:; "We-mix 1111‘"! L x:;_.g.,:,1-1y, it hit
gov-u: "to :;:.ms :m H: .::onigrgotgcl Vith 7:11(.. to ESLLV am: be

file 31:. iniifffi 1L that 1:11. galsiriile: ;L'a' 321111;?
“;aiirozaaio =‘./G-..‘_«_)7..;gj", is «f. corporrg'bion (_areatecl, crnr".;ized zinc“.
\;=:.;ir—;i';in.,; 1,11; er 211;: 1.:—.‘.1,‘.’S oi the itate or 1;.271'1'31121'23'”2 1A“; in
its cmyoxw tL::1‘1zt-1.y.s:: ii n ;'.:U'a'er to contract to oe: '.:on‘tz'v10tegl
"filth to :Bu'c: r: 116. LG .e sued. .

The :“'J-:;i.,.'£;ifi‘zs, E33231 Cocrmtt 1 2y Cornett, 101,"
131-52117.- orueim «:;:; 2 «tie o glvrcsm,. L;;‘i;‘L“-‘i; ma; 1:1-41:110.:gnt" the "446:;111'1—
gton ,,; li-‘riwifimz-r ;'Ii"il*'f%-':-; Co.,-awe". :;--i the: ;--L ::.m '.. shyi-
Jle Isustmno. ‘_ro;=;_Jr—'I;;§f, :;:i'y tllz't on the .._-,--.fi-“J c- »....-“ -.-_...
LdiLLL, 11119;" L on; .;e;. 1..3. 3:12;: uuisznezzs :3; .‘.-Lll'L‘J..C-,in{.-':‘ Silt“. coi'm‘b- ‘
rusting; :.‘.iLLCQL; Line, cutemiingg thrnméll ;;r::ti11'i;t, Harry
.“.:tclile Coun'uios, L-~I.;;nf;u.ol:y, ';s.:.,.. "51;; t ‘;l}'-._>,;,r «‘_.tl‘if no the
.“"n;1's o: vac; ujjJrfiI'Z Mi _.L ;z;.lu;a»fi line mm. Azure .,wj @1733?
$1110: 13m :2::- 1.. c1_r.-:t~,:; fins; 5::-,.:; innit the; >.~-re LG"? a “’:.»
on 22123 :.1';,;‘:~,r:2'1€. Grate ncl 32:-Ll“ thaw-to, :3;; minor o 2115.
in “the :31:—:;:):24. _Vossonasaion oi" tho 31:;1°a:ai;;-‘I":;rr (.;osoribed 11“,]...12; .L'y
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