xt73bk16mf8w_651 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [488] Billie Day v. L&E, Letcher Quarterly Court text [488] Billie Day v. L&E, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_61/Folder_9/7555.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_651 xt73bk16mf8w ( - V
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.;-.LAL'3:.-x u») -;.1 ”MOO; ’1’-Ed, V’L‘f .LJ._;_K'LJ 4..' 'J'L'j (Jim-,3, UL ‘.." ii. 4417,41" V11. :'V 9:: if:
a? 1: 211111201; g. :V' 1.> .1.; [41' pillu 4152‘," 2.11 ”1;;- cwce, wit
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I/mer i/r/H/I/y/rw fly 5°91“ 12’ ’ 1915 '
/’ _/"
Hon S. M. Wilson, Attorney,
Lexington, Ky. 1
Dear Sir:
I am happy to advise you that we :“ efeated Billy
Day of Letcher county in .2218 suit for $100.00 for a. horse that he
alleged the train killed, Bridge #24 near Uz, Ky.
While it was considerable expense to take the
engineer and fireman there, yet I believe it was worth all and a
geod deal more than we were out, as it will have a good effect on
some of the other folks in that locality that have had stock killed.
_ Yours truly,
/ ,n ,, 1,,5 ’
/ ’4, “/15/ ' . /
Ohm/b ; {J Stetholaim Agent.

 Lexington. Ky. , ,
(February 17 , 3.915 ,
3'). I. Day; Ting. ,. ,
’:']hi'cesburg . Ky. , ,
Dear Sir:-- ~
I 00:15:35.? «313311.? you on hzz.'r:3:.z;: 633%,“ 13;-:3. filam- ‘
mat in the craze of 333.113! Day vs. £33.32 L. :2,- E. , lately tried j
3;" in)": Latcher 43‘...1..:<3,r’c.'arly Court.
"'.' z=mkno‘3:-73.‘ar’:rge r'e~':r+3;3?..:t~o{' muggy o" the judgrsuntg ’
Gan 1~ «323.23 vests out of the plaintiff?
V9 rsy t 31").1131‘ yours ,
r2} nra . _fl‘,‘
:2.-NV ..:NR. Court-3:31..

‘ -
V ., J- ‘ ~ I ‘ ‘
0‘32.“ dug 1821‘).
o. :.:. ‘..'llson, ‘_Attnrney.
Lersiia 3 ram, hy.
.:.«35‘1‘ 3.1.1":-
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jUJ ne“3wLLh ac; sted 033g of ufinc.
Eur-4r :::mx. ‘ M
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I ,' , 7,7,7,‘

Sentfrom , V, ” "q“t/Wfl/NLJAA/j / 191

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J. .'.w J.. L.I4_! 1.: A' .L‘-..L..A, J. ed .. a 1:..4._\A7.L1.v a. .,.'Iu ‘1.. . J. ..(.‘.- .. v ‘1‘ ‘4' ‘1'/.-
UXG " .,1. ”Ti? 3’ "7 i,i.‘= ’1;. I. (‘...‘? ‘..£.:'. ‘ LL .:1 1.: ”.‘ f? 1,1;1'1. rJ K ,'7] L 3.3317 LIL"??? (1.101??? a
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, . :A ,__J, ‘ v7
Ixezcigi‘ L<>n , tjr. .
Sogtfimb7r t, 1917,
w ‘7“
I). .2,. 1034‘, p ”531‘ }
Whitésbur”, Fy.,

Dear Sir:

Your lltt?F o? tkv 3rd in t. wontainini réfiuiwition

Tor five witnesses For Nti‘n“nnt in t5: 3 so in tr? Latchar
.. . ,A .7 W . .. ‘.n :..‘~ « ‘ ',.”. .V ' " j 3. x . (1,., ..~?
Qtdzterly o.tnt 0; Lil; ' y vs. I. w . H>.l.;; c,_yx,
. '.. . ". r V.., ‘
1:17:73 (July to 2'; me.

After consultation. iiflzi r. Bttlcr avd “r. H roasty.
3' c'W1clJ?* W“ éfiisit 45; ”7v 3 ‘ 6(flu Ir? rice N3311“‘ tc= '175 ‘1ut’ 4§1~
Ilovou ““ fitnessos hosidcs T. L. Doro? na 1%? ‘rriueer.

“r“ Pobcrt Itllin p 1%? fir‘rtn. Tr. Kurdish: ironirod

IE? {flint ‘13 ~7153,7 tr) CW7 tr r ‘ to mai<;t ‘7011 in *":‘tri'i3. iind.o
in Vicw of The f,ct that “v c“u Evita} to tr: C rcuit Court»
it “cons to n: that you iollfl h' “fill?"lf tqval to tho trial
‘ .t v / W..-4» ‘.‘ I, ,"1. 'i .i .‘. _V ,,.," .':. .. _ _ ”',. ,.t, J '.. I" ,

in {he hut iQYJv bflfu, 'h tnxt o:r cotla; JD the Quarterly
Cctr‘ for Witnessct, Bo., start to “slbtpt down to 's 30? a
fidrro cs Tosiitiu.

TouhtIWss h” t“? flirt tfiiu lztt r rrangs you the
triul Will b“vo seen “‘19, in? I alwll Ev T?*fls*” to 1«no-'.’
Jag" a" .r‘ .°| « V _,P
.hxt toe réjnlt -» s,t-,Factor .

' Vcrv trul‘ fourw,
... ’7 "'.

 5-15 4465
/ / , 7 (K . %) .,g/ ,//7/
\l_.///////y/// (wz/ fad/WW lflflé/Afly/ arm/wry;-
I / (pgéviflfflW/?22é§ééfl; ’
I H K / ,/~ /
”W” {4”’4/4” <2?”
J/«V‘fizflfij‘g July 27th, 1915.
‘ Mr. s. M. Wilson, E L ;=-»‘::'7'~“.i* (.W. [3
Trust Building, City. ' ' ‘
Dear Sir:

Am just advised by'our Roadmaster that C.F.Vanhook is no
longer in the service and his whereabouts unknown. If he is needed
in the Billie Day case, presume you will take steps to locate him.

I have cancelled the witnesses ordered at Whitesburg on
August 5rd.
yours truly, ‘
Margageéfya‘ QUE)




' b/g

Whitesburg, Ky., July 27, 1915.
S.M. Wilson, .
Cases Billie Day vs. L & E and case Jenkins Brothers vs.
L & E are cLoLLnLtinued :or August Term of Quarterly Court. N075 Wit-
nesses needed atfltl‘lfiivsmtzrm. Will call them when I need them.
Am notifying Hardesty.
I D. I. Day.

 ‘ .
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. -, '1 . ,. 7 _,— ‘ J . _. '-.‘, ’ .:, .',. . ' * ‘ ‘- ..... ‘. ,.'. ' . '»— "
Li: -..aflJ‘lJT..'!J-'?.‘ \..‘.;I:.‘=.J‘JJ~L':_ \: P951. J “J. 1.14.1, ~1;? -’. .. uw. . :, Lil 1.3.-(1
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'L‘}. .:.r. &'~'w” 1.,; one "1‘.; .»1»... ., 3.14.5. -. a!» -. . v. ‘;J of
:- i.i‘&.:1<’m 3:33.72: on: "371 JFSQ.‘ ., ..?;3 7:5 :::J" 1":. 1.1-.l.. :_.L‘G,
.".?V‘ ':.‘15-«1‘5Lvnuj J.J-11} 3:.. '.; m... L..».,J.. .:. ..,).JC'. J01 :.-Lra'. .'.L "Hit-L3
. .. .. . . .... .,. .v. --.V . ..: A. . _. JJ-,J. . ,. .J- .. - ' , .
:9 ‘f 27. 2:11-52 :.:: .’;“..z; mu .. 1.2;). {Tm JJ.-33.11.- .115 ‘:.-3.1". 1.J?J.:J.!_ ., nut my
.: . ,‘ , ',. :.1. <. .I. ., .1 V ..’.. . ’..., .. A, -. “ J . ‘.,. . “'.. ~ ”‘. .... ' -: '4’? A ‘.. ..:‘1 -
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-., :.1., ‘...I _, ' _ , .,. "\ .... ..’ -'—‘... \a'. ‘. ...‘" . ": i. * ., _., \ fl 1 4. _ ,.
JJ.: ...:2 Judthnlg/ van; 1;; -,' J.‘. ,1‘-.... ha (J..‘...GFVJV 2.9. ‘1; '..-h.)
.2-.” 4_, +2 0'" ,..-4. .':, ,...4‘. ..A. .'1. rrthMM-p T .., “1;: fay“... fl
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.'~ : ~ «.». n'. Y , . --:~--r ; . ‘I-w'» H -. ".. .~.., "I w w ' ‘ .. .. n .
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.LUJ' blow L lube
'.‘ _‘.. .,‘ A) -« ’.3 , ,. .5. .,,. __._ - _4 _I- ~ , . . ..1. .
J. .~.....JJ (..y. ;h. J.. J.J. ..3 J.‘- .2.... 02.7.: $312 w .'. 21,- . ..?:IJ‘JS-J» to
‘ 7. 4- t «‘»»...1n .' .. a: " . - ' __. U -~ 4-
m: L.'. Olly $214.01: 3;“ J.J». 1.11:1 :.1r.éi.J:.--1:’i,,s 1.711“ u:
:7 J..... '_.. ....-
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 D.I.E)A\Y L


\ , .

. . , , M
July IQst, 1915.
Dauuel ;. Vilson, usq.,
Lexington, Ky.

Deey pirz-

I nave ygur letter or the LQCM, relative to Cue case of Lillie
fiey vs. L & T, anu nave noteu 1gb concenps, gnu WillAlOOk out Lox the Vit-

It is my idea that we sdulu Wid this case, wicnko a shauow of
:5, ('Lo‘xlt;t.

"101;"; ““‘Jlfi' \ ,
V-‘- J: ‘»«L//\ “ Chi» ,

July lg, 1915.
Mr. O. M. Earfionty,
Stock Claim Agt., L & 3 Ry 00.
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Herowith yloasa note capy of letter of tho 15th insto
writtnn me by Hr. T. 1- Day in reference fio suit in iotober nuarterly
0012.1?1; 01" Billie 42.9.3; v. I. ..1 Iiynhu, from «Thigh you will learn that
fir. Bay dooires you to be present at the trial of this case, which
bps been set ;or Ruguut 3, 131?. I home you will arrange to be
p_cwopt amfi vrSist in the ‘ofo is of the mafia.

gr. Ea; also Cesires the prosoncs OI six employne vitnesses,
1; (:.'-xi .: 7

T. L. DonoVLn7

fiobt. Iullins,

E. E. Short, ComEuctor,

().. ‘.;illiams,

I... 38111133?

"‘ H T“. ’1 ‘ Q ”,‘. 7

on y. JaHAOOK,uOC. foreman.

A July 19, 1915.
If you will Sea to having these witnesses summoned, I

V will give the matter no further attention, but if you prefer I

till prepare and iesue the usual requisitions for them. Please

drop me a line stating whether you or I ehnil look after the


Very truly yours,
:1;-Lu] a

July 1%, 1915.
D. 1. Day, ESQo,
lfilitusburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Replyifig to yours of the lfth instant, in referenue to suit
in Letaher Quarterly Court of Billie Day v. L & 3, I am asking Era
Hardest: to be present at th: trial of this 0389, aPSigned for
August 2, 191?, anfi will either haVe him attend to the summoning
of the emnloyee witnefises or 1 will atfienfi he that mySnlf in flue time. '

Honing you may dofeat this claim, I am,
Very truly yours,
:1? 3.15:5/ a

 D. I. DA Y ‘
\ / t z a”, ,_ , . > - if ’ :~ ,
. a ' ’"V ‘ V \ "x4“, ! ,.’, 1,,) ‘ J
. g“
‘ I
i, E
/// July 15th, #915.
damuel r. Wilson, ueq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:-
£1.33. 13 1 11.1.9... :51 magic. L.

_ In response to your letter of the 5th, forwarded me oy
Jesse Lorgam, relative to certain files in the above eyled cause,
will say we will need as witnesses in this cae, T.L.Donovan, Robt.w
hullins, fi.:-fihort, Conductor, 0. Williams and A. baker, as
witnesses, also hr.C.T.Vanhook, wee. Foreman.


v . i 4.‘ .-‘ ‘.'/.J.- ,"1 1 A. ’, ..,,

l oresume oust hr. hardesty Vill also have to oe oies—
ent, and 1 therefore ask that you have him to make out the proper
requisitions for these witnesses and be Oh hand himself for the

' first da, of the August term, l915, which will we August 3rd, 1915
If this is correct, alright, l1 not and l ehoubo Jake
these requisitions, let he Know and i will do so
YOJrs truly, % J
/}\7' “wk LL 3’ .
M// Q /V 1'
l x
J .
' i

 ,--\ ~
_ July 12, 1915.
'0? .\ Mr T‘ . 11 4‘
3- o ."2“ 1.;0‘10‘4Ifif -.._, 'L‘EJ‘Kfn 9
‘f r mm”, “ a “ 1‘1 .
1.1339493, .é, -3 33.00.,
“ ~.: ,».‘ 71' v
.LIOTLJ. 3151011, ..-.) 0
Dear 75.3":
... ,,, "I ‘|, *1 .1. 7""! , I‘.I.. ‘1. ’7 , ' . .'. -_...._ . "J ' .
YUdli.‘ Oi 5}le .2014” JUN} “(:‘JC C....z].?:i Vafjufft 7;; 311’;
.‘ ‘.‘ "‘. ._, .’Z‘ ' " . . 7“ .. _,, 1 _ 1. _..“, . “H" ’ .1 :_ '.,. 1
‘.I} T1115: {3'9 0 O.L 35,‘.3.3 1‘ - {It}. ‘-. c» £13442 (“by”)? .11 7 '.w t L“ ‘r {4'11 (1“ ’ L1”
. ‘ Ll "|} “ ’ "'"‘ ‘3
5.31;; ‘.‘-(":‘xgj (21-11; for pyramm; ..1-6w] 5;, ,
7’.-4nv .1.-v. 'Y-v -—\ ‘.. v
13.5“ {‘17.}; ,:v-g'fll'iss. E‘f’
1‘1." /.—. ‘ ‘
«.._-um I kl.
{fivl‘vn‘ic‘t} a

 A army/”(my (”ya/z m ////y /(//%////y
“ (fl ,7 ,« .77 ' 5
I» , [:7 ,7 ,.
iy/ZiAK/flll’M/l ,’:y~ -. 7/ . V/V, /
“”“‘?M- R E c, E 9 1. . «l A, waxy/r” //y
1’" /” z
E; .../.2 1 I ‘,» 1
1/ July 101211, 19113.
‘ Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Your letter of she 9th enclosing copy of Petition
and le uter in “ahe- suit of Billie Day.
Will note; the i‘ile sent; you by Mr. Herdesty give
the amorney a1; Whit esburg qlle informs. Uion ne “ants"? ’,,-"H r
.. Year: uru..y, M
(f1 ? H

July 9, 1915.
Asst. Distn Atty., L & H R R Co.,
Louisville, Ky.
Bear Sir:

Find herewith enclosed Docket heport ant copy of Betition
in the ease of Billie Bay, Jr. v. L & 3 Ry.Co., lately fileé in
the Letcher Quarterly Court.

Yours truly,
Comm 91 e

July '9, 1915 a .

‘ - W. A. McDowell, flsq.,

manager, L & 3 Ry.Co.,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir;

Horowith enclosed I hand you copy of Petition in the case

of Billie Day, Jr. v. L & 3 Ry.Co., now pcnéing in the Eetcher

Quarterly bcurt; also copy of letter of the 6th instant from E. 1.

Day, relative to same cane.

Yours truly, '
' ones.
A .

July 9, 1915.

D. I. Day, 35.1., attorney at Luv,
"Shit ass-bur g, Ky .
Bear bi::

I fieltnorsla 6530 Width thanks recs-3' jii; of your favor of the
47-1-1“: instant, 5521533. being thysze (30:71:35: oi’ “Munit‘iim it". “glitz; 033 of

4 "iil'lie 1721;; V. ..:—J .11.: :3 3;»I.Co., Thatcher L;ti.::.rttezsg‘13f Donut. In the future,
in sending; in copies: of ??-=.titi-33is, please also furnish are with
7:03:31: 1'33iori'; made our on I‘orti 161.
Yong? t r1113,
Co in an]. .

HAZARD“ July 7, 1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky. .
Dear Sir:
Yours enclosing your file and information in
the case of Billie Day vs. L. & E. Railway Company,
received. I have forwarded this matter to Mr. D. I.
Day at Whitesburg, who is looking after the business
in Quarterly Court at this term.
Very truly yours,”
fl \
L" 7 , _ ,’ ,1" .2, l
/,/'(.J’:/r:,.;1/g// ,' 11,/1 : 4;; J
/ / ‘
JM/o X/ J

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_ . .l ‘ _I . .‘ ... A

 ‘ ‘ Juiy 5, 1915 .
_~;ies:;1*s° ‘doofiuon 'c iiorgan,
iiazardz,‘ ~5-5221‘t 710 kg .
G out 1 62 me n ;
3:017. 2'.-‘11]. note (:1;-N533? oi a 12mm; 0;, 1110 32:1 i:,1:_~2t:;a1:t,
"“111an ma by Mra .:.ricloweifL, in :z-s.:{::21;'(a to suit 13:91.3 :‘.f‘i‘lef‘».
' :':,,-;::‘:i.ri.‘5t she ‘Jomvmgr in 43:33:03.“ {3071—11193 32"" 933-5" 317—117 3117' I
an now i’o:."-isa,v€.s_i;1\s; to you the ;31’: oz: J; 51.31 :1 Agaufi's mtir: fi 1e,
1*“ which it '.a‘j. 1_1 mix‘zrim 3331i:- thiél‘o if; nothing in this Claim,
but that 3:11;: if} 3_. :if1‘:‘,,?:-3~—u;:u 1 11031:”: you, will EEOC-38:1 in :10—
fe}:ltil’1;§ if; a
Plasma acl:21<:;‘ilc(‘:g‘je rmmit :Ji‘ text: ens}. 0;;17 7.12:3? 9.11:1
'.:-011:? 5‘ 2'; 1711 1;; ,
{$011319 .::]. .

 July 5, 1915.
L.’-.J‘ s .':-A ‘ 13. 9 1!;(::}owltl“) 1 1. .
‘ Lissnegeer, G :7: ". Iii/“Co.,

Sari} 11;}? to n, lie :1'f;1.za;-,Z:;_.r.
Tia-3.;}! gii‘:

“four-z: 0:1? in“, 7,375? ins-$9513, 0110'}. wing: iitoc}: ”lam Agent's
:f.’ “7.19, $.11 1‘.:~:3'ei"‘nc3 to suit lat-37;; :iTi'le ('1 in, ;thch 1? County by
Lilly : {‘.ij:_;i2'1'.. ’3 {The 32:1;>;‘;;1;r, 5511‘ "1,095 of horn-.12, I‘J’JClVéta»
am? not“? 11.1? .119: _:"i L;. 3.'Ol’iif'11‘fitrd {;r: 3500310; "2: .120,:«‘_F§'.=1’1 fer 551.32” i
'6 7,: Eli l Una -

"‘1". : :.;j ‘L- ':-.'u 1:; yon! :1 ,
I :’.1/:3. ,
‘Enuneel. ‘

 ,/' / /\ , ' fl { // 7 7 .4. Luca-3:
1" ~, ¢ ,' ,. pg 77 x ’ ,r/ // ,' ,L’ , ’ "7' 1' - ,. / ,
; M/I/y/U/ mxzz/ ///// w // a fl/x/W/y /////7///7/y
/’ ‘ , _ // *' ”
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. V . I, {1’4" V!“ / 5 ’
13 _ , , fl,~' - July 5rd, 1815.
/,-l/ 5 / 1

S. M. Wilson, Esq‘, ’./%J£<:f7 /4 ‘

Lexington, Ky» L A
Dear Sir:—

I have wire today from our ggenx Lt Whitesburg
thafi Billie Day hag sued she company for horse claimea to

haVe been killed near UZ on April 19th; I afifiach hereto
the Stock Claim Agentis entire file.
‘ Yours truly,
,4 C9
I, L.chlagyftl“.(/§2;AJS”\“ ”7 /
/ J \\, F:
Cy-Wootton ; Morgani
G.H.Moorman, AsstfiDist.Atfiya

 , , .
, ' _v . , ~‘ 3 ’ ' , " /’
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’ afici'cbi‘a i. g ..i. «:317. .. Maul. ' . . >
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1 ~-' / . ‘3 ‘77 ‘7‘ I ’ 7 .
;Ath ,1. ' ..5: A. ‘ a. .
.I 7.1.: "- 7‘ ’1' a. '1:-‘.; I '5 o . ‘
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_ July 7, 1915.
Mr. D. I. Day,
Whitesburg, Ky.
Dear Sir: v
Enclosed I hand you entire report and file in the
case of Billie Day v. L & E Ry 00. if you need any other
information in this case, call on hr. Hardesty, either by
letter or wire. You will note that the process in this
case was serVed July 2nd, and it «oes not stand for trial at
this term of Court. Neither does the case of Jenkins Bros.
stand for trial.
Yours very truly,
. v .
Jm/r //}?;%ia7p0; ,éfl/ ,/

 ' , FORM l—Revised July, 1909 ‘
. \
Messages, which are apparently unnecessary, or that could be sent by Train Mai1,wi11 be transmitted and
delivered promptly, but copies thereof will be forwarded to Superintendent of Transportation for attention. TELEG RAM
TELEGRAM See Rule 358 and General Manager's Circular NO. 101. .
Mhifeshurg, 13., Jul; 2, 1533.
'_ ".33 . .. , 233’: ‘jszljflh'C .3.}. , . 7 . '
1‘3 t‘: 1;: ingjt 5.27:1 , 333.7,7’ ,
170 ot’s on 3.; 1:03 L , ‘ .
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75111.1(} Day abaloT the 33 a, 5 T93 €ioad for my? whiz. 733:1 7533 k: lled
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’f‘:E?;‘[)ETS t 0 ‘i'jfiott 0:1 51:. ;,{Org:1’z ward. 2:1 1'5 u t o 52 D a 3
I . 33 . 33‘:j. 01d 3 , Agent .

 ¢ , , . _ V.
The Commonwealth 01‘ Kgntucky,
To The Sheriff or any Constable of Letcher County:
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1><‘t1t1(mhlwl1134:1th -’ /' in mi i (‘wu;-1“n_\' / , {__‘ . ',_,{\71\__ f , 7 V V
and Wle‘H V ' r” that 111mmfullmgmnnsww. Il‘:a‘5pwl’1t'1n11 \v111 ho' when Im- munmsswl. Ul' ‘, /A..,..\\‘111
1w pl'nwmwhul :lgzlinst ful'wr)nh>lr1])1: ;md have thwn :Lml Ihm'v this writ}. with (luv rmm'n how you
‘3" ]l{l\'(‘ oanml it -
H (‘riwn mnhw my hzmtl :ls .lmlgw ”1' mid (Mm. lh‘w «My ul‘ 4», .. ,V N15 ,
}/t / ’ 7’ ’ // .Jlldj-[U
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SEEMQM {aims


in TV: ‘11, 1‘.".
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 ' - FORM 1——Revised July, 1909 '
Messageds which ilrebapparentlyhuuuefcessary, or that could be sent by Train Mail, will be transmitted and '
dcfivcte prompt y ut copies t eren will be forwarded to Superintendent of Transportation for attention.
TELEGRAM ‘ See Rule 358 and General Manager’s Circular No. 101.‘ TELEGRAM
.,~ “‘3 ,.1“- m '. ...‘1