xt73bk16mf8w_625 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [461] William C. Young v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [461] William C. Young v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_60/Folder_1/6628.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_625 xt73bk16mf8w Ordinary #953. LETCHER CIRCUIT COURT.
Wk. C. Young, Administrator
of Kuzmas Lakotioh, dec'd., Plaintiff.
~va Amondod and Substituted Answer.
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Comyany, Defendant. .
I. V
Reaorving its exceptions to the former rulings of the
Court heroin upon defendant's General Demurrer to the plain-
tiff ’8 Petition and also moon the Demurrers of the plafintiff##
to the first three ?aragraphs of defenéant‘s original Answer
herein of August 24, 1915, now comes the defendant, by leave
of Court, nan amonda its sad originfl. Answer of August 2&,
' 1915, nun files the present Amended Answer ao a substitute for
said fonmer Answer.
Defendant, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company,
for answer to said origind. Petition of Emma 19, 1915, state:
that it has not knowledge or information sufficient to form#
a belief that Kuzmas Lakotioh was a citizen of Austria, Hungary,
and denies that he Ian, at the time of his death, or ever at '
any time a resident of Lotoher County or of the State of Kentuox
and, for the want of knowledge or infernation auffioie nt to _
form a heliof, defendant denies that on the 17th d5 of October ‘
1914, or at any time, aaid Kuzmao Lakotioh died intestate or dfll
at all in said County or State, or elsewhere. ‘ I
Defendant stats that it is true, as appears from the
certified copy of an order made by the County Court of Letehor
County, on or about June 7th, 1915, that the Judge of said
Court attempted to appoint the plantirf, Wt. C. Young, admin-
istrator of said decedent, Kaunas Lakotioh, w,d that Id.‘ Young

ocoepted mid appointment, hut defendant dnies that sat d
Letchvr County Court had Jurisdiction of the Subj oat matter,
or persons in making said appointment, and on the cont rary
ave-rs 1:13 at mid Cour: t was without the requisite Jurisdiction
to make said op; ointment; and it denies that the plaintiff,
Willima C. Young, wag ever legally appointed Administrator
of the said Kuzmm: Iaakotich, or ever l'vsfu] 1y qxralified,
or b. a evor acted, or is: now noting: 2m arch; and defendant
states 132132 1; the plairt iff is wit hout the requisite legal
capacity to sue: or to instinte or “to rrxaintain this action.

Furtlser answering; plaint iff'ss petition, the
defendant danies th 1: tmre is any side track leading, from
its main line to mine 212: of the Consolidation Coal Company
in the Town of ..’-.ioilo'berts, or elsewhere; and it denies that
any tram leading from its main line to Mine 2123 of the
Consolidation C~~a1 Company is in the Tovm of ?fic'floberts;
and. denies that the population of said town ever used said

, tram}: in going from the main track of defenflant's railroacl
a to Mine 213; and it denies that said population had can}:
tinuoualy or at all us o6 some ever since its constm ctmnm;
, and denies that me defendant or any of its agents or ser-
vants knew that Halt? track Was used by the population in
going»: to ammo, or at all.

Defendant denies that o. numhor of ;:eople liver”:
near said mino 212, and donir: e: that a. large or any number
of laborers worked at said mine; and denies that all or any
of them continuously or at all used 5516! track in going: from
and to said mine, and denios that some was known to the
defendant or any of its agents or servants.


Defendant denies that on the 17th.. day of Octeher,

19113., or at any ti me, the defendant, while: engaeed in the

' husim as of m nninv or operating an engine and. tenfler attach-
--c3_ Here’w un its line of mi 1' :..:y in said town of hiclioherte,
or on +he track described as "Side-track" in plaintiff‘s:
peti‘tien, nemligmrtly, carelessly, or val th groee negligence
or carelessnese, or my negligence at all, run its engine
and tender, or either of man, upon or over the said Yiuzmas
LedauLiCQL, gullegssd 113 he «magnum? 13.1 plei'zhii'f’s 1161311.;fil‘i,
or thereby crushed his leap; or 23.33151, or thereby caused his
death on :3g‘mit‘1. l'é’th. re.‘ 01‘ (‘01;01‘M321‘, 191%, in fiékid Cmgntg,
and Stem: 1:5 "termini, 0:: 9152:1211," 17L, u: an all.

This defezmhmt, has nut knw‘lmme er in;£‘o;~1m.,.,t1; 1';
sufficient in £02131 '4 “senile-:3," as to Mlu'x‘Lhcr 531 d. Ffuzmus
Lakot'lch at Efren “C1 :10 03“ hits alleged dea'bh lsi‘b hi: ‘v’LiiE,
‘n’ollia, b'vgrrvhrri 215;; Fun.

Defeam‘Yemt denies Lha'i} 5;..J.c‘:_ Mamas Luke'sich, called.
"the fiecméent” in ;:~laint;fj"u petition, “ as at the "time of
15119: (-’eafla or wwr ;-.:.i;. any time (ramming? wé.£“0 1.“: deg, or any '
Miner: emu, guts «Ramjet-.5 1221211. by ‘a'ezzgaun L21" 'it‘xze' allegtd (I'i‘éfifiilh 01'
said T'wazme-xe Luke-ti a}: his estate Ems been damaged in -“P:e sum
0:1“ :§_%;:£'~«,GOO.()£‘«, ur in may 81:511. 5:. to x.~'}1xsaei‘..‘z‘1s;r we; a, 31.33%
Imjlm’tieh m; the: ‘ii. me ui‘ his alleged; Men}: 011 {Niche .1' 1'7,

. 11314, 1932.1; of die: (4:551?) 03“ 3142371113; 14111309 yachts Lime. defend/431i“,
Mae not knmrluflge or inform-2, 31cm ux‘j’fid eat to few: w. ha:li£af,
and as to the true mac of maid Yum-ms Imiwiich the defendant
calls; for gar-00f. I


Far flirt}?! '1' unewu r to pluin‘d ff' :3 yetitiun defundgmt,
1101;1st 1116 as: Neehville Ruill‘fitui Company, states-s that at. the.
time and on the occasion of the accident, injuries and. death
complained of the {581 d Vuzmas Lukutich, for whom the plain-
tiff, William ('1. Young, sues es Administrator, was himeelf

guilty of’ negligence "which caused and contributed to cause
the accident, injurin: um} death. complained of, one that but
‘30".- ench negligence on the part of said Xuzmas ln’.~.l<:otich
the aco‘i dent, inj‘xzrlfis am? death alleged and complained of
woulr’? net have occz rrcd.
W W l" '12 R 31‘ O 1": I“, the defcnrlzmt prays that
gluintiff'e petition he diemiscnd; that thin (lefenc’amt be
I dicmieeed hence wi th it: cocte, and for 5233 proper relief:-
T).l.'§‘l:zjx ataxia that he in cm: 03" the attormye for
defeniant; tent 3.11 of i v.3 thing“ officers .:..nr! agents are
‘ new absent {’3::-:2 iota?!" 1:“ ’.‘Inz*z1’.'.,j, whoa? than?" “m etc. towente obn-
tz-i arr-«.11 in tin: foregoing; enswfi we t'=r~~:.-:, as he verily." te~
1 if: v5 -~ ».
{Etubxxcz‘i‘tmri sum? :s‘é?» 71er to b fif‘C‘C‘ii .’Ir 13;:- ‘D.1.T‘ey, this;
the 251m. «..1: 03." January, 191-11.

Em. C. Young. Administrator ‘
of ':’-Cumin; Latte-sick, Dee'd., ,Pluintii’f.


:.'.onisville (“a Yfetshvi’tle Emitter“. Company, Defcnfim‘ifi.

The defendant, Louisville 5: ifashville Railroad Com- '

. puny, now comes and renews its Speeial Demurrer to the Plain-
tiff 's Fetition of June 19, 1915, upon the greuud that said
Petition to d the copies of order and bond, filed as Exhibit-
therewith, purporting to show the appointment and qualifies-
tion of the plaintiff, Wm. C. Young, as Administrator of the
deceased, i-i'uzmas Lakotieh. disclose on their face the feet
that the netc‘aar County {fourt- was wither-at jurisdiction to
mail: a said appointment, that no facts necessary to confer such
jurisdiotion upon said County Court existed or are shown to
have existed at the time saddaappointment was made, and that,
said appointment was and is wholly null and void; that the
plaintiff, in consequence,in without legal oapaeity to insti-
tute or prosecute this action, there is a defeat of parties
plaintiff, as :1 this court has no jurisdiction 01" either the
parties or the subjeetfh’matter of this action."

Wherefore, defendant prays judmnt of the. Court 0
upon the foregoing Special Demurrer, as here renewed, and, to
that and, that the order of this court overruling the to rmr
Special Demurrer of the defcrdmtt may be set aside maths
present Speeia Demurrer be ousted. had. and


 | a,
order Book No. 9, page 238, Letaher County Court
June term 7th day of June. 1915. x
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the
man who died in Letchefi County, Kentucky, on the 17th day
October, 1914, Was not named Toney Lakotioh butthat his
proper and correct name is Kuzmas Lakotioh, it is ordered
that the order appointing Wm. C. Young, administrator oi
Toney Lakotioh be and the same is now set aside and 1t lo
now ordered that the said U. c. Young he and he is hereby
appointed administrator of the estate of Kuzmas Lakotich
who being present accepted said appointment, took the oath
required by law and executed bond with Steven Combs &
filxn D. Hays as his sureties which bond was approved by
the Court and the said W. C. Young entered upon the
discharge of his duties as such administrator

- Ian nary 31, 1916-
Whitesburg, Ky-,
Miss Ora Abbott - ‘
Loxingtoi, Ky-n
- My dear Miss Abbe tt:-
, My recollection i. that IVha'n a note for $1500.00 at
the Title Guarantee & Tmat Company, whit fd 1:: due on tomorrow
February 1, 1916- Will you please telephone Mr- Porter that I
an. detained here on bust norm and, therefore, cannot give this not.
attention until my return home, whim uynnfitbhoafor a. week or more.
Tell him mmggg. 3M2. mnfigo‘hmm‘fiumq $1111”th will be attnded to
Very truly &o-,

 1 I
1111 1; 1 ,1 .
f . ‘L /‘”f Iarch 27, 1916.
_r. J. J. Donahue,
Eouieville, 1y.
deer Sir:n ’
In re suit, gillian Ronny, Adninietretor of the Estate of
flushes Lakotich, Deceased, Vs Louisville 6 poehville Hail-
roed Cenpeny, now pending in Letoher Circuit Court:

I beg to acxnouledfic receipt of your letter of the 33rd inst.,
enclosing voucher an; check for uaEUo.UL in favor of nillianzyounao
ndniniztreter, to be paid in full settlcnent of the above styled

Today in the preeene; of itegten $0123, Jr. and‘fi. 3. Deering,
of counsel for plaintiff, I delivefed check to r. Kenn? $31 had him
execute 1‘,?qu 311,71} 3111.331 "',.‘2‘311'32‘; Li: :911‘9'1‘ijli-fi 1111 .3:! to re 131.1331. 170 :’y’O‘ala

1 nice beg t: fiend yen copy of agrzcd order to be entered at
the regular Epril term of the ieteher circuit Court, dismissing said
suit settled.

youre truly.
. (DC: {_i 5. 1/ L1 :‘ r/g »/\:,1//|: {‘ .3‘ ‘L./L.
g Cepy to S. i. Wilson
Jeeee Foryen

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L;-.;.:.‘~.,vw ..1. '.u ,‘.-'L » -:.‘.... .:: _ A.V '.,“) w ,, > . . L. u '..': _‘ ..;” - :\ ‘,.u
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x U.L";1.L§V:‘ifi - ‘w. _.:  ' - . Laxing‘ton, Ky” '3'~.Iarc”.r1 213*}, 1916.
Lewis: 13.. Harvey, ' . I
‘.’.’hi'te.=3burg, Ky. . ‘
Your wire this. 21514.36. Is the proposition to settle the Lakotic

‘ oaae made a‘ two thmmand finllm‘s or i:wnnfi;:*~f5.ve hlmflrefi dollars?

“Please answer a“: once. '

I . SOLE. WilSOI‘io

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W1??? 2221325532.
March 3rd, 1916.
Judge S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
In re suit, Wm Young'g Admr vs L. & N. R.RCO., now pend-
ing in Letcher Circuit Court:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the let inst.
relative to a settlement of the above atyled case. All the attor—
neys for plaintiff are now out of town and when they return, which
will be within the next two or three days, I will take the matter
up with them as per your suggestions, and make due report to you
of resumts.

Yours truly,
o<:2:¢4vu% (57/6/22/272/7L;

 .7’/7);! /-//
. ail/(Mafia /A. 70% 2% flafl/m/ wax/{”7
-//er’/:///7////1__/ . //I/////// , / j/ ’9 7 y ,., ‘ 7 7.
f ) . Wag/MK elm/we»: .:1/(m // "r//r/2///i/M///yfl//(w flat/7~,
. é/Ir/k/k/J -/// “TH/HUI, I”!
.‘fs‘,S‘/.//)/.‘v/,/V'I‘/ -\//////7//.{M / ,/
V/‘ /7/‘ / _ ., , /y/ 14’ '
‘(fg1flflj ‘5;/4(‘116‘fi/(f. __ .,’,,, *1» ,’u /
/‘/ // (’/1//I/‘[////’.~((/cl///. ' ”'A‘/”jzfi/é' fl/' March 211(1’1916.
W 3 /é>
- mr. S. I.I. R‘Jilson,oCounsel,
Lexington LC TSestern Ry-Co. ,
Lexingt on, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
. Referring: to your favor of the 25th ult. relative
to compromise of the case of Lekotich's Admr. V. L.& II. R.
Co- , I“eteher Circuit Court.
As I wired you on yesterday, subject to the plan
suggested in letter above mentioned, you are authorized to
i settle this case at not to exceed $2,500.00. 37h}- :-».,4,.~., 4 .~4 -: ::.?“
- , L :... 2. :. , ,,.fl. 4::4 43,4233 L wwmxn 3- 4’»:strfi'tfilut4r..:2:1!‘2'2,‘,:>:»»;f‘4' .13. .24.: 41::‘r.~ 3455-447, 42253444,; I:'bj~»421!,-' '.5 .3 44%.,» ”2,3 q‘.‘_.!1.:_2}~1.;‘_34j1s1.11 {gun r?4’4,4;,,13.I.43ffi4‘,.,,4;f ,U; ,, (34:4 :.:..4, :. 44 ,1.;1, ,2 .I,. , .,1,.L1» 1 41,3;

”15)??? ' ,flwimfi’ '-.:4,4. .‘.44433!‘.4*4,1:*444‘4*‘4.,4‘3,-)‘ 5364' ‘, 2".=~ 4‘42 3:244. 24,5: 2542134,»?! 3‘"-‘44 4' .-:4 " :44-.4232 4;;f4K'4‘1.»'22"7."4:"23.i:42‘:14‘ng‘j4:;4:f€f"';4 743444 1:2. 1' 4,:4‘4 4;:.4- 253:3 441424; :..,°’*44.:.4 .,‘1.4:4,44..‘§r14*,-3~>4;4f%.,2.::,4 :4:4 '12:»;444,;z4 »VIQ'.,4’- 44,2 ..“..2141‘n‘1’a-ti3-50 2 .54‘4.‘j‘4£>v>4::g45":.;-. 43‘?

7»:~v"4.1"4§"'}a'34v44 “‘ 1"?“ >51 431‘4‘5 ”1%? ”43:12.: ,‘ 24.4, “2 '41'4434‘4‘,2:‘44'.4‘§4h’4'2"3:?7i‘:4“‘€‘*‘§:4333'23"”:4”’43-{1.t~'>*v"\‘?.4‘-3‘:‘- ‘.Y“: 4424444524 ,:.v'f‘ '412,1:4=~~‘.-->‘4'442:“4'4‘I.é4‘4.):"'4:‘3‘2*3‘4 ‘4:‘: ‘4’: 0' '44'52’ ’ ' '..) 43‘ 3.44.4 :’5'4'24‘ :3 44 4' :4. 4‘4'13 1.3 (”4‘3 441442341": “'”"-i1fj3‘2 : .21-‘:3-‘§€.:..'w‘;r" “.,1-“.‘5

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.4 :44-:‘-‘:>‘344§+43$I5a4232 2" '42,4441-"r:4";4‘4‘:-4;§;1:2-2 2: @5431»: 43491411» ,».:3‘4‘4 311.11 11144: i4,5,2}ff4i;2gi'24?;4135 ‘4” :‘4‘4»-4‘.».- b: Ig‘4454 _"433.:',:,2.’ ::.-‘4 4,44,.‘5— ;{4 ' 45,4": 4- .‘ '4‘12-24‘4’ “,,: "42".243' 4:24

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