xt73bk16mf8w_599 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [437] E.Q. Smith Co. v. D.D. Ison, Letcher Quarterly Court text [437] E.Q. Smith Co. v. D.D. Ison, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_58/Folder_11/5675.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_599 xt73bk16mf8w 0
July 9, 1915.
D. I» Pay, £SQ., Attorney a? 1mm,
Whitesburg, Kentucky?
Dear Sir:

I acknowledge rereipt of you: favn" cf the 6th izetant,
refinrning filefi in the can: of D. 7, Swith,3}nir to“ V, 3.3.Ison,
éc., stating thef thir ceee has 10m? Since bacb ectfilsd. On refer-
rinf to my file, it does no? firfiee? thsf I here evcr hie: fizrnished
vith Report of vroueedinfis in this casu. Us the trial or settlement
of all cases in Quarterly Court; eleexe Int we have fiecegfie of
Freca dings, just as you elunye fie in cane: pfififiinfl iP-ih” Circuit
091131;” if; QTIIC‘I‘ IE-ITI‘IJ SL‘V’W} HIE-:.;] :30 "TEESCTTIEE'LQ‘ .E,”i_§_70rIZ-~'jci t5) 311:3.YJ01115V1135

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‘ 3611111;ny , Vith o 1.915 0
Mr. Samuel n. Wilson, t/”VQ&/ .
Chief Counsel L & h. Ry. Co. /' ' '
Lexington, Kentucky. ~; ~7 ’ ”
Dear Sir:

Enclosed 1 hand you the usual copy and docket report
of the cross-petition filed in the Letcher Quarterly Court in
the case of E. Q. smith Chair Company vs. 9. n. Ison. fhis

. cross-petition filed on the part of the defendant Ison in which
he seeks to recover giver and against the L a 3. Br. 00. cer—
tain sums of money for damage to shipmeit of goods.

Will you please have this matter looked into at once
as this case will come up for trial at the Eebruary Eerm of the
Letcher Quarterly Court, which convenes Buesday after the first
nonday in February.

Dhis fellow ison sues on every shipment of goods he

' receives. Let us get ready and give him a fight on each case
he files.
Yours truly,
f ,1

 - ‘..
“2;. 2. 1. ;532255. xm‘rv .513, 2331-35.21, 2.3.27,
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,lef;‘-;2.;=i:i;..1‘t $3155.22} ~':;':.:I.L:?. f‘f’TTi7-2‘li.) "5:343 ‘23:: h :.'E “1
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2331:; 22123-23; £52n°§.:‘-.j;zi a I: 23.2.3222}. :::-'.‘, 19:2:- 11:13:21.2. 60:2131”
53.2311; ‘21}2~‘;.i.*-..*2.5 .;E;.;i_v";;2~..-_*:-.“i. ** :12 L 23;; 5215*: L Tho-L's
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.r‘et 1.33.212LZ ‘iZEL-r': 22.1“ o." . 22-1523. 3 52;-:31; if; .:.:.th:<3- 2523;.
125-559 of? :2 ;-:t>;;.-.t:;:. roe 3hr; -.: :1:-'7 2; {:.:-02; 2;? :::-.i. {give him
522,".- iii’; Show: ’13:"; ..‘3'-22.21; .. Li. J L 1.53. 2 .':1 <2:- .7.‘;=.,i‘3.:-. :.:.Lef ‘:-*-.'2:f:_1:.;e-:1 LO
:3r:=.'%.3.::5:t 2:321:222 fro» 5,525.53. 1.» .:;;122-11-513' to gin-‘23 ‘:.-.::;
5 2212*521‘111, 5?).2.‘::1:'-:i"o:‘ ':Z 3;. ironic :.:.*'L{>u..;'t 5..; the 5::/53. to
2211.25? and 27011121 leave :3. balance aiuo may; 5 .id 13.113. of 5121.225,
’ which 113.1125 Lle,‘3’3322LI.L ‘5 am: {20.53-“5’2‘3 in 0303: ..:-”213.23%; 3.“. full of maid:
. gto 2216111....1‘5 .
..Lefo52222212;- 2232153225 that the ..ouimfille ’.'; .:::Lehville ,..-:21};-

 l ‘, _ '
road Company is a corpozetion organized under the laws of the
State of Kentucky with powers to contract and be contracted with,
sue and be sued and carry on a general leilroading busineSc and
owns and operates a line of fieilroed extending through Letcher
County, Ky. and that 3e04, Ky. is a station on its said Railroad
and the station of the defendant, D. j. Ison, that it through
an arrangement with the Louisville, Henderson and at. Louis Rail—
_ road Company undertook to carry and transport to the defendant on
' the day of August 19mg, era on the ‘_Q_ day of October,
1915, the chairs in disyute in the above styled action, ;or a ‘
, reoccuablc hire fiflfifigfio it and the said Louisville, Henderson
land St, Louis Raierud company by the said Plaintiff; that in
transporting said chairs it by the negligence of its agents, ser—
vents and employees, carelessly and wrecklessly damaged said
shipments to the amount of 411.87; that if the plaintiff shell
A recover a judgment against this defendant for any part of said
amount, then this defendant is entitled to recover a like éudg—
meet over against it to the come extent. -
fihcreforc defendant preys that plaintiffs petition be
hence dismissed; that they take nothing t erebg, fie :rcys that
this answer be made a cross-petition against the Louisville &

' Nashville Railroad dnmpoly end that it be sudmoied to answer
herein at the next term of tuis Court. He prays for his costs
and for all proPer reliei.

' r‘ c. Fields,
Attorley for slaintiff.
The cffiaut, D. D. Ison, status tht he is the defen~
dent in the above styled action and that he believes the state~
manta o: the foregoing petition are true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by e. D. Ison, this
Doc. 8, 1914.

 . ‘.
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 Form 161.
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT; ‘.,, q“ , .. -- ' , ’ . ‘
L 0.1 L1 ’38 0111‘ij 3.;," .
District Attorney. ‘ . 4 (
LOUISVILLE. KY. "' ' ' Juno ha a ‘ H] 5
./I/ (Ir/[nu lmx {’r't'i’ mmmrm‘n/ [u //.’r' w- .;.. , w . § ‘ . (Um‘l n/ (bun/1'.
uGuOflCf ;uafberiy Betch,r
E , _. ‘1 My. .- . z,“ .' " ; ,, I
. IV 3“ ;. -JLLH QMBLF uu‘ -x #9 #6 L903
x/mmmm aux [yum/H 19/ , 112/M aux ril'z'z'I/hwfi M] , um/ [A
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, UJ Ltm. La; 04 JCCO;L03, ibifig the igiafléug: ii Ska
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. .~‘~7~-~- n »'wr7~~«».».' --. 4.‘«,..-‘ -~ “T . .> ':w \ - L, .- =
h@ Laas m ghugwudfi U‘Qm flugi hegflflfl of tuiS c use oi wiieb7
af-lISW Said 1 1 Y. fif‘iroafi yonTiny» yet Cross petition
suntos shut the “laintfiff gold him a shidmont of chairs End
' fihii when said shihmvfit V33 veeoivefl it had Ewan damaged b7 the
rvllrc l Sawmgnn
. ;unnons incucfi on cragm~petit30n Jam be 1315, .nd exeoufi
' ed on tho uufié $250
Lucnl Attrurncx' L .A. N. R R. CO,

 (7 ,...... ”7 .
I" [10 [J / L‘éfll \ /.<: Li” ’ / r/f’/ ’_‘,“
..._ (f , ~» .,.! , / - .
The Commonwealth oi Kentucky,
To The Sheriff or any Constable of Letcher County:
gx I I
I, ,1 7f 1 ‘
Yl‘gll‘l‘(‘Hlllllmlnllll to summon 65 :flbg‘ ‘_ LWKZ/‘L.’ <7 , /V//V- " t
‘ /~' A/ ,
f <5 1.4/6 ”75%-M ’,%,//@£,?
‘11) answer on tho H1 sI' (1213' ml lllt‘ nvxl V ..4, I Town 01' tho lmtrlwl' Quml'el'lv Court. 3
r - ,
[writinm filwl against. 7)/§L in said (‘rmrl by LB, 1 ' W »»

) , f . ’,' .. . (1,.. ,
>7 ‘ ,.) 3 fi/ [v/K/ U; .‘\. ‘:_ x. f C V, I . _. z“ . L» I'i,~ L _ C LL ,. ‘ ,

, .l I   _ »A/V . , ._ 4.,. __‘ _~~ «.'\/\’. L/W., , .w V7 v 3.4.147, g
and \mm gi that upon failing to answer. Elm volition will be taken for (zonl‘esswl. m' .. .Xsuwill '
bu pwu'm‘dml against l'm-mmtempt: and haw H1011 21ml tlwl'o this writ. with (1110 return how you
lmn- t-xwutml it

(liwn nmlm- my lmml 2|s.l11(lgvol'szlid ("Hurt This / (lay of ‘ W _. 1‘.!le f
,. ' cr- ..., ,,
fl [5” 3
,, * ” ~’ ,Jmlg'v
My . . (‘ll-I‘lx‘

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AHV. 1'01‘ I‘ll'if
.‘SJJHI‘ifl'B [“w'. , 8 .

 LEfUnnn QUnhEAHLf sUUn].
E. Q. smith Chair company, Plaintifff
v. Answer and Gross-Petition.

D.D. Ison. nefeddant.

Comes now the defendant, D.D.Ison and for answer to
the petition of the Blaintiff states that he bought the goods
mentioned in the account filed herein from w. G. fiitman, a sales~
man for the Levi furniture Company of Loyisville, 1y. but that
said salesman had them shipped from the factory of the flaintiff.

Defendant states that said goods,were to be delivered
to him in good order at Leon, Ly, a station of the Louisville a
Nashville nailroad Company's line and which is a pre—pay station,
That the defendant made two different shipments of said chairs
one on August, 6, 1915, and the other on set. 7, 1915; that both
shipments arrived in a very damaged, broken and unsalable condi~

7 tion; fhat the first shipment was damaged to the extent of w7.65

and the last shipment to the extent of 94.22; that he immediately
notified the plaintiff of the damages and asked that it make col-
lection of said amounts from the hailroad aompaay and give him
credit therefor; That said plaintiff has failed and refused to
collect said damage from said nailroad Company or to give this
defendant credit therefor which would amount in the total to
911.87 and would leave a balance due upon said bill of 914.85,
which this defendait now tenders in open ,ourt in full of said
account. -

defendant states that the Louisville a ;ashville “ail—

 road Company is a corpouation organized under the laws of the

State of Kentucky with powers to contract and be contracted with,

sue and be sued and carry on a general nailroading business and

owns and operates a line of nailroad extending through Letcher

County, Ly. and that neon, Ly. is a station on its said hailroad

and the station of the defendant, n. n. Ison, that it through

an arrangement with the Louisville, Henderson and st. Louis hail—

road Company undertook to carry and transport to the defendant on

the day of August l9h3, and on the ____ day of october,

1915, the chairs in dispute in the above styled action, :or a

reasoiable hire paid to it and the said Louisville, Henderson

and St. Louis Railroad company by the said Elaintiff; that in .

transporting said chairs it by the negligence of its agents, ser-

> vants and employees, carelessly and wrechlessly damaged said

shipments to the amount of sll.87; that if the plaintiff shall .

recover a judgment against this defendant for any part of said :
amount, then this defendant is entitled to recover a like judg—

ment over against it to the same extent.

Wherefore defendant prays that plaintiifs petition be
hence dismissed; that they take nothing t ereby. fie ;rays that
this answer be made a cross-petition against the Louisville e
Nashville Railroad Campany and that it be SUMMOued to answer
herein at the next term of this court. He prays for his costs
and for all proper relief.

' r. e. Fields,
Attorney for rlaintiff.

Jhe affiant, n. D. Ison, states that he is the defen-'

‘ dent in the above styled action and that he believes the state—
ments of the foregoing petition are true.

Subscribed and sworn to before me by n. n. Ison, this

Dec. 8, 1914.

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j 71571;; mm .»[r/ri/M in Y0 u R R E PLY R E FE R
TO DATE AN D Fl LE NO. L-217016—Y
Mr. C. H. Moorman, I
Assistant District Attorney,
Dear Sir:-

- Claim number above, previous correspondence, your letter
Jan. 9th, 1915. You will note investigation develops so far as I
am able to handle same that one shipment in question showed an ex-
ception on unloading, part of which being damaged. The other shipment,
there is no exception recorded by conductor on W/B which I have been
able to secure copy of. '

If further information is needed or if you desire that I
‘ investigate this further, kindly return papers with further instruc—
Yours truly,

 .‘:": FORM 133.
1.#__—__ ___—”___IQIfl

 ‘ ' .L' ‘ ‘ y- : . ' ' ‘ /v / , ,
Consignee "' No.” ’ N _, p
' Louisville, Ky. / - 191 /
__‘-_— . _‘_—_IY—M—bw‘ffifififl 'Ykiwaifim—‘f—Ih
. " / l/ f/sf/V .’...le/ 1d
LOUISVILLE, HENDERSON 5. ST. _ auzs RY. (30.. ”9 "" ”'””’%f,f,,’,:i..3...,,ff0’55235...”$.75?”
W117? ”"’b'iigibéz/AkZihfii'A‘IIYI’IEJJLQZZEm WWI ' ,.,,,,;;;,7,7._-_ " 7"! mthaihhihérejaic’e’7 ' Carlm‘tia/s andhtflgl‘
Shipment ‘~'-“I ‘ . ~ _f’5—A' ‘Yi'ffl ‘
, . I, . l Date ‘ Numuar g
_ ____1___;____;_,A__-h__A_J_A___A__ l ,,
ARTICLES Weight i Date I Freight and Charges
W'H‘b“ ”““‘a' "',"“‘”i’ 3 ""V’W" ;”"“"’W
.’ I, y. » z //. , . . , l
' . l
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k5 d 53 t
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Matt. m-c l 1 l -
Sctashie“ ‘ l l I
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t . l
m m, , , . .. 1 _, ,. ., 1h
FREIGHT AGE/VT. L. H. 6’; St. L. By. 00. Louisville Freight Station: Please deliver the above named goods to-
who...-..._.........author/zed to receipt for same in.._.___.............,._.name I


All liability of this Company, as a carrier, ceases upon ar~ .
rival of the property at destination. If not promptly removed,
freight to be unloaded from cars by carrier, will be subject to
storage charges, and freight to be unloaded from cars by con-
signee, will be subject to car demurrage charges in accordance
with duly published Tariffs of this Company effective at destin-
ation and on file with Interstate Commerce Commission, or with
State Commission, as the law may require. Claims for errors,
1055 or damage, must be promptly made in writing to the Freight


If property described within is not called for by you in
person, it will only he delivered upon presentation of a written
order as shown on the other side.

 -. , _ g ,- . _ ,_ , . _ . x
e I , j 1’ 7' .1»] ‘
v Consignee 9i: » - No. i t I ‘ ~', I I
:7 , A. '7' ,. \a ,,
_y' ./ Louisville, Ky. ,V ‘ , 191'”’/'
e,,,,# ‘.L__—_W__________
Received of LOUISVILLE, H EN DERSO N &, ST. LOUIS RY. CO., ’” appargggcaygygzgggi WW
__01E7ZJCMV ~ 7 ibrr'g/nar/Ar’allat of i Elsignar 7v v‘wr From _—77[7 Way-Bill Reference “7011/" [nitia/s and/VumiEw ‘
Shipment . g 1 ‘ Date IV/Number . _
;:_Z'::::‘_;:‘:Tfiif:.—__. ~——._;“T:v—v——i ;—_M__—::T:.A._ ___Mm—fi—L—V.<_ _._—’__..—_..__ .._ .— _ _M _ _HH‘V‘Z‘M‘ ‘
ARTICLES ‘ Weight Rafe Freight and Charges
' , V , /. l
Date ofDe/Iveryfgl
I? Sign name in full. Initials will not do. Receipt must; be signed and date of delivery of freight shown.

 Form (IS—Revised June, 1904. 5
; LOU Isv I LLE, KY. .__...u”--- __ 192 4;;
Claim-....,.,,,.,._.___. .._.,__..___._-_
Delr Sir: Please furnish documents or Informatlcn IndIcated by “X” below. . N°~~
J. F. SEGER, F. C. A. , Per
1 Attach a. copy of bil1ing..._......“,...........,.,.....y0u covering this shipnient.I Hove clnim supported by original bill Imiing, orguarnntee again-=1
—— ——— —~_.._—_.__—._————————'———-——— 3‘1 second gay-merit, also original or certified copy of invoice, paid
2 Attach a. copy of transfer ...........,............_..............connecting line. I freight ill, and full copy of your 0. S. & D.
3 Furnish correct way-bill reference on bills notchecked by Auditor.I ,,,, Investigate as to handling over your division. Furnish full and
—— —-—— ———-————-————~———————~———-—-—; " complete seal record. Suy how you account for thew...
I 'I: Furnish the information desired by Mr I,~—~ — ___—WW
———-'——— W 1' . Advise your full loading and forwarding, train with conductor, and
I 5 The information desired has been attached. II / I 3»; where carded to break bulk, Show seal record leaving your
—— -——— —————————————r—————————-——‘ ' station.
I 6 Comply with 311- request of‘*-/— — w--
-——-- -— —————————————--——-————-———-—. r’ ,, Attach copy of delivery slip....................._......—.......,........................connecting
Note Mr.......... ofin reply to yours' ‘5" line, in what car, date and under what seals delivered.
7 otund advise.fl—_— —- -——~———-——-—————-——-———
-———- —-—— WW I 36 Attach fl. copy of O. S. or D. report.
I 8 Attach a statement in accordance with F. C. A. Rule No. 1. I‘—"_I—' ——~————————-———-—-————-
——.-—-— ___—__‘—_____._______,_____.I Give complete seal record of car. If car had end doors, state how
I 9 Authority for 81% attached. Collect direct. II I 37 they were fastened. Show marks, numbers sudimprcssions on
‘_‘— ‘—' —-———-—————————-———‘———'—“‘——‘ SCH S.
I 10 There is nowith II—~I-— ———-——————-—————————
_._..—_— ————-——-——-————-—-—-—~———-——————-——————‘I I 38 I Advise if you check over; if not give seal record. Was cur emptied?
I 11 The proportion due by us is less than the minimum. .:_—_‘_ M
—— —— __—————————————‘——II , Have you any account of checking over? Ezm mine your warehouse
. 12 Collect 8 from I 59 and ad vise if you lli'e over the missing freight.
and invite remittance order. II.— —— ————-————-————————-—-———
_...;_.... .__—___——————-—-—————-————————~——. Advise if you received the freight 21 nd collected freight charges from
13 Note Auditor’s check and advise amount you are ovcr. I ~10 consignee. If you hold revenue wuy hill, attach copy, if not
—“ ——’ —————————-—————-———-—————— ploztse say how the money was reported to the Auditor.
14 Advise final auditing of way-bill, also show division of revenue. I —— —1-———————-——-———-——-—--————————~
—— _:— ——-—-——_~———'—“—.—II I 41 I 11' any delay, advise cause.
10 Complete your check. I— "— —~—————_—-—
-—*~ —-—— ___—_——————— I I .12 I What eliorts have you made to obtain disposition?
15 Advise light weight of L. & N. enr. I.‘—W ‘fi>%—*_—#_
—— —— ___—W}; ; .1.; I S‘Iutc how weight was arrived at on which claim for loss is buscd.
I 17 Authorize for S as per statement attachedIi 7‘ ——~‘~———————————-—-————‘
—————-— — .__———————————-———-———I‘ I hote delivery shown. Hztve claim withdrawn. Return papers for
18 Have clninmnts say how they arrived nt basis for