xt73bk16mf8w_671 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [507] Celia Estes v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [507] Celia Estes v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_62/Folder_12/8475.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_671 xt73bk16mf8w ““‘“" l! il
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I: E: ii § ‘ { Celia Easter and Lillie Helton, a
'l .g l , ' scouple of denizens of the under
...,.”, E E :‘q world were, on the complaint of
L ‘.',géi’i‘w } 5g; it Q I Mrs.Crouse,the Missionary inSnake
W“ 1 5:1 11 2 Valley, arrested and brought bev
1:53,,mfiw, ,2: E‘ l :3 fore Judge Collier Monday, who H
v I; E i; 5 after floariugl’he' evnehéé“’ga‘ve to N
e“ il _': I; {3 the soiled doves their choice be
5' ii ‘57: H E tween leavingthe town and going i
Ii 0 g; ::: to jail, they finally saying they \’
tumor ;3 E i 2;; [preferred to take the latter horn of
355% 2, 2 the dilema giving as a reason that
,. ii 2 ii :24 5 limes were hard and board high
. 1; <2 II; ‘and that by going to jail they
‘ '3 i: 3 i: would at least be fed and to the >
, . ,1; H 3 ii E I went jail theyandthe“DukeofBucl{- ‘
k ,3“ ii :51 2 horn"is now acting as purveyor to y
5,,'-"' If g i E these two who only so recently
I~V->-I I; 5 i! to were heard in the famous valley
5 , V ’ ii 8 z“ singing “This is the life for me."
li :::: if % lThey will likely soon get tired of
, if, ;i fi their cramped quarters and the
I; 5 I 5, sameness or their bill of fare and
“M” E ‘I agree to seek other and newer pas-
ii 5 i tures—say about Middletowu or
.,,,;I'i“? l' g I Hamiltonxahiti
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 Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.

Celia lgates by etc. V. 3&H ‘
Breathitt Lvircuit Court.
October Term, 1915,

' Jan. Term, 1917.
Oct. 11, 1916, By consent affirmative matter of Amended
Petition controverted.
Jan. 25, 1917, Plaintiff filed Amended and re~f0rme0 Petition. .

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i .
‘ may 31, 1915»
Lire C. [5. Aundr’um,
_ how Agent, L & N H R Co.,
[‘ Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear §ir:
' Replying to yours of the 29th instant, with enclosures '
in rofcroncc to the condition of the County Court records at
' Jackson, in re Guardianship of Celia jstes and the action, if
. any/domanden of us in,connaction With that matter, I write to say
that I am gaming to Jackson this (WedneSday) afternoon ano will
trb to soc and confer with you while there. If I should fail to
soc you while there, I will write you ahout the subject of your
letter prmmptly on my return from Jackson in the next few days.
'/ Very truly yours,
sot/a ’
\ / Counsel.
ff _.
. ‘ ll;
, ‘\ /

 FORK l—Revised July, 1909 .
' I' 353553352 whichtiarcbagparcptlxtrhuunefcesefiq. of: thatdcoiultd be sent byd’rrainfMail, will be traysmitttedtand
: . r ‘ r” ' ' _
TELEERAM .° ‘7“ pm" " “ ”P‘seigxixihflna éefiéifi‘minaéfiipéifififé‘ni‘é‘. hfmsl’mm” °” '3“ ‘°“. TELEGRAM
‘ Levinrtou, Ky. , May 25rd , 1916. »
J. J. Donohue, _ . , '
' Chief Law Agent, Louisvillefiifz. ‘ , .
”,,’ . . . I ‘
” '  I W01.ll:1 approve settlement of Celia Estes case, in Breathitt Cir—
cuit Court at.1"iguréa :mmed in your notation of the 22nd on Ifr.Landrum's
. letter of 20th. ’ ’ ~
knits; u» .. -, ‘." ,
. l . . ' , , SJLE’ihson.

 . I. '
_‘ may 27th, 1916.
hr. J.J.Donohue, -
Chief Law Agent, 3. & E. R. 00.,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir::
0n receivt of Ir. Landrnm's letter of the 20th instant
tritten you from Jackson, on which was your notation of the
22nd instant in reference to settlement of suit in Breathitt
Circuil Court of Colin Estes, by etc., vs. L. i Na 3, Co.,
E wired pen on the 25rd instant as follons: "1 would approve ‘
settlement of Celia Estes case in Brest itt Circuit Court at
figure named in Hour nitation of the 28nd on hrs Landrum‘s letter '
of Both."
This letter is to confirm my Tire, and I an returning
‘ fire Lannrum's letter herewith.
Yer; truly piers, l
fifI/b Counsel.

" (COPY)
Jackson, Ky., may 20th, 1916.
Mr. J. J. Donahue,
Chief Law Agent, Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir;
Celia Estes, by etc., Vs L & N R R 00. ~
Rs you know in this case McDaniel brought suit a very gew
days after the accident in behalf of this girl by her next friend, Whic.
suit is now pending, as well as suit of father for loss of services.
There is entered on the order book on the let day of December, 1915,
Breathitt County Cou t, the following order; '
"An application having this day been filed from
Celia Easters that Arch Crawford, Jr., be appointed .
her guardian, the Court hereby orders that said
Arch Crawford be and he is hereby appointed guardian
of said Celia Easters and having executed bond to
the satisfaction of the CommonWealth in the penal
sum of $2500.00 with F. P. Crawford as surety Was
sworn in according to law."
This order is not signed but was entered while Judge J.0.
Crawford, the regular County Judge was presiding. Judge Crawford
was then absent from the County for some time on account of his health
and W. S. Jett of Jackson acted as Judge on commission from the
Governor. 0n the llth day of January, 1916, While Jett was acting
as Judge the following order appears on the order book:
- . "it appearing from the statement in writing by
Celia Estes and from a privy examination of said
Celia Estes in the presence of the undersigned
y W. S. Jett, acting Judge, Breathitt Gircuit Court
that said Celia Estes is ower 14 years of
age and that she is 16 years of age and said
Celia Estes in said privy examination and from
said statement signed in the presence of the
Judge of said Court that said Celia Estes selects .
andnominates W. H. Pelfre as her
is hereby ordered that said W. H. §§f¥g§§ntei§nd
he is hereby appointed guardian of'said Celia

 . #2.
Estes. Thereupon came said W. H. Pelfrey and
duly executed bond as such guardian with Nathan
Pelfrey and Kelly Kash as sureties, which bond
was and is approved by the Court and the Judge
thereof and said W. H. Palfrey was duly sworn
as such guardian. Said written statement is,
filed in the Court.”
This order has not been signed. Judge Jett has resigned
as Judge, Pro Tem., MsDaniel represented the father and the girl
by her father as next friend. Crawford being appointed Guardian
or an attempt being made to appoint him was a scheme of W. N. Cope,
Attorney, and J. 0. Crawford, Judge, to get a fee out of the case.
This appointment was made without Judge Crawford seeing the girl
at all. They made.a contract with.Arch Crawford for an amount equal
to 50 per cent. The appointment of W. H. Palfrey as guardian was
made through McDaniel's energy and at that time he took with him
in th case Kelly Kash, Commonwealth Attorney, who is one of the '
' sureties on the Palfrey bond. Kash has filed an amended petition
in the case. Kash has talked settlement of this case to me on
several different occasions and on the last occasion he decided that
he wanted #750. to settle it. ”b you care to entertain a proposition
of settlement at that aumunt. You understand that this woman is the
3 only one of the four run over in the yeard that is now living.
It might not be a bad settlement and I personally think that we should
settle the case at these figures provided no lower terms cannot be
secured. This woman would probably not sware so hard against us in
the other cases if we settle with her and she is sure to swear any-
thing that they Want her to if we do not settle with her.

 . "‘l Judge Adams will certainly let this case go to the jury and
we will therefore be forced through two trials if We ever win this
case. If you decide that we should entertain such a proposition to
get rid of the case I will then take up with Kash the question of
proper guardian and he says that he will get all of the attorneys
satisfied in the matter. '

C.S. Landrum, . '
Law Agent.
I am rather inclined to recommend to MI. Warfield a set-
tlement at $750 in the event lower tenms cannot be obtained. What
' to you say?
‘ J.J.D.
' May 22‘, 1916. '

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. (373 Before caticludimg i’:§.’f§'§301"€3 137011 Shoulc“; carafe? Eav'ifih Judge "9'03:-
ld mad he guzifiefl by his: advice.
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