xt73bk16mf8w_716 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [555] Drewsie Woods v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [555] Drewsie Woods v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_65/Folder_5/10222.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_716 xt73bk16mf8w :.'5 5. y.«~_.. 4 I)" f. C"! '
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 Form 162 I..\\\' DEPARTMENT
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT Jacks 011, Ky. ___.
B' D- WARF'ELD’ m3. annday 0/ A118 . 19/7
District Attorney.
1 ' - .. .
. T x: H (a T . . 1. a
[/2 My my: 13/. HID-hie QOdD :.5“ Jagcll fin LO 5
‘ ' ‘ T 1“
[/15 Mllorwzzzg proaiz’dmgx awn //ad a/ flu; , . ,, ,, , . , W .. , , . “it—y Tar/11, 19/ 7 v
o/ ”a“? ”,,,,Cirouit .,. 7 , , 07an 0/; A 7 . Breathitt H ,,,ifiCwm/y.
'eivisz‘. set .6361 at dei’ts coets exoe >t witness and
Ju1y 16 Dl 1 88d 1:] Lu 0 J ) , I
tarre d {it ty. fees .
. . {l 1;
[SHIN/:0] 7 ~ ’ H ' 301‘}? d '
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
l'm’i‘ 1. Give (late 01' filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition. etc., etc.
2. Give (late of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance. state at Whose cost.
4. In reporting a‘judgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing“.

 Jackson, 1Q]., May 22, 1917.
Drusie “00 618 v. Lé’cN.
Dreathitt Circuit Court.
July Term, 1015.
July 20, “ithout Waiving demurrer to petition, peft. filed an‘mer.

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JA’CK ‘N. K‘ENTUCv‘KY," 9‘ .3 V
"3’ 5 ?
_ ‘ .' 5 .- ’ ‘
I 33W! Feb 25, 1917.
Budge S .lui.‘1ff§flson, 2 ' J": “‘ s“ f}?
“gtfifieiéliington Ky.
Find inclosed fee bill of John Miller, Beputy Sheriff,
War Creek, for serving Notice and Subpoena on Drusie Wood, and
. serving Subpoena and Notice on Wiley Riley.
Please certify same for voucher.
Yours truly, U Q
W ..,/z 3373

 J": 2“? I}. A”? 117;; X i 7
‘ I. (I {1' " :1" "7,711" 70'"! ."7’. x‘ W2.F
o. H. POLLARD 1:. ,1» .1 1” 4. _ _ _. 71‘. .
' ' 7. - ~ 1’ » ‘.‘ " “: "1777‘1'1..1u’1~.'.711;1‘.»: 7.1.7177»1:71“.::-wéumu:ifriu“:-mré‘ '.s 41;
.’ACKSON‘ KY. P ’ ’ MW“ 2 M 2% /4
’- - 21c“ "1 .51 7~. ,
Jung .“1, 1.. u. . 7.. 1fJ..7 .
JUC{39 ii.1if-i3;30r1, - 7-
.Koxington Ky. 1) 7;
~\ 'V" - F: " . 1‘:- n ‘1'7 . " '7‘”, ...‘ ‘ .. 1‘7 ' V . .., -< A "T
Dear Juuqoz- gobart «OLu vs u.m u. anw ulhblu .oodb Vb 3.u‘m4m
I havU DiVun notiau to take the flu ogitioa of tug Elaintiffrs
- v - -- . .. - J‘4'." , . 7. ,. .'7-»
1n fihe two cages mentlonnfl abOVu/fl.afi my o¢.1ca on thu 29.1.
.g;) £flmmmammmfiafimwn
- J-‘ 7 n .c ,.,": 7:77 ' r71 7 ' W'] .,’V ' v (7' 1 7'1. ‘1‘. 1". '.'-T T 171 ‘ 'i W :‘a ' T '1 ‘I‘ ‘ (a ')
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' 1 1 - .7 ’1 . , » 1 . ' w .7 ... 7. ...,.»...umw. - .7 47-1. ..' . 7.. .
to $350 n15 mogu51t10u by M3; 01 arch» UggdlumblOd on an. waMu fiay.
I am vriting so that 39w may atfmnd if you SO QmBiTu:
Yours firmly,
.1 ) L../If
. ,

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3733253} TTE ” Z?I"’jf.‘.':’"” 13"?“173 ,
Enewnia Janna, flaintiff.
222;: 17 8:. Hausa.
Zenisvilla fi fimghvilln Eaiirona flomnang,fiefenaant.
.ifihanfi waiving ifin naiian in refining nlainfiifi? $0 venify
Ear nafiifiinn nnflan wanaitg 9v invins name iigmisssfi for the wan?
of much venifiantinn, noa'aanea aha fiefanflnnfig Lanisvilla & J
Tanhvilln finiirfinfi inmnnng, vnfl 792333 fianenniiy tn @Ebinttfif's ‘
nafiifiian annn the firjflfifi than nann 5633 not skate fantg nnffigient
in Ganafiifinfia any sauna GS natién againsi inn éfifenéant.
.ifihnut waiving ifi’a woiisn i0 verify infl ii's danernl
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fin flnfanfimni is fiévinafi it in neaensarj GE wataxinl $0 mfize answef
fine inn infanfinni, flauigviiia 5 Ennnviile Tqiirnafi Sannany. sfinfiea
fihnt ii n33 nan knowlaflge a? infarnntian suffinionfi $3 feym a ‘
baiiefl inn? 9n 3? nhnnfi infinbsr nsilmifizé,‘pinintiff anieyafi fine
manning pasnnnnéf fizfiinmniwénkamin Innfinengg a? nnifi as:
fans in Enaknanw Taniunkyfi wnfl flaming thnfi inn Ganflnnior wnniunly
9x wilfnliy, on at 3113 gwxnaa har nynnnfl, 0x in warns nanfianl;
QT wilfully flanked hay ayannag axéfiéykefi nan arannfi at all, mna
flaming than in wnrfln, tong, aa% 0 manner ha an innafiefi nnr. 0r
n0 inaafiea her an all an in nnmiiinfia bag on einse hen gragfi or
- an; marfiifiaation 9r angninn, ana flenfian finnt 3hn wag hnmiliafian
_ an gauged any martifiantion 9r angnigh, nné flaming thni he shavafi
her in a sea% wifin a érnnken pannnngan, nr annvnfl her inta a seat


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firfiflfifi inligf,

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 t ..
‘ ~ 1510.}, 2, 1916:.
Judge 0. 1i. Pollard,
Jackson, 1591111101151
3033 Sir:
Elorm;3‘.th please not; 0011:: of a; 19111;»: of the 22291;}: 11115:,
writ ‘10:: 1'17: 1);: 11:5. I“or:::‘»111‘e, 1.1:);‘3112525 1th 911616311103 1:111:11; 11:311-
tica‘;»g(1, 3111 1'-"-:Ce:‘:=11<;:-~ ‘1;-c» 1:11:11: 117. -3'15.‘F.:=f?,‘{71’13.13?. Circuit (LC-11:1; of 131".=';.-s':ie
3.70011.“ 15*, 13¢-
??3-:3::.f":2 1:127: 1111131129, v 1 51.215 11111-4:- thr; :ie:_:_-O:ri§i;e:1
01" ”1:31;; ;i15‘,i:1'!;i;i‘ :.: 134161-11: (EZ‘ORifn--_?:':-~:€1.‘T12".1‘l‘,‘?}‘l.v}h i111 :1;s:‘-..>:c‘ 1:0 11111;?)
out 1110?, pointr‘. 1.311.311 01.1.5“ 1111:1111: 7151:: 1711:2138 to (.-1-31;}:‘5-1
17:3 1 «It, 31‘ 53£E12.fr“"':2, to 1151:5331; in .:._».w: 113:1: u.‘.::111i_.i_i.§f “111:; £31311};
:i'v‘t" 51:? 21:19 traniw‘aa’u‘}. 011 so :11: ’52.: 71111516: $11 151:: 121’»: 4211’ 2.129;
i:1i‘3%’1‘-::‘1<37‘i.'5_ '17:.'::1i.:1 <11; .11]? L331 _a';TL_::7.11":.7°_1.'1": 1 5.11 11:15.15: 1.x";ur;z;i*":i Liz..-
ins‘rfljlri': ._.:,1::=."f:hitt Oz‘iroui’u Court,
of “it ‘.’.‘oods v. I; :1? 31. I an asking; 1?. f;?oli::-J:d to give
not ice at onus to trike the 3):L€1i3‘11313.;:f'5£ ri- -:.z)os:::i'2;i,;;1ii and to notify mo.
of the time, of bikini. I cannot be sure .1. I uni/11):: forwfivant, but
till "azif-zei‘i’rr to do so. In or??? "21' t. 33.1 a taking; me; not be: ("Tow
Page", limitvovet, I :1?".1, putting: it us to 11131 511113. hone,- we may wereby
r NWT-LOT) "ch; igifoxirzi 4:19;: 117le iii 0 iLi'C: “gr-int by til-i,- plaintiff.
‘ 19:; ’5 2:11.13; ;,*ou;*1~. ,
t L ,‘lzj; ' .
. so 1:5: {21 .

 , .73»,” H;
"1 ‘ A/fl/i/l/fl/f %/}%;///H%/j//mv/fl/:/wy
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'ffj‘ff/(Imm’ Gofé/Z/QZ/CH. f/ng/ ' [ix/z // (’3 ///7 (4H ///; * . )2 (N /?/(// , ,
””“/"J{///, "/
f» g , / / ,, .
//’”””3”,/ g;€,’,’,%5f,fi;.,w,_ »-»---»W'//fi’9/7//”f'-”/ April 29th,1915.
ML Siefiingtgiog’Eggltgigll’iyfio. , 1 €43 ‘72” /é é
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: -
Referring to your favor of the 25th inst. enclos—
ing copy of petition and docket report in the case of Drusie
W006 v. L.& N.R.Co. , Breathitt Circuit Court, in which plaintiff
seeks to recOVer $535,000 on account of having been humiliated,
insulted and abused while riding as a passenger on defendant's
train between Oakdale and Jackson in October,1915.
Law Agent Warren’s letter of April 28th together
with ‘enclosgrefl; reierrerofltotherein are hanoed to you herewith.
:_ Imam sorry that conditions are such that a satisfactory inves-
tigation of this case cannot be made. Cannot you help us
\2 ) _ out to the extent of giving notice and taking plalntiff'sde—“
/lno81tion as“ if under cross-examination. I do not see hflw
E are going to locate the» train crew in 'é'iéw of information; con-
tained in Mr. VLandrum's report in any other way.
Yours truly, ,
r fl /
C// Chief Law Agent . fl

’ ‘ 2*“ v 22 2» / 7 22 22 2 2
. -//22222 (2 K: 2122/22 //22////2// HIM/227
fl -, / /fl,,.
»2 22'2 4
2.22- . ,.2/ , , -
V2222 /// .. 2%(22222/2222/2222/
757/2W ’ 22 2, I
. ,, fl/Z'f/tn, 2 . . . ,
Jr. J. J. Denohue, " /// Agrll, 25th, 1916.
n . . , . , ,.Y IN YOUR REPLY REFER
b LL‘-»3‘: .‘,-El"? J-,;efiu, TO DATE AND FILE NO.
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Refer to your letter of fiarclgBVLh, an? Judge "llson's of
the 25th. suit Drusie Toads soelixfi to recover $5000.00 alleged
insult while passenger from Gakcale to Jacxeon about 00 char, 3rd,
?“e have bungled with all or is an t'is divislon and they
recall nothing concerning such. Er. iandrun has perhaps by this
time developed nogct in; vfiich ,8 could not gather.
Hours truly,
; Kx// y E} X~\X/Nfi
‘,' ($333 LSf§nden . lé‘
,//// ”r" 77
Copy:- \//
cl 1'; '21:
In)‘ L3. 1“. .

 ‘ I g
.. ~~
. 1 .3 . I._ f.
harem (.5., 15:10.
-\ 11' ‘1‘,
U. 2.3.. ...JJUL 7;}. '.;‘L’ “(:3 ..1. .
.,. I_ f‘! “J; v _v {‘__’ - , ~. ’.‘ ,.,“
.1533st . 1.1'bo .‘Cu__:ro’ “4' .4 .; #09.
— :- ., .- " . "“'.“. ..,“ 33,“.
mm. mm. .122 , :,:1 ”Lambd- .
$53-13 31$:
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*H 3.13, ‘,.. . fly “~,.: . ‘.\.“ ‘ "A 3;“ . ‘ " ‘ 31‘". “:‘,-E. ,..“.jififi: ‘V ? .91.:
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 ‘ .:2. ' ‘ . ~
V groathitfi Circuit Court. 7
Drewsio fioodo Plaintiff
vs / Eatifiion
' Louisville Q Hashvillo Railroad Company . Eofanfianfi. '§
Tho Plaintiff, Drewsio Hooao, says thafi fihe aefondanfi louisvillo & .Z
fiashville Railroafi Company, is a ooryorafiion organisefi and existing un-
do? an& by virfiuo of fihe laws of the stafie of Kentucky, with power to 7
’ one anfl be suufl contract an& be contracted with.
The filmintiff says fihat on 0? aboufi flofiobe: 5, 1915 fiho enfiorod fihe
morning yasoonaer firain at Oakaale Kentgoky, ona paifl he? fair to Jack—
Son Kentucky, anfi fihat the ooafluetor wanfiomly ana Wilfully jerked her
around an& in wordo/fiono act omfi m moor, so fireaééé her as to humiliate
1 .
- her ané canoe her groqfi morfiifioafiioa and anguish, anfl shoved her in a
soafi'wifih a drunken pafisonfior, whosa actions fgflightenefl ané humiliated ’

- her, all of which was well kmowa to the oomduotOT, and othay agents .
and oervanfio of defanaant on saifl train,anfl with orfiinary care could have
boon known fiothem, anfi fiho plaintiff sagsthafi she wao hy the defendant,
ithfi apemfio fiflfl Servanfio no ifarofi as to cameo hor great mortifieafiion

‘ anfi anguioh ané she was damagafi in the sum of Throe Thousanfi Dollars. ’
. , Eluintiif '
Wherefore fifia groyo for juflgment againofi tho aofena at for the
sum of Three Thousand Dollars, for hor costs and all preper rolief. .
J.H.fioDaniel ‘
Attorney for ;lainfiiff.