xt73bk16mf8w_623 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [459] William West v. L&E, Clark Circuit Court text [459] William West v. L&E, Clark Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_59/Folder_19/6590.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_623 xt73bk16mf8w g 4/ a
> January 17, 1916. A

C. 11‘. lvloormen, 313311.,
Asst. Dist. Atty., L d H R E Co.,
Louisville, Kentucky,
Dear Sir: '

Hercwith enclosed 1 hand you bill of L. C. Eldridge,
Cler” of the Clerk Circuit Court, for fiE-QS for defendants?
costs in the ceee of Wm, cht v. L & E and j & Ne Kindly have
voucher issued for same and oblige,

Yours truly,

WINCHESTER.KY. Jan. .15, 1916.
WEST V. L. 83. E.
FILE 7314283.
Mr. s. 33 Wilson, /C/Ctv/7 /{,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Encloeed herewith beg to hand you bill of L. C.
Aldridge, Clerk; of the Flier}: Circuit Court, for dei‘eneant' e (:0 st
in tne above styled case. ‘.’.’ill you see that voucher is sent
for sane?
Your 3 very truly, S
, 71’ , 5", /
BRJ— 8T /.« "33 -—/, ~ - \\7
{A ,3 ’ \ / . /‘ / E
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, g I ‘

 ' ,' 'I - 3,1" \ 1 . /
(:.“.le CI LL. 1‘:. (JUL/LT.
_ 11".} 24,117.. I'V‘. 3T, J_'J..;.~L.11$ 1 1.9.5 a
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IV- “'=Z.7"“fi‘a";EI 1': 5TH}??? 1.73 .5717! i3()=;7.1?i'1',
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.;.}. ..“}...VVn , ’.‘ .- ".. J.‘).IV IV“).
K: 1‘:? PL“ 5; k: ->(' 1‘4.-
l‘lze defenc'hrltgs have in 712.217.1115; sni~retu.=."o;a filed thelr
- ‘V..V . .7 "-,.' V:.~":"1,V..‘» .'..'~h ,V ,;_HV..V,.
plaza 1,: .‘.Leriati-Bxullt, n 4521-21111 bu; 11111239; 17L»! 27. uawumcr to
3:77:42, .12er 31:32." <:11.1.'V.tse now being: sunri‘zVLVU to tlgs-V Ouiij‘i't (1.301%
’ ;::.:1:?.:L radii-2'32} .‘:.I‘HE. -_,-1:377:53}; :3, tin: x": 3117;”; being; raci'v’lscd oti'arz‘ulc
. the:  ',2" fit, r/r‘
‘- :. ;..vh’lr g.
, ‘ Counsel.
/ i x

_ ‘ Apri 1. .10, 1915 . .
B. h. Jouott, fisq., Attorney at law,
‘531 newest-‘1‘, Ky... > . j _ , .
lea? fiir:
fiercfiith please note copy of a letter of the 9th inetant
from yr. Lanflrum, together Kith the flowers thereto attached, all
\~—\~__W,-..L..N_O “MAW"..- _ _.V V, Eu>-"-"'-*M-W-‘a’~‘~vu’v— “;""““‘{>/b'-;*'AJ-‘h~'whf.zy~Jug).
of which hive reference to the suit in Clark Qirouit Court, of in.
test v. 3 b B aha 1 fl 3, uhioh you have heretoiore aévisea me hoe
been nssixnofi Io: trial on the Wfirfl of ;wril, 1915.
?leane exuniae these one osmnwn: nx‘ determine theroirou, as
Soon we practicable, Lhat witnon an #0 are likely to need on the
date above gentionefl, uni kinfiiy inane requisitions i0: such of
. theee witnessoe 39 are in an; Gongwny7fi rm 10y. Some of these papers
are originflle nni some oo‘ier, brt 5 will fiTK you to cayoiullg are»
eerve all 0: they. Kate in.pzrtievler t3: fisolaimer eignefi by
East, by H ER, on Horn 33“
'?ifiy irtly rouse,

 117-m ' 10 F:
’J.-ll lo, ..._/1.’).
(:1 ‘ “ '.., .,. ', "m . -'
C. u. Landau-1, :;:-:1., ‘ . -. _
" ... {I ‘ 1,. 1‘ n 71' '.fi. n“ x
34am Agenu, -4 m m ;L 20., ‘
Pans, :;v."31'ltUQj-kyo .
Ziear Six:
V. ,.LMHM. , ”-..,.. . x" 4.1 ' i ". VI._....- . ' .21 ~; \ “‘.,. ,—
I \E"1£‘1‘Ji‘x)\:‘_‘.3\‘ «_’3 (‘,I“)L:._I.S 0.;. «_.ue tn. Ffli‘uLlLI’LL, V.1L/I} ‘..;Lf31_(JL-L.L.Lek5.
' - --‘ -_.! . V" «L. -' .»“., "~". . ‘4 " u... A ‘,I" ~~ ‘ ._ < .
Fj—L .L‘Oiej‘fLUR to EH15. L- 3.11 <.)1§-_;J_'.e». ulJ.‘ .L‘H. \'(.‘U.L'JC u’f “11.15.55!!! 11,”th V.
i ‘:y- (\11'! ' ' 3: T arg‘.‘ ,»”.~ 7'— -~, 3““ ‘31 a .'WJH'VHW“ 45-"1 (;.,. ;‘xr'3"yf,~n{1
V; w .‘. C: r :‘ no .. L!':~‘we.b':_ __‘/01.x ;OL M 311:4. J‘u.ilLJLr-.L '..- LLC. \; ;.Ic.:_;'u.‘.u
J. 7, : K J.. ' v . ‘.. “.’,..- (N ~,. - 5“,. M“ .7.. ‘.‘. 1.. ‘, .-,_ m 1
3L ”2:11.155 lem‘r: pm“. I {swim 10.9“»; m; on“ an: atom, ;I4O:;1.w1’lf‘u-J:‘a 1.:; garm—
11::-5;; 311 Hatter;
"' .. .. '...Amtwfl ..,_ . .‘
’aC—ZL,(,N ‘J.:- L.".,;{ ;«Ux,‘;;‘3,
751‘s" ,’,-5
b :14,,s;x3(,_1_,

 E'FIA- 2) .‘ V . , fix: ;.* ~ , I -- - . ‘ ._; .
, ..L/74fwo If;
Winchester, Ky., April 9th, 1915.
Mr. Sam'l M. Wilson,
Counsel, L d E R‘y 00.;Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
William West Vs L & E and L & N.
Herewith I enclose to you the following statements in
regard to the above styled which is set for trial at Winchester,
Ky., in the Clark Circuit Court on the 17th day of the term
or the 25rd day of April, 1915: .
S. N. Stine, Foreman,
Dorsey Cockerham, bridge carpenter,
Bedford Spurlock, bridge carpenter
William Pane, bridge carpenter,
Floyd Allen, bridge carpenter.
Surgeon report from Dr. Bullock,
Surgeon report from Dr. Irvine,
55 report made out by foreman and
signed by West
65 report or disclaimer filled out by West.
These papers Show that West who gave his home at Pittsburgh,
Pa., arrived at itzxxnn the bridge near clay City where foreman
Stine was working and applied for work on the afternoon of the
15th day of September, 1915, and that he was informed that he would
be put to work on the following morning. He had his supper at the
boarding cars of foreman Stine which were located near the north
end of the bridge. After supper he and shes. Stanley, one of
the men that arrived with him, and Ed Coyle of Boston, Ky., start-
ed across the bridge. West walked off of the bridge and fell
about 17 feet. he was not on duty at the time of the accident.
Had not worked any up to that time.'
I am unable to locate West at the present time. he was
a very frequent visitor about the saloons at Winchester about
a month ago but has not been seen in that vicinity in the last
two or three weeks that I can find out. ‘

 \. ‘

s. M. W. (2) 4/9/15

I call Mr. Jouett‘s attention to the fact that the aoeiaent
happened in Powell County and that West claims Pittsburgh, Pa.,
as his home. Of course Clark County has no jurisdiction.1

I am sending the papers direct to you as they are probably
needed in making up issues.

Yours truly,
Law Agent.
Mr. J. J. Donohue,
Jhief Law Agent, Louisville, Ky.

 .. .
I If ' April 5, 1915.
B. R. Jouett, Esq., Attorpey at law, 4
Winchester, Kentucky. }
Bear Sir: .
I have yours of the 5th instant in reference to Plea in
Abatement in the case.of Rilliam Meet v. L l E. I wrote you on
yeeterfiay, approving your proposed aet10u in reference to this
matter. I note that this case has been set flown on the fieeket of the
Clark Circuit Court for Eriaay, Avril 93rée
It occurs to me that it woulé he a gooo plan to prepare
an Anvwer to the merits, which we would have ready for filing in
the event the ?lee in Abatement should be overruled. Ehe Plea in
lbatement Shoulfl be verified, so that it will carry its own convic—
I tion, if there is no; contest mafia by the nlaintiff or his ettorneye.
I. The Answer to the merits should deny that plaintiff was
é} actually in the employ of the fiefenflaot one that he was engaged
I\ln the aischoxge of his Oufiies under any employment at the time he
was injurefi. I; information is that he had been employed but had
not yet entered open the performance of any duties under this em-
ployment at the time he was hurt. I
Contributory negligence should also be pleadee in the
usual form.
Slfl/a Very truly youre.

 \ ~ I

WINCHESTERVKY. April Lilli, 191‘).

".’::‘1. Meet


L. C. J'J. U
WV 85 ".0 ‘

Juoge 6. h. Milson,

hatingfijton , 11y .

Dear Sir,-

I sent you copy or plea in abatement, but have not
yet iilgn game.

On LL; cal in" o; tn: LOJTSE tnie morning, 1 stated
that J8 would fi“e m glue in anatenent, and the court set the
ease for the seventeunou pd; of the ,crm, which will be Erieay,
AylfifiL Zircn

Lincl; moviee me wnetner I snail file tne plea

: in auucement which I sent you. U? course, if the court sustains
this glea, tne case will not me triad.
ioure very truly, :7/
A / ‘K
x’ / ,‘,/y r I y \,
,7 ..7“, / V ’ \i'" . J /f_/
H.'{LJ “4,1551. / C3) CI‘U' ft/{,/‘J I “
<5" .‘ ' ,/

\ 3
‘ :"Lpl1il '3’ 31215-
E Jmmtt, E3931” ,'Lttorney at law,
‘.‘.‘i 116th S to 1' , A:: :;tu ( .
1:39;: i’ 11‘:
Emu-:3 of the 31V]. instant, enclosing carbon copy of your
17133321 in ;'\.‘u:3t;=~,7::e?:_‘t it: the Ties“: 033.50) has: Deon 1"eccivefz 2:164 ':1-;.'5205...
1 thin}: yam have ‘E-ckau tit» rigikfio (2317:3530 in. the {,‘11‘.t"’3}(il‘ and feel
confifi 33111; 31153.1; you. 1'11 sucmef in 1131171717: the Plea 5115333131931. I
have examiner? the case in 150 2.5.37. {364, referred 13:3 in your 3333110711
:mmoranda 011 the 003217 01'" 1311:? 391-3 :7; in ‘:gbsz'tcramlt, €2,316. findT it fi-
rectly in 3701313.
1 750:3; 31:-11.1.; yours,
' 3/53 V
C o M e]. .
‘ ii ”3.1-; ,

 \\ i
‘ 202—205 MEELDOWNEY BLDG. .
WINCHESTER,KY. Apr-31 jrd, 1911}.
“iii a: 213.. '
(CC/1K0 i / é . 511314.15, T/lllélc.
.JLALW‘flG ii. i . 1.11.1.SOH,
Lexington, by.
Dear Sir,-
5.-;11closr—:-—1 \ . 3‘2 n}: v-T --- . 2.1-— ,n; 3

.«5 4.14.131 12.: .~ 22.; .1. , 1. £113.“! 3.; .1 J. ..’ g

.'1 2: an? ' --‘ 2 1:” .- -:) ‘.":“7. 7121‘ 2 "‘2. ' ,1 ‘ ‘9‘va
v.4: . ‘2 2 r a ‘J 1. :' l». S'LJ. I .E .i.. 1 ..:.I . .- . .541.
» 7. '2 - w” : ' ; ~ "17.“. ~ 1" - 2‘ ' 2": 272‘“ 7 r 'tfi’

4..: ’..! 2- 1' 2:: L. ”.2.-...); 21. .:. .. 2.. v2.2: .1. A. . J. ,

<2 .7

'.' 11A -‘ o g 5.1 : . . '..12 .. ~ .5 g

, a:- +1- ;-'.~- 2's"— :1 ‘:’ r.
.. ,. ..-, «‘.’... .2 n . 1, . 2. .. . ..: .,. .1.'j-.. , .. 4 ‘..A
2 ‘3‘ ./ , {3 x} . ii} i2; ”‘1 n '.3'. {33(43):} 2.- .2. _'O ,-.. .2. , UMLEL‘. ...“: 3:... L3. . 1103’}. -'..

A .L r .- q, x. " 2 v ..‘." .. 2 . . ,.‘= 4.1. ,» _',. ‘..? ,.... 2' '. _‘ 1'" ..‘ ... ' '\ , ‘j,-.; ‘ .._ \.

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.-__ ,3 . .- .9. 2. ._': ...: .L.-5:, . ..,. .. __ ... ~ : ._ _-_ , .,- _ :7? A“: _ .-~> .._, -. ' .13
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2- m 7 .. 2. . , ,, - A ., ‘ ..=.- .r2': _ . . ,7 2!..1. ,. .. - d— 2....-. 2.x. - .. ,1'2 A‘ - . ~.

,. 53.5....- flfl. 1251, .3 3.’ '33. Liza 1.'.” {3 .2. u: 2.2:) 2, U ..‘ Q 2. u...-:; 5131121.; {:0 u 1.21.: L- uau? C. .; 33:33.1;

4 J. .‘ . , , ,1 ~. .- .2-: . '7 .~22 .1 .‘ .. ..: , -L"2,- . . ..,.: A. f: .,L. ' .I. .1 . u. 4.

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$3112“; L .,3 2.1:;7'3 g. MJJ. Lac, ._2, 2.3 £21.01} 0 .7. u: 22.1 2:5 (3013...! u , :r ,‘ L. '. .3. u "5. ‘sxjh 2.3.5323 242. 21.52:? f. 2C} .-’.'~::,
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2.4.011 0.36222. ms..- 1.171.262: Ema 3-223.273 23 man has , ..:... .22-1. 2. 7.7.2 2.31 e 1!.

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Q ,

 :' m---44£5
[/ / KI ; 1- , /' 7
\1 ./ - / (C ,/ 7x / /
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h K, ” /~/ / , // z’ " /
x11/ / 1- ,
:f/wzw’rx/ ///1/w
ZZfi/flagawm4? /* i;// . ;Z /
'//””’_,’5"""- ~ Q_., Willy/fill, /y,
é /7 a /" (f/
April Bra, 1915.
Mr. S. H. Wilson,
Trust Builiing, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:— _
I have received copy of nefiition from our Attorney at
Yinchester in the case of Km. Jest VS. the Company.
‘ 1K. Landrum has my file in this case, and is making
further investigation, which I presume he will forwari to the Chief
Law Agent.
Yours truly,
Q g”) 2?
COPY k\{%hnaggiv aA/grc,9f:7
%d \J I?»

 .'umml ' ‘ ' . ‘
- roan: l—Reviaed July, 1909. " ‘ - ’ , -
sailssage: which tilirebalzparentlyhuuuefessiaitgéofr thaidceoauitd g: sent tbydTrtinflyira—il, will b3 trainsmlited iand O
‘ , ' t ‘ orw rneneno ansorta on rat! .
TELE’fiRAM e vcre promp y u cople85cc: rifleeosigvt‘md Generfi Manager‘fspéircular No.101. p 0 en on TELEGRAM
, I ~ ‘ . [I ‘.5 I _
p g J J 4 I; _ ,
Eeringten, 3:137. , March 551 at , 1915. .
‘ '3... I:.. Jouett, ' ’ .
"."inches tar ,I'Iy. .
, Yrmr letter 89th about est - ease .- ileserv ing appearance 01" do»
fenzlant ,i’i 1e an so 1’. a1 damn-ricer to aeti tion for want of jurisdiction.
over person an? subject Twat tor . Letter trill canlecin. -
. I’,
‘ :3.:T.‘."ilsn‘1.‘/
>: It - .

 1‘ ' ' Aprill, 1915.
‘ _ . ’ B. R. J ouett,Esq., . ’ , l , - '
I iinchester, Ky» . . I -
' Dear Sir: I
‘ Referring to suifi lately filed in fihe Clark Circuifi Court, .
of William West v. L & E and B i K, my information is that the
plaintiff, West, is a nonflrasiaent of Kenfiucxy anfl, when at home,
' resides either ai ?itfisburg or “hilaaelvhia, Pennsylvania. Under
‘ theSe circumstances? it seems he me that we ought to firy to beat
I fihe'éctioa filgd in Clark County upon the grounfi that the Court I _
‘ ' is without juriséiciiona (Civ. Sofie, Secs. 72~73—7i.) For this
reason, I Wired you On yesterday to file a Special Eeuurrer for
wgnt of jurisdictiem of the person and subject-matter. (Div. Coée,
Secs. 92, Sub~$ee. 1“) It may be that the point cannot be reached
by a Special demurrer, as the facts do not gypear‘suificienfily on
I the face of the ?etition, unlesa we take the gyound that the pefiition
fleesighow affirmatively that the alleged tort was conflicted in
?owell County and not in Clark anfl, in oraer to give tha Clark Cir—
cuit Court jurisdiction, the pet tion is defectiVe in not alleging
affirmatively fihat fihe chief foiae or agent of the defénflants, or
’ one of them, is locatefi in Clark County, or in failing to allege
that the plaintiff himself is a resiaent 0f Clark County; If the
special flemurrer is not Sustained, of course, the poinfi can be raisea
I by a partial anafier and plea in abafiemant. i ' '
It will be good policy, I think, to fielay action of fihe
~ > Court on this objection as long as pensible, so that we may even-
tually_bar the alaim by limitation. -
' > wi th- me; “Egg; ‘5?»13’8231ete0a if}? c 3%:51 KgQL‘ly ,thinfi Pf $33732; 51%117-185’35 3.7 011 agree

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'\ "Magdifl J.....«a‘fi, .;’ .'L ‘x. z k.“ a I” "' ’f‘v” ’” t” 1.
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. - \ i g ,- . 3pm RL,E.Y R. JOUETT .
F i .. j“‘““”””/...r."“~1fi’ nu" ~.....» ,-
x" ‘ . 1 ..~ 4’ ‘”' L ATTORNEYAND COUNSELQ‘R AT LAW 1‘
.5 WINCHESTER,KY. Larch 29th, 1915. .
J10 [‘-
”~.f..-jL5'i"j‘/'__._q;l._,wg_3. File #1425).
Judge S. ‘..’ilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,-
I am in receipt of yours relative to the groove.
I made two copies of this petition for Pendleton a .;lush,
one of which they have sent to 1..”1'. duriield. I, also,
made a copy for you and one for ..'.r. Lamirum. ”Since re-
ceiving your letter, I iliLVG nude another copy, and sent
some to Sir. I,‘.clloxvoll. In “1:11;: gators, i will understand
J... , .1,. w , - . - ..r ~3‘ l _. 4..' J— ' -- .1 \ . ‘ "
bu cilwrljb bend a copy»! 01 Lne pCblblOn to .:.-r. .._CJJOM/ell.
at the time I send one to you.
Yours very truly, .1
~ ‘\ . "" 7 ”‘””"T$"7—‘““”'\
.13;qu ‘...ibl. lx/f-‘i /" / ‘L‘ V," . y/ / I!
'/ / 37*” 54:” ~— 1.- ’
//- /L(L
I ”

 \“1 . I V ‘
‘ .
1 1 ' . 1.1111111 27, 1915.
E. 3.1. Jouett, Esq” . .
. iiinohe st (31“, Z-iy.
Dear Sir: ‘ ‘ V
‘ I 13.231110111106139 receipt- of Pocket iiefport am}. 00313] of
‘ {’etition in the cage of 53:21.11. "”’fest v. .2} 153: :2 123.00. and. :1 <71 '11 I
":1 f1 00. . -
_ ‘ > T1910 351175.88 1'.-2:11‘12‘1103: (3031:1351 have been 1.1111106. ’50
1:1.12111701-1-1111 1116. 2:1. "1*1076 91181 oblige, '
' ‘1'" ours truly,
' .,.:‘1 .
00111151 :21.

 . Form 181

I ‘ ‘ m fl, LAW, 12192151939551.
.5 W OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT-..., ”-_ L } ' pm; No. I
WEE]. . 4D, \ |___-;,Lw_______

W IY- W&:,1915
‘777’7”: ' if"? K WKET REPORT' M
An; victim; has been connnancal in (he—.____._.-__fi§.._.@.#%.flnm5l of . . L . ., .:-. ...-dAAKiUmmfy,
sununons was issued—M ”fig—v I.‘/14:, «ml was crawledWIS/14:90nd is
._ z . _
rctumublc——~W—‘ flfié,__-,.,;.....,._.,..;.,._,__(Iu_1/ II/fi—W ., . . .. 9191\7 , [ch «Um-[Lays for the plaintiff
' vwvv.-. W9. ”m A LWW . _ . ., . , . ;., _...-,;._,_..W#
x55 —~: J ;r
I .1 .., 5-
and the 5rcliq'1nayed is _LLLékg/J_...f‘iifr.....,n____-... ..- . .,. . ,. ,.. 7.. .. _ -._-,._;.~W.i4_......i
«:5.: 55‘ 441142;? (ff: 1 ..
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_. _.._ “..,._, 5‘__.:;:_~n_.,.. {:__ “_._. __,.__ .
>9, “.. MM" Looa;,4kti®rney L. 82in1” R. R. CO.
/ 1‘

 ~SUMMIOIflS ORDINARY. (Act of Legislature, IVIarch 29, 1902.) Printed Ind Sold by Paragon Printing Works, Beaver Dim. Ky.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, %7%
' . TO THE 5HERIFF 0F11_111’ 111COUNTY
You are commanded to summonaéaj/mefl1jflflc/fm47flv
[14141111. [am/3.1411. go
to answer, int/”days after the service of this summons, a petition
filed against/ZgzZMm the%I/%Circult Court,
and warn/[éwtthat upon............ZZ5u—failure to answer, the petition will
be taken for confessed, or/fwill be proceeded against for contempt, and
you will make due return of this sum ons within”/fldays after the service
thereof to the Clerk’s office of said Court.
Given under my hand, as Clerk of said Court, this.1...aZ1.é111day of%réq/1916\
__’—*Insert TEN if to county whereiti-s—Btguvght, and TVVENTl’jout of county.

 ’ ‘ ’ ~20 3
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No. ,...._.~.._w..._...~.__. ' x
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”_...“..-"WW.WWW-.-“..__...~_-__D_(;t.e;&:7;; \
To ......“_...._M......1.._..........W.....Term, 191............ $
....«m-..-.__:.“_,.._.........-.mzfiamgrfifi \\
Shefifi’s Fee, - - $1- R
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