xt73bk16mf8w_612 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [448] John May and Henry Moore v. L&N, Breathitt Quarterly Court text [448] John May and Henry Moore v. L&N, Breathitt Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_59/Folder_8/6372.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_612 xt73bk16mf8w . *‘b ‘ »I > > , >, ‘ ‘ , > I.
_ ._ ., 1’ . _ 1mah9, 1915. ' ' . _ f
, {l Judge 0. E. §011arfi, ‘- ' I I . . ‘_ l. , t ‘
. _ Jrichnrozl, 3;§.> >> I > ‘
. 191, Sir: l ' ' . . . ‘ ' I , I
l 'Heférrinx to the suit in Broathfitt.uuartorly Gonrt ofl' . *
V V W John May v. the Comwany, I hurewith encloco copy of a letter of h
V the 5th instant, oddressoa to LB; Kofiouwll hy'fir. Ely, the'ioad~l
' ' maotor. It oooms to no that this latter contains information
sufficiont to enable you to succeflofully dofenfl this Suit; hat, I
I " if you find that you nooé furthor information or arsiotanco, '1
please let me know in time. . l ' . '_ H
.‘ 3 Very truly yours, 1 ’ I
@110 . , I l ' ._.
. /,, ‘ I» l I '
' ' - Counsel.' '
, IA" >

 , ' (COPY) .
‘ JackSon, Ky., March, 5th. 1915.
Mr. W. A. McDowell, ’
Manager, Lexington, Ky. V
Dear Sir:- '
_ I return herewith docket renort and.copy of aménded
. petition in the case of John May vs the company now pending
in the Breathitt County Quarterly Court.
J. W. May and Henry Moore have sued the Company on
account of alleged defective cattle guards. This cattle guard
is located b29 feet south of the south switch at Altro and is
one of our standard Sheffield guards. Henry Moore admits that l
the cattle guard is.in the same shape now that it was in May,
K 1914 the date of the alleged destruction of corn etc.
- I am examined the guard personally a few days ago and
found that it was constructed in strict accordance with out
_ Specifications.
Section noreman J.K.Harkins will testify that some
-, of the stock that destroyed the corn etc. belonged to May and
it was thru his negligence that they strayed into the field.
In my opinion the amount demanded is exhorbitant even
- ii the stock did stray into the eornfiled and I doubt if any
material damage was ever done.
One of the section laborers George Morris also
Section Foreman J.K.Harkins will make good witnesses in this case.
" Yours truly,
J.O.Ely, .
‘ Roadmaster.

 /‘ 2—I5— 4466
K ,y, , .l ,, ’ j, ‘ fl/ , , 7 ) ,,
.fl/Wy/(Iz mm ////////W L rip/May QW/WZ/
/' J (/ ‘,‘lvmw xv! (7 ,/w ,- (K / ‘1’ ,,
* . €17]: ’ V 73 f/fl/M/ /
',:§3 31‘ mxgvy/' rézgweV%%(C%%Zérfik
y' {»,f/\ ~'”fi 4= :.,t%%Z¢Z/At%%n, /Zfl;
‘ 2';}: '[ 7? fl //
March 8th, 1915.
WM” 9 ”5 -
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
As requested by the Assistant District Attorney on -
February 10th, I have had an investig tion made of suit filed by
John May in the Breathitt Quarterly Court for failure to maintain '
‘ cattle guards, and attach hereto cepy of the Roadmaster's report.
Yours truly, \\
' )
' Fix/“y
Mé argBl‘\. ‘:‘ rz‘/é;‘gl/\:"w 31‘/i)
B 15,77" ”/
B \\\¥V,
Copy to

 (/ ‘ H\ a .
‘\ , . ’ - \
1, t t .
» ‘ - ‘J ' H A , ‘
j - v 1 ‘ ,
g ‘ t" - |
\ ‘ l' ‘ 322115418011, Ky. ,‘ IAarth, Stki. 1915.
, I ‘\
‘ \ ..
. , . , y
} Mr. W. A. Ma Dowall,‘ ‘ _ - . ‘ /
_managcr; Lexingtan, Ky. . ' \‘ , ' f
« Dear dir:4 ‘ . . ' f
I return herewith docket renort and copy of amendea _ ' I
- uetifiion in the a&?9 0? Jvkn Mug vs the Company now pending /
- » in fine nreutmitt bounty Quarterty Court. _ , , '
J..“. ity and Hezry Iayfiés have sued tie Company Oh' ‘
aetgunt uf alisqei dafective cattle guaruna This cattle guard "
i3 locatafi 029 feet south of the saw h switch at Aitrv and 1E ‘
‘ - one of our standara dheffield guards. Henri Mprrim admita that
' thecattle guard is in the Games Maps: 113w tna' 1: was; at. May”
1914 tku dfite of the alleged destruciion of corn etc. 1 I
, ' . f
. . ‘ ! '
I exnninafi the guarfi pergonally a few daya ago and: ‘
~ I‘ > . .__ ' v . ,Q , ' . I
inund Eflnt ;t was mogatrugted 1n Strict accoraance w1th our :
specificatiana, . ~ 1 >
‘ ' Section Foreman J» K. Harkius will_tostify that some » ,
' of the Steak that aestroyed tLa corn etc. belunged to~may anl
it was thru his negligence that thcy strays} into the field.1 '
’ 1
. I n my oginiun tha an ant iemnnded is axhnrfiitnui Even
if the steak dii auray int: the carniiled‘and I doubt if anyi.
. material damage th ever done. a
, ‘ QLF 9f the sect} ; thorerg George M01 is alas fleetifin
' Fe emnn J. K; Hvrkfins will mafia g‘fid witnesses in this cafic.
. x > ‘ ,
t ' ' , Yaurs trula»
- E/b ' ' ‘ Roadmnstar.
. x ' . ' .
L l - C \ ‘ I

 .I‘ > / / ..'
7 * c /////y K// (1471/ /K//K/// ////////7 CW/%K///y
., x", u / ,, / / / ,/,/ (I L/ /
ZZW/fl%§$mm€? :;// . , :31”?
-//W£W- is Hazy/mi. y
/ K/ '
Febru.ry 13th, 1915.
Mr.C.H.Moorman, Asst.Dist.Atty/, M/é m"
5 L.& N. Railroad Company .
j, Louisville, ky. ‘
' /' Dear Sir:-
Your letter of February 10th, asking for file
in the case of John may vs the Company in Breathitt Quarterly
vourt. We have nothing and I am asking the Roadmaster to
make an investigation of the claim and you will then be advised.
Yours truly,
my >C< ;
Idanag I'. , MK’C/o’rs
\\r ,/
., / q 'J I?)
». b, ,r/
Copy to
— ./
$11.”. /
Dlease note in connection with your favor of Feb. 8th. -

 . - p ., - 1 _ ' .ii‘ebl'ifiiil’jj 3?, 3.915.
' .E.: ii. EOOl‘IflEfl, 333:1... _ _ ‘ _ . . '- '
. _ ‘ ' .- _ Louisville, a; .. T . , »
—- ’ Dear 23:-tr: - ‘ . _ . . .
_ ’ . Extended .
’ Find wreath 821137.2338d headset Report .2118 copy 0f§PGtition
. in theyzzvaee of John 3.ia;.r,&e. v. iflo'tzieville 5?; iieshville liailroad ‘ .
Coaipazigg not.» pending: in the Breati‘iitt :iéuarteritzz Court; also copy
. . of letter: or“: the 5th instant from Judge ?oilard in transmitting »
' ' copies of the above Amended Petition. p ,. p A .
.. . 7 . . _ ' fears truly, '
., 8213.: ' I _ , .7 ' I A
‘_ By a Enclosures to ' - . .
, ’55-; ..1. Heller: o11,i£iaaager, _ '
I:€Kiflgfifln,i§§in . flounsel.- y
» (I ‘ < V I I . i ~ { r I

~ ., Feb. 6, 191,5.
' x\;w Judge Samuel M. Wilscn,
“3‘ Lexington, Kym
Dear Judge:
I herewith enclose docxet report and copy of amended
.Petition in the case of John Why my. VS. L & N ‘1'-1.1%. 00..

i This suit is pending in tne Quarterly Court on appeal from the
Court or Squire J.T. Deatonf.Tnere is no original petition
filed in the case and this amendment is an effort on tne part3
of plaintiffis’ attorney to cure the defeet¢.You will note tnat
there is an improper joinder of parties plaintiff and otner
defects in tne pleading.

Yours truly,. /
OHP-L C%/9/7Z//Z‘ "' O

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