xt73bk16mf8w_712 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [551a] Breathitt County v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [551a] Breathitt County v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_65/Folder_1/10000.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_712 xt73bk16mf8w s: .
S . 2:. VI". 31:15. ‘.'.ro 11. 3:01). 3
be held too quick for Mr. Hyden to accomplish his object”
The arrangement suggested by lair. LicDowell will be
Yours tmzly,


J //I ,
jéistant District Attorney.


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Lexington, Ky., Oct. ”5, 1910. A

The unflornignod, A. C. Hydon, noting solely ior hims:li,
enfl not in any way as on agent or representative of either the Lex-
inxt n and lantern Loilway Coninny or Louisville and Haehville Rail—
road Comomng, nroaoses to undertake to bring about an nfijuutmont
ens settlement bettoen firenthitt County and the flisonl Court thereof
on the one 3163, and the Louisville enfl Nashville ;nilrond Commany.
and Levington & flaetorn Loilway Company on the other si e, of all
claims and controversies growing out o: the Construction and re-
oonstrnetion by the gouisville a Nashville Lailrosd Uom;sny and
Lexington and is torn Lailwmy bompany of so much 01 their railroad
no lies in firewthitt Coulty and the alleged interference with or
obstruction, impairment or agwronriution of the public and county
roafis of nroathitt County by said reilroad enfi the construction
or reconstruction thereof and textieularly to secure a gull eon—
promise, Settlen20t enfl fiiomiesal oi the suit between iroathitt
County, as plaintiii, uni the Louisville e Nashville Leilroafi Com-

. pony and Lexington & Jester: Lailmny Compsny, as deiondants, now
sending in the Jreethitt Circuit Court, end to secure the entry by
the fiscal Court or Areathitt Uonnty of ministrimte orfiers, to be
e.proved my the attorneys of said railroufi oomnanies, evidencing
and (rinsinitvtizl: sxnflx settl no nt run? slin) tin; entlfir oi’53y2ropxfixite .
orfiors, to be a flyovod by the sane attorney», in the Jreathitt
Uircuit Court @ienisuimg settled the nioresaid suit mending therein;
and the Index-sign '26. nroposms to bring; :‘abont such {Injusthent .‘_-and.
settlement 0: all olnir.1:=:ar2iwai11 fill”:§d5ftxlfi, 011
. ‘ /

 ‘.‘.?» . .
(”J .
‘ the part 01’ .33-3:3't1111’c County and the entry 01‘ proper org-31%;, as
' above 5:23.31: forth, n,2V'i<":.zs-2nci;ig 33:330.;-
In the: omnit that» tho um?ezwni_g‘;xzz;=("t is ;:*110c<35::‘~:i‘111 in

brinxing; ::met't maoh :za’juistnomt rind sm3‘ttlena3ut of the: claims: 2:316
COHt‘I‘OVQl‘UiCH 5113mm) .71:'311’ti{)11"}5. '433:3‘L‘-2£2c21'1 Lirazztllitt @0713:th our} the
Lexington d1; £53,:3‘tar11 L42.il\.':.~:,;;' (Joinsguazny 53.315. Lirmiwvillo liarh‘ville .

— 131.35. 19.33:“? 003133311137 23.2161 in having: 55a" 1:) 11.1113] 0011373173: misc-7. in “the Hag-ruler

”’./V ‘
above: not 30.111, 3.313353 115321531 011 for hire. -::‘31'vic3:; in that bolt-15,123
:::-115.1 in (30113:iz’H'zrthioL'; 0:: 3, full mi V33? 423.15, ;.'-'31-:3:‘L:‘§:3 by“ him a: any
-:t-_,::1(§i_ nil (31:13.1:‘5 2519 1353:7331 claim-:.: to have :::;guiimt nith:3r oi" the
i'ailroafl cat33;1j3::1'1;li3:: :1?)§)'V’:3’ gap-glad on :-‘.a3.:rm::'1t 01’ :3.1-.3 a?fi3:3.m'i_c)n:':.m‘b and
:c233;1ov:‘21 oi 4511.531: :.:):Li't 01' L3» old line 0: the .:L-'3::i;‘1_-:t021 <3- ‘lax-itorn
;ai 1‘51513’ C4:3:‘:1j>s,:.11;," '.Lyigzxgr ”33.13%“.‘393 ..5:3:9.‘Z; “C:.;‘Vi 13.53 Juliet-5.011 and ’32:]..133151,
0313 1:11.: ii.:‘.‘)l’1'£2:’lfjiltf%t ::::m 02'.” the: $031311 For}: «1163 Liixwlg Jozck oi the
Ksaa'tuoky ,.-.iv3:'3:c‘ in L} .3213 Uo*:2.:;t;f, :3.-161 the E??‘C’1.tiOLL1§:T1 ;..;.=i":1;1_33:1;_-,-* locsztafi
on smifi 013i line, and in conviéicration 01‘ his ;Io::‘:>,;~*3'31.L‘t‘*1:'3:1't;:,:: ;;‘~":.=:!‘«:, Mat .“.-10‘: i;ml‘-.Lrli;15§:
Z‘éli 1.5:! 23311313; bar-3': 03? other “Cr-'20}:'E'vLe:=tf3rir1.1, 23:20:: t briflgo tioa, and.

$3213.11 9.15230 11‘72,‘9"’;;‘ (::_)zlvegfifac‘i to him 3‘0 much oi‘ the ;."ight—0:'L‘-3".’§::.;r <33-j tha
L. 3:':‘i21f_ton 6?; 33:;.r:*;=2:c*n I.:),ilxzay 01371123111; {now the 3):;‘(3‘3ozr’zy oi" 1:335; Loni?»

' Villa (“'3 Liz'mh‘vrillo Lszilrom’i Gi)“’1.>:"11;7) m: granary-,3 through the tract of
1nd 1331;331:131; t.) ”the uric“=’9:':r:i.;~:.:ru_3cii. mid loo'ztric‘? on the northeast Stirie
of: ills“; North “oz-:3; 0;” the Anitixo‘kgy' ',‘-.ivrx’m, in ..11;:35-3 County, anti. \i:§3.3'.€3h
1:.: :3:;3tir:;.;=t m to :3:-;.t.3-3-r3 ‘...‘:.23: :‘issitz'znrso o3": Ollieufihii‘fi of; .::, 12111;), $1039
0.“: 19.453, (30;);{33101115 .:L‘i: tho :muthmzvst artt::c>*1ii;;z‘ oi“ ”aha old immigrville
Junction $916333 ;L'Jozv‘o 1.1 litiOlhit-EL, and 1311-.) L_Z.<)uii-::villo a; liaiihvillo 2.5.11—
3016. Saw; 32311;? is; to :'3::th3 ovcr :::!zsid bridge 5.3.316. maid Tijillt-Of-Vizhy to the

1m I r
(3) .
u:1613r5315;113r3., 9201:311 :31:: the (3021;330:111123, :103135331111311; 3.1.316. «3:31; 1.143410130
3'31“. ‘th -3303 121111;“; 00113;; :31:; @110 11:30:11 0011113 ”53163333131, 11311 above
3:11.110, 1:“. (301‘11151'iuaigu’ 531311111113111.:-4.3921"; ;111 1:215: ”1:133:71? haw-“131 , 30:31? 9
> . Et- ii“! t .1 “5H 11.2161:3r=':t «36“: 111113 is; 1111:.) 3111311121111; 31,111”. 51.211. .3311: 01"
this: 21307305333331031 that, 1.113031 til-:3 “:.1353'33113-13'1ur3 thereof 3;; the Louis:-
Vi 111:3 2351831173”, 17.1",» 1.511.131)T213. i.)o.1r§‘:312..". Elatifié? 131 311““‘t “‘3;?311‘113': 3103' it"
.'.-13113 {ma-alf'wj 1'0: “tbs; Lenin 713011 1;": 3153;211:333: 231:1"3‘fL121-6‘13 Qangw‘u/‘Lf, it Skull
“:33 0:3.3'1'11311 0111‘. 1.1:: the; (.3‘.?{791113 01‘ 1 01131-1fi_:1n1:3-3 13313313111131 “11y
.1'31"3:3.t}11.‘tt Cv>1ls1ib;1r' 4216 :‘L'L'J': 3.117011 Court, ii“ at 337.71., by 01" “1113:3328
1‘.. 3013:1700: 1, U315, “1111:“ “1.11113‘25‘18 2‘0 1322;331:361 out £33,? 1;)“: '236237055'1‘3 :‘f'iifi flint-’.“.,
the 'ngiz'.3~3‘.1gr513*: 0‘7‘icr.:3..3.13~'3(z ..:;: 12311:“ 1132.1,:'_)S't;§.ti:.):;1 .1331”. its: 21:12:“) tunes?
7:11.11 "1) 3130.112 .::;113. “433 31! 21":111 5~.-.18 Void 5:33.153. 0:“ 310 r3131? 1:31.31; '11-’21:,1- I
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'1 ' ,1 Octoner 1%, 1915.
E. E. Cmurtcnay, Esq.,
Gala? Emmine&r,
Dear Sir:
w—Brflathift County v. L. h E. R. flo.w~
A3 thfi reanlt of the conferauce that you, Er.
Williams, fir. ficfiowell, Judge Hilson, and I had on the
10th instanfi, relative 19 an amicable settlemant of the
abevamatyled Quit, Hr. Ecfiowell has writfifin tha attached
lfiéter, figtafi Estate? 11.
Far canveniant refsrence, a Frief hiatory 0f
3%? cafltroveray with Ersathitt Conaty, ralativg to aim
lagad fi&:afie to caunty roada in that county, is get out
in fiareh, 191G, fifaathit? County filgé Suit
againat the L. & E. R. Go. for $100,083, 0n aceaunt sf
damage to, what is termfid in the netitien, a ecumty road
laading from Athol to the ?arry Gounty line, a distance
of forty miles, both north anfl south of Jackson, flue,
plaintiff claims, to the censtruetion of the Earth ?ork
axtensiex aouth of Jachaon and to the revisiOfi of the

 ‘1 n
H. c. ,9 1
old line fram Jacxfinn nmrth ta Athalg
ABQut cue year before the filing of the Suit, there

had b1en 30mg nwgufiiationa loaning is a Sfiltlfinfint ci'iha
slain 0? fine cmnuty on ascaunt cf’iamaxfi in roads, which
cantemplatafl the trangfer to 1&3 scanty of the Frifige acrOSS
Kaniucty River at Baattyville Jvnetinn, in L8$ Gounty, on tha
abandonai line, but without result; and a mmnth or 31x weeks
aitar the filing of‘the guit, Hr. TcDovell and Judge Pallard
{our Breathitt County aiiornay} recoxxenfiad that thasé nagg-
tiatinng ha Teaufinfi. The matter wag, acenrflingly, laid be~
ihra the w&na:ewen€, anfl an Kay 5 you adviaei Mr. Hoorman
that the Pcu?tu Vica—Presideni ha: avthorizad & Sattlement
0f the Gags an tam basis that fihe Railroad Company would give
iha county the briigfl a%cva Jentianai, and; if necessary, the
Campamy would alga tranflpert the item in the Supergtructura,
but n01 in“ stone in fine piara, to any point in 83%athitt
Gounty raaehed by tha main line. The maifier was at 6306
tagen up With.the fiscal aourt, but, ax atafiefi in if. HeDowm
911'3 16119: of Catcher 13, nathinfi was accomplished, the

1 failure bfiiflfi due in fihe opficsition cf‘Gomnty Attsrney Strong,
who Rafi flue aotiva mugwort 6* Ecwert a. Tarfiell, State Gcmmis~
Sioner uf’Pubjic Eaada. Thereafter, Er. E. C. Hyflen, a Braathw
itt County afitormey, who owns land in Leg County, 0n tug Kan~
fiueky River, appaaitfl 10 what wan fewmerly Bafifliyville Junc~

 ‘ .
H. H. G. 3
tion, and who has for some time been anxious to obtain poo»
session of the bridge, interested himself in the wetter of
a settlement of the countywroad controversy, and, in August
last, proposed to bring about such a settlement if the Gems
eany would turn over the bridge to him ani Day the county
t2,500. On August 9, Hr. doorman, after conferring with
you, instructed Mr. Tohewel? to decline this arenosition,
anfi rather discouraged further negotiations through Hydeno
However, within the East few days, Hyden has again taken
the matter up with Hr. fichowell and offered to have the
county authorities submit a proposition to settle the case
if the Company would jay the scanty an amount eoujvefient
to what the freifht on the iron work in the bridge would
amount to, based on the retold? tariff rate, if‘tne iron

work were transported i?ortita wreoeut Eocatiou of the
bridge to the east southerly station 0e our line in Eraathn
itt County,_wostimated at W1,SOQ. Tor his services in
bringing about the adjustment, and in consideration of his
forefioing his rjgnt to one the Goxpany on account of the
abandonment of the line Between Beattyvillo Junction and
Talleva, Hvaen to get the bridge. It was for the purpose
of submitting the 1a3t~nam9d proposition that Judge Wilson
and Er. XcDowell came to Louisville on Tneaday last.

or course it will he very greatly to our interest
to get rid oi’tho law suit that the county has ooading

 ,, .
?. U. G. 4
againat the Cempany. While it is extremely unlikely that
any recovery will be had on aCCGnnt of damage flame to tha
county road nmrfih 9f Jackaon, it in aznbahle the centrary
13 true xith r&svect fio the xoad santh of Jaoxson, becauma,
it is my underatanding, the aublic rcafi between Jackaon anfi
the Parry County line, much as it was, was cut away in'naay
clacag when the Earth Tork Exfienaion was canstructed. It
may b9, and Dyehabla i8, true that the road, describad in
the peiition 33 the waim Dahlia roafi hatweén Athcl anfl the
Perry flannty 3ine, wan nothing were than a byidlg 93th, Yfit
the Gaunty will in 111 aronability be able ta Show it was
anfi 13 Still a rfigmlawly Estafilishei covnty road. If so,
a judgment agaiaafi tha 30mpany for aubwt&ntial aawages, to
. I say nothing ai’ihe court ccnfis, Witnafis faas, Gt0., 18 31»
most a certainty, anfi this :3 trua even if‘cur nation for a
change of wanna fig ansflhar cannty ié sustaimad. And, in
reaching a conclusion 33 to tha Goursa to he puraued in the
* rather of a aéttlenent of th@ litigation, fine cost of that
litigation ghould not be overleaiad. Already it has been
sugxasted by Ir. Seargeant thxfiain Grier to ohtain flata nec~
assary for an intallixfint iafanae of the cage, a $Decia1 @nw
ginearing corwa shcnlfi he put in tha field between Athol and
thfi Perry Ccunty line; and Wa Shall mead many citizen wit»
masses who will b& unwilling witneaseg unlefls they are paid

 ‘5 \

' .‘5'. 3:1. ’.‘.. 5 V
1:13. “HM“: 3, 03;“ v=3:3::1€-: «.:‘.-:2? £123 3:1 (:3;. ET. 3531:1115, 1;:? 4:52:13! 7'1. :::

a juflfiflfint a ainst tha @3femd3nt, that jwigment will, of
cguraa, c3rry with it in: DEVWGHfi “V4331 $3“ ”35%“? inclufiw

is? 313 i403 of five ;ixy Tifflfifififis 130 will be mumvnn¢i 3?

iha emnnty. Tawigi avarvfitiar into Jonsifieratian, I ficwEt

1'.‘; L 813111 “I”? i'WL-‘Fifi 35:15:; €7,515, 51300.. I”? 515!” 130531; 00118101»
srafily 10351 I

Aggygfng tnafi, to the Pailroafi Gorgany, tha *Eiigfi

a3 Beattyvills Juaeifiou #2 practicaliy valuaj as, I am vary
finch in favor of a a? £19 ant w” {53 figiirfi SQfitTO”QTQ¥ on

file terfis 3303333&, and, #3330 1 Wave 3 gyaat Qaal cf ionhi
ngng 33a ability ai'fig;en 39 0033393 3 fifljoritv hf‘thfi sag»
ififlratas coufisaiflfi the fiscal Court, 3 3930? and that fir.
ficflawelz Ea anthoriZfifi ta 7?? E0 Him thnt if fie, acting in

L0 w3y 33 thfi 33033 of ihe thixfiillfl 3&1 fiaafivjl13 Railroad
Cfinvany, can Wring about, within fiffieen day& from Octnber

20, a aetilfi?3nt Cf'iha maijrfi fiatt§r by fihfi flaymant of not
mere than fifteen lunflrwd 1911333 tn Breathitt flonnty, 3he

suit to ha iianiasefi, finfifiied, 3339? 33030331333 regnlutieng
h3v3 Ewen passea ky 3M0 court anfi enterefi in the arders 0f the
Efifinxx enurt, the hridga at iaatfiyville Junction, 33 wall 38
the fihanienai right af'way 3hraugn hig land in Lee Ccunty will '
“we cB.a.es-1ds::~w:‘3 10 11173. I :10 mm, attach :11'113, value: to Hyfien’ 13 agree—-

 U‘z})b‘3fuv)§i.l. 4.“), ;9;-').
..- 2. ":’-“'1.; ‘1. ' "1 "-‘- \
‘2 e «‘7.; .1,;’J',“‘e "‘. 1, “.‘“‘i’ g
,- ‘ ..4. n' ,. .J..- . ‘..‘ ..V -. < 7 -‘ .~
Gen. M1,. , .Jxafimme 1.».;931‘1511emt, 1,831.2 14. Co.,
71:276772. rite :1, .I :':-T .
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(II/’IIC‘I'fl/xl/ rw/ / . .
. [Avril/I.IY’éfl/lfll'flliflfl/ / —‘ K'. [/7 ”I," ’- Cy'
September 21st, 1916.
3. EL Fi‘xzon, fisq., .
Lexinston, itn _
Dear Judge:
During your absence Iuigcfollardrmrote me on September
5th, as follows:
"I inclose my ecciunt for expenses incurred in effort to
' settle suit of Breathitt County vs. 3.x i. by sale of Walker’s
Creek bridge. I am in itubt nbether the items of liquid refresh~
ments should be itemized, bet have lone so abbreviating. If you
think more expedient kindly have the account re—written and list
the item of ”lunch” as a whole.
The item ”General incidental expense QSO.DO" was an outlay
of cash in the start for legitimate purposes not proper to mention.
Kindly 3.x. and have voucher forwarded to me."
enclosing the attached itemized bill amounting to $76.44. lhmote
him in answer that I niuli submit it to you on your return. He is
- again writing me on the subject, and I am therefore mailing it to
‘ you so that there need not be any unnecessary delay in laying it
before you. I am inclined to think that the wording of his bill
should be changed before sending it in for payment.
Yiurs truly,
Encl. Gen. Agt. EX. Dept.

 ' o. H. POLLARD -
' Sept 5, 1916.
Eouisville & Nashville Railroad Commany,
. ‘ in account with,§k
For axpense of attempted settlement with Breathitt
Fiscal Court and sale of Bridge to County.
Luncn/%urnished on special from Jackgon to Aireaala may 50th ,fl 7
Q gxhagw5.80 cooking 1.00 5 bottles pickl s ,90,4Woan tqQ$560~
“fl doz"bananas,50, 5 doz buns .507chéese .40, U bisénit3,50 .
V n n v ‘ ,m'“ 8,
lemons .25,liquid refraanmts— a case B and express 4.41, xi ;
3 quarts W and express 4.86,telephone to Lexington for samé;.5l;"
telephono to Oakdalg to gguira Spencar .16, 2 baskets .lO;\{
d3&7fl36¢25a6?6%flZ9¢3dzblx ;; $18.6é
4 Suppers plwaggfitiekatfiwtomshowwflaywéeFlag}flwwwwwn_;~aaé\w 1.80
\_“,,,...~ 3 .4
W.H.Blanton attorneys fee for sarvicaa 25.00
General incidental expense paid may 15th. ’ 50.00
'7‘! "
Q 75, Mr

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GERTRUDE<33NLEY 3 ' 1': '3557‘.
OFF'JCJSLSEZTTER August 16th, 1916.; _.3 .
um. Samuel M. Wilson,
Attorney at Law,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
In reference to your letter to ur. Henry L. Spencer, of
July 25th in regard to:%urnishing you copy of the evidence heard
by the Court in reference to the defendant's rule against plaintixf's
Attorney, Hon. South Strong, to require him to produce and exhib‘
his warrant of Attorney, in the case of Breathitt County v: L & N
3R. R. 00., beg to advise I am enclosingmyzzw;:::githygé3§%§?g’“‘“
){;;;;:;M::;;3 of all the evidence taken by me in this matter,
‘ and if you remember you will recall that I handed you the
original copy of this carbon copy during our July term of Court
in the Court room, per your verbal request the day before.
If you will refer to page 8 of this copy,you will note
that Judge Adams was to hear Mr. Pollard further on this motion
at a later date, but if he did hear him further, I was never
1 called to take the balance of the evidence, if any was produced. _
And at the time I took this it was just at the close of motion
hofir on the 10th of July, and I had been called to take evidence
in another case, when this motion was brought up by MI. Strong
and Mr. Pollard requested me to take it, which I did. Hence if
any further evidence was introduced at a later date I was not
called and did not take any further evidence.
Most reSpectfully,V/€2::Zé:;;4:ip 3~ ,(
Official St ographer. . _fl

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