xt73bk16mf8w_640 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [474] Martha Oxford v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [474] Martha Oxford v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_60/Folder_16/7204.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_640 xt73bk16mf8w ; - * Septm’qber 10, 103.7. ' ‘
V Martha Oxford v. Lém‘i 341277.60. - 1
.s 7 V ' Perry Circuit Court. '-
. > o a c o '
J. J.» Donohue, Esq.” ' _
' _ sAst 321st. Atty“, £34151} 1;}: 00., , _i’-’
, Louisville, Kontuckyq ‘
Lear Dir: m =;
v ' defendant ’ S ' ' Ir:
. Herewi 131 Clerk 8 taxation oi‘ncosts in ihe above—«styled _
. 033,3 amounting to -,p1.90, for which you will please have voucher '
iii-3120630 I!» L‘. 001111339 Clerk of the T?err;-/ Circuit Court. ' - I f;
> , Sepoial Demurrar to the Petition was $113th ined am" the "2::"
case dismissed mi thout muejmiiee at plaintiff 8 coast“ The plank »
' tiff is: 1 11301178111: 9 as I 31: :u’wised by 1195331125.; 110 rgsm 8c mickols.
, . enc. Yours truly, " f
:3;-:“.! /a
- Counsel. * '
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‘ OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT» . . ;ggrgag‘d,1£§/f.t-- -V-- LOUISVILLE ‘
B. D. WARFIELD, . 1-13.9 of...-- . 1 5-03. , -, . .-“;an
District Attorney.
[7; the [(150 o/V.__in---....‘Eill‘iihi‘. Oxford. ._--.. vs. -. .31. £3 E. I}; .. Co;11g:3,;1g__:-#
f/zc fol/owing proceedings were lzad at [116... . J C‘LHI‘LLLZ‘y‘ G 8:11 . ..-i Tum, 1916_._ -
of 2716,. . .- . . . . (linen; .:‘ ,. Court of . - .. 331012131: W-.. .._._wfi County.
, Special demurrer filed, sustained, and following
. judgnent entered:
3 1 She defendent hetinr filed its egecial denurrer
. to nluintiff’o petition to 1k; jurisdiction of this
' , 1‘: omit 52:16. 1. 32::- C: 0113:13 ”111: a" dvis eC , e112: 1221 113 said '
' demurrer.
- It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the
Court tint pleintiif's petition be dismissed without
‘ . prejudice and that defendant recover its cost herein
. expended.
’ I
_ /2//J ( ,’3“. .
' /";,;«j,,;1,/73 ,3}-‘31:?“ . ‘ " _. .
[.S‘ICNED] / 13 u ' -/'-..» ’..' ,' \\ 1 1’ / _- .. . '
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
1117??“1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc. -
3. In reporting a. continuance, state at whose cost.
. 4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and Whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, What time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

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burg the fl:1._;:;2.::t~z nio’iied 11;) her 53.0. and etarted out
with. it and she 'ig'o'llowed {3.3. no; {2.351115 :.:-31;; :,.Liiii..'f15j0n
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of??? ecme 53 C for :.’.ONE: one _‘;/,'.». ..i.:Le ‘..; 25.31;:st
‘i‘he Indy amid that he :.'iever 2.01.2, he}: to get off.
She had spent all her :‘a;,.:1.::;j for ..ieicet. fiche office
force here lodge.’i her {it good hotel during; dag.“ and
night .27‘/i; our exuoneo, and :.:—..2; conduct or 11330:: being;
303.27. we {Bil’(3u’i"'i:3’dziiz‘),0 es carried her over to E-Iif‘zzard
ease-um mietehe. She tree 01223 nothing but delay,"
The other replies will be givm‘. you. “.2-men sent it.
.‘ .,‘ .| ‘f’ --
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Aiin’tlu‘g a? at 7E Hm
HAZARD! KY‘ May 4, 1915.
747 f ‘ ’ é ?
Mr. S.M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
. Dear Sir:
Enclosed find necessary copies of petition
and docket report in the case of Martha Oxford vs.
L. & E. Railway Company.
Very truly yours,

.v; "
The plaintiff says that the defendant, Lexington
‘ and Eastern Railway Company is a corporation created, or—
ganized and existing under the laws of the State of Kentucky,
for the purpose of and is engaged as a common carrier in
carrying passengers to and from different points on its own
and other railroad lines in the State of Kentucky and other
States, and in doing other work as a common carrier common
to all such common carriers and in its corporate name has
power to contract and to be contracted with and to sue and
to be sued.

The plaintiff, Martha Oxford, for her cause of
action against the defendant, says that on the 22d day of
October, 1914, at Mayking, Kentucky, a station on the line
of the defendant's railroad, she purchased a ticket from
defendant, by reason of which it undertook as a common
carrier to carry her as a passenger from said point to
Hazard, Kentucky, and for which ticket she paid defendant.

’ That after purchasing said ticket and paying therefore
she boarded defendant's passenger train which runs through
and from said point to Hazard, Kentucky, for the purpose
of making said trip as a passenger from Mayking, Kentucky,
to Hazard, Kentucky. ///

 . s; .

She says that when said train got to Whitesburg,
Kentucky, a point some 45 miles from Hazard, the defendant
announned to plaintiff that she was at Hazard, the place
of her destination, and accordingly took her suit case and
little girl out of the train and set them down and left her
there, the train pulling out fnim the station going on to
and through Hazard, Kentucky.

The plaintiff says that she does not know and

‘ does not have sufficient information to know whether said
acts of defendant were purposely done or whether they were
done through negligence of defendant company's employees.

I But she says that by reason of defendants acts whether
done purposely and negligently, she was compelled to lay
over at Whitesburg until the 25d day of gctober, 1914,
at cost and great inconvenient and annoyance to her from
which she sustained damages in the sum of $250.00, which
she ought, as she believes, to recover