xt73bk16mf8w_720 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [559] Charles Begley v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [559] Charles Begley v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_65/Folder_9/10296.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_720 xt73bk16mf8w JESSE MORGAN LEWIS A NUCKOLS
Affnrurusx at £21111
.~ '1: ,A \-»-.> : 157;
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 - Smatomber 5‘9, 1‘917.
Charies .Ziegley v. Seottdale Machine Sc lig. Coo, .
Daniel Boone Coal Company] and , .
;,celf Co.
Perry Circuit Court» '
“léii'f'vl‘f‘ 3103,3331 Inmlmls, , _
1:155:19, .‘:i‘1'.j1'tm:3«.t;,z. _ '
Quu‘elcszenz ' '
InanfiLgyinf-g :0 3311211.: ...); the :'E'jth instant, in 10203311150 to the
2:131063 can)? .L‘L 51,},- ):;:n,;:::, 15.4; 1.1;»: is: :‘:. angle jl-l‘iigl'Ll'ily against- the Scott-
(74:11:: ;.mJ-hine ‘.l:~.;1.z.Q:‘zr:;‘a‘,wring; vow/ally and not against the haillfiafl Co. .
In my file is; 1a: 3301‘ ;«.u<'3,1n.:«: sad to :35} 13;: Jessa-‘3. hootton (.:; Elorgml, - :
5?"):11 19, 17:17.5, L c;1:i;_;,i_:r.:_\, 15:19:29 ssézv-‘atoments - ’
”There seems to L33 no uleime attached to railroad
. “people wluu'tevearo The facing: show tint ‘.he Filmerintenéent
01' this: .-'.‘cot‘t<".;;10 dawlmugf 1:515: £3,1'Li‘2311ytil'lg to put a rope . u ' 1
(across “the "crack; 1.2.62 hm? _:vfxfaren no notice '»"v’th-T'EVCTL" to >
:.‘,115; 0'; the Irzjlrozwfi people gin-“TL. 116: was going; to do thfifi, ‘ ‘ ’
. ‘md hm} out .310 173315;? .1 1:110 row; V5118 Stretched ilGEEI' € _ "
the north and 0;] the Ziamaxd twine]. and the train was. ,
5201119 north and just {3.:-“3 it 9319.1?sz from the tunnel it ~. ~ .
struck 11:73 rope“ 13319;; 11:26; out no 11234; at all and did - .
not give :2.-:13 \‘~rr1::';n.i1‘:.gz whatever.” ' '2
It appears“ that the vagottc‘iszle Company 15% protected by ' ,
inSurance in the 31:73.“;711316 Casualty Conmmy and that the Emilio].
Borme Con]. COFFEEEIIIF is invuref‘. in the doorggia State casualty Company. ___
.313! understanding; is: that the Quinlan 40: the ”cottflale Cormnngg', by ' ‘.‘
the liar-arg'lané. Casualty L).:~.;-1;::;11;;, is! being: lxmked {1:3th 1.7;; 223?. "E". 7.,. '
Jouett, of Yiinehesate‘r, and 1 px‘mmne the (:.eorgia State Casualty has ‘ '
arranged for the defens‘o cf “the 331.4101 300118 Goal Caumaiw. Ui’ course,' ' ’
00th the voottdale Company and the Eissmiel 3300119 00:21 Comm-111;; Stand , -
between the Railroad Company and trouble. ' .
AS requvsted "DZ-f ;rou, I herewith enclose III. 339.11611113‘3 , ’
letter of March 16, 191:», to Mr. A. M. Max-rem, together mth Statements

 I ‘ Mé’oN-Z.
oi‘ the following, viz:
Otis i-Iaclccy, 1»‘ircmanon Extra 91].,
Jae. 33,, Fenton, L‘lagman, ” "
‘ Allen hoore, Brakerizin, " ”‘
Sim 31".’§131)G€‘il"v Brialtcz'lsi‘L, ” ' V“
.T.” C. Moore, {3011(1113‘501‘, “‘ ‘9
. (E, :‘. firutmar, Briginccr, " "‘
This list swans: to {have}: the Entire crew connected
with the train ”23;“ i.r‘:1:i__3h the rays :1:-5302:3713 to have neon struck.
I understand that your Ir,» liorgnn, at the time 01’ the accident,
made an investigrwtiam of this 0:25:62 i’or the llaniel Boone Coal Cvmpémy.
It also ap‘oeers that Lno 33]-:Lintii’f was an emoloye oi‘ the {Scottdale '
machine 6: 1112;. (lounging, gnu? not oi either of the other two defend-
Kindly r2,<31:110\’i1x’2(’=ge receipt oi the cnclOSIn‘L-es, and ouligge,
encs. Yours; truly,
f3 1117/ a
Val; No. 589121

Af’rnrutge 211' £21111 ‘
H A 2 AR D , KY.
Sept. 27th, 1917.
Mr. E. M. hilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Please let us have the investigation report and statements
in this case so that we may prepare for trial and know who
the witnesses to be summoned are in the event it is to be
tried at a special term of the court to be held here in November.
- Very truly,
R/fi 2
’7.—i/tfl/fl ‘ ‘r' ’1’: ”11‘? ”(X/y? /Vfl
‘ ‘ LA. ;\

 ' Mag] 11, 1917.,
3. 31. Jouett, 3:34., Atty. at law,
Linchefat-er, ;iantucky.
Den}:- Qil‘:
‘ l acknmfloflge 12:17:11 thanks: :_'<2<:«':j.;ir‘i; o: ;.‘/Waru’ 3.“-var VEiJ-JKE‘?)

of the 10321 :3.;15312L.»,11‘u, anurlat-tinfi: can)“ 0; “1:511:23" a:x;’.‘ the «mn‘uiwizzle

;Zezchiniv 4a.;‘fLILLJ-zu',mirigigz Cm, :;:Lnu 310M; tint thin ...\L’£'\.Lfl' jll "we

“filed ON the 1;‘:E,;‘:':'§; L 0;. Chi: 30:11:15; term.

“.131: ‘;;.‘1fl_;r,
C mugs-301 .


 ‘ is. t v BEVERLEY R. JOUETT "
\ WINCHESTER,KY. May 10, 1917.
Begley v. Scottdale
Mach. & Mfg. 00., et a1.
FILE} #13 57.
Judge :3. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

Encloeed I am herewith handing you carbon copy
of the answer of the Scottdale Hac'nine c’l: Manufacturing Co.
in the above styled case, which answer will be filed on the
first day of the coming term.

- /‘

fours veryfitruly, ., /
BRJ—T ,, , a 7 A
EnC- ’ / I , I /(

" ‘m. ~ A ”l x I /
July‘j j-Lr, 191" o
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 ‘ ’:\ BEVERLEY R. JOUETT ' -1


WINCHESTER,KY. Dec_ lst’ 1916.

‘ V.
SCOTTDALE figflfi. & MFG. 00., &C.
FILC #1357.
Judge 5. H. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Enclosed I am herewith handing you three copies

of the opinion of Judge Cochran in the above styled

case remanding the caee for trial, as far as the Sco:t—
dale Mach. & Mfg. Co. is concerned, to the Perry Circuit
Court. ’1

Yours very truly,
1'” , / / w \
BRJ-T / T / , ” “’5”
fine . JV
. /’
~ , / 7 _ “' K

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13010:; to 92352., 3.;1.;2., 3.35.11), 51:16, A.Li.15. E51::14.111.'01.'d,
Earth 2:1 23:11:11 ;‘7111 1101;"; 1:11:10 — i10111"11::‘;:11' .J.J. 1.510135: @1116, 3'183'5-“9'31”
(13. 131011101“ 11118531112": 1111013.:1131. 021$; 01' 21:11 '21 3011-0 805.27. f.)0:1*;1::211;r 0t
373211111_t,;{;}r., today, 2‘1'2'D.T?5N,1"1v’>, :21: r‘":f‘0 .L.LL. had 51.11015352tazfl: of
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being; 0;":13‘0011 by co,:1t1>~.ct01rs 13:11 the C1.-1:1 JQI'TOYL'III’ 1:0 1:12.71, Striking?
Charles .3::1g7.]_12;‘f, 0.113; 2.1, 122013311011, 3i:'fl=‘1z1,?£j,'., 5::; 01111111120 01;: ‘:'310
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1'01" attentian. -firfmgnt 0:. 1.11511111'03 not 2:110:211. '.'/'01:}: ”00111.53. (3.1.10
*n’jythout 011.1“ 1:1101‘10615‘0 01" 0111:2011t.
1...;1‘. '

 5 J J L w
V - , ,1
- . ‘ 202-205 MSELDOWNEY BLDG,
. , WINCHESTER.KY. :_Yay 213464, 19:0.
lé-Lféid'j‘i’ \f. ‘3.CO'I'1‘13Al.Lis ILxACiT. élr, IEIB‘G. CO.
.JXIlJJTJ 71357.
Judge 5;. 3‘. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir;—

I am in icooiim of yours of the 29th ult. easing;
who 1: the attorney representing; tneee people. I do not know
but i unspect ‘xfootton é. 'fiorggcan. :11; a} rate, I suooose tne
genital Etoone Coal Company's 111:1..1ager could advise you.

i. ' \
Zoure very truly, ; i
,4 :7 L
BRJ-NST /.rr‘\ \' ‘ [Ly . ‘7 L x ,_
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 .‘-. ~.: ‘\
. A9113. 2,, 1916.
~ ”D ‘ ’.‘fi
3. n. Jouett, seq”
Wirwhenter, nentuclcy.
Dear flirt:
. ~ .- _‘. . . . ' - -‘J~.~.. . ~ ~- -

I. got JOhfilPfiflpOl1331111" letter at lilitJLCfOlt, tools—.,;, there
1 attended the taking: 01 the depositiony: oi“ the Secretary 0;? iitate
and his .-"-.:»;sictant. I asked the steiiogzrapiiez: to mail. you a. carbon
0033;? oi‘ (so «fieposz‘rtione. for 321;: part, I can see nothing; in the
. ,.v .:. ... . --, - .'-_ . .. r. . A W .v. ...‘, ‘-... 4 '~’.' ,....111 .1.,.. .L.
point; 111,011 Milan; in hit.» 9..—‘21; Sll.iggji_;tj‘l;a.1(l ”out? i).'_f~l.ilf_|_...l fi,\jl.,-‘C L-‘i: to
rely in using: this t ,:3 31111053". Ii: il'”; be this; he simply '::;intc
to inforlx: out a plan DJ .‘.'hieh he can Secure service on some agent

‘- ,4_1 ~..,....:_W_—. 1 j I '.' _.;)", '.‘“:fi ""‘."‘ 1- ,--_.",. ':-

oi the boottdaie -.:,ztchine c; i:if.‘.il\l.~. w ‘l\ ‘ M '
arm 1 :3 now,
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