xt73bk16mf8w_600 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [438] Charlie Shoemaker v. L&N, Lee Circuit Court text [438] Charlie Shoemaker v. L&N, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_58/Folder_12/5730.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_600 xt73bk16mf8w SAN/1 IJURST,
Beattyvfllep - - KY- ~
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Ct i‘ii’zfl {en-chart.- ‘oax‘ovt ; """'T~C‘;Z~"’_T:E'1_1*E; ig, triplicate on: ~
ni' 3221317? Elinor-221:6? ‘-./'i'-..'_I ; £37: .‘:i.i‘-;‘,I:i,i: ,l::m*ii,i"-‘-‘:;‘.‘“=‘zn"‘ ”'3": 3‘7"":"-.
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‘ r 7’ r) Y ‘ v , ‘ ‘ Y Fin: No.
LoUIsVILLn ét 3.:-ism 1L”) RAILROAD (mum). Y , ,
' // ' v
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT,, 345%. ,é/{fi 4.3,? ,7 ‘ 1W“ .
9 // (lay of ///7(é 1.01 In!”
General Counsel. , ,l , / ,7
LOUISVILLE. KY. 7 ‘ ,7 , / / If.) x > 3 ) , / l
7.. the cm 77f (1.’_/37(z/Kfl3'm/z3/fl fir; 1’ t 3% [f 6%
. . /3 /'
the fi/Hmrmg [rrmHvli/q/s (l'(/‘(' 1707/ u/ t/u‘ ”fly/(Xxx? , , 'I'rrm. .I.-0] op
Hf flu" L’7¢’%////6 ,7 (hurt of '1 é/[QZ/ (futility.
/ / . 91’ JK7 ',./'7 ,
V, , ,. , if 3 Ti" ‘ / ”7' 3 [7 7; \/ 1 ’7' ' 7,
Ey'zrrtt/r3;/c/////lf// (f0; , 2 ;L/f/fl% f7 /%// :/// ("../.7 z-i/ /
/3 fl 7 / ./././ 7// I / ,/, / 2 / ,
31;/(73am ,«2/ r Maw , [we/two . {1 {ifflfl/‘( ‘/ ..2/774.13 .X/ Wflm/z /
, . 2 7 ,' . . / / .
,.,v / , (,3 ‘ L'f/ . ,7 )fi ,2 3 .1‘ * / 4
.'1 .1 0‘ 73/. // ,fl/{I' ;(1'71/ ,, L../’/ 71% flz/fi/I‘ziz/Z/ if" " .//L//
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s; W
1,, /; 1,”: [(0 I ,
/ fizé/ 1517.377 / .1.: 3. 7.I/3:". .J/I
, 7/
z/ 4, -
l.sl(.'_\'lv.‘l'| \."/""'/‘ a A 3/ " "" 'I’/‘”‘ ,
Mlorncy L. a. N. Railroad Co.
it""l. Hi\ I‘ llHIl‘ ili iiiin: all }7li':l ‘ z / ‘ 1
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT fl/ZI/v/Mééi419// ,4 1N1»[,\\,~.,,.A,i' ,
, , ( , 1' , ‘5
C" // day (I ////zr/z/ 1:27 ’25
General Counsel. ,,; / ,r‘ / ‘
LOUISVILLE. KYl 7 // I, // /// / /»',V /
In Me cuxv of / flZ/z‘éi fl fax/714! {457/ l'b‘.‘ f /// flZ/é (43’, V
, 1/
‘ l/u, follmm‘ng Fromm/[um awn //(u/ at flu: %’/"/ ZZZ, ///z”/ W VV‘/"m. 19] 8
4f (hr [Z/Z f/{/% n (Mort of [[gfl 7 (foul/W.
/7f ‘ , 2%: rfi 7 -7. ”v / 7 — ‘ ’
"j 447 56/ wf’i/ L »Q’. / my, 454/ fl “47/, /// Mr. /d .
, /’ / , / / ' ,,'7 . L "1» / / "
{MKZ/KF/ffli/ fl K"«”////fl’(( mfi/‘Xx’d‘ "z Qf/Z/zf/4K/¢ ‘f'l/Li’9/ R .‘”/flr’q/C/
, / - ,; ‘r” " I
// v ,« ‘i J W/ a / / , ,/ // /,
(f 4/5 '2?” ’, / / /w f/fl/Zé /Z/ /4( flfl/{éaon/f “’7 T11 4791/3/'
,r if / ’ ’ x / lk/ // ,'
Z 1‘ j! V Z Lg} I . , v z: ','/l [I
f“ // l I ' ‘
lN/HAVIVIIJ] ”' ,, ‘ » . , _.
AllnrnC) L. A N Railroad Co.
irl, (ll\'(‘ (lzm- ul' filing all plrmllngsl {‘»Ild rln-ir ohm-;:vlvr. m4 w-riliunl Mu, o'h'.
. 'J. lliVl'Klllh'Ulllll111")"L‘l'1llllgi.\'\1(‘l1.'IRHIHHHIF to firilu- Hm. l'tn' nvw trial, run. WW
3. ln rqwrhinu :u-(mtilmmwv >1:m~ at whose (rust.
4. In I'vpm'llnf ujmlummlL~tuh-(luh-;11‘.rl :nmrmnl m“ jmlmm-nt. ll :qqunl ln- lulu h. \rmu ‘:‘) “'llli'll Inn'zv. :;ml Wlu lln r luill ml "xwvyul‘im'n nus lutn Llul:
il' Hut lilml, wlmr Hm” if zmy. lm< lulu-n ullmw :l l'ur filing.

 e;,r:~;.<1}'i;?:13 mam; ”um 1&1" 141113 20” 11534; 01. .:‘eifl'iwxg; 1915. >
”.110 133, paga 4153?.
31111 315.8 ;jhaemaiflser, Plaintiff
V1». 1'LC+,..;.£~iI;i-n agilfigfi.
Louisville <1: ;:iizxséwi 3.11:3
1212.1 190 ad 130111;} 1mm fiafezfi 13127113.. _
:1;.” (gear :14; of 1:119 pgatr ties; this {gauge 31;; 3.1 mimefi -
.3. * _. _ 3,- 1, ._ :1“ ,_ '-. a 33.7”... \ ‘,.\ ., 1. W. ,1 '
. Sealed, pléxlifi 1.133”? 130 3113;: 1.131% 105711151, 1111-11,}? 110111133 11:17! 1:15; 131.3621
_ 13:15.51 ”13;; fief:3:1
‘ . 159ng Sir: . - ' -_ , _ _ . >
. 1. ~ H Herefiith notg copy of letfier of fihe 3th insfiant from
‘3_ fir; $a$ Hurst, our Local Attorney at Beattyville, notifying _ . ' ’ l
‘. »us of figreenent to comyromioe suit of Chérles Shoemaker v. : “
:“1»V7 a -L &’N for $50.00, plaintiff to pay the costs. I believe I haVe '
\ , a . , .
.'1 3_furnigpod you a copy of the Pefiition anfi Docket Reporfi in this ‘
oKE_ltca$é;l;I yresume as the plaintiff 1% fio pay‘the costs, the Clark’s
I - :éiiTaEétgoh of Costs is unfieoessary anfi, 58-50 agreed juflgment has
7 _3.yotifioen entereo, you will waive for the present the usual report ,
l lonzéorm- 4 of Judgment and anation of Qosts.v.Pleaso do this a _ ‘
V _ atiany rate anfi mail Voucher for 550.00 to 3. fig EcGuire, as ‘
»‘ ” l{g%torney for Chaxles Shoemaker, as requestefi by Mr. fiurat, -
. ’ ona oblige, . _ I I
' - Yours truly, _ l - >
.‘fenc. ‘ ‘ l - .7 '
3255/5. ’ ‘ ' . ' - ~
\ flf. . . .
7 ;“ - Counsel. _

 é . I d . , ‘7 > ' I I _   - I I I.
‘ ' '- _ - Febmmry 3.0, 1:531:31.
’ V E13213 Sam Hurst, . . ‘ > > f “ I I" 3 ' .
, > ' Beafitgrville, Ky. . - _ ' m .
U Mar Sir: 1   " - _ '
’ Yours of file 5517;}; 11151111211, asking that voucher fnr 1150.00 '
_ ixi favor of 1111'. ;1ief}11.ire, as atigornegr for Charles Shoemaker, beform' ' 1
. ’ ' wax-1113,13. at once f0 settle» trhebaae, has b99911 received. am": I am _
7 asking the Louiavill‘é office to 002133313; at 011.2212 with ‘;y'our request,
’ 3: 11111931111 to Lire Moorman ‘.;-1111711571: will furriieh him a copy-oi” the -
' - > agreed jufl.;;3:z::en€; as 1100:). 1.18 that 3255 an’oered. * > _
, r - - ‘Yzmrs truly, , > , I _ ‘
551117,’a , - ' V >
- - - > ‘ 1 001111391. I 1

1 ‘. x 3 ’1 ‘7 ‘\
$rlA/I [1121651 ,
7 g Attorney—at—Lavv
. o r
3 ,- Beattyvfllej — - A.V- _,
\‘1 » t ‘ ‘-'l 7 "I " 5 5Kb
.1 . corner-:.', A512, 1551:. W/ /7
j .‘: A
f ““
”1. ~ ' "~' .
“more Afr-Hue! '..’.Llson,
Eloxing‘it or. , Ly . " 5
Lea;- ;:ir:
~*- 1., .3. .\ 11 .' \ ,3 1‘4. ..7. . 5-- ,.- ~
_L “we 8351‘00 to :.etL-lo the sash GI SHELTECS .,.;zoeriaifezn
‘.. 5 *r fl .~ Kiri" ~ -. v“. y: .I.; .i.! .5 5. 5 r. ' ' - - - - -
f. .L. .5 1.,. lCl‘ .CC, LuiglulezhL‘Lj.) LC ‘..I‘Lj‘f L120 (3687333, 'jh:=_.;; jg;- 3331 {;:.}Q
..::.m ..i.. .1 1", ..,-.L‘ ' ‘ .,. ' ‘ 7» ‘ r ‘
with d (1.9....- ‘...Lul. 5‘.. 6,0151315 rm .:0 ‘.C.r:. 310,130. : louse have Transit/3r
3p,—.-'- 7- .‘J- .7 , w 5” ':' ~.'l -.'- '.'; .'I ' , ‘ J —. . \ .— — 5 ‘ ‘
.in-L. ..:n on cam: 35134511544: no mes-lure For that 3.:-aunt 57:; 111:0
1r-- . «n in I ..-, ..~. v. , m, ~ '* -
lot}; (,:.L Crawl-M}; 2“... ;QVC (11:1‘63Lq1. so 3?: 57;: gym”; 51:29.
"i \H- x . -”-v —v
<‘~(-i-=. 004m; LL11; 5
“1? (,.‘ 5 H
._Ju ;:. 5 . .’ ’

 ‘ .727» /'//A
1/ -'/ 2/4/ .I‘/'I/ ’/ 1H / / '/-'/
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~.//1/2///.//7///2 .,7/.1) //:7_ // ///////2//// 7 f/w/M/z/J
/ .
2 . . / //, -. _I /
17))r'94mmi/ . ////2//z'2///, / / 7*: ,7 ’4 , 2- ,-
, . ’,, ,, , [”‘“’/"N 'V’/”””.“? e.//(//' f/ fl/fl21///2///1///’//'/2’-i)/7(’//1////(‘,/IT/.
//////i1//'J-//-/%/-71///////, /
.‘[\".12/. 724120797 -1\/////////311:
/* ..”‘/’2: ,7 / '1/ . .,2;/ 22
fur/(1.} 7;;/2(2/m2flt/rz. 1 / "" ’, Februar lZ‘th 1915
// // {711(’/'/f({/{/.‘/II/(’Il/. '“-%///'/////fl"/Z/v y ’ '
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, Haw/3 -.
/ 5‘ 2
Counsel, L. .2": TC. 3’.. CO., ’
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: -
Referring to your letter of the 10th instant with
enclosure relative to compromising the-(case of Charles Shoemaker
v. L. 8: N. Ii. 30. I beg to advise I have this day requested
that voucher for the amount agreed on he issued.
Yours truly,
éyé/ / ,l d'» I" ( I f t («’:’ ’/.. /—-*:‘«‘}/%
Assistant District Attcfiney.

 I I 5 5 '5 ' January T20, 1915. y
5 " Eon. San Hurst’ ' - ,
‘ secmywaflef _ I ‘ ' ' .
' hear Sir; . 5 V . 5 "5
7 ' Serenith, please note copy of a letter of the 15th -
. instant from Mr. fichowell, with attached file of the Stock Claim
Agent5 all in reference to suit in Lee\Circuit Court of Charlie
' I Shoemaker v. E d E, for alleged bur ing of fencing and timber. -
. .ylease preserve this file for future reference and for nee in ‘-
connection with our defense of this suit. _
M In answering the Pet tion, I think the material slle~
gntions should be traversed in a separate paragraph, and think
7 it should be alleged affirmatively that at the time and on the '
_ occasion in question the locomotive of the defendant was equipped
with an approted spark arrestcr and that same wee in good condition,
A etc. V " ‘ v5
, £333,611} somerlcdgyz‘: receipt 0;; the enclosures 23:15. ,oblige,
encs. . Yours truly, - -- '
if: .7 EU a ‘ , G 0 11111;: 1.3- . 1. ‘

 ‘ ' x _ r - ' January 20, 1915. I I ‘  
. 3. Ag 11330370119 fisq.,   _ , . ‘ f
‘ "j _ LexingtonJ Ky.- ' ’ ‘.' >
 2 ' 7 Dear Sir: > '” " _ I f  _ ._ ' ‘ ' _
_W » V I acknowledge yours of the 16th ifihtant, enclosing Etoqk 4"
' 1  $1a§m Agent‘g entire file in reference $0 $fiit in Lee Giycuit Court  V_
of Ciarlie Shoemaker v. L & K f0: éamage to feueing aha timber by.
‘ £1233 ‘ ‘ , ”V
, I ' ' I am forwarding fihis file t0 Era Hurst, our local attorfley‘ 7
, .' . ” at Beattyvillea 7 _ ‘ v .
V 1 ' 7 ’ . Yours truly, _ ' .V
" ‘Siftfii/ra. - , ” ‘ ' ' ' v
_ T ' Gouncel. ‘

 , 944—4466
. if
/ “/ f/ "f / ,/
,. . i~ “H' ,,. , , /w/. » ,/ , , , ,./_. , y
3 ~51... vim/y xx ,.m/zz/ / //.;://.,///7/~ ,. ,,./M, may .é/fl/yfi/my
r . ,/ / ,
i' "~ / /» - , 7 4 /
L / ,
‘3 c K/ ///~*< ,
\ : flflfl/‘f/ ’ (M)
‘ ~ ~.,
1, V’AJ- , '3; /‘ J/y/ / /
AZWQ%Q/?MMZ/ >/// . j; /
.1me LMM/flfi ///
.> , , /, K”
Ma //y ,‘% ‘
;; / January 16th, l915.
Sc 33‘ V5118 OT}, 33%;. , '
Lexingtcn, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
R9fer me your letter of Janusry 9th to thc Assistant
District Afitcrnev wiwh refcrenue n; the suit of Charles Shoewaker.
I an attaching uke StscT Claim giant’s cnfiire file. The
suit was brought on SCCOURE 0? ullegefi damage to fencih; and HGOdS
near mile Eost 68 2:: 19th, :16 Jul; :nd, 1914.
Yours tru1*
2 ,..I’ //// /LL<&_/
. " / .’,. ,42/"9/2/1
fl“ VJKCJ111: egg<“*r’ {://
33101 0 L w
B W ..I.
0,00: t c. «4%
Asst.Di3trien Attorrey.

 _ _ , - January 9, 1915;,
.“‘. “' ‘ ‘ 1, v, ,. , . ' - ' ~ '
- ‘.;. m; :.:smrmz-m, 15%;}, '
‘ .V.. " “‘ ' lr’m' l" . ". \
'40 “.1 my; 19 g xxx-.1: Mink; A. \ v .
“T“ ..‘ \. :1: ‘ ‘ ‘ '
£53334}: =. l I‘ :
1“"? m". Ensure-w .th 321:1: 0mm? 1‘1qu Era mix-“t 531115. 693); a: .:;)atition
' 2 “ ~ ,. I- -,;» : 1 ~ m K “ ‘_. ‘,-: - m ‘ ‘ =.~ rt. . “- :- “v ‘ x- ’ v
.:;1 ‘:m: cabs-3.:; o é. £319.15. Mane “Tu-:- f;z.L-.;.}:er 1; ‘ ;;0=;u:1.:3~_ Lie c; m:2311V.Ll.LE‘- 41311133 Gad »
N ‘ A ‘_.. ,W .;:. -‘ '3 ~ .. 2‘ {' ’... '.‘. 2 » . "” ._ . " ' "
i):;2‘~;_=‘é::z,;,r,, Jame. 3.31 1.7% :.:cc J1 «min smut «.2112524’3; 53, £915:
‘ ~: 0 _ ,‘,. I. A 3' ' ‘ V
. , _, jams. z-i uflll} , .
05.51530 / ‘
, i» — i " 1' '1‘7 , ’1 ‘ ‘7 - ,: ‘... ..V. . i I
. ”_3- - 2: ., .;u,:l‘.c»;wowc.{.l , :-zma.§;‘e.a.. , \
‘ N ‘. v - ., ... -«:-. r 5‘: . . .-
- '_ buxmgwn, “:4, . n 3711135313
/ . ’ q' .
,’ ' g ’ \ V N ' >
.r ‘ .
g V‘ ' '
r‘ ‘ A _
.,x ‘1 . > V '
'-. ‘ - V . '

Beattyville, — — Ky. _
January fith, 'L'."1,?§.
Juigc Samuel .“;. $118011,
Lexington, ;Zy.
30a? flir:
I anal-3:13 you 1101*011'32511 locket; report and. copy of notition
in '?;1?i:11i321be, case 0,? {332211110 ,Jkommkor V, L :4 Ti Co., which
I find to be 2131*?) 1; 1: case; also 30:32:; ni.’ 91731110119 SCI‘VO:"=. on 0111“ agrent
at Beat'fgyvillc.
//'// //
/ ,A
Wat/d (/ fiCK/ikj '_‘

 .‘4 UM V\l( ) .\'.\'. ()lx' DI \' .\ R \’ I‘Vlllc>])l'i.~'c l’rinl. Ucult} \'iHc
To the Sheri-21‘] m V ‘/.V. V V , .. V , _, . _CoztrnV/IIIL G7'eetmg:
5" /' wit/,‘1 r £66., ‘.’/I "."., k~
. ant are (307227222211de {0 s’H/HMW. f\.\."5 ‘2 0.. [Pr/7!" C
a“ ' ./Z / /,4 ./(’r:“.
(ff ff @271 /2V JAM/(<5 6 V5; {‘.:sz /C ; ’ /‘/Zéf W2" ,
In answer, an“ V. _ dag/softer {he semwce of fins summons. a pemtwn filed agamst
.4? ,. _ a / ' , __ VV [22 the Lee Cio‘cm‘t Court. by
“’,’? ” v f/ V (JG/V? 7 27./V. /. fl”
[’i/A/fl/ (",../”V ’3’. ( ,(V/V..’VV':*V .’ -/V._ ’ //:/‘:“Q2/VV ,_ V, V, . V , andwa-rn
“"'/V" " ':rm.
9‘ . that upon 4”“ ".2’ .. . failing to arnsuV'e'rV the pention 22:-21le taken
1.. ..,-V
. / . . V .
for amfessed, or ([5 K V V. " will he proceeded (Lgamsl‘jo'r contempt: and you «Will main)
.2’ /) _
due '2'etur’22 off/22s summmzs Ind/2222‘“ V IV” 'VVV days z/fteq' the service thereof to the (York’s
Qflicp nj'sm'd CONN. I . ..V
Gia'ngmder my lmml as Clerk of said Com-2‘, this :_ V (1qu of
_ V / V ' yfi 1.91 ' .~ . V ,
.VV, I I ,,
I . VV . . - .,V - (F V, (.V'le-rl-cV
*‘mwr‘. 'l‘l-‘.\' il' in .‘mmh \\11Ul'(‘ ~ui‘. is hrnughi. and TW liX'I‘Y if vu‘ ul- «‘mmh

g .
11 ' No. V ,
w -
g f Againt : SUMMONS. , ,
f" A ,
4 v To . V Term,1!)1
c) .

 Form 161.
B. D’WARFIELD, / 1' ‘
DiStl‘iCtI‘ggggifiviLE. KY. fl é lyldh
.11); Irv/fun /m.\‘ (uwz z'mnmr'mw/ 1')! //n' A‘W (hm-l u/' 7 / (0H,,“
,x‘HHHUH/lx :mx {xx/MM / l/W. / O/\ /‘// 3/ V. l 1/ FUN-V RUTH/(W /LW/ V“ WNW f. III/{Z
I‘('///)')m///z' I /#/ (I'rl_\’ 0/ W 7]'// V—.///r‘ z/Hur/Ir'vx’fur //// [Vain/f7
It}? I/[f% WM
mm’ ///(‘ I‘r/I'rj/ fruyt‘r/ ix /0fl£’fl ,
// if]
Mr (570/ (fa/577” { {Vii/'7‘" '
Lm;.1 Aithrnlv I. r. N H R CO

 t. - Lee Circuit Seart . 1
Charlie Shoemaker, ,Plaintiff,
Vs. Petition. 5 I
Imuisville e heshville Ruilrcea Company, sereneant.
The palintiff, Sharlie Sheemaker, states that the Lenisville
and Nashville Raiiread Company is a csrneraticn, organized and existing
under the laws sf the State 0? Kentucky, with pewer tc'suc and be sued,
”contract anfl he eentrected with and to carry en the eeneral business of
’} building, eenstrncting and epsratien.e€ a railreed and to run trains.
?gf Plaintiff farther etetes that en er shunt the ifith day sf May, '
1914, the said lesisville anfi fiaehvilie Railroad Company, by its offi— -
cere, agents and emsleyee, wilfully, carelessly, wrongfully and negli-
gently set fire and causes said fire to catchAsone fence, about.twe1ve
- acres of land “pen which very valuahle timber was growing and to four
very fine angle trees, thereby deetreying each and every item, by per-
mitting snanks and fire frem the engine a? a freight train, said pro~
teeters or sans ens ether necessary supplies not heina usefl to protect
and prevent said fire from spreading, all to his sain damages in the
. sum of Une hundred (319%.fifi) sellers. Pt
I ‘Uficrefere, plaintiff prays judgment against the leuisville and
hashville Railroad Gounany in the sum ef fine Hundred (filfia.fifi) Bollars,
for cost and all proper relief.
Charles Shoemaker. 3
Subscrihed and eworn to hefere me by Sharlie Shoemaker, this the
5th day Of Jen., lfllfi. ‘
h. 3. Keenire,
I Examiner for lee Ceunty.

 . .’ .
, ' _iee fiircuit Cgurfi. >
Charlie Shoemaker, Piaifitiff,
. V5. Fetitinn. .
- L a E R R 99:1 "u Begggggggi -
- §ilefi, sum» ¢ sop? issuefi, fifiis
‘_ Jail. 5, 1533.54 _

. . S; B. Rurke, Clerk. '

fl. 3. Ecuuirc, fitterney. '