xt73bk16mf8w_646 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [483] Topsy Cable v. L&N, Lee Circuit Court text [483] Topsy Cable v. L&N, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_61/Folder_4/7459.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_646 xt73bk16mf8w ‘4
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L. ’ I
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, '.’ t D ‘..' I
Februa ' 1“,1“16
District Attorney,
'1" «v
near Sir,- In 0350 GT Typsy Cable vs L.&.H.,Lee Circuit Caurt
herewith mate copy a? w labia? written me by Hr.nuv5t under date of
fiaBruary 1?,1E1fi regexmending settlement of this 9333 at $1$€.5fi,
each party pavinfi his awn costs. Relying upon Mr.flurst's juagment in
the mnifiar an& be icvihg ihe snttlemcnt prepsscfi is best unaer the
"O“:"“"‘l‘."‘f‘t{?:7’\nr‘\¢‘ H E'n'e-u,‘f'=~v (“':‘rf‘n 3'1"": at, :1“ 4““ "PH ‘\ 1"": ',‘-riff t7 ':3“ ":.' "14?”,35
wwi .”.7} (<1 ~~4~‘n\/\.47.J’9_’_ and; .‘,z", 2LmJLJ‘ “‘,‘ .E. Eula. navel-~..., ‘J';' _.“-.).“. ..wa qOLJJJ-iC-
3,2-‘23' igz‘aue i‘aa'iflmiiflx ti} admit-3“ {.1343 ":7:-mutt, is ”:3:“, 12:15.51 in Gatigregiijm
2111:": 1"?-’*.:{’">'»IC::_231‘i3'r1 {:.r'a::';ft.:;,t?stz 13,3391" ::::mua'i'bin}: to $1.91”). I herewith
€19,711“: ii=<£>1i €33.01°*:‘53 iv;:‘:.~;:‘:.t-ie“v:1 it? ~::m.—;:*<;-;e.' 21,..le 11:51.12»). :‘4‘4512‘QTHCY ":‘=11‘£3 :3:: firm: $30.41. ‘
"P392223r‘ W .‘./““ “‘. .'..:},LLC-LE. .:i; 5320??? “6’1“ E'»‘T-‘Tl'é-‘IEE‘Vill";
€15: manna;- 2.: 2,14. L'LW‘ffl"?€!fj’,iE1 ET-E‘TLCE‘ Eliza; ‘éflzz‘! a“- may M‘s
dispnzrx: :;:” ':L»:‘:1u1:<3 33.4; :.1-.': mgr-:;:.
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 S A M H U R S T,
y: ‘ Beattyvz‘fle, - - Ky.
V February 17,1916.
Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
Dear Sir,- I have agreed to settle the ease of Torrey Cable vs
~ L.m.N.R.R.Co.,pending in the Lee Circuit Court,by paying him ‘112.50
each party to pay his own costs. By reference to file you will see that
- this plaintiff seeks to recover ¢250.00. I have personally examined
the premises and while I do not think this party has been damaged as
WWW-«.‘.,‘._‘.”.rflva~-~1-r~""*""'”"‘ ""' ‘
much as I have agreefi to pay I am clearly of ppiniou that we are
liable and that we will be defeated on a trial one lose judgment for
at least this amount,whieh with the costs would be considerably more.
Please have voucher issued and sent me at once as i desire to get this
case off before the end of thie term of court which will close
Daturday,rehruary 2R,1916.
Yours Truly, f/fb
, 4
/3 " , ‘ '
77 fl 77 ‘//"d m‘\\
/ \

a ,. Attorne —at—LaVV
_ $06 e M .y ,
x.=! . Beattyvlfle, - ~ [\3’.
December 2,1915.
Judge Samuel MJYilson,
Lexington , Ky .
Dear sir,- Enclosed please find Report of Proceedings in
duplicate in case of Topsy Cable vs L.L:.N.R.R.Co.,at November
Term,1915,Lee Circuit Court.
Yours Truly,

OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT_.-.,_/_%4EMQMé/__ _,_—
e‘, n. WARFIELD, ,,,,,,9’:a’ay (y; ,, , , ,, fl? A6, . , 191w
Dish-11:1 Attorney.
17; 2’11: case 0/__.,_O£é¢y. Manama- “.___ vs. _,, .- fm ' , ,,,,_fi, ,,,,,,,A_
Mr fb/lozi/ing prorcgdz'flg's were: Izaa’ t 1116 ’g/{IW‘A ,, ,,, Tam, 1911!},
Z l .
of Man ,, , , ,,, ,, ,, LM Court of. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,_____Coznz[y,
2%! g (7 :4 ; fl
\ _7 ~../,,.»; _/ /.
@7400] M74 ,,fiwmwéa,y ,,1/’7? rat/:5 ’1;
, [x
, (7'7/,,., / / r ,.1 ,/~
[SIGNED] V7»- '1'/.,,“; V " ‘ " ” w" ‘ , , ,_
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
{MVL Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc. , .
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

\.. ‘ .
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In”; ».IiuJLJIJ. I.I(NLlLA -
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$134.}ij [13.5 Le) ( graill‘lULLJ. t
V.‘; 73:35:41".
I. - ,. .7‘ r, .. -’>\_n .8
_Y, ks; J.. ;3 .1. .11-7 . Deieudan.
.. .. ,..,e ,7 ..,é» _.,IL.\,,,“ _ "W'r ~'.‘_’
The mph-11‘ Flt-ion; n} severe“ .4115111 on '..-11.2. 010.01‘
w .. .. . a... . :-. .- ,ar- 4mm“ .. i'- n ,, x. , . .. ; .:: ».«1:...__
0007-; on a. icrgww «mg- or unis tszl... ..J .our't ourrllédb .11.; comm.
c -~ «.»v—é- . w,” . :«L'pfi .-. ;.»+ "r.-. ‘
I'CI‘ Cl tilt) ’J_Cf‘J‘iiJJML in) (.1;; iA“T;’?.J.'«Al\V..l la: ~J'S‘u «.;.L‘L: Tim ALGEG
for naught. :mu the won’t '._/22m; ea. signiin.» \‘hfllviJflliirl' .1: _1 #11514.—
- , ,3 ' r ‘ ..4 ' .‘:.u 1- . W , 7,... ,. ,4”: .‘ ‘1
tli‘f e3;.7_.‘;<::-;‘_.s 21.-1..: LIL-.'.lli‘rllg. M: 1.21:1; 1 ;5..:.:;.1.Q1.

y \‘ 4
‘Y . - ‘
Lin-J: «1174):! I"! CIZTTH’P
”Mrsii‘a‘oer‘ '"l‘ermz. 7th. (highlfith (143’ 0} ovember‘ 1915.
“bps; (table, T‘laintiff.
L 31.13.00 Defendunt. ‘
Plaiwtil‘i‘ Illed {ma mre=mz1e
V son. Sam Hurst,
Dear Sir:

Horowith enclosed, I hand you Stock L;lrzz‘Lm Agent‘s éfitire
file in the case of Topsy Cable v. The Cempany, in Lee Circuit Court,
to recover $350.00 damages on ac cunt of fire.

I Your attention is called to the letters enclosea, which
inflicate the damage, if any, dia not exceed $30.00.
' Kindly acknowledge recei t of the enclosures, unfl oblige,
Yours truly,
‘ Counsel.

 . « Vs
‘ ‘_1 June 25, 1915.
“ E. at McDowell, Ssq., .i
hanager, L & 3 Ry.00.,
Bear Sir:
I acknowledge yours of the 24th instant, enclosing Stock
Claim Agentis file in the case of Consy Cable v. the Uompany, in
the Lee Circuit Court, chick I am forwarding these papers to Era
Hurst for his attention.
I Very truly yours,
seat/a '
Cetulsel. i

 //,.- /" '." . ///'77 ,2? ‘7" 7‘47 if
1 ///1/ fi IC’ 1 ’;;%) 2/4/ 27/?
.2. (waxy/(w m/ ///M// flay/m7 EM”???
.2 ¥ - 1] ./ 1.<. /
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. fitlzqyra/ic 5N , flXfl/y‘W/f . y,
. /, ¥
June 24th, 1915.
MT.S.4.Uilson, Counsel,
/ a t
. . . :«1AAA~&.29 /j '
LeX1ngton, Ky.
Dear sir:-
Your letuor of June 32nd enclosing cooy of :etiuion
' in 300 case of mopsy Cable seeking to recover g250.00 on account
of damage by fire.

I atuach the Stock Claim Agent‘s enfiire file in this
case. Your attcuuion it called to ahe letteru from Thich you
will note thvt the damage is olEced at $50.00.

Y3urs uruly,
’,- 2 ’A —-’ "—7
2 “fwh/y‘ 7V /

'1“ 02%, W>
Cy ~ Hr.C.H.Moorman.

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