xt73bk16mf8w_652 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [489] Letcher Snoden v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court text [489] Letcher Snoden v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_61/Folder_10/7623.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_652 xt73bk16mf8w SUTTON 6% HURST _
* Beattyvflle,‘ - - “Ky.
.7   June 16,1916. V
Judge Samuel M. ‘é-ilson,
Dear- Sirt= .
L’lease find inclosed report. of proceedings in duplicate
with copies of orders attached ,case Letcher Snowden 44:04, VS. 1 -
L a: N R.R.CO. ,& L 8c E4. Ry” Co.,,rendered at May Term 1916, Lee Jir-
cuit Court;
Yours truly,

 Form 162 J.,\\\' l)l-J'.\l(’l‘.\llf\”l‘
Dim“ Mom“, 1 16 day W__..slnnefiininm.. ,n*_ 1916
[H W my. (,,- Letcher Snowden Eco 1.5. L.&.N.and L.&.E.Ry.Co .
f/zzfi/ollorvz'ng primevdz'ngs m’re' /ma’ (7/ //n' May . . .. . , _72’7211. [9] 6
(f f/zw 011.8111” Cour! W: Lee Conn/y.
Copy orders attached.
[Slaw/5n] 1139321 La” ‘ I/ ~ ’ 2 A?
Attorney L. 8: N. Railroad Co.
Ira-’1. 1. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their character, as petitiorn etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc.. etc,
' 3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting a judgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed. what time. if any. has been allowed for filing.

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near 53311",— 53110 103m; ‘;flnzmi‘, find taxaticm of costs-s in (baa-:2 01'"
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uni mend to; 3119..
Emma firmly,

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’ > ‘ Attorney—at—LaVV
"'3 W 44 // Beattyvflle, — — Ky. .
December 2,1915. '
V Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
Lexingtonfiiy. '
Dear sir,— Enclosed please find 1"apart of“ rroceedimzs in
duplicate in case of Letcher‘ Snowden acc vs L.&.E.Ry.Co.,and L.&.N.
R.R.Co.,at November Term,1915,Lee Circuit Court,
Yours l‘I'uly,

‘ ‘ 8.. NASHviiziya RAILROAD COMPANY I i
WWI. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at Whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, What time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 I . .
v 1
November Term,2nd day,9th day of November 1915.
Latcher Cnowden, Plaintiff.
L & N R.R.CO. Defendant.
Game the defendant and filed a demurrer to Lhe »
petition and submiLLed on same.

.1 ~ July 9, 1915.
1:. h". 350031352219 43311; , b
I «ALSSta Difitn 12.15123}, F; (at; 3.; :‘. ;i 00:,
Loui::vi1"n . 35:35..
Eeur Sir:
liia‘érru'z‘?.1;}1 311101.05md I5.-5115, EDMUW 731532014; m3. (301?? of Petition
in the (15151-1 of 25152130151511‘ 6110178911 1711.117. Laura 2151*“? v“ .‘.'. 1.33. 5? 1‘2 Co.
52111" r3"; 1:: 337.00% filed in the 751-530 Circuit Cam-1;, July 3,5, 1035.;
Ynuzre 1:112”).ng
' arms.

Cy 3?: f’etiti. 02:1 to
..igzcli. . , {’.‘-011115111111; .

 lekl IélUlt‘S’I‘,
e Attorney—at—Law
‘. Beattyvz’lle, — _ Ky.
I _‘,r . f7 —' .
1v F3.~:' *r' -'/ V ”7‘
Jul», .,..1,1,,1_9_1.,). w , ”..V, ' (,7?
Judge Samuel H.fijlson, ‘~.NW
l \ 9
Lexington,fiy. .‘K/
Dear sir,~
I enclose herewith docket report and copy of petition,
in triplicate,case of Lethher Snowden and Laura Snewfien Vs L& E
Ry.CG.,and L & N R.R.Ce.,filed in lee Circuit Court,July 3,19l5.
, Copy with copy of petition to
w ’/‘
Hon.h.S.Jouett, //f
/‘/ I
L0u1sv1lle,hy. ///bQéb/CVVJLC

 .‘.! .
- H
‘~’ ‘ Lee Circuit Court.
Letcher Snowden and
Laura Snowden Plaintiffs.
Vs” Petition. '
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company ‘
, and Lexington & Eastern Railway Company Defendants.
The plaintiffs,3etcher Snowden and Laura Snowden,state that
the defenfiant,louisville & Nashville Railroad Company,is a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of Ientueky,with power to con~
tract and be contracted with,sue and be sued in its corporate name,
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company and has power to construct,
buili,purchase and operate railroads in this state,with its principal
. office and place of business in the City of Louisville5Ky.
That the defendant,lexngton & Eastern Railway Company,is a
corporation organizei and existing under the lies of Fentucky,witn
933$? to contract and be contracted Jith,sue ani be sued in its corporate
name,Leflingt0n & Eastern Railway Co pang,and has power to build,operate
\ and control in this state with its principal office ani place of business
- in the City of Lexington,fentucky. _
That the Lexington 3 Eastern Railway runs from Lexington,
Kentucky through 3t.Heleno in Lee County,to Jackson in Breathitt
County,£entucky;that eaia railroad Was constructed through Lee County
\ in the year 1890 and was then called Kentucky Union Railway;tnat the
said Kentucky Union Railway in the year of 1890 establishei a passenger
station and freight depot at the said town of St.Helcns,in Lee County,
with sufficient silo tracks one other conveniences to accummouote the
freight and passenger trafic at that placcgthat said station and depot
has been a regular stopping place for all passenger one freightxtrains
on said railway and had been usea continuously for the purpose aforesaid
from the time same was establishefl until on or about the 4th uay of
' July 1914.
i The plaintiffs state that fifteen years before the said 4th
day of July 1914 they were the owners of a house and lot in the town of _
'St.fielens,Kcntucky in which they conducted a hotel and boarding house

 .» ,
_ .
it. and continued to conduct the some therein until the wrongs hereinafter

complained of were oommitted;that they established said busineos in
good faith and upon the expectation that said depot and station was
permenantly located and would remain as located and had it not been

I for the expectation that the same was permanently located at said
place they would not have engaged in said business;that by reason of
the proximity of the said boarding house to said station they enjoyed
a good and profitable trade with the traveling public and the men
engaged in operating and maintaining said railroad.

* The plaintiffs state that on or about the fourth day of July
1314 the defendants wrongfully and in violation of plaintiffs’ rights
tore down,destroyed and carried away said station and depot and removed
all of said sidetraoks therefrom and took up and removed all of the
railroad track tor d distance of three miles to the Worth of said station
and five miles to the South thereoffitheroby completely destroying and
permanently abandoning said station and depot and the same has never
been reestablished.

‘The Plaintiffs state that their said house and lot was worth

_ $2000.00 for the purposes for which it was used aforesaid before said '
station and depot was abandoned as aforesaid and that wrongful removal

‘ and destnuotion of said railroad and depot caused said house and lot
to depreciate in value in the sum of $1500.00 to their damage in
that sum.

That by reason of the destruction and abandonment of said
stotion,depot and railroad as aforesaid they have been wrongfully
deprived of a good and profiable trade with the traveling public and
the men engaged in operating and maintaining said station,depot and
railroad to their damage in the sum of $4800.00.

That all of the damages aforesaid was caused by and was the
direct result of the wrongful abandonment of said railroad,depot and
station as aforesaid. '

Wherefore the plaintiffs pray for judgment against the
defendants for the sum of $5,500.00,for costs and all proper relief. “

‘ t
4 J.K.Robcrtsy -
-ktty,for 313f,
The plaintiff ,snys that the state“
ments contained in the foregoing ;ctition are true as believes.
Signed an& ewcyn to before me this the icy of m 1915.
.___. ..___H
~O~o»-0mcncne—O -0 ‘0 «0 «0 -0 we ~0w0~0 ~-0 «c «:;—one?) -
Filed summons 3 2 copies issuci as Lec,Ju1y 3,1315.
G.B.Duvkc,31crk. ‘
- T‘r‘
V 7361123- _ (Ls

 3m—12—~4~4375 >
-////////y//:// and fax/WW 4 ////////y /////%///57
‘ /” I /// ,/ // '/’ /
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I/qz/fl/Wfl // : / 7 ’
' . Win/”yak, —~ fill/[zyx-fljlpt /y9
/ /. ,/f
. fl? \ 7) 0” July 6th, 1915.
m? . 83311 \le‘i; ,
1.3 “‘3' ii yet”: 11 e , Ky.
Deaf Sir:—
;'r;::;:‘<:a‘s.:'i‘i: .2191; 7'. as ascarvogi 03:; on: k:;-311i; :2:; 2351102163" -
. 44:21:? :2:-”“‘
July 41;::;%:: :;‘éa-r; as: 30801:? Emma 31:52.1" Snowden €40, Hobbs “inc. , anti
Ziegg-{bcyffin 53.3, 3; <30 no: Know: w. 13219;? have reference to
but” ‘3)3‘853173'3 you will {give i21‘>.e=*~1 We 73939353233? figment 1021.
Yam :7:: 1; 211137 ,
33 .
0y - Lianfirhzfliilson.