xt73bk16mf8w_591 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [428] John A. Webb v. L&E, Letcher Quarterly Court text [428] John A. Webb v. L&E, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_58/Folder_3/5369.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_591 xt73bk16mf8w - 3 I . . V - 3 - s 4-4— ._‘.,, 4;: ;Es
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Keri E. (3th ,' 1‘3 3.5.
Lire: 3933.393fi1', 32“ 900114 ,
322 £25.; ‘.'-,3 o 1131 11303.5. CD. ,
132011.27. Fifi 118, Km .
Dear Sir :-
I hand you. he rewrite vo uciéxero 53052 and 1523*? , amounts
$3.25 and. ’Flp’ reeves"Erivolvn dream in lfé’iVOl‘ of J..;’i..‘~£{obb of
\‘ihitoe‘tvurg in {3211;221:2123 o-Eg‘ shipments damaged and lost in transit ,
the first C overivir; ::23‘t‘LpII2ent sawing from Eféollfontofms,’tho, and
the letter from j.2:212i.::2v 52112.5.
-‘2.f;;or eozwersx $2210.; yesterda; it '22. 2511'; Jesse -.:-organ,
one. of our 211:; 2203:3032: at 22",)“: , .11-o advised “2.22.2 'E: r t the vouc her
:30 r 53%}. ’71 for which K7211“. {folio {scoured ,jzirigpoent . was in 33233221621145
:2:!" 25213. outstzinuirig: claims ’22 o ante, and. that these taro v.2ucne rs
should}. not “be pnid him. {2332.225 221%;- , the rotors , returned to you
3530 1‘ case 011223821221 .
_ Your 3; 'igri‘2.i.;_.,-“,
o .'-, 5'“ N! x’ /\ ‘2.-kr— .»,.“ k -
. r . ' ficién;;3,‘ 1y ,._ /
_ i/ -r"" V .
3 3%.
‘25 Copy t o
\u. 53 ,."E.’2:E’i is on , Lexi 2v. t on ,
Mr . :3 . El . 330 027mm: , 3,} on :igsv i llo .

 . r». ° (‘2
neril ‘3. 7. 15.
‘.'I r ‘"‘. ‘.i.‘- 7 "fin
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i13£9filli§i uO jaw.” ifflcRILL .LGhL/CL' fit? ing; meat L.. I u-.=.x 1.~ik1Li
‘ ~' 7' « -- ‘* — ...‘ ‘--. . w»; .-. 3'. -.« "7 of? ~45: -'I g; .4- ,, --_. “',....
”301%.”. DC :"1§U.‘;~3 I,‘-_. LLL: ‘.I.1.I\i.’1‘.}.I..t'v, dill? i. C1. H, \m’_‘) M: hi.‘ , 'J‘.,tl\?.., i=.2.1.'
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.'./.L.", 3.1". ;I.’-.‘-,I";‘:1‘ GI, J.. ... .’.‘..uh, 0.x- ;.1‘1.l 1.4121. :7“. 13:» J. inf/a; on ..;}; stir-y
- . ..~ - ~ _ .. .. ..w. , .,..._..1. ,-.. .. . m, .1 "~ ‘ .. ,,. ,. .'- " _
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‘ - ~ - ' -- .‘.- . .. 1‘7 r“I .,_. “.»...... .._ J ' 1.
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',.i ')71'CH‘, 12377.: HT ,
C“ ’1"
. I“, ‘I

Aiinrnvge at 713' mar
HAZARD, KY. . ,— \
April 0, 1915.
i-LI‘. S. Li. Viilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Yours of April 1, 1915, together with copy or
letter from Mr. M. A. McDowell, relative to vouchers
for 95.2.5 and 71¢ in :avor of J. A. ’.Iebb, of alihitesburg,
received. rhese vouchers should be canceled, and not
paid to Webb. rhese two amounts were included in the
;e8.71 judgment Which has been fully paid, and these vouchers
.‘ V. ., , 7.“ ,.,...__.,.v_\,_.....4..,fiv:~m‘l’“‘nni I -
Ewere returned to nr. McDowell by the Agent at Whitesburg in
Order that they could be canceled. I wrote hr. McDowell
to tzis effect several days ago.
Very truly yours, k '
(7 ~ . 7 , .
.,,/,,;j,,,.;‘;/rff , -7 , I , ,4”, , I /
// ‘ '
/ /
-Y //

 .’ '.' ' 1J1:
_ ' April 1, 193.5,, .
_ :mossro. Wootton & Horgan, ‘ ‘
Hazard, Ky.
, Gentlemen: L V
iiorowith, please not-e com? of letter of iiorch Ech,
. from or. Hofiowell in reference to certain claims of J. A. Webb,
of Whifiosburg,against the Company. This encloouro explains itself.
Pleaoe note in connection with your lotter to me of flaroh 6th and
, my reply to you of Harsh 8th, ani then enable me to roconoile
the éfififerent amounts mentioned in thtse various papers, ano oblige, '
Yours truly,
Common ‘

 ‘ "a \'.;fo . V Api‘i l 1 , 15115 .
it 25 W. in mofiowell, Esq., I .
It; , Ladmfimgim.
‘ - ,Eeer Sir: - , - v
. ‘ Referring to yours oi the Zfith instant, in reference to
vouchers you hole in favor of J“ A» seen, of Whitesburg, I em not
. in a position to oévise you regarding disnosition of some. I am ‘
», writing Wootton & Noreen for further information ens, just as soon
> \
’ as-I can hear from them, I will units you again” - '
‘ : ‘ Yours truly,
' SEW/a ‘ '

. 1’5? C ouns 01 a ‘

 :4“ 2 (“TV/14266
- / ’/ r“ / “3% / ‘/
3‘ 3» ._ , /. \_ ,
‘3 aA‘ I I 1', y'/ , ,,' _ ,/ ‘ ,) ' , ,' . , I / ,‘ / //' [f / /, ; , ///// ’,
3 3A W0 70! MM ////////// Mp ///é‘fll/%// gai/fimz/
.JJ / ‘4 (fl //fl// / K V
“ /////(//// cgéfldaé:
.’1/... /‘ I, ‘,- y/ , ,7 ,.
/2’///,_7fl/M// 7 / - 7 /
'/‘””’7M- away/fl” /y
March 291: h, 1915.
S. Li. Wilson, Esq” 24%;? M"
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
I have before 1'36 vouchers for ;55.25 and 7195 in
favor of J.A.T.‘ebb of ‘.'.liitessbvrg in “213711133115 for flour and
3 irons moving from Bellfonteine, Ohio, and Louisville , Ky.,
for '«hich he presented claim on 5000111112 of damage, etc. I
learn that 1.11". Webb secured judgment for 338.71, total of
all ouustanding damages, :1 would like "no ask if the two
vouchers refo l‘l‘ed to should be paid to him.
Yours: Uruly,
.1 ~‘ ,  ‘ t, _ . ‘
UCELL all .
' 3w ., .. V- J..-v. ,,. J o ‘.‘.YH- ~. ’1 I..: .. , ‘57 .4'.’ ,. {2‘ x * ,, , I» .. 1. .1'.. .
.«i-EBJZ’H‘UL ‘zii 1.1.01.- C (i ugcy 0.. .».; .:.i“. L: t .I;}? OJ. Lila. A,.;‘C-Il 111;} L-flil t ..L rum
,‘,;1 . ..~); ,an, o l: i .L o; nu i am to Sue; on ‘.:.- 04;... :40 . 4. in the
G 6" »":. {3 3M ,._“ ”317"! 7 '53-th 'L' THE 1’1 5“ '37"er ”‘.“: -'- '.' H ’.‘, '1‘ -. n. “4 ";v-v. r: —.».-3\ .-.~ .'1 H— L, A, ..‘.. J-
edi a. ..I .- ..1 will- “J.': u ‘.1 I) . a mum v on)... ..;-:.i“; , ,. ;1 ”Jay U L'ilk .L L.',ua ...J. ..: -:.E _‘:! U J.., L‘ 0
Fr;— T- .‘J— -‘ a - ‘t 7 , "l .7. «n‘ .74.. ~ .V.. »x. .-r\ 9* e -
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H... . ~,_.- .,31 _. ‘.,.. ., a, . .. o V r '. .. -\- A- . _- ‘_ .__. ...- .." \ -. ‘
.,'/Uh. 2L.LL.’~\I’..LE/V 111:3} t} 'MTII,L-Viil‘)_!f‘ 19531:»); 1..1 Liz-_.',“J-HL'U 5.1.3111, fir-.65.:g/ iluf‘. 5._-13‘ {315.
533573-217? "51 {)1}, Silk" {leiljjzh'} ,
_ I2. ours-..: truer." ;; ruljr
u . J
913.0 . .
‘. V (I:
M. .7. -’.-.. "
u u suit. 8L 0
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4;;GSJSJ. 5:: o 3201! L HOV}. ,-, I...O.. QWH,
M ‘ ., '»’-~ a ..1/~:.
21:1"151‘1; y __gIli LI‘JJLL, a
$021271 :91-:0sz :
- «v I» J .-’ .'.2 .9 \ ,.'.. 1 . ,~_~‘ “.‘-"X ‘4 7. ,. .., T» j 5..-.;_ n:- .
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. H .1 . n .. 1 _
" '7 " l' " 1‘ " 7 ~ "7 ‘» ' 3 —, z w - " 7:. {)J'I‘Hn \'n ! ”w '4" \“'=\ "11' «'1’31‘7‘7“. ’ P .’7
filli’: ’40» 1.53 5;; «.‘OL‘uJ. AM»: :f. .Lfi. (16:3! 411 .'.1\,"..J\-,?;(..‘., ‘L.»; at; mid-..) 0,. e our).
" " '> ’ " ’ ~. 4 J. «L‘., ..,.. .,,; L1
. .» 1 ».. ._ _.e‘ ” ‘ ,\..,.. ...‘ .. ._A. “‘_A o I. \.‘ ’,‘ . .,7. r] ‘»., :_.! ,‘.... r115 ..C-.‘:: .’3 .'.'
-‘_c OS.) '2‘. 7th.) Viilz‘ '::?!J, ;fv'Jg‘I'K-r"? 7 . U.;\.t‘L-i,:,,Lv, L,,,, , W .»-;J. v,.1.Lfl
.\ - , .7 ~ ,‘,;~ ..-,flwm, 7 W a; .‘._,y ,L 7 * " 77',» “‘1‘"? "..._” "09:17: “’:‘
{:‘1-11’ 11.1. 1. ‘;LJH 73_;__: K '._,,,-. ’ L‘() ,. _. g . _;,.l\,4_' V ».s. .- “‘”- N .. o
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LLL i 8,1,; J11.) fl, Cil'li’? ‘, J .~'..1. ll}. L».':;~» 1.4;; ‘.. ._L; k,, nun; ..L VLULA ('.“/[I4_
x L. . ‘1 7 \ ‘ a ., _ . + A -- ‘_. ‘ 71w;‘.,\.,l{,.,714{.
{11% 73:11:} OJ"). L.1 L:L.n; “HULK? f,‘(;il1<,_~_'_ “1;;: ‘;u. w _ L 4““ (luau! -.. . I , h ,
‘ . M ._ .. .. U ‘ ‘ \n -w fan «7‘ If” {_ .V.. j , ,,‘.Q A ‘.;,» -v,»‘.~
374336.91 {','i')_\'37-1..?_f7. p’ii}?"fi'-'>."’,L_'{ ':.;25) ‘.LL‘] _LVJ‘ : LL‘. 12.12.; LAM (ix)? L.‘, Oh .LOJVW
‘T —, Ii .
H.1. :..
,:2/3:7 "HIV-'1;] ;Cfill‘i? ’
[.‘: -
:;:..” [a
1 ‘. x "‘
‘v 30.1111. OJ. 0

. Afinrungsmbfliam
. ¥ , HAZARD.KY. .
XE //}\ Hazard,Kentucky, Larch 6, 1915.
W043 Y ’4'

Mr. Samuel M. Ifilsd’hy V
Lexington, Kentucky. ’
Dear Sir:

Enclose you herewith judgment on your regular judgment
form, Letcher uuarterly Court, John A. Webb v. Louisville &
Nashville Railroad Company. I wrote you quite a lengthy letter
about this matter when it was first iiled, and I examined the
freight bills and Jebb was entitled to this amount, but his

. g original petition will not show the full 324§g%mbut he filed an
\ amended petition, which made this amount. I understood from
Agent Fields that the matter would be settled, but after I left
Whitesburg in January, judgment was rendered in my absence,
but this is all right, so please haVe them send check at once
as the execution has been issued and this must be settled.
I also enlsce you letter which was received from
Stephen Sombs, Clerk of the Letcher circuit Court. I sent you
these bills some several days ago.
Yours very truly,
m /_ VQ/VMLL oil/VI Wig/n

 'fjflfl/Wfl/yflfio‘7%I:x//:/Zx/xm ..:/(2w gl/(l?////P/////;)/(// ///,//7 80990
”7”“’”‘7///// _
///C5 INK/”ZW‘M/V December 29771391“
Mr. ‘I’Ifi. A. McDowell, $42261 30 1/7”
“Ea-Zonagor , L. 84. .’:-I. Z12, ()0. ,
7 Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear 31r1~ 7
- Referring to attached papers relative to suit brought
against the Company by Captain John A. Webb, of Whitesburg, Ky., for
$5.56 the alleged value of freight lost in transit. Your particular
7 attention is invited to Agent Field‘s letter to me, dated December
28th, tagother with froight bills referred to Iherein, one of which
is dated December 318t,1914, (probably should be December 313$,1QIE).
Do you know of any reason why those little claims
. should not be adjusted by our Agenfi at Whitosburg? The cheese
arrived in boo ordor a year ago; the matting olaimafi £0 have been
lost was short at Whitesburg on may 27th; the set of irons woo short
at that otation on August 4th, and the tobacco was reported short on
Hovember 12th. Er. Fields offers no oxnlanation as to why the
.y’ / claims roferrefi to remain unadjusted.§<:gt is not only a waste of
’7..» 3 money to refuse to adjuofi meritorious claims but such a course row
k\:;;}/%u1to in making enemies where we are boaly in need of frieoiéé;
3\ Please return enclosures with your reply.
I 7 Yours truly, (»
s,m,w, and J,fi, Assistant Dietriotdigforney.

 - . "
j l’fccember 15, 1914.
C. H. Moorman, Esq.,
Lieuievi lle ,Ky.
Lear E511:
Horowith I hand you copy 01“ a letter 01” the 14th
instant Iron 17003th d Morgan. in reference to :.iajor J../‘1.
\'Eebb, of hisobui'g, aha-«.:i; wiles:- claim ;y‘uu 'vzrote me on the
llth inst. I send "this latter 3204: your consideration and
advice. .
Very truly yours,
0 Guns el.

~ 1 . r
Eeeerrzoer 10, 1914..
7:33C‘x'3‘ 7'7.” ':"r '1 '9‘ W “'3':
ul—VI)‘).£ 0‘ “(Job 0J1- J.’ 140.; £34.31),
hemfi , .2.-{en 1110113 .
fienb Yemen:
Yours of the litiu in I‘Cffil‘rfl’lize to Liejor '21.?be to hand
5315' 'qu‘c‘“ I :3.}?! n 51:71:“117‘ "Mr 1:. wry‘w-r ~-'~' "TU'Y M 1""tn‘r> ‘7’ 5?? 7’
...-1' ..I”. 1,09 1 ‘.I. J_OI-braiul;.-.U _, L’"_:)J OJ. gnu}. L,L u... L10 .':;... “100113811
for his attenti on.
1;" \u-n- L-a-v-‘i-v --".>—V—!(‘¢
:Cl‘y £11.41} ;;L.L-..£.n,
’NVT'" ’
Couns- n21.

 ,1 ,’1-77

5': ‘1,,_, f‘

1 *‘V; I //

1 |‘ El,“ .0”
x ‘Bfi'LEY é’d/OOTTON Jess: monslw '
Aitnrnpgs at 7L7 21111
HAZARD, KY. necember 14, 1914-.
ghee / ¢ M '
nr. e. n. ;ilson, ‘
Lexington, Ly.

Dear ;ir:

Yours of tee lltn,enclosing copy of letter
of G. E. Loormen, received. Mr. J. A. hebb lives
ie Ihitesbnrg, aid you Lnow him as Lajor Uebb. he
is Lajor in the Kentucky state nilitie and has a
general store near tne nhitosburg Eotel. lfi intro-
duced you to him while we were at lhitesburg.

Lajor Herb is a very iine fellow, enc has
always been our iriend up there. ;till, Le is a very
close friend in nis aeolings.

new, as to this claim or his. i nad e talk
with tLe egcnt at ;hitesburg, and he told me that he
had ordered voucher issued to gr. ”ebb, tor the matter:
mentioned in the Etetement, and a: t;0 stetenent covers ‘
some six or eight mentns of time, i did not tale tLe
pains to go tlrougl it with the agent, but from what
I talked with him i underatend thgt tne damages claimed
by Lebb are correct. At least the agent tolo me he
Lad o.L.d tie bill, enc maxed tnet it be paid.

in ViOW or all these facts, if you cesire a

Afin’rnrgs at 713' an:
H A z A R D, KY.
more thorough investigation on my part I will
undertake it.
kery truly yours,
)/ . ‘/ /
'4 7‘ ARV—J7“; ‘C/ 7 I ' I ’/ /
/? 51%52471V S7 l/éZ:;;;/CZA ‘x-‘w-t '1’/s;
fi*” ‘ ,*”7* ,, /’M 7
‘__ v 7 h j , / V ,7 , , .
A /////y//// «M //// w/x //// M my .,,/(//%////y
/ ,  ’ 77 . / .7 /
“ ‘ ‘ W 72 . '
» ‘ "(V/WM/w/ fl”)
”'-”/-6? 7 /’ ‘ ,,, y
*'/”'I‘"“¢fl/"- x WWI/yr” H/
December lth, 1914.
2x : , >
4111‘ 0 {75133 3833}? 3 331 o {%‘QZ::%.9 , ' gifi (/ 4'51» , i .
Léfl ibilrosfi fionaany, ?
Luuiflville, fly. . r
Deer Sirz— W
2 hand you herewith abatemenfi anfl lettorS in the case
of John 3” “xii-ebb vs; 1131:) 601:1335my i the Letaher “11.2.11‘591'13," {joul‘fi 05.96,...
reUrQSGHSinn flamage to merchandise ShiDHCBES Simee Jagggrvm$ggigggéf
gate parfiioulurly 19350: from our atfiorneg an ibifiesburg, irajargan.
IS mill no deubfi 00st eonsiaeruble in excess of shah fined for
to afiflemvfi 60 aofend the case. Pleenc 3&visu vhra I shall say $0
'Eaxum; truiyy
\zZ/ 1' ”
< /)j ,,, 7‘ ,,3,
ER ,/ /_ 4,; f// f ,
' / 1m; 5} .u' V
. L/’
i /fl#\
33 j
100;: to

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 3 L; 11/:-» ,’.. A; J .
. "/W7 gig/:.'," 9‘
, ;_ ,‘ Lhitesburg, 4y. Dec. 8” 1914.
er. oamuel A. ;ilson,
Een rel Cougeel Lexie ton & ;ueter fi'y. 00.
Deer oirz-
finelo ed 1 hand *ou three eo~ies of petition aid docket
re ort in the eaee of JOhm 1. uebb against the Lexington : Q stern
You will note that this action is for 35.66 on vetouus
shipment of goods from January, 1914, to Joveuber, lath. 1914.
Jon the cost of this action will be more than the amount sued for.
Is there not some way by which these small items couldeba Settled
for at the time the goods are taken from the deyot and save this
ezgense. I wieh you would advise me about this.
Yours truly,

—vs— STATdMfiHT. ‘
LEXIJGTVE & filoflfifiy KianmI COH£54Y, erjfiflle.
To damage to merchandise as followe, to-wit;-
Jan. ___~ 1914, Jo 4 lb. cheese .72
Jay 22, ” " l hire Qatt .75
June 2i.“ " " 5 Bags Flour 5.20
Aug. 15th. ” ” 1 Set Are. Eotts boo iron .53
Mov. 12th. ” ” 5 Twists Dobeooo .20
” Freight on items # 2 l 4 .26
Total $5.66
' SOT.
CUULEY U? LfiTCHfik. ‘
The affiant John A. nebb, says that the above itemized
statement is true and correct as he verily believes.
John A. Lebb
oubseribed ahd sworn to before me by oohn A. nebb,
. tois 19 day of Jovembor, 1934.
‘ dtepheg COan
ax. Letaher Jireuit Court.
Ihe following appears on the back of the foregoing state
ment .
”. _o. 53 Letohor Quarterly dourt.
JOE’ITL .2.. .'.ebb, Eiff-
VS. Statement.
Lexington & Eastern hallway Co. fleft.
‘ fiiled;ou:1one : copy ieeued. EH13 Hov.19th 1914. §.T.Day, Judge.