xt73bk16mf8w_672 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [508] Clark Vaughn v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [508] Clark Vaughn v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_62/Folder_13/8502.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_672 xt73bk16mf8w _ . . 4 n , -- .fi :3 ‘:x,»:5.’~‘.,‘ .;,; t" A 1“? 'éfl'f:5‘.E1:€;'§'§3_.+"§§7§4§'5 -' .
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 § . .
Cl&rk Vaughan's Admr., _ Plaintiff. :
-vs3 - INS T1311] (3 TILT) H S Offs 3‘8 (1 by Di'Z-li‘i‘f'mMJ-IC‘ 9
Louisville & Hashville Eailroad Company, Defendant.
1a The Cuurt instructs fiha jury fihat, ii they believe from the
evidence that the firackfi of the defendant, describefi in the evidence
a% it% ’Main Emack', afi fihe place 0f the accident in queation, was _
gozcrally, frequautly anfl habitually usefi by the public as a footwag,
ai or near the tima in Ehe night when Clark Vaughan, plaintiff's ins \
testata was killed, and that defenfiant knew sf Such use, if anye er
that same had been 80 long cantinued as ta charge éefendant with no» .
fiice or knowleége thezeof, and that fiefamflaxt acquiesced therein,
an& if the jury further believe that the presence of persons on
defendant7s said Kain Tracka at the time anfi place cf the accifient,
» Was renéofiably to bfi expectea by the defendant and those Operating its
V train& on saia track, them it was the duty of Gefendant‘s Servants
in charge of aha Operating the engine in question tofi give reasaaahle
‘ erniné of its approach by blowing the whistle or ringing the ball,
or by placing a light upon the front and of the tender, as it moved,
as as to gfifig afford Clark Vaughan, plaintiff‘s infiestate, an upper-
tuniuy to obuerve its approach, ana it wag also the duty of said Clark
Vaughan, afi the Same time, to exerciro reasonable care himself to look _
0u$ for appraaching trains or engines and to keep out of their way.
Ana, if the jury believa from the evidence that reasonable Warning of
the approaeh of dofandant’s engine and tanfler was not given.fiflfl/fifi¢£ ,
, by blowing the fi¢ifl/¢ whistle or ringing thabell or by having a light
on the tnnder, on the occasion in question, and that by reason thereof "
I _ gaid_flark vuughan, while exercising reasonable care to discuvur and  
‘ ‘ kbnp out of the way of said engine, WRS struuk by it and killed, the- : 
  . §E§§nzi:%.fin§ far the plaintiff; otherwise the Jury Will finfi f9” tfievli

 .~ (2)
2. A Signal of the engifie'a approach was reasonable which was or- ’
dinflrily Sufficient to give notice of its coming to persans who wars
themselves exercising ordinary care for their own safaty and in posses—
sion of their oréin&ry facultiefi.
3¢ Even though the jury believe from tha evidence that the Lmin T
Track of fihe defandanfi, at the place of the accident in question, ha&
been usafl as a factwwuy or paSfiwway for a Sufficient length of time and
by a sufficient number cf persons, at the tine of night described in the
evidence, bu put the defenflanb on notice as to such use, neverthalass '
tha deceflenb, Clark Vaughan, took the condifiions as they were and as he
founfi them, and it wag not the duty afi the fiefanfianfi fie use any extra-
ordinary precautions for his safety a: to guard against injuring him,
and fieiendaufi had the right 3G operate its firaims and engines ovor the
said main Track? in its yards, at the Lima and place 31 the accident;
anfl it was the dufiy 0f the aaifi Vaughan“ in gejna upon the said firack,
to use Such.care and caution a8 may he usually expected of an orflinarily
prudent 35m earniui parsom, under like or Similar circumstancegg to
I learn of the unproach of the angina an& to keep oufi of its way; and, if
the jury believa from the éviéefice fihat the amid Vaughan, in going upon ,
said truck, at uhe hing and alace mentioned in the evjfience, knew or,
‘ b3; “the axerci Ste ('.2? urc‘xfiumr,-r «.':2-.:.2‘9 :mr‘i. 3:»1“?'3. .
ant WHS not require& to keep a lookout ior him or to give him any signal
or worming o; the approach of its engine, by whistlo, ball or bight, o? I
otherwise, or to reduce or slacken its Spped, cnc if iho jury cc believe
they will find for the doignéant.
5. The Court instructs the jury that, if they believe from the
evidence that Clark Vaughan went onto fiho Main Track of the fiefcndant .
in such close proximity to its moving engine or at fig a fiimo and place
whcn fihc flogmon in charge of the engine and tender could not, by the 3
oxcrcico of ordinary core on his part, ascertain his presence on said
track or that said flogmon difl not know thotfi he was on Said track and
could not, by the exercise of ordinary core on bio port, haVH ascerfinined
chat he was on said track onfi in porila in time, by one exercise of orfli»
nary care, in the use of the Hmong afi hand, to have signalled the engioeer
, to sfiop the train in tino to avoia striking oaic Vaughan, anfl on account .
thereof, said Vaughan was struck and killed, the jury will find for the
5. if the jury believe from the éviflonoo that the sign boaroo
erected by the defendant at the ends of its toilrood lords, as shown by
the proof, had been erected ior ouch length of time and such place as to
' affora a reasonable Opportunity to persons in the habit of using defenc-
anfic tracks and premises, or about to use them, to know flflfifl of their cz—
isfionce and were reasonably sufficient to onoble o parson of ordinary in- _
telligonoe and prudence to undorotond the warning upon them was to keep
8;§%gfvg&§hgga§§gfi cg? i§7t%fejgggrfuithog believe from tho eviaonco that
-o - , , , . n oioe oi ordinary core could have known

‘ (4 I
of the existence of such signs and the warnings upon same and yet want
upon defendant'a track, in Spite of said warnings or either of them, his
act in so doing made him a firesyaaser, and the jury will find for the '
defmfi amt . '
7c The Tourt instructs The jar; thfit The fiefenfiamfi was, under no
‘ circumsiances, in no 50368, and to no extant whatever, an insular of the
saiaIg oi Clark Vaughan, while am its tracks or premises; anfi if the jury
believe fram the evidauca that Said Vaughan, on the oceasiun of said ac- .
I cident, was negligent in going auto Safendant’s Jain Track or in remain-
ing thereon, and that hie negligence caused or nontributed to cause said a
accident, mnfl th;i but few such no ligemcn, if any, he would not have been
struak or kille§; 3:, if Eh: gur; believe from the evidence that said
$3ughan was struck aha killed solely anfi alone as The result of his own
negligence, or, if thefl jury belisVQ from the evidence that the said
striking and killing were accifiantal or the result of an unavoidable or
uneXplainad mishap or cagualty; the law is for the defendant, ana the
jury must SO finfl.

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