xt73bk16mf8w_643 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [480] Dora Swango v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [480] Dora Swango v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_61/Folder_1/7273.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_643 xt73bk16mf8w v. r- .3 _. r . ' ,, «4. '
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B. D. WARFIELD, 7’ - V ’ mg/ (
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Attorney L. 81 N. RaiIroad Co.
1%?" 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition. etc.. etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cost. ,
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party; and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

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J z // ///'///}1/'[////‘.\[///‘///. , ..//'///-)// "/////, ‘ ”7., June 4 ’1917 .
mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Dora Swango v. L&B. RR. 00.,
Evelyn Swango v. L&N. RR. 00.,
. mary F.Wickliffe v. LEN. RR. Co.
Breathitt Circuit Court.

In connection with my letter to you of Jan. 20th
suggesting that you file an amended answer setting up the In-
terstate Commerce Act and our tariff on file in connection with
the issuebe the tickets upon which these parties were travel-
ing, I now desire to call your particular attention to the case
of Boston v. S.P.Ry. 00., 175 Ky. 641, the first head note of
which is as follows:-

"Under the act of Congress creating the Interstate

. Commerce Commission and the amendments thereto, when a
carrier files a schedule of tariff and rates for inter-
state shipping and passenger travel, and publishes same
as required by that act and its amendments, both the
carrier and passenger or shipper are bound by such rates
and conditions contained in the schedule after it is ap—
proved by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and no a-
gent of the carrier can Bind it contrary to such terms,
either intentionally or by a mistake.".

As I recall the matter, sometime during the Win—
ter an order was entered in these cases taking the allegations V
of the petitions as true, because of our failure to file answer.
my recollection is that Judge Wilson gave me this information

S.M.W. - 2
‘ sometime about the first of the present year while on the
train enroute to Jackson, stating to me that he honed to
get the order set aside, but whether he did or not my memory
does not now serve me. If our amended answer has not been
filed it should be filed if the court will permit it, or at
least it should be tendersd,in my Opinion, and if the court has
not set aside the order taking the petitions in these cases as
true, I hOpe further effort will be made to get this done. It
seems to me that our amended answer states a complete defense to
these actions and I hepe very much that we can get a trial on
I the merits of that defense.
Yours truly,
, /
z ///&€h§?{sh§s?”

 Jackson.Ky., M"y 22,1917.

Dora Swango v. LdN, Breathitt Circuit Court.

Jan. Term, 1917.

Jan. Deft. moved to require plff. to file original ticket.
Deft. moved for rule requiring plff. to give bond for cost.
Plff. objected to the filing of said motion and submitted

Jan.5, Without waiving demurrer and motions heretofore made deft.
tendered and offered to file denmrrer. Plff. objects.
Submitted on motion to file. Heft. moved to strike
certain words from petition. Deft. without waiving
motions and demurrer tendered and offered to file answer.

Jan. 6, Deft. renewed motion to file answer.

Jan. 8, Without waiving motions and femurrer, deft. moved to set
aside order of Nov. 9. taking petition as true and in
suoport of said motion filed affidavit of O.H.P011ard,
Plff. objects.

Jan. 9, Deft. filed notice and in open court offered to confess
judgment for fifty cents. Plff. being present declined
to say anything. Rafixxti

Jan.22, Affidavit of Chester Liourley filed in ooposition to motion
to set aside order of Nov. 9th.

Jan. 25, Deft. offered to file second amended answer.

Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
Dora Swango v. LdN,
Breathitt Circuit Court.
July Term, 1915.
July 7th, Deft. moves for rule against plaintiff requir-
ing her to verify petition.
Jujzy & October Term, 1916’. ‘
July 3rd, Amended Petition filed in vacation noted of record.
Oct. 20, Plff. moves to take petition as tnue. Deft.
objects. Motion overruled because petition is not verified '
Nov. 9th, Motion to take petition as true sustained.
Daft. moved to set aside order and deft. granted until ch
‘ Dec. 1918, to answer. Deft. excepts. '

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1.1m J.J. Donohue, Eu
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Uniting"!!! 1!) :.::t}: -'!':!_a’».,=;
5' Junuary 22,1917,
hr. 5. H. Wilson,
Counsel, LEE. Ry. CO.,
Lexington, Tentuoky.

Dear Sir,

1 hand you herewith letter from Assistant General
Passenger Agent Ridgely relative to the Swango cases, which
is self—explanatory. It is probable that you will want to
take the depositions of Lessrsl_3ranhsu and leyton. How—
ever, I believe that after you have taken the depositions
of the plaintiffs in these cases the atmosphere will have
been cleared sufficiently to enetle us to determine what
further depositions should be taken at the New Orleans end
of the line.

Yours truly,
y,»” ;vsi_tu-t Dietrict at: iney{Zfiy//’rr
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pv, 1. . ,g. 4_1, -., . ‘1‘, ~ ~ ‘1. ~.- '.,‘.,.,. :3‘ 1 .:. ,. »j J», ,2..: ,
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'.'.» o"“"‘“.:.'l-'.3f.z.f;-ZS 5301211 hhgl UUL‘g1... LCM 1.41:1“; , 1.1..:-.}.€) 1:31.; .:.§.~L.\7(r, 111“: .:,: ~"~.~.

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 x. ’ .
' January 312?, 191'?
A. 1.:. .:'211'3‘6311, (fry,
alhimf ,.‘. .'Lgotlfi‘ full-1' Til (70., '
Tip-suit: vi E10 , > {lt‘aL-lflizfa
:.;-3):.11‘ Mir:
I 112111:- 1‘ '2 w; ...vu'L :;;:L;"'.::1111;; ;f::1;':fi.<":::c._:=a:¥ :_;‘cmxiz‘ (3:57 t‘un ‘Oth
instead, 3.711;}: Irg’xul‘)sm.:,'.,:-:.:, 1x’:i’cw.‘-:)';1IL:2;3 'L'L" the thy-{:.:} (3:;7}”L:‘-1ii)}1 mzitfi
in .':El'ezzthii'i: Circuit Cam'x‘: ».'ii'
Tor-‘.:, Shetago .57}?
;Jvrslyn l5‘»l’fl,i’i;f0, 1),? etc. v. .1621;
15511;; 9 . _1 ::'.1I'E.§.:C;'e Th 3.}.‘13.
‘ 013031 LE: ":3.‘t"&j:i;f’~j3} 0;" ;x'cmr :€?1;f:;7"'3:':‘fiicfii?, I hfxvc‘: 2712.’:T?D£‘.1”€35
:.m .:::amflnd vitruv'xznéz.‘ in 9:;:-.31). x}: 1.1m, almva 0:19-5:53, .‘:; cozy of which
in the first of ..'-said 0.23.5308 {210212. ii: LU THE?) is: harry-.':: 17h ham’ind
gun as: :3. 8:1:‘1‘nle O :1“ I117, '."Zixo file sr3211:2.:htz:igzgi 1:11;: v-13? surfiicsible
to _,élrdrltijij’s ti 01:01: 2.:.-'16 the ”111221“ ;2::.33:‘s~r:_= h“fi;l{i in: do with the _
Imtnrutate 5.20 nnrce C:J!1.:li:"-':Ti£)}l L not in my:u):1:m:‘:::ia_):1 :11 this: time ‘
but (are t1}, Judy: 901111.3(3 :11: firmzliamnn ..-:‘:;L3~:> I 31qu buf- t 3 pnmm‘e
the pleading 17:3. $111012: - 23152 {Hilfifhi MSLLOLL‘: -.‘"':*."t::."i;?2:21mm, I '
1):,37Liawzz e;1-:>z.2:g;31 03‘ r;1z'&3:,3wm<;e‘: _;;-15‘; ': ,::“;lzagar-c‘ to .::. ;y‘nfl (::‘:C'onv-e. ,
. 31-‘1-(22‘a5te procure 3.1110, send we or 32:93:! “allard at once
a ::urtij‘iud 0037;? or the ‘:.‘arii‘f ;'.‘0_,._'r'2:'.‘3"<3z? in 3,410, film, {a <3'21"’:ti fiat?
song: 0:2" 631-": i)".r1:."éj>();::'rmi <.'=:‘:inir31.1 To. AQEMT 0:? the Iou'fij. 5.2; the
$3131.11 fi}rz;"c:ia mum, and, 311m, ciézr‘tifitzi U013 01" 1:13.51, Circular
{letter Lie. {)1 01’ 1‘11-c”: ’.;-‘rrmrs-\3(>.;1t:1;_1-:1,1'€;:2.1 Z‘axzsrenggnzr ficmzirtivn. I
5:12: making each 0:1" thyme (‘:(‘xsumnntzs 5m fiirihiiflt Li'i't}: the ULI'Immad .v‘_-..r1s:x':<':r. 7
Thus-<9 matters Should have is.1;:1ediz:.1:e aztcil‘sfion {Ls-2 some
drémtic actian is 11321213 to be tacon 13;: the (Breathitt Circuit Court


' in the above (361.3538 ("111371.5' 17115: pranezl’c £70037, and I want our “mended
.621'Ls3'x;m.-FI 1‘51th hr (:11 menn'7, "031'on the Linusrt 1:110:36: any 1.121.111

"If: :7 t 11111;; c) 113‘ :3 ,
:‘w v"
I I /:L
{71)12313121 .
T’.fl.—-——~1?10I1529 5.30.2151 “the; cc::‘c:2;.7:'u‘3(1 13011051, shove ::I:'2-13'1::s:'tc<’x, in
L- .in.

" January 90, 1917.
Dora Swango v. "an 113"; Co.,
Evelyn Sihffil’l§;O,lJ:/' é’cc. v. _‘.-Eel? 3312: 00. ,
3.13.11: 2.5. 17:1 ciclii‘i’c v. 3622:? P 00.,
Jrog'athitt Si rcui‘t Uourt.
.izll" . J .3. Do 1107:1110 ,
Affirst. List. .:tt"«'., Ii"; Co.,
ycuir‘fllle, Kentucky.
Der: ifijr:
V Thir- lv“:‘l.i‘.::z;:f Ti," am. .24-.V‘ m: "lg'afl'f‘w‘: ‘.";7 13:2. ',‘i-LJIWG oi ‘E'f‘ie 7.13-51, lfé‘tlg
1743?: mid Elfin, ‘.‘:i :11. :‘.iiclLosm’er, :1. ra;;i‘3::'i:-:z,ce to the :'.L‘:ove—:-":;,rled :‘uits.
. Lit e‘:cn:'),"_:7.:‘-.'_:l:i3r '_lallihnl'i'i‘? Inc: that tinny": 2:;-‘:'; still anther 1'31.i.’21“.’.'l1j0h
. cane t) the 01331.3(: in, my absence am}. was ;"o:.g"...-2.1'--:Zr:6‘, ti: 5.136%.311. This
lettezg- I Easier: not f‘f'urfi'l. wanna-3 that it coatsj nod a stator-@111: from
3173Mii>l£fj9 £410 :‘lnr-i‘miz.
I.-."‘=n.1’t‘:<;-:':u2,s’> ‘:“:cfst Bruit tit-.0, sogg‘igmsriur:‘.“. (:sz 1:31;; "utter
of 31.;71‘stg-t C:<.);‘t‘.:1.:‘x7oi‘£‘: 2.4.3:“: 53:731.? Jar: 13?? ;:c to Jackson rim" Ti.;‘1”i:’)(ii£l'liel:,7
sent 'lmck \‘iiifnoiat :1:cc*xfl:‘:shin: T’.-'53“,T]_'lj$3c l (“to not, however, thin}:
Jmfign “(ill-.‘..‘.)c :7.“ to blame ..'or ‘t’tis, flint“: if I t'ézonji'i'r"; tins-.': I myself
1:.-"3:1: to he l)1“i“~“;(l 1 7 In"??? 151.29:- c:-::‘:,:::, it)“: the
» has“? mine: or? the term, ‘."-’_‘:'.'":3 :E‘F‘s‘ :‘i._:1r;»:: r"; .i."? trfif‘l er; the 177“}: $1.71? 19th
{17:-fie 'vi’ Ch- terri, :'lifill l7?5{:¢f‘j i.2’1t~::r;7rz:-tn€ 3"1C;2“,:'=_e January 19th and 20th.
Up to ir’ ‘3.3u::1':1r?i.25* ’L.""T-.it:v:‘:rdz1:r, iii-1c- 1ft? :i2.:."t:‘.nt, there teen two
ji‘ir‘sgzzas drain" raisin/iris in the .‘Srcr‘t‘jtt ’..';3‘.-::“crzr?t Court, the) .rcgtular
Jnifie, .‘:{cnq Juices ”‘. 9.1373315”? :'.)".(‘i ’-‘, il‘uazciizl Judge, lions J.. in Bailey. ‘
Piotr-1i their. Adili'lé’ the 'a;.‘r~:=n:wnent of cases on the cricket,- it is not
glinfiffi ens-2;; 1; o forecast ‘..'i‘..“,iT emte or cases: in}; cox-ii: he (2:37“ch for '
trial. in the .Brrrethjfi C Uircnit Court, nor is it air-.1533. srsvo to cancel

 u n
JJD~?. .
the order “for witnesses; any very groafi length of time before: the day
. for which the case in. which they =‘1,3."O glazed/3'1 if; Mt flow; on the dneke‘t.
It hUL-‘J‘iiff 15:9 2.:".1 over 1:0 {$200 the Uor::a:v121;,r::a'a'bjnciinrl rat a; trim-n, to 1111--
necemmry Orifiauzzus‘: 51:16. I can truthfully way than: .'I. make {EVEYZITLT reason-
013 quart ts 57:11:),1'6: ::z_:;r:ins:a: it. ‘.a.‘a1<3:}1e23:' this: 5::) 17:12.6: 0:15.01; or?
Stair-e 7701.112-0, .;séraajrzaiqalgr :‘r acajxiyaax, I 270521137 <70 nut tidal}: 31:: is: sub--
jCi‘ to cri'i‘i:::3.;‘1?:1 for wharf. has: (C126. (21012.0cation 3::. 111 13-0 :11-1303’s-
‘.;Vi.§,"1”::‘a {15:37:14. I?“ '.I,“ him a“. _‘.",‘T. a Tax? Lula; in
<"sa;-;\.z'1:"a.ira:.; than aspirate w:- arc 111-away. inc.- 1:3,- a.=.a.;‘.s::?_'it;i 0-3 ?.a1".?.;15a:3.;a’ag: mi»
air-kn? 1V: r111;a1a=‘:.:+a:.3 fun. untai‘fi(i:.=‘:‘:=73}'.5.3 (J_?:t‘-;:an<:(a ‘5; x {.110 ".:‘7'.:a1.
In 2fa:-19aia:i:i.:..<' 1.31:. £21_=>.s::>:-;f:, I :lTj.g‘I1‘Li :.:(‘d that ‘.':(2 acted
not so aznac 1 ”ma ::2-gr some tram; ::ist' r13:‘-a...:.<_:e that in}; awn] ai am: he"
Iaefchruad an 0511.7, ::1 _ f'...‘ ‘.ljaa’ii’; :71:?) :3",-".7(3.3.‘:}_'C grimy-251317;? $01“ a
.::.)“finoaa-rwxe:.11; 3.:; 571:; (3539.1(Taianta 1531:? 5‘ a:!::v:‘a<3T12..‘-=ion Was
\; 33.1.1 1'31: .T:_:sa_;”:-‘:.“1.:L€..) r)=,a‘ai.~a.j,:*s\.a1 isa 4.7-.azta" .‘1_"1:t~‘:‘::‘-< ta me o-f
551.7:- 7..1'2'7h ("in 7324;}: f'..1:‘si;'..1i:::. ‘iz’a a.r‘:.‘.‘;1'->_' ‘2».a::r.':.:, Hams-t;- ”at: 21‘2“; rake it
iag'xja’SIi‘a“ [1‘0 'Iél {Hi-fayr': -~'_'> “wa‘f , ‘ “..‘: {17:- ting.” ()5 the
“Tri:if:‘ai'f:': 7.137% ;C".,'a:a=::'. a iffi.a.:?".1'..l‘1.”‘-, 31173115 to
".;arr- ‘fn-thy (72:? p11“ "f ::..flaj; ..'-::.].I ;.-.; 3:.”:7, :'1‘1 01"‘1’21‘ to
V ’1"‘;a.‘7;:. " 'i'i1~'=':t1 5§»‘v"3‘{l (Tn-‘.'“? ‘it‘: :"i':-1'l';a':"'.-.a3f 4.“: 1...:- ’.?.* -1riy:-.a=:r‘~ the again“:
0.1 «.:: 5::: 753M“. ":‘E’PI‘ “‘77:: <32;a"?;.a;?_a.. v1 ::23 '1'.’xv*‘-‘1’1*52§3.
0:.“ ::.‘a’: Vin-".‘.‘? in WW: JW rm. ::v'mxaxfs". 913 .101”. TT.L)‘\I’.‘7.JL‘7 19ft?) €11.11:
(”N-‘7“. '"r‘waz 1:71": 711.10%»? ‘71: o ‘mfii. ‘15) 5 172133143011.
' .731 t’:J'-1:s",':1?‘f- m, 1).": 337?: (I'm/a: if, if 1:}, I can ‘
{Iii-10 0/. 21/113; Hr",- (in)~D?:)'~..L“.‘TTI:.a.)aa :73" ".‘:m 1001?. '21, .'gnia'-:-1ra:rss (1)11~ {Wart ".3337 _
3' ‘a'xx'ravsz (:71:? :‘s:?t‘»a';*-::'a.:31a :‘:.'.1 1".»22 3">;~"~})6; 111?}? 0:: :'.aa gum- leijtqu‘ ~
. i

> (TJD-zo
oi‘ the 19th instant, I Shall gladly do :30.
Very truly yours,

 > .
.77/7” //7
‘ _\ I
l! ( / ‘ /, / / ,/ 17/?) 7 / /
I , ,_////A//’//é /. //////// ///////r/// /////////7
l (u
Mgr/x k/x /)/' (2)/11%24/
.,‘ / .// _4., . I, / I ( x) . if 7 /, . 7 V/ ’_ ’ ' .
/./ , y9””"WW/”W1“ m%///’gal/Y/fl/flflé/fl/L/flffl/fl/y,(////////’/ mm.
flaw} // -Q/fl//(1//)M, /, //
K , [v ..a/J‘.s'( War/V'r/nillwwzfu / , /
/C//////////%/////f// ‘ " I ', ' ,/ ’ //
z / ///l}‘/Z/H/1»‘///I‘/l/. , 7 %///-//l//fl', a /(/y7 Janua ry 20 ’ 1917 .
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L&E. Ry. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,
Dora Swango v. L&N. §R. 00.,
Evelyn Swango v. L&N. fiR. 90.,
Mary F.Wickliffiav. L&N. RR. Uo.,
Breathitt Circuit Court.
_ _ g I hand you herewith copies of certain depositions
. *, ... .gjaigkf' ‘ I
t ‘ in the abovefstyled case which were taken by our District
Attorney, hr. Lenegre, of flew Orleans, which 1 hope you will
find satisfactory. i also hand you herewith c0py of unre-
ported Opinion Eo.