xt73bk16mf8w_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [37] Thomas R. Deaton vs. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [37] Thomas R. Deaton vs. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_7/Folder_12/64223.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_65 xt73bk16mf8w O
‘ June. 2:99 1915.
£11536 0. 1i. Pcllz‘ird,
Jack: on. 59311131131130.
.:Ly dear 5.7110939?

;:c‘icnox';l.;"55'%:«::i..r55‘5 j‘mzrs: of] th. ”.‘I'Ei iii-s1: 4.140, 1 1'5,- Llf;i‘-»-it€:
you of: ib:‘LV.lIl;-j gotten ii"; of t "Lazi'lu‘z; 3:1 cl: in ice 22:1i.x:>‘;-?Le,;-;:" i'm'e's
;;:.r*o.~in;—7; out 01' the .wttl Mont of ‘15:.» ..‘;:~3“.L;;:;: .:. setter case.

J: not-::- iL‘tixfie': this: trait 51- 1.6:; settled on the
fi’: 5t (lb-y og.‘ the {ilufid'wflifiiliug u Liam...
was}; i 3.: 13.3: (31.1.1; .“:,
11.5.15 5:.
Comm rel .

V J‘Lme 28, 1915.
31.15159 Same 13.1. Wilson,
Ile:{ilrlétorl’ 1W.
Deer Jufige:
I have closed up tZ-Le settlement of the case of Ellen Deaton,
Aflgm'x. of the estate of Thomas R. Deston, deceased, against the
L 8: 1~I by aelivoring draft of Mr. 423116me to Adi. Patton and Chester
Gazzrley, attorneys for plaintiff, for $75.00 and securing their re.—
ccipt to voucher for same. The suit will as clismissed. settled on
the first day of the coming; term.
Yours 4.3mm, /, 4ij

v .1 “.'h,
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Ju ;52 11, 7.9le.
Judge; 0. h. 730 L1.:-".~,.L"(i, ,
3.7mm; v: , ;{y .
31:31:: 51:".
;L T; _’ ',: 5.' (A ti ;. in :1.x~.’s.-Z:.-t;, i3; ;*>='j’:'_..~:.=1:.,r; LL'.
X“"‘;f’i.‘i 5'" :'f ,!_7'7 n {"‘i' wj.‘ 3" ,-,_ "31'? z 7 K: . :'a.. '_;-Li;
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’Q. “5)“ .i, ':.,V: :7 ’ 7._ 3 '7 sum 23 .7 '1.” L vii?” um. 9.0332”
rAW ‘ 1?..”‘1’ 7
to :".; rite; tion, 1 27:,
1H,;- -' ,_.“2‘5 : ‘..‘;1‘a/ .9
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1.14111. 7:1.

 o. H. POLLARD _, '
gAcKwN.‘t'-:KENTIJ(SKY f/M"
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Jillij 1;, 33‘1";
lion. ,5. I}. Warfield,
Dist. littl’.’ L {7c N :13? 00.,
Joni svi Tale , Ky.
Coy 1' ill I;
31131: :7. line to :",:.:}:1m'..1:3-11:3.) yours ~31? the l..-lth ins tent,

in referemae to p; ODUE-fltlt‘fi lzat 1;./- made 2);; attorneys Log: plaintiff
to ecliurt the"? r m it: 107:: f 3;: ‘fhfr 43:44: of iieut;n':~: Libra-5. v.

‘ Ti 5;; i}. in .hreeth'jtt Gircuji Geiri‘t. Li fine 23;-:7::olf in entire.- zettzcord
::ith your vim? of this; 121 'i'tor no :12» ll has gov-:.;“ncd :.:.oeozwfr? rug—"‘.".

75.09:," 1;:-731:7 grout-'1,
L /
a) «”211"er 5.: ? .,

 \‘ .
June 15, 113,15.
Judge 0., B. Pollen-(3.,
Jackson, 3331122: :2:;ro
DON?) 195.2":

‘.f;::fe;vri1*1g1: to you}: 7r':r_2:'2.:.t o 3.:111110ution relative to
orcooeifiion of 121..:::,§.11ii”’22 32H::.:.Ir2e;‘£‘ in tne mum i:1 “.33.‘o::1.i:31iizt
Uirouit $021324: 01‘ l7’2.3-I.ton't 471211.25, v. '1- 1..- 3, 7'30 2264:6322? 22170200
in “(2th2 122:1; of 132.9212: (21362.22. i’j’oz- foam, I move to 9.527352 12:31; the:
$252.25 .7.';:fI2:xrtI‘:‘I.{I1'2t ::i; .':o2213:vi':lr: I752 25‘ 11:52. 522112-0219.) {this 27;: 022:2:wi‘igion
and is of (332:3: o;*:3'.21ion 132221, ehI‘Ii-JII 7101:2512;- ,Irore 12221111 ~.:I‘,7f",~..IVO.
In o211fi12.r=.tio;=2_ <21? ”c.2129, 1 11:12:22»: it]: i')?1’-_'.!.OC':C 7032;: of ..'-.2. lolfitor of
the lit}: instant, fez/sf. :.‘:2(;::E'~..':2(: L1,] 2.4-2 17:2. :2:: 113.. ”27.12::[3' 31:1»

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3.::3.--- I have 3228i; tilt-21‘; o..2 211:2 t2lgr-3222112 ith 3121‘... Landau} 1:113??—
{bird to thin waiter ::.2;<’ 2:2 is; 'tc- relieve tar-t :2: {Yo-27121.32
222.213.]. aceeat «1275.00 if :1; 33:18: h 0:101:11: 16.191116: in ::2-3. 3.:-2.322:
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- - — x 1 1. .- H 1 _- ,, - _ . m :.,, -. .-__ ' ,...”; 1,; : , . ’.‘ ._, ,
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—'-- '- 11 ‘.. 1-- -‘ 1' 1 'L 1.--1 1- T: - 2 1~ .;- 7'
we run, in o). ;u.tm.tt VijCilLLr LULIL, oi Jwezzton’s ..1-:1:th v. J 1.; L4.
71,.” g1 1.,. 170177.,”
e . ,,_, ‘_1 . L, _‘_. n, .,,l. ’


‘xI-o 2:11:19}. .

 «v, “,._-9;; /‘ _
‘.‘... . ”(Wm ///
\Jgfi{ ‘1
"x 1' '2.- '22 i /' / / 2 V 2 / / / ' / / '1
.2.. [flu/7% /. i m; //’//// . ///////'//// vI/rny.
3"?" . f /
\ I ,2
i"';/}7"'//,’l/'//,//// _ 5 .//H x/flO /r’/. 2 . ' 2 , ' 2
“I 2 / VIM/NH 2\//‘////7H'Li /////' 2// ///l/ } /////’// //// / 2 ///’// ///(/'/
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,\/.\:<'/. ////.\//'/'r'/ fi/K’l'w/qui / /,
/, “f ,2 . .// 12' . ,.
WW.) / ._/ ..”/W. . //«//m/’////c, /// ,, June .4 ,12215 .
, " //r/('//r/// ,«lg/onufl , /
//’¢i¢AXLij. /§
fir. S. L. Wilson, 2
Counsel, L. 8 E. R. 00., _
Lexington, Ientucky.
Deer Sjrze
Reiorriif to yours of tee ll“h inst. with enclosures
relative to a settlement of claim of attorneys repreSeLting the ad-
min stratrix in the case of Deeton‘s Administratrix v. L. & N. R.
00., Breethitt Circuit Court.
/ I do not think we ought to pay,in order to dispose of
/ the controversy referred to, an amount in excess of what we legally
\ owe, i. e.,@75.00. If Judge Riddle desires to continue to refuse
to allot tre order of satisfaction to be entered and to undertake
to punish Law néent Warren for centempt it is up to him.
Yours truly, 2 \
32' /" / W ’6
. a 2 .. . /
dlStriCt Attorney.

 k 3
‘v ‘-
. ‘{ ,. ..3,
. ' \',-\,-'; 3.
'.M , '- ‘ r 3
-ka1»:.:' ‘.‘ ’_.Ll}, '.-‘ . ’ '.’-”53.53 1.:.’ l Tr“:
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3.4»)u"—3L IL: 1,‘ O .. , “Mini «.4 .~.D33.:,’ a
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-- £332; .1..!.;33 L‘O _' '»»/'3:3 03: 3;:: .37.». .L_;UJ. ‘.3; L.. :..:;i.,. O.
,3.,_:_3. .. , .A.. ,3 i“ 3.1 .. .3 ~.- 3 3'. .. {.‘...343- ,33, .‘. 31
,1 31:3.“L1Qv‘f-i LI! 5'": .23.) v b3. .93: ‘.33Lv 3. .13 J13 E..; .. OJ. ..L LL 1.11433, _‘:» 3L '3rv~.‘-1;Ul 3M3 1,118 £20-
33.3 . ..3- - .,33 3. 3 '. 33_»..1», ,i, 3- 3 ‘3 ‘ r‘
f113J3.L53:L.L)?I‘L‘L‘IJ: 1.3 :1;-.3 {5'33“}; 2); : =33 .sx3‘.3".:’..:‘ 3:32:33.“ J. 3; 3 3. -.‘
.". ,_.33 2'.-3 _.13 ».‘...” 3.). fig»...
30 . , '3" fun..- ‘.vL- w 1; J3! .: um; 3. .
J— (34;) 3113') 137333357. T373} 337' J.': :.3 77:7, 111 L3:. CO '1 3.6:? ~QC'3 ...'-L.
,..1,\ 3 3.3,, 333.. 3. 3 3 3..“, 3 J..‘. ‘3, .3 ..3. H.‘. .: 3-3, 3‘ 3,. .'.‘, _3,.’3\ 3. 53 .3 .3 j .1 ‘...‘..
1:3, f}Ul.;b;.U\ 23:3. L 33335;; 3U, 2:51 ..u.’3333u 3'1! ':.-x) 3h '33 3:-. ”1373'; ..;) -. , «r.
3 ‘ -' -r7‘~ "\H T ‘ .~_.r «‘."r." . .,‘ r - ~2., ... .3 333‘
0.5;, _L.:i.’ 3(3),. .Uu. 33313 ,2_{~ 333L221”; ' 3‘33 x”; \JOA_L?33.‘-313 L'.) _-_ 3.33‘u.
LC; €2.33l.3LO-J VIM} V.. k 433'. ‘33.}. .2 "3313 J.’ C 3.333.;; _,C D) ‘3" \i .«-.tm 3132 U O »‘..u 3.1. u 43'}
.2 “‘3 .3 3' 3w. ‘:3. ,3 34;, ,33,_3 33._ .._.. , 3 ...3 .2,. 3'. 4 . - ._., J3. ..
L‘O ;“.:‘3135‘5‘3 -J'L‘n 3-:. 3’31; 3":‘33 .30; ~JO3‘LL . s ‘1 ,Lf; Lf 1'34 33‘) 1-3.3..
'7‘ ...,~. .I.. .1,.“3.
;'./'1-; r L ;.‘:L ,
( .3 ' w \ 3 ,3 ‘33....31- ,.5; 3:: -w
»«l;;;_’3.03] 1- .. a ~';J.3... 3..3_v.3 ’3’.
“ J. -'- «1333 -
—» .1. E: u 3’. C L- . L u J31 :.‘} o
'7 7',“ .,3 .
t3 :3;/M

 ' fa ‘ . p ,. “ '» ~ . February 23, 191.5. ‘
. - " 11,7111. 13011011129, ,Esqg," .. ‘ j ’ - ' " - Q , ' '
, 3;”; g _ 30111137711113, Kentucky. 3 . ' ‘
_ :1 have years 9f the 221161 instanfi (your file No. 77232), ’ U
' QELIO$$11§§ certain; papers in referenae to suit in Breathitt Circuit
1 7.;/3(111ur’izgof Beahcn‘s. Administratrix v. L c3: E3. :‘hese'enclosm‘es .
have been 1:01:01} {ma placed with my filg,as éirecteé.
. r" ' ..:: - ' ' .
-/ /v_1,:~| _ ' ' ‘ »
‘ a ,, ~-’.j » : » Very truLy yours; ,
.2’? /"~... _ . I . . 7 -
. . x“ $55117: / a - " ~ , , , ‘
“ ‘1 ' ’ ' fl :1 ' Comma}. . .
‘ .717]. ':.,x'a 1 :;v ‘7 7 f ‘. I ' ‘ . . . .1 , :. _- . .:7

 7‘ .721” //j
,7’/ ./ , ' ,/./ ' 7', »7/ x . // // , ,/ '/ ,/'
~ 7 - .%///.)w/// //-. ’///./// x// ”Hi/fll/flw/fl/y;
. /
/ ’I‘ ( '. / Z/Vr, I” (,7 / ,I‘ 7 ,1 I ' /
'7 ””’/”’"'/'Q,.Z,-,.’,//..//€,,,y;4,; . ./////' .K/ (////2////f/////7’7///’// ””'/y.
2/7/1;}//(j 7% //‘/-'//H////, I' 77252
.‘Ks-V. ’///.\~//'/'r'/ AMI/mu: /, / .
7 , /'/‘ ’. 'v,'”/ “ Februar 22 1915
I) l/u/r'l (q , r, y I '
/ ////1 (,2/1/ . //‘/7//»/éfr///'.-/x/¢I/7/. ////K)///// ////.
Mr, S. M. Wilson,
94% .2 3 M“
Counsel, L. e E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
Deaton's Admr. v. L. & E. Ry. Co.
Breethitt Circuit Court.

Referring to yours of November 28th relative to
the above case.

I am now handing you herewith Law Agent Landrunfls
report of the 20th instant with enclosures referred to therein. Af-
ter noting please place with other papers which you have relative to
this case.

Yours truly, L .,gr
I, < x} 5‘" c/? ‘:.c ,’[Z a, 1, (.’.. ..__.
7 .7 Chief Law Agent.

 s :8, 7:) p/ 1
1‘_/j 7', . fl" //" ,:/ //’/ GrPL/
i/KI/l/y/flx/ rflzz/ %///%///; /////fl///y /////7//////,y

1 _ - ‘ / ,/’
. t ‘ / lf(;;/lfl/77//?f;;22é4){
1 f, / /1 /
-,4/7774M. 47 2‘20'15

Mr. A. M. Warren?

‘ Law Agent, Stanford, Ky. .

Dear Sir, Deaton‘s Adam Vs L & E R‘y Co

Herewith I enclose to you affidavit of Mrs. Ellen Deaton
and her daughter in regard to settlement that was made with Mrs.
Deaton relative to this matter.

I did not take affidavit from Section Foreman Williams

as he willstand with us and is a man of more than the average

intelligence and I thought it best to wait until we got hold of

all of the papers and decided Just what steps we should take-

The rule against Williams has not been placed in the
Sheriff's hand as yet. It is returnable on the 5rd day of the
April term of the Breathitt Circuit Court.

There is only one question that should be brought to a
head by Williams and that is that he should oe told by the officials
superior to him that he must return to this woman the money that

' fie borrowed. 1 am arranging this through mr. McDowell.
I Yours truly, »
‘ ””"’ ” ”'"' Law Agent.
Cy 15". 73011014119, '
Titan? *1 Liv, Wig", ”let, it 15. A. 1C.

 )1 I
I ‘ A ‘
fi;t.(tt“'PHt 31‘ Mrs. Zillrn Dect'in r1r‘.‘:(> to C. i; {'1 2")“.1t11 7'11 hr"? 11091! W“:
H WP??? CTPFK, BF""thitt Cwunty, Kflnticky, O: thr 23m* G'y O“ D‘C’flurl ,
t L L ;, 1:1 C(Wllllf‘fi‘t 1C)fl I"13ti1 t 2rfi titvj t (>f‘ 'le :1}? c [If ' t 11' n KUI'HI” ‘Jr' 14 3 LT
' R R CO. whiwh Was 8 ttlhd ‘t J oksdn, Ty., womb Imw fjo.
Ly n’wh “lLWn UNQton. I hm ih' widow 9? Than 3 DPTtOn, ‘rwtrrrd,
rmfi I am the wtmihirtrntrlx 3? tgr FTt’ZC .F tht FFt’tV 3? Th:; C
Or“tan. Th~ lay thrt I vvnt to J “kron I wrnt there ?3W :4? “A ‘orn 6?
comwTOnIrtng the snjt th't Wt? tLrn Ohmflini in thh Brrftgitt firmw:t
Convt . CDPS. Willlzms L I .~ th‘t if I “ uI: ~o t; Judfr ‘01 fr"’:
Officv th‘t Iandrum W 11" hr thrfp xi tuft hr WOHIC ” y 3r O;f Hundrfié
”hi Fifty Dollfirs. H9 $"IJ tgrt th't fliWflt m r '11 in t inry W911i
WV“? r‘ve K“ *4 tk't It ”'é riv“n to 1r OPCILSF :Lhy Irlt COrTy f:r gr.
I “*fit t3 J*~k on th~ C'IV XXIX“ 7 y thrf {at srttlfi ”it Tr? né‘f.
JL- :1. ‘TJ_IJA?_ 31¢ "w“:Lt f;;»‘?~" 3:: titr‘ ".n' fir? 311 ii; t I ”‘*:"t 11.6 "fir 3:1. 5 Lr‘i
"“tor I TTIVC‘ if J"k€"h o; fiu't T'i/ I Writ t0 glffrfi Ru: FII'? :*t6
’17 fi7tCI dinnrr 34's. 71111'39 9*MI f3 tpf LOWCF : *iIi gr tuft ,
(7v ‘Mw-B _ a . by” \
L‘13“Hfl fits n\t TLK”H‘ YEt -’ tu‘t “(I‘é¥?if=5 nw O‘Tk '11‘?" t”? a;;::;:%¥§
rurwbw" zr ,‘WVMI‘. . .
trtin it tsafi-fizr OWL? bame,gflvkwrétaflrgkatméaggnwcgms ha. itaut
six oclock ho cun( hick to who“: I T.¢ rt Alfred Russell's in: tOIS mE
th,t Liniium h d c‘mh n' th:t h” h:‘ inn“ to nu ”CT “‘5 ixxxxx thct
L nirum snii '.r me to come to PoI;er‘s of?ico at seven 0 TOOK "i
get the money, thit hp “vuld wry me One Hunired n’ Fifty Doll rs.
When Mr. ”illiams fot mix d uh in this matter he sent me word by my
boy, Levy Deaton, thrt the Conh"ny woul* why me One Hundred “Rd Fifty
Dollars if I would accent it. He told me that thft w 5 F11 thct rvc:
thny would jive. On OH” other omcssion which W“? flurihf fhb Jul? tvri
0f Cfiurt fit Jacks n, Ky., I ”Ont to Judie P011 rd's Office to F9? Obfiui
fftt1j3£ thn CTSS “In? I first ttltrd to Juigr Pmllfru ‘hwut t; m"tth
'n‘ th n ht CFLIPT L nlrum n: Landrum t lkrd tO mr ”1dtold W‘ a: tuft
tin” thmt kw vnui” may m0 Onh hundred  o ’ st"dn ‘ t‘“ nwd ‘
; 5' ‘ LI. -1 w u I It, Ky., on the 23rd dry of December, lLi4,
My none is EILVHDetn Benton I am thr d ughter of
ThOmes R. Breton, deceased ‘nd Ellen Defton. I do nvt rrdrmber.
WHBZMPI it W s you or some one wise tn t kisbus ed sctti ment with
1Y mother that iigfltfuavwlnhéxhéyggfi>gfififi§;i%flgig%%jbftiee for the
puroose of meeting you wnd settling with you the 01 im egg net the
reil'vsd c moiny. I signed the numers, releose, eto., as one o“ the
witnrs es. I r member th t th< One Hunirei f % Fifty Doll rs th~t
Wis t be ozii nd "hinh was p id w s to he in full settlement of ill
claims VH7 ; role se from my mither rs sdministrfitrix of th» est ts of
my fither. I rem mber that it w s s~id there that the One H ndrei “ii
Fifty Boilers his fill that the oonotny wouli “fly in the rftter. I
the with my mothar on one the? a ousion Then 33“ ment to :13 E foil rd's
ofTioe “box: thi' n tter T3: 3n tt‘t o :esion it she s’i? thtt 9;:
Wiuid RCCBDt Five Hundred D011 rs ‘;i drop the m tter. As W01; is
I rem mber on thrt oco;si;n whoever it W15 she we: t iking to told her
that they would pay her One Hundrei ind FiftyDOll IS. I do not
know A. M. Warren, Claim Agent for the Railroad Comnany. I remember
that the night that this settlement was made there were oresent in
Judge Poll rd's office myself, my mother, Ch 5. Willigms, yourself
end one other “arty. I remember thgt the other p rty that was
present discussed the settlement. I do not remember onything thfit he
said himself. I do not know whOse nine w ssiéggdto the "heck thit
was paid that night. I never did see it. I do not remember who
drew uh the uu‘ers or the rcleese thlt night. I never hrd seen the
other oorty that was oresent thxt night on any orevious oecnsidn.
I hmvn heard the above stot~meht refit .nd it in true "n1 correct
"n; mgio by me this the 23 d dry of Dcoemoer, 191$.
subscribedand sworn tohefore me this the 23rd day of Decemb r, [CLL
My commission expires February 14th, leis. / . lg/ ,9),/1,
notary Public, Brw'taéit Co., y

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iiudiluia‘; culvclnbdse t!) m m) _:. ‘ili‘uzgiV ('1 L z" .1’ -.-.:.U. Ala-Ii Button
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Ht d]; ..‘, 9.. 7"" VI r tLlJJJS‘C/J 8‘30 (‘:.1 h balm: Halli-S .1. UL: us». UK" ',1 OLlegilJL Lu
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tum; gum What the)? «W9- swearin; to .sz TBLWM to this (3838. Before
. J‘ 1’ ..= ‘ “A L. ‘7 "‘ ‘.. —» ‘» r - “ ~', ,.. l -u_ .‘ . _ . ~ . h.
VUU 0 1017—99 BUM-“7F? WW ‘whflu .::) menue dmt odd-iv? wilt-:02; 1.41le armu‘t
A‘. .( ‘.‘.I. .
this bugdenblOfl.
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A. M. N.

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