xt73bk16mf8w_636 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [472a] L&E v. John Dixon, Leslie Quarterly Court text [472a] L&E v. John Dixon, Leslie Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_60/Folder_12/6931.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_636 xt73bk16mf8w 5 '1 .. 7~ » ’77// l W . .’7
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SI] I [J [J 8d \‘Ijrsflm __LM7_#_L_.____/_LV.LLE ~ , _ __‘_.'._1__‘__é___ -
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» Artchfiségflfl; _Li:-E-r,Am0unt_1_C_1;L-; if." 3' 3w
* Remarks -;#.__w__w— WEE” Lfimufi- ,
, 2'” A. ,_ 37/ ,-" . < . i ,. >1
Loss ___—__.WL;___I.____.~____‘_ 2.1] {4", ‘ I:
I 1’ I . x ,1": I, _, 111;" 1,,; 1f I I ff ,_ v “If: ,I‘!‘
Damage;+;.;___V-___I;"___.sz—g . -' ..~__.J_#fgth
1 " V " f" ,5
\"~.—_.—.A—-————-——————~__k.7,___fl _

L-193164-—D '
, Mr. Walter Large —-
ittorney at Law -—
15 William Street —-
— Eew York City -
Dear Sir:—
Claim of :: THE flDméflfiC 3E0”’TOE CG —_ fl?0.00.
Acknowledging receipt of your favor of the lRtb instant
with enclosures. Te have this day issued voucher in favor of the
Claimant and made payable to you in the sum of ”190.00, thc payment
of which will be effected in due course of time and upon receipt
thereof, we will thank you to cllow our records to close-
Bours truly,
Freight Claim vfient. '

Hr. Walter Large —-
' Attorney at Law ~-
15 William Street —-
- Sew “ork City —
Dear Sir:—
Claim of :: THE TD SENS THG”TWGI CO __ $190.09.
fickn0wlgdging receipt of your favor of the 19th instant
with enclosures. Te have this day issued vouchér in favor of the
Claimant and made payable to you in the sum of ”1?C.OO, th? payment
of which will be effected in fiua course of tint and upon receipt
thereof, we will thank you to allow our records to close- V
Yours truly,
Freight Claim frent.

8 P O 1'- 15.
m -fgz 54--
. 11’1“. {71. L. Langdon-._i.}f. I: L 1 D
— . , T s n m .... '“:-E? M
Long island Railroad co, -_ ”ODE I 10nd l r 4’“7
- 1er ifOINI, 1:3th “10311:: ..
Dear Sir:-

Referring to the above numbered claim in favor of The
fidwards Ehompson Company amounting to :lPC.00. Thio in to advise
we are effecting settlement direct with the Claimant and yen are
at liberty to close your records.

kours truly, '
i-‘roight Vln‘im figent,

 ; W}
. , [1' - 5
m f J ,‘.» . .
W M“; €sz
1 , (,- ,;/ 4’,» 1w 5;“ . -
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. jam" aha/715,453; :3”!
p .,‘/«24'» ,1
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// v I” M .
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‘. ,/I '
7 x/ . .
V . {1%, ,1 n f ,, . _
x“ Agar???" 5’ ’
if i2 7’5‘
> AI.
:7 , >

 June 30 Days '
167—197 1911

M ': T ~ :-. 7"
‘._r. [-:. u. Lang:don—:~:..:.. .,‘
‘ Tong; Bland 1.:i -- $474623?
Long Island iiailroad (to. --
- 16*}? ‘.réor'k, 1‘:-{3w 1103a}: ..
Dear- ':'3‘3.‘::- _
Referring: to the above numbered claim if: favor of The
?‘3dzmrds :hompson Company amounting: to :, 1‘:-0.17:0.- Vhin iv to advise
we are effacting settlement direct with the ifflfiirzzznt and you are
at libf‘fi‘ty to 01093 your records.
, ours truly,
:"I‘Cigliat Ulafurn .i.,rfent,
ELL: :1”: ID

 ' \
8ug, 3rd, 1915.
Mr. waiter Largg,
Attornfiyw" #15 William St.,
SW York, N.Y.
Dear Sir: ‘
I - 0151,13}; C91” Edgard ThOmpsxon COH:,_;;,:.-Tmy "VS. [\ch -
'Agreeabla to your requ=5t cf the 50th ult. I am enclosing herewith
Article of SubrOgatiun (in duplicate) to be preperly executed and cera
tified to in connection with the 350v5 claim which I will thank yen ta
have done at the egrliest aénvenienc% and when returning same, alga let
me h&ve such dacumentary Svidence as is requested in my letter Of the
33th ult. upon receipfi Of which VOuChET will fie promptly isaued in
favcr 0f the Claimant and if desired payable thru you, in the sum of
ilsé.00 which covar: the actual amount cutatxniing by the shipper on
this trangaciiam.
1 Youy-a ‘.',I'uly,
FLL:AD. Freight Clgim Agent‘

 “ .
”mg. 3rd, lQlD.
. Mr. Ealter Lwrge,
Angoxney - #15 William 8%.,
Neg York, N.Y.
Dear Sir: '
- Claim Cf 33 3rd Thnmyean Com;any vs. L&N »
Agraewale no your ream at GE tha 30th ult. I am enclnging herewith
Article Cf SubEOgatimn (in finplicate) t0 be progerly executad and cer-
' tified EC in gonnactivn with the abovs alaim anich I will thana you an
. have dame at tha aarliegt‘canvenienca and Jhen returning same, 3130 gefi
ma h¢ve such Quuumintary evidence a3 iv raguasfied in my letter of éhe
53th ult. upcn receigt 9f which voucher 3111 a: gym ytly iasued in
fawn: of mm slayingau‘t 3.11:3. if desired payzsirle thaw. 37011, in the 3311:: C":
313§.00 which Goverfl tbs actual amount cufisianuing‘fiy the shipper on
this ‘trr_3,nfi=11i.¢‘i;i (an. -
1 Yours Eruly,
PEI“ Freight; Claim 11mm,
9 .

will July 50, 1915.
.»» ~ "/j- r‘:
Ir'fl Iy\‘
I‘ _.-\‘l- \"‘-r._‘_w,
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, {Mr “I“
Louisville, Ky. Your file # L-lQZlS4-D
Mr. J. F. Segel‘, Fe Co A.
Dear Sirs:— Replying to your favor of July 28, 1915: I am writing
to my client by this mail asking for its original contract with Dixon,
and shall advise you immediately upon its receipt. 1 have in my
hands the original bill of lading, and have also, since the claim was _
first placed with me, received a copy of the claim as originally filed
with the Long Island Railroad. It appears from this that Dixon is
right in his statement that he paid $10 on accoant, at the making of
the centract. The claim shows an invoice of $130, with a credit of
#10 cash, leaving a balance of $120, exclusive of accrued interest.

If you will send along the article of subrogation I will
have it executed by the Edward Thompson Company, so the matter can be
closed in accordance with your's of the 28th inst.

Your's very truly,
/" 1 ‘ ‘."E If). : ‘:':
4 - x III/

 FORM 1291A
Louist: & Nashville Railroad Go. To. Edward Thor/Opson Co., Dr
REMIT c 0 Walter Lar e At‘c . ‘ " '
L~195164—D . S . ZY
. BLAIM N0. ‘ . ,_ AGENT S NOMM . ADDRESS #15 Williams St. Nemeork, . m
VIA. , ,“......Cincinnati ,,,.Ohio . . ., CONSIGNED T0, Jno. L. Dixon”. , . ., ,, , , I ,,
7 7 [OATE I I (N Bi. NO. l »FOR:OSS;:SDEAMAGEgl‘Jn‘Ifl-IE FOLLfOANIPOGflFREIGH;W\jl:Z r 7 ”7*:i:§§}fifii‘i:
WWW . . I WWW, , , W WW W ,, 7 LINE I __AMQUWMWW
.'5—le I127 Law Books LCL I ___l _
l l l i
I , ~ I l
I » , I
; I . I, l _ ‘
-Lpssdue to; improper handling at Krypton, Ky. I -
V , “firiwfl 7, fl 7 ,W , ., - W V a WWWW,,,,W,,,,WTOTAL' , ,
TIIE SUM 0F_N_.,.One Hundred. Thirty and OO/lOO-en.«.—m—unm—mun-mm-umnnnmm
as man I

 . FORM 1291.
. . ‘ . . .,
LOUISVIM & NashVIlle Rallroad GO. TO, 2:2, ’1‘-:31: ., ,. ,..,Dr.
“ - r .,- ,- 1' ”:5 I.2/"Ii; :‘....1: 3’71? '.
CLAIM No.):-..L.;.}:.;,«.-%nL.~'-:..I_:=::._.__., AGENT‘S No..__..,. AOORESS ‘ , ' .._..L
‘ . 3 :2; ' w: . ._ .:31“’, . s;
For Loss OR DAMAGE 0N FREIGHT IN TRANSPORTATION FROM . ..,;:;.;L~;;:;;:.I;4;.', , 3,.}; a . . ., TO I, 3:13-33 .
VIA ~3_i“n¢ . _ CONSIGNEO TO .. , , . :1.;w;.v:.:.,,. ,, ,. ,
,,,—._____!, , _L A , , A, , _ ,, ___,__,E,II~!E,A7L JMQEMW
I I I .‘ I
9:91;; 13’; I I ._.ZIQQL’..;L.: 1:333. I . . ., . ,I
I I l 3
. I I . . I I .
I ‘ , , -- I‘ 1
REMARKS: . ‘ ;
THE SUM OF 3" ., 33134.1, I‘ .73 'I.“,g'g'.‘ ;...J". .' j/g .' -=-»-.—..»..-;.~n~.. W,.,a....‘_,..“.,,._.,,.,.....y.,_...m.uw.w;m“mu.

\ . .
___“,7fi(_ ,.»)
. / iv
. , Claim NW/j/é/J’
X {L
Amount/Aéfl, (97.... Vouchered 7/fig 191 :7
To Connections: '
_ I This claim has been paid in suspense. Please check rate and divisions as shown
on statement, and if found correct, attach your authority for amount due from your line and ,
connections, returning all papers to this office promptly.
Yours truly,
2M-7-l3-153 . Freight Claim Agent.

 1‘ fang." .1 2,,. k“ . .. ,.. ,7 . wimi 4:1, h», V.. .' . .,.1. __ ‘5‘ . g
‘.'”; ,.‘ ,.'.3’7' 3:" ~11 r." ”35") ”'1 I “ .'.;I"1-'~':~"L- .‘_ 1' h ’ '
;2" . »‘ 3..""4’ >1" 3;; . .:_}; ' . 1 . .. ' _ ' .
1 -, ' . 2" ' 322253593233213524131‘W ' . ' '
l I ' ~ . " ‘ OFFICE OPEREIGHT CLAIM AGENT. '1 ’ ' 1
‘ . . Loss AND names cum ‘
“fix“;‘jfim‘" ,
1 . L,.<&«» «12:11 L 3
- .':"F " I". . //'V.:,
m ; 1 . ‘,,—'3 5f}
3 . ’ "L11; 2” , ,- ’ . . «3 :9 fflfl ' /
kCIalmafit‘ - . :‘,;‘fl _:j‘__’ifi;;,__,,i_.~u_*v,,_,_.._jr’__l__A—_LL L41”-—
' Address LL49 , '— LLL, .« _1 ”AW " r:._;.-L;L_ "1~‘—‘;4;—1b}1’~’5/—‘ ""Ji—wg _.; " ‘
I _; .I'-0 __ r’=. 4’: ' , ..' _,.-__g ~ . ' __t.’___1._L_.__—~_..——.
. g . L .3' ' .:’ ..3?;1 j_,--;, »4‘.’ 3. ,'/ ._ ’ ,..”; 1. . ..’.»fiv'fi": l‘
_ .» . = . .,- . 1, .1 __ - __'—_._‘Lv—ILL_ ._._;;_"_'_ LL"—
ff {1; ’7 . ’,,}. . f", f ‘ I ‘3' :1
ArtlcleS‘”—_1L__LLX:_.;_LLL_LLLV L. : Amo untMLLL— . .__
Remarks H. _._..—.7. 1. ._LL L L-_-:_:...;__.__.L_.—_LLLLLL
/) l .‘ ~ , ' .
',,-':. ‘4 1» .', 1‘” 4:, /- :7 .,,,.: ' > 7‘ ‘ . 1 r 1 mg:
,3 ’.."! ' '/ ,1! :1. X; f/ I" 1"?“
Damage 1 . L___..___.___.__L__L_.L_..__°______ .* ;
"7 ”1'23” . j» .1 r 3“ ‘ 1' ~ .»' ‘ ‘
#..—L w 7w” 2 - >
5: ‘- ___:_L__,._ ___- __‘_____.-______ _._- _,.L. ,{L _..—LL. L_ .L.__ _L___L ..-,...—
"’./L <: . 122’, . , :'xsf...
. . Ev . ..__4.; . I. . . « . I;. »r ».
.. --__“;LLL ___“ ._____-LLLL_'_._LL___

 l i '
July fin,'1915.
”r. Walter Large-~Attorney,
“15 fiilliam Street — New York, K.K.
Bear Sir:-
fliain of :: EDWARD “HGVP'QK COhPfltE - '1'O.CC.
ieferencc is made to your favor of the 16th instant regard-
ing the above Claim. Our file covering has ju:t been rcturncfi by 3?,
Samuel .”.. Wilson - Local Attorney of tl'iis; Company ::.t. Lexington, “en—
tucky with the following remarks:
I.' s r‘.” -. ~ . _ ‘
heplying tonours of the norm. inntant, ard returning herewith
file attached hereto in reference to claim L-lQSiEé—D, cover-

. ' ing shipment of law books by Edward thmpaon Co. or Eorthporti
Long Island, Her iork, to John 3. Dixon, of Eyden, Kentucky. I
have attempted to prepare such a form oi contract of Article of
Subrogation as, in my judgmgmt Willcufficicrtly cover the pro«
posed arrangement for cotfiicnent of this claim between the L e E
and the Edward ihompson Co. In the suit heretofore filed in
the namcIof the L a 2 against Dixon, it is claimed by Dixon that
he paid {10.00 to the Bdward Khanpson Co. at the making of this
contract and, for that reason, I have inserted a stipulation
that the present contract is made upon the distinct understand—
ing between the parties that re part of the purchase price has
ever been paid to the «dward Hhonpccn Uompeny, i have done
this upon the idea that if it turns out conclusively that the
fidwards Thompson Co. did in fact receive an initial payment of
$10.00 than the L & 3 will be entitled to have that much of the
present payment returned to it.

it the time of the Article of Cubrogntion is executed, the
Edward Ehompson Company ought, byall means, he required to turn
over to us not only the original bill of lading, but also one
of the original contracts between it and John 3. Dixon. it is
doubtless true that this contract provided that the title to
the books should remain in the waard Vbonpscn Company until

 \ a: Two ::
paid for, which, under the Kentucky law, would have the
effect either of authorizing the recovering by the L a E of the
books themselves or give it a lieu upon the books to secure
the purchase price.
Trusting that the enclosed form of contract, which I am send-
ing you in duplicate, will be found satisfactory, and return—
. ing herewith the entire file accompanying your favor of the 25rd,
instant, I am.9
I have before me the Article of SubrOgation in duplicate
as prepared by Mr. Wilson and as he has stated that this Company
would also need one of the original contracts between yOur client
and John L. Dixon, I shall appreciate it if you rill secure such a
document from your client and in the meantime 1 will prepare foncher
for the amount of claim which will be turned Over to you together with
the Article of Subrogation for proper execution by our Jastern Hen
presentative located in New Kerk City, as soon as i hear from you to
the effect that you have in your possession both the original Bill
of Lading and the original contract in question.
It should be understood this Company's representative is to
receive the Article of Subrogation in duplicate properly executed
and the original Bill of Lading and contract mentioned in turn for
voucher from this Company to cover payment of the amount involved in
this claim and I will appreciate your further prompt attention in the
Yours truly,
Freight Claim Agent.

 July W8, 1915.
Mr. Walter Lerge-—Attorney,
#15 William Street - Sew York, R.Y.
Dear Sir:—
Claim of :: EDWARD VIE-{02717013 coztrixm .. IKE-.30.
deference is made to your favor of the 10th instant regard—
ing the above claim. Our file covering has just been returned by fir.
Samuel E. Wilson - Local Attorney of this COnpeny at Lexington, 1\en-
tucky with the following remarks:

‘ ”Replying to yours of the 25rd, instant, erd returning herewith
file attached hereto in reference to claim L-lfifilse—D, cover-
ing shipment of law books by Edward Zhonpson Co. of horthport,
Long Island, He? York, to John L. Dixon, of HYden, Kentucky. I
have attempted ta prepare such a form g; contgact of Article of
Subrogation as, infiny jgdgment will sutliCienlly cover the Pr9‘fl
posed arrangement ior ee tlenent of this claim between the h a n
and the Edward Thompson Co. In the suit heretofore filed in
the heme of the L d S againet Sixon, it is claimed by Dixon that
he paid $10.00 to the Edward Thompson Co. at the making of this
contract and, for that reason, I have insertefl a stipulation
that the present contract is made upon the distinct understand-
ing between the parties that re pert of the purchase price has
ever been paid to the deerd Thomps‘n Uonpony. i have done
this upon the idea that if it turns out conclusively that the
Edwards Thompson Co. did in fact receive an initial payment of
$10.00 then the L i R will be entitled to have that much of the
present payment returned to it,

At the time of the Article of SubrOgetion is executed, the
Edward Chompson Cempeny ought, bycll means, he required to turn
over to us not only the original bill of lading, but also one
of the original contracts between it and John L. Dixon. It is
doubtless true that this contract provided that the title to
the books should remain in the fldward Thompson Company until

 “‘ 3: TWO ::
paid for, which, under the Kentucky law, would have the
effect either of authorizing the recovering by the L a E of the
books themselves or give it a lieu upon the hooks to secure
the purchase price.
Trusting that the enclosed form of contract, Which I am send-
ing you in duplicate, will be found saticfactory, and return—
ing herewith the entire file accompanying your favor of the 93rd.
instant, I am.! ‘
I have before me the Article of SubTOgation in duplicate
as prepared by Mr. Wilson and as he has stated that this Company
would also need one of the original contracts between your client
and John L. DiXOn, I shall appreciate it if you will secure such a
document from your client and in the meantime 1 will prepare florcher
for the amount of claim which will be turned over to you together with
the firticle of GubrOgation for proper execution by our eastern fie— '
presentative located in how tork City, as soon as i hear from you to
- the effect that you have in your possession both the original Fill
of Lading and the original contract in question.
It should be understood this Company’s representative is to
receive the Article of Subrogation in duplicate properly executed
and the original Bill of Lading and contract mentioned in turn for
voucher from this Company to cover payment of the amount involved in
this claim and I will appreciate your further prompt attention in the
matter. 3
Yours truly,
- Freight Claim Agent.

 - f’wW/fl/f/lmu/ ///////’// ///- //’/// /(‘//%////y "
‘ (I. k, /// i " ./ / (”I <1 /7‘
\'2f‘.“/(/171(426//1/5 /7//’//'
. // //
July 26th,, 1915.
' Claim I..-195164, shipment of law books to John L.
Dixon, Hyden.
As requested I have had our Counsel prepare the
Article of Subrogation and attach it hereto in duplicate,
as well as his letter of July 24th.

 V " ‘ LAW oft-Ices or"
. " 112 July 21, 1915.
w. A. McDowell, Esq. ,
Manager, L & E Ry.Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Replying to yours of the 23rd instant, and returning
herewith file attached thereto in reference to claim L-l93164—D,
covering shipment of law books by Edward Thompson Co. bf Northport,
Long Island, New York, to John L. Dixon, of Hyden, Kentucky, I
have attempted to prepare such a form of contract or Article of
Subrogation as, in my judgment,will sufficiently cover the prOposed
arrangement for settlement of this claim between the L & E and the
Edward Thompson Co. In the suit heretofore filed in the name of the
L & E against Dixon, it is claimed by Dixon that he paid al0.00
to the Edward Thompson Co. at the making of this contract and, for
that reason, I have inserted a stipulation that the present contract
is made upon the distinct understanding between the parties that
no part of the purchase price has ever been paid to the ddward
Thompson Company. I have done this upon the idea that if it turns
out conclusively that the Edward Thompson Co. did in fact receive
an initial payment of Wl0.00, then the L & E will be entitled to
have that much of the present payment returned to it.

At the time the Article of b‘ubrogation is executed, the
Edward Thompson Company ought, by all means, be required to turn
over to us not only the original bill of lading, but also one of the
original contracts betWeen it and John L. Dixon. It is doubtless

true that this contract provided that the title to the books should
‘ remain in the fidward Thompson Company until padd for, which, under

 ‘ .
the Kentucky law, would have the effect either of authorizing the '
recovery by the L 8c E of the books themselves or give it a lien
upon the books to secure the purchase price.

Trusting that the enclosed form of contract, which I am
sending you in duplicate, will be found satisfactory, and returning
herewith the entire file accompanying your favor of the 23rd inst.,

I am,
Very truly yours,
encs. / /
/ , , o
Sim/a W //L /%
/ ’ 7 '4

 Form Gas—Revised June, '1964.
‘ ‘r LOUISV ILLE, KY. ,.....-......___.-_..-_........._..--.._____________191___
, Cla1m_.,__.____________;
Dear Slr: Please furnish documents or information indicated by “X” beIOW. N°—~————-—————
. J. F. SEGER, F. C. A. , Per£_-_-_
1 Attach a copy of billiiig...........................-....you covering this shipment I Have claim supported by original bill hiding. or guarantee against
— —— W. 32 second payment, also original or certiiled copy of invoice, paid
2 Attach a copy of transfer connecting line. II freight hi I. and full copy of your 0 S. dz D.
_ — “___—___.I—«— —— —————————_____%____
3 Furnish correct way~bill reference on bills notchechcd by Auditor.‘I 38 Investigate as to handling over 3 our division. Furnish full and
__ ._ M M complete seal record Say how you account for the
4 Furnish the information desired by Mr I:—— —— “___—___—
_ __.. _ ___—w, Advise yourfull loading andforwarding, train with conductor,and
. 5 The information desired has been attached. I all where carded to break bulk, show seal record leaving your
-—:—~ —-— M station.
1' 6 Comply with Mr request of — — “___—___“
~— —— ————~—————-————————— ., Attach copy of delivery slip connecting
Note 311...... of ....in reply to yours; 3" line. in what car, date and under what seals delivered. "
7 of ..and advise II—~ —— M
-— — MM 36 Attach a copy of O. S or D report.
8 Attach a statement in accordance with F C. A Rule No.1 I,— —— mm
— ——-— —————~———————_—_—j Give complete seal record of car. If car had end doors, state how
9 Authority for S is attached. Collect direct. I 37 they were fastened Show marks, numbers and impressions on
~-—— — M, sea 5.
10 There is nowith I— -— ___—._m
— —— M— 1 35 Advise if you check over, if not give seal record Was car emptied?
11 The proportion due by us is less than the minimum 3I——- — ___—W
--— —— M :I , Have you any account of checking over? Examine your warehouse
12 Collect 8 ........from,........ II J9 and advise if you are over the missing freight.
and invite remittance order. 5:———« — m
— ___— E {1 Advise if you received the freight and collected freight charges from
13 Note Auditor 5 check and advise amount you are over I .10 consignee.- lf you hold revenue way bill, attach copy, if not
—-—— — M... I please say how the money was reported to the Auditor.
14 Advise final auditing of way»bill, also show division of revenue. 1——i~—-— ‘___.—___ ———
~ —_- _————————__ I I 41 If any delay, advise cause.
12) Complete your check. I—- — R
-——- — “‘__—*— I 42 What eflorts have you made to obtain disposition?
16 Advise light weight of L. & N. car. I— —— Em
-— — H I 43 State how weight was arrived at on which claim for loss is based.
17 Authorize for S as per statement attached. .——~ —— H“—
— — ___-“.‘__“ I hotc delivery shown. Have claim withdrawn. Return papers for
18 Have claimants say how they arrived at basis for claim,giving,1, 4* file. Allow our records to close.
authority for rate and attach copy of quotation, if any. Il--‘—— %
_ _ ___—MI! I 45 Have bill reduced to invoice price or actual cost of repairs.
Advise correct through rate to apply, showing basis for construct- '— —— “Eh—_._
19 ing and dividing same by route shipment moved. II I ~16 I State nature, extent and apparent cause of damage.
—-—— —— M—l ._.—— —— “'_—E—
0 Quote tariff authority for bill lading rate of........... ..advrsiiig‘; Was it of such a character as to pass detection at transfer points?
'0 basis for making and dividing same by route shipment handled ,3 47 IIl'as car insgccted before loading, and by whom? Were any de-
—— “fimw ectsnotirc .
Advise authority for rate and dim ‘ions used: also for bill ladiiigIIm.— ————- m
21 rate, showing tariif number aim late, or, if a special quotationI‘ (Ian you account {Or damage by WEE? WES it 11‘0111 defective 1001.
attach copy of letter or telegram. II ‘18 door. or from leakage of liquids in car?
._ _ H. __»__ “___—3
Attach certincate of scale weight; also state it way bill shows LliilllI What other cars were being loaded at the same time into which it
no the car was weighed at any other point, giving station. dnte‘I 49 was possible to load the missing ireight.and to what points
-- and scale weight at such point If possible, explain any differ I loaded? “hat efforts have you made to locate shortage.
ence between scale weights. I—-'— ““‘_—
_.__ _.._. ___—“R Authorize for your Proportion naming your mileage, revenue and
o If car weighed on your line, attach scale certificate on regular form 50 amount you \vil pay Our distance ismilcs;
-3 and say 011 what, weight you are prepared to settle_ our revenue 8
__.. __ m _ ._ ‘__—“M
n Please note \ir ..nndII 61 Authorize on basis of F C A. Rule No
A advise your recomiiimidaiion as to settlement. ‘__ —— *‘m—
— —— ___—___.“ I _ vull join in prorate of this claim,per Freight Claim
25 I AuthorizeforyourCompaiiy'sperccntage proportion ofthisexpcnse l 02 Ass‘n, Loss and Damage Rule No. 9; our revenue was 8
__ _ ___—m ,___ __ H
26 Please continue investigation, authorizing for account I To whom did you make delivery? Do you hold clear receipt? If so
* ..__— EW —. attach copy. and say if party signing same is an authorized
Check against your records advising if we handled this business 9'3 representative of consignee When was loss or damage first
27 Please show claim number on your records, to avmd paying. discovered. and say if contents were examined by you.
switching on the same cars twice. 1— -— w
— — m l Charge L. a N. R. R. 3-...- account of self
If the shipments covered by this claim were used exclusively 5* and S............................accouiit 012...... , total 8
28 for ..purposes,it will — — “_._-__‘_._.
be necessary for claimants and yourself to certify to that effect. _ Chargeits proportion in the usual manner;
___ — ___—*5 35 our mileage is............................-.miles, our revenue is 8.
Check against your records advising if we handled this businesg, ‘—‘— W
29 attaching statement of billing to cover. , Is the damage of such a nature as to render the shipment worthless?
-—— —— —————.——————fi 58 Is not the salvage of some value? What disposition was made
If shipment was inspected at your station, take up with inspector of damaged goods.
80 and secure statement as to contents. ——- — ___—Hu—
—— —— ___—__‘— Advise it receipted for as "Shipper's load and count.” State condi-
GetJroni shipper immediate order for disposition of roperty, ad- tion when received and if properly stowed. \Vere exceptions
31 vising him that unless promptly removed. it win be sold for 57 of any character notch \‘as the freight receipted for under
freight and other charges without further notice conditions of uniform bill of hiding, or at carriers’ risk?
I I 58 . - , - _
. l V . .l ”I .
__..u. ”-so_-_MM.w__w,_nm~n-nam
'_T‘.‘_'x.iifi::_fii_v" __""_":____.”M .______.__ ._ ___ _ . .___ “._—f—__——~~———___m

 anemia E ‘
‘V’fl’éfi 32.1? '
Tamwfizgsmmo ~ ' July 16, 1915.
Louisville & Nashville Railroad 00.
Louisville, Ky.
“Rear“Sirseg In reply to your favor of June 28th, 1915, your file No Lr


“:”WW'Nw') I now have in my possession the original bill of lading in
this matter. I have advised my client to execute the article of subro-
gation referred to, and to deliver the same, with the original bill of
lading, to anyone here named by you, upon receipt of a check for the am-
SEQZWEE its claim, as filed; provided, however, that as between you and

‘:my client this shall be deemed a final settlementI and that you will in-
demnify them against all claims for casts, or otherwise, that may‘rise
out of the litigation to be undertaken by you against any person; your
agreement to this effect to be evidenced by the payment of the money and
y delivery of the documents as above provided. Kindly forward to me the
paper to be signed by my client, and oblige, '
Your'a very ”11%

 . _ v " -, /,/ 1/ \ /3 /, // ,l I"); /, /,t . \7 - «j/l . / \i. - ,' // ,- ,~ I ’ , I
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.f/Z //.(§0('//Z(v‘jl/flj/ {#I‘/Vl/fl/m @Ilfi’lfl/ ~%’/(’l/('I///€e QI/y/fl’l/
, 61’}! KIWI/;'I'ISI/llf git/WI f. f ‘
99(‘759..Z%?/4¢1?$ " ,.- I, , /.
‘ zlss'z‘ (I‘I'Il’[»1';‘lfl:l//Ifx.‘1‘I/Ifllft y/ 'l //7/ j//"
;’z‘flfgf’adfiQ/tt/r, ’:"lflll’ldlfi/J'Xfl’ ! 277 P A Q ,,—
’ gw#6hMfiHgMAym& [' ~J-rft-13i (T30? P531531“ - Ef‘or ”21‘70 . 9C
Filed against the Lone Island railroad.

_ Referring to the ahove styled claim will advise our Counsel
at Lexington wiehee to know if your client will execute an Article of
fiubrogetion to the Lee RR Co. and authorise the use hv trat Company of
the name of the Edward fhompsor Cowper? in further litiration Witt the
party to whom this shipment was deliveredif
prompt settlement is made withlyour client for the amount involved in
this claim which represents invoice coat of the ehipmort. le cannot,
however, eee our way clear to effect settlement of this item unless
the claim 18 presented and supported by the original 7ill of Leding
covering this ehipment or a guarantee against second payment properly

\ executes on form 1044 attached, also the original or certified copy
of Shiiper's invoice to the consignee as e verification of the amount
claimfi in settlement.

We trust you willégafgale to Secure the coneent of your
client to allow the matter ~eAdfiflined by our touneel and upon
receipt of such advice together with proper support of claim as out-
lined above, w will arrange for a prompt payment of the amount in-

V valved throug he regular channel.
E‘EJIJ-fg-ED Ea . C .A .
CC—ECI‘ I ‘if. A Q I«ZCI)0W€‘)11-1}9nowflr'

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