xt73bk16mf8w_658 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [494] L&E and L&N v. John W. Hale, Letcher County text [494] L&E and L&N v. John W. Hale, Letcher County 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_61/Folder_16/7898.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_658 xt73bk16mf8w A I . '. , ‘ ‘
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‘ Attnrntgfi at”: £21111
Oct. 10, 1917. ‘

Mr. Samuel H. Wilson,
' Lexington, Ky.

Dear sir: Sam Collins vs. L & I‘I. LetciLer Circuit Court.

This case is set; for trial, November Call Term, Nov. 22,
1917. Please let us have your ffle.
Yours very truly, ’

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Lexington & Eastern Railway Company and
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, Elaintiffs. '
John W. Hale, W. E. Courtney,
UT"ET_FEEEi§r, B. H. fiields, and
A. Q. 3amey, constituting the Board :
of Trustees of the Town of Whitesburg,
a municipal corporation of the sixth
class in the State of Kentucky, Defendants.

- - - - - - - - - — o O o — - - - — - — - - -

The plaintifrs, Lexington & Eastern 1“»ailu‘ay Company l
and Louisville & flashville fiailroad Company, state that they are '
corporations created, organized and existing under the laws of the
State of Kentucky, with power to engage in general railroad business a
and with all the powers conferred by law upon railroad corporations
in this Commonwealth, and with further power to contract and be ,

V contracted with, to sue and be sued, and to do all other things t
necessary or appropriate to the purposes of their incorporation;
that the chief office and principal place of business of said 3
Lexington & Easter; Railway Uompany is in the city of Lexington, !
Kentucky, and the chief ofiice and principal place of business of E
said Louisville & Nashville dailroad Comnany is in the city of
Louisville, Kentucky. :
Plaintiffs further state that the defendants, John W.
Halo, W. h. Courtney, J. H. Frazier, S. h. Fields and A. d. Ramey,
are each of them Trustees of the Town of Whitesburg, in Letcher
County, Kentucky, and together constitute the Board of Trustees
of said Town, and that said Town of Whitesburg is a municipal

corporation of the sixth class in the State of Kentucky, and that _
John W. Hale, above named, is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees
of said Town, and that said Board as now constituted and the pres-
ent members thereof are the regular anf lawful successors of the
Trustees of said Town in office at the time of the meeting of
September 26, 1910, hereinafter mentioned.

Plaintiffs state that the plaintiff, Lexington & dastern
Railway Company, now has located, built and in operation in and
through Letcher County, and also through the corporate limits of
the TOWn of Whitcsburg in said County a main line of railroad,
with certain switches, Spurs, sidetracks and turnouts attached

‘ thereto, and is the legal owner of said line of railroad with its 1
switches, stations and appurtenances, and the plaintiff, Louisville
a Hashvills Railroad Company, is the owner and holder of certain
first mortgage bonds upon the property of said Lexington & Eastern
Railway Company, including all of its preperty in Letcher County,
Kentucky, and is the owner of all or nearly all of the capital
st0ck of said corporation.

Plaintiffs further state that the main line of railroad
aforesaid, with all of its switches, side-tracks, depots, stations
and appurtenances in and through Letchcr County, was projected and
undertaken to be built in the year 1910, and proparavory to the 7
actual location and construction of said railroad,etc., in and
through the Town of Whitesburg, in said County, certain officers

. and agents of the plaintiffs, or one of them, applied to the

Board of Trustees of the Town of Whitesburg for permission to lo-
cate and construct plaintiffs' main line of railroad, with one or
more parallel lines or side-tracks, in, upon and along what is known
as Main Street Extended, in the Frazier Addition of the Town of
Whitesburg, on the South side of the North Fork of the Kentucky

. River, which paSSes through said Town, and the permission so re-
quested was granted by the Trustees of said Town on the 26th day of

September, 1910, and the permission and authority so granted Was
evidenced by a certain ordinance regularly adopted by said Board
of Trustees at a meeting thereof, held on the above date, to-wit:
September 26, 1910, at which each and all of the members of said
Board were personally present, and the proceedings had at said
meeting of Deptember 26, 1910, and the Ordinance adopted thereat
were at the time duly reduced to writing and signed by each and
all of the members of said Board.

Plaintiffs further state, however, that through mistake
and inadvertence on the part of the members of said Board of Trus-
tees, and the Clerk of said Board, it appears that no record was
made at the time upon the regular Minute Beck of the Board of Trus-
tees of the action taken as aforesaid by said Board, and the only
original reCOrd which appears to have been preserved and is now
in existence of the meeting of said Board and the action taken as
aforesaid is a certain writing containing the Minutes of said meet-
ing and the copy of said Ordinance adopted thereat, signed by W. E.

V Sergent, Chairman, and by J. M. Bentley, 3. 3. Holcomb, I. 3. Fields
and Felix G. Fields, Trustees, and attested by L. W. Fields, Clerk.
Plaintiffs state that this original record of said meeting and the
Ordinance adOpted as aforesaid came into the possession of certain
officials and representatives of the plaintifr Companies and is now

‘ in their poseession; that same has heretofore been presented to the
Board of Trustees of the Town of Whitesburg, parties defendant herein,
and request made of them that same might be entered of record upon
the Minute Book of said Town, but said request has been refused and
the Board of Trustees aroresaid have failed and reiused and still
fail and refuse to enter said original Minutes and Ordinance upon
the records of said Town and same have neVer been recorded in the

' regular Minute or Record Book of the Board of Trustees of said Town.
Plaintiffs further state that in view of the facts herein—


before recited, it is the duty of the defendants, John W. Hale,
W. H. Courtney, J. H. Frazier, S. H. Fields and A. Q. Ramey, as
Trustees of the Town of Whitesburg, and who together constitute
the entire Board of Trustees of said Town, to have a regular or
called meeting of said Board and, at such meeting to admit the
original Minutes and Ordinance aforesaid to record on the regular
Record or Minute book of said Board, indicating in some ap-
propriate way that the entry of said Minuted and Ordinance at the
time said meeting of September 26, 1910, Was held, was inadvert-
ently omitted or overlooked and that the entry now made of same is
made nunc pro tunc.

Plaintiffs state that said record of the meeting of Sep-
tember 26, 1910, and of the Ordinance adopted at said meeting is a
public record in which not only the plaintiffs herein but the cit-
izens, property owners, tax payers and inhabitants of the Town of
Whitesburg, as Well as other citizens and inhabitants of Letcher
County and the State of Kentucky are interested, and it is right
and proper and in the public interest that said original record
shall be entered upon the Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Whitesburg and incorporated in the regular and authentic
records of said town.

WHEREFORE, plaintiffs pray that this Court will by an
order of mandamus duly entered herein command and require the

‘ defendants, John W. Hale, W. H. Courtney, J. H. Frazier, S. H.

Fields and A. d. Ramey, together constituting the Board of Trustees
of the Town of Whitesburg, to meet in regular or called session at
some convenient time and place in the near future and proceed to ad-
mit to the records of said Board and to have placed upon the records
of said Board the original Minutes of the meeting of September 26,
1910, and of the Ordinance adopted by said Board at said meeting
and Will take such other and further action as may be lawful and

necessary to perfect the recorés of said Board and perfect the
records of the aforesaid meeting of September 26, 1910, and plain—
tiffs pray for their costs herein expenaed and all proper relief.
Counsel for PIaintiffs.
The Affiant, W. A. McDowell, states that he is Vice-
Eresident of the Lexington & Eastern Railway COmpany, one of the
plaintiffs in the foregoing Petition, and that the statements
therein contained are true as he verily believes.
Signed and sworn to before me by said afriant, W. A.
_ McDowell, this day or August, l915.

Lexington & fiastern Ry.Co.,&c.
Board of Trustees of Town of

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'.- r 23‘ 2: ('r. —. . ' '1.; 13..., . ,I .,~.. C; '1“. t‘ . .. ..: 3‘ -’ “' ..
LL-‘hld. \s‘ n SL3 w 311.2. tflfid 7 c} a .._“. .l‘J.::Z.LL.L , «..3; he i: 1331!.3j3 3741C; .323!- k-ln 33.3...1-33,
._ .' , ‘ ‘_ -. .' “jgfi . F3- A, .‘.. ., , .'F .‘.". LV. M» ' L! “ ' . ‘ -., ‘.., .. . , .
2.1.3:; Lima!!! 0.". “Lu-.331 15.117145? 13231.25? 0.1. H19 4.01m. 0.1. !:311LL! :3, 3313.... g, 1.3 >33}T.;I.311~3r
‘1, ..,. .._. 7:1". .-.... 7:.... . . 11 ..,. ..‘.I-‘L .4.... .- .., ”..1-.2 '- A..._ :1 . . “GI .- ... ,‘1 -t3° ('x - A.
(3 071,1}.Lgf‘ Lx‘.311.§1ii04:.¢:/ , 33311.3. tug;- . 1,3,1 ...: can.» ”Lu m, b1!!! ”0.3.x. 0.1. .runtues
.::! ... 3. - :11 ~ .. .:: A-‘I _ -. *7- m Vr-u . I? f‘.’-,- ‘ .’ .‘ A . - .. ' .‘. »
O; finiriqfii. 4.033311, :..!llu MKL'E mug! LUV-3.13.. 0.9. 2.11 ltC‘iu F311;.g .‘.??- 5..” 11112111913331

corporubiwn of tha Sixth clawa in thc Utata 0i Kwntuuky, aha that
John H. Hale, ahOVQ nmmud, 13 ihe Chairman 0: the fionrd of T wgtaas
of $316 moan, mnfl that fiaid Board as now conwtjtutafl anfi the pres-
eat mamberw thernof are the Twfihlpr and lawful subtewflulfi of the

_ TEU$t3efl 0i saifi EOWH in office at the tima of the meeting of

I fientefiber 25, 15109 harainagtcr mentioned.

Elaintiifs State Chfit the plaintiff, aniugten a gastern

Luilway Company, MGW has located, built unfi in operatisn in una
i;h:~ou;_>;h .%1<:~"c<:}1;:zr Count-y, and 51:0 {.LELr :1; 1.1 thug carp-orata T5-i:.:i.ta of
the Town of Uhitamhuzg in naiu Coaucy a main line of railromfl,
with e¢ztnin switchos, Spufa, cibutznok; and tuxnouts attached
Lhaxotoe fiffl is aha legal owner 0i 9:16 1149 0; Igierad with ita
uvnitcéu:s, :3t::tiknzg :zud :g4ngrtan113uhgs, :Lnfi, thy ;‘lwidwtiiii, 1301Lk3vj1.’e

. & M :hville gmilraud Gum an}; ix tno owner afié holder of certain
iirst moxfigagg bong: ugou Lhe :10 arty oi agiv laxinSton & fgfifigvfl
fiuiiway Can any, inukuding all of its yropcgiy in Gaiehnr County,
Eomtueky, and i? thu ownsr 0: all a? usnrlj all Oxxtha capital
:'atoeile: 01‘ 1523,16? 303:1:M31‘51Li‘u'1.

' Plaintiiifi iurthar stute tbai the main line of railrogd
nzorufiaid, xith all 0f its Switches, Rifiaatruukfl, depots, stmfiiams
afifi appurionmuces in an& thxongh Qfifiwher county, U39 wrojactca and
unfisrfiakon to be built in the 33m: 1910, and pruyarauory to the _
actual location ana cunfltxuctiuu oi 3916 lailiOJC,UCO., in and
thxuugh the Bonn oi Uhitushuxg, in said County, certain officerfi
HMJ figunta of thc ylmintiifs, 31 049 01 than, appliad to the
Bamrd of Erufitaefi of thn flown 0i Exitasburg ior permifisicn to lo-
cate and aonnhruct plaintiffs‘ main line gf rmilwoad, with ona or
mar: parallel linwg my uide~trncks, in, upon anfi along what 13 kuown
as Main fitreat thmn€¢é, in the Frazier Adfiiti.u of tha Town of
fibitmnburg, on tha South 3150 of the North work of the Kentuuky
Rivgr, which pagans through said Town, and fihu vermin ion $0 rgu
quastad was granted by the Trusfiaea of said Town On ¢h$.96th flay cf. I

' ‘g . . V , ._ ,._“ . V ‘ ' .  ,W ~94 “7*“ v «:;,“’:_"‘~;[::gL;..;;§$f-

Beetcrib-.33:, 1919, and the j} remitas-tzmn. seal .3:: thm'ibgy' :30 {‘,'};‘(Ult'fid 37:15: I
evideueee by a certain ordinance regularly aaoptqa by said Board
0f Trnxtues at a meeting therwery helfl on the above date, tO-Wit:
megtumber ?5, 1910, at which emeh wné all of the membnre of said
i BOaTS'were pernonnlly prifieut, uufi the proceedings had at male
fleeting oi weptamber ?5, 1910, and the uxfiinanee adoytcd fihcreufi
mere fit the time duly rabu e@ to writing and Signed by each afifi
all of the members of Said fioard.
Wuifgafurther Sit , how::>v:ar, that through mistake
and iflflQVJEfiencfi on iho part of the fiembcra of eaid Boesd of True—
tece, mufl the Cleyk 01 said fioaxu, it appenye that no quOIE was
,maflefiat;fhé’fi§fi§7figdnfbhefregular Einute fieefiégi the Beard of Erma»
teem 0f the action taken as azuresnid by eaifi Board, age the only
‘ exiginal Eceoyfl which any are t0 havw been preserved and is new
in existence 01 the neetimg 0i Buifl guard uni the action taken as
aiorosnifl is a cerfinin writing containing the minutes of said mecfi- ’
infi anfi the cop; oi amid Urdinxnce aficyt d tnnreat, fiififiofi by 3. T.
Sargent, Chmirmau, anfi by J. 5, Bentley, 3. J. fieleamb, I. fit Eields
aha flalix Ge Lieldn, trustees, aufi attnfltcd by L. 1. fields, Clerk.
Plaintiffs stafie that this original r cord oi said meeting an& the
Grfiinanee adapted me aioreeaid came into the peggeeeion of certain
oifieinlg and reayementutives of the ;luintifi Comranies and ie new '
in their flowseeeien; that same has heretoiore been presented to the
gourd 0i mimetuce of the Town of Uhiteeburg, parties defenaunt heroin,
anfi reguesfi made of them that same might be entexed of IOQOTd upen
' the fiinute flock of said flown, but emifi xequewt has been refused anfi
the Board of Drufituee mierefiaid have fuileé aha iniueed and still
fail nna refuse $0 enter saia oxiginal flinutes and Orflinmnee upon
the reeoyfle of enifl flown and same have HGVer been recordea in the
regular minuie or Enooyfl flock of the Board of Truetoee 0f eaia Town.
Flainfiiffe further state that in View of the facts heroin-

before recitea, it is the duty of the deionfiauts, John Y; Hale,
‘ W. H. Courtnay, J. H. firmziar, U. u. 3i» Gs anfl 5. Q3 Ramay, as
- Truetoes 0f the Town of Hhitemburg, anfi who together GUflRtitute
fiha entirm Board of Truateos of said Town, to have a regular or
Gallcfl nesting of maid Boarfi and, at such meeting to admifl the
original Minufiem anfi Uxfiinnnce aforcsaia to raoord on the regular
LCCOTQ 0r hinuto book of said fioawv, indicating in some a?—
praexiafic'wey that the ontry oi waié minuteé anfl deinunce at the
time smifi Meeting of neptcmber F6, 1310, was maid, was inadvert-
tntly onittnfl or 0Y33100k é aafi that the entry new mafia of Gama iS
mafia nuno pro tuna.
Pjajufiifis mtgto that snié r 23:1 of the meeting cf uap— ‘
tember 25, 1%10, nnfi of the Uréinanae aflopta§ at saifl meeting ia a
public recorfl in ihiufi HOE Unly tke plaintiffs bexein but the cit~
17933, 7raifrtf cuneifi, fig: T'Fflxfi ;ni inygniixnug 01 ga; ;$:n of
> whitegbuxg, a? well as othou citizens and inngbitants of Latcnar
Gaunty and the Stat: of lanivckg use interm$$ea, and it is right
33,3153. v:1*0g.2»:>1~ 9311:}. 133 €113.) *'./violin 3333;331:3334 24:33:; :,izi, original roman“:
ahall b3 enfieyjfi upon tha flinut a of the Boarfi o: Eruutseg of tha
Town of Lhitathuxg uné ineosgerthF in the rsgulur and antucntia
I Iwcozflfl of maid town. ‘
YE? JTUTJ, plaidtiffa 93%; that thi$ Court will by an
> orfler of mandamnfl Jul; wntarmfi h9331n command and ruquiiu the
5.“; 33:54:31? antm, John 1.3,, 4:73.33, 1‘2. Iii. Coustxmy, J‘ 3 Fraziar, i3. ..1.
H1913: uni A. m. Laney, twguth E coastituting the Jourd of Trugtaes
of Lhn Town of Whitugburg, to meat in rwgulur 0: called Hessian at
coma COHVAniont time and jlace in the near Suture and wronged to ad~
nit to aha rsuurfia of maid Board and to havn planed uwon the recoras
of gaifl Baarfl the Original Lfiflfltflfl of fiha meeting of Leptumbar 26,
1910, nnfi of the Ordinance ndowtafl by said Board at “aid wasting
anfi mill take madh othur uhfi further action 33 3mg hm lawful and ‘

J J. .. J _ a. ,,_: . .,’ .'5. . J. . 45,—. ,.., J :J .“' ;':,- ,. ...‘. Jx: .‘., .,....“ ..J. in
3’). 05.“ i..?“ J‘. v L'O 533.54. 3GB illhl .'. 1.533%?! mu 0.). 31:: ...’.L: JEN}; :.L £31.2J51Q3LJ-{;(1b "
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J meam -5m-fix-M-flr ‘.'“ «Uh-AW ‘—
“...—,3..." ..J”. .J.. “.“.—.“.”..-mm mm ”mm ,.....m
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121.21. ;121. .2; 2 .1 21