xt73bk16mf8w_721 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [560] Messer and Petrey v. L&N text [560] Messer and Petrey v. L&N 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_65/Folder_10/10355.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_721 xt73bk16mf8w .I -
' November 11, 1916.
, J.J. Donohue, Esq., .
Asst. Dist. Atty., 3 & H R E Co.,
Louisville,Kentucky. t * >
Dear Sil: ‘
‘ Please refer to Mr. noorman‘e letter to me of Harch 24,
: 1'16, tranemitting claim for 915.42 against Hesse? & Pctrey, of
g; > Hazard, Kentucky, covering under—charge on Shipment of merchan~ ‘
dise from Cincinnati to parties named at Hazard, Ky. ?ursuaot to I
Mr. lioorman's instructions, I prepared. £1115. filed suit in the
Federal Court, at Jackson, and, later, obtained jufigment by de-
' faulto Axccution wag issued and I am just advised by Mr, Henzios,
Clerk of the U.S. District Court, that the full amount of our
‘ jucgment, interest and costs has been paid. I herewith enclose
the Clerk's chock Ho, 3251 for 998.69, in favor of L & H 1 Co., '
embracing the following itemo, Viz: Judgment $35.42, Interest $3.82,
Eveposit @945, making a total of 1598.69. _A. deposit of ‘,;s'5o.oo '
V was made by plaintiff, bot we had to obtain a copy of the Judgment,
costing L55fl, and as this item was not properly chargeable to
the defendants, it had to be deducted from our original dcdosit, I
V leaving a balance of $49-45. ‘
I have also ondoroed over to the L & N the Clerk‘s check
Ho. 3?;2, ior $10.00w covering attorney's docket fee, which was
mace payaole to my order.
Very truly yours,
’ encs°
. SILEV/a ' . ,

 . ' / ’ j
. flwartmrut nf gluzatut // " / r/ " (01;
‘LImtmi $tafBS @ISirIEi Olnnrt
£2151an flifitritt nf EKentmtky
JOHN w MENZIES (DffiL‘E nf tin: QIIerk
DENT u RK . " 7 n ., 1 n
“51 D” W m JACKSON, KY. i ' 1L", .Iflhwo .
L‘.'. a .V' . L -, r '1 ‘1 1
it 3119.17 :“fj. ".,’.'.AZIT“
7353::1. ,_,"tvfrgz, «
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-- J/Zy/(Zj/L( 1,7'17I’}:’- {17,44 444-~_/f: r‘
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, . t .1. , (2115371)“ v C5153“: :“u‘ _ TL) . “C1 , Roi ..'Ltt 1:1 17,2101?" ,2:
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 K, M. .
,.r’ f ““ :1:, 3‘ ff
. .’ kw:
Ed'furuvgxi :17? 71:35.11
HAZARD-“Y October 19, 1916.
Mr. S. M. Uilson,
1 Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: RE:- L & H R R Co. V. Messer & Petrey,
Judgement, U. a. Dist. Court.
We acgnowledge receipt of your letter of the lfth i
inst., with enclosure.
Ye have taken the matter up with jev. Ietrey,
and will advise you.
Yours very truly,

 " flwnrtnwut of glustin‘
Suntan $121125 @tztritt anurt
gallium flistritt of EKrntnrkp
(Dffitz nf tht merk
JACKSON- KY- Uot. 16, 1916.
Mr Silliilscn,
Attorney t Law,
‘ Le}: ingt on ,liy .

Dear Sir:

Replying: to your; 07? the 17th inst. , you are
advised that no return hrs :12; yet been made by the marshal
0n the execution in the case of 1. 8c 13-. Pm 00. vs. Lesser
and T'ctrey, Lilo. 171:. f

V e try tru 1:; your a ,
J. lienzrzios, Clerk,
Cy?">// .« ' 4
"fl"; 41/], , ,7 {;y V c} '- . - ;, v2, 1 D. C. ,'

.1 1_ .1 —1 I" /‘
UCCOduZ’ 1?, leJo

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Hagar-1'3 ‘rf'x‘ .1 ,
r "" " 9 "v


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Octouur 17, L936.
1" "73 .31" ( '1 - _
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'1. V J. \" , a,“ . v “r - 3M3 \ .‘ I.
.”.-_>.»11ny {,.!.<.:_::_.::, Ju ». filamlct Lough,
:1; ‘ w 7f"?
LT‘:4\.:.E':E.Q11, ;.'._z o
".77.. — 54:» .
.Lnfll’ ~.:; .
. T ,1,.;«,\..‘y.\,“ -. K, ,, ““71, \“9 -Tm---vr( 4* 4.14,. ':I-+1. -: “fum 1» \»'~I th
... cL(,y‘,.‘x,a‘..;.L;-.A... _. \._,,L‘, U... :1 “;“;-,4 OJ ...L’L: .'_ L... $11.: «Jab, \._
.. ~: ,”‘ .t.‘ . 1.= h _- , ,. «a ‘ ‘ .. .:. ..1, .,-,, "‘. .a _.;. ‘ ‘:. " .1 *7 M 1 ‘
, GQUJ.LO{?~L,\‘. bah- Suloli C:.-..: JUf 1. .L:- L.‘./1r; ‘13 Y.‘ .'.11 6:01;; ‘..‘LFLll'. UR. -.) L; .L.‘ ... (409

"‘T -. ,- ‘.’- «,'2 ‘- ’"‘—u-w 7: ""’7”? 1 n ".‘v ,r‘ .--,: -—t '1" ,. -
Va lilo .‘3": l;€3§'.\5x‘).t. 34141. 4;:; . a w:4;.1\=,,r, J L:.; . H .,t. Limb .:.‘.I}; _.f‘ spin". _1 f, f .”.?)
.. .~. _ ,“'. ‘ - “.‘.-.3 1 , 5 ~ .'1 fl », x ,n '”‘. ;- ‘ ..-
$211.3, :ma 1; any, .I.-..;“ £23331 n, J. ML 3::; abatlufl
.: .,,H'; ., “ .,_ 4., ,‘.fl. . .V’ .1,-‘.‘” A, _~._,,_, .1 3 __ , -.—.. t: “j "7 __"" ,,. ‘1)
4.5 1‘.-nub, :‘.1- ,‘,-3L. ..1-u; 9 1.98;: {L:.} CALI/$1.1 ,'.!l 0;. 1,113. 3.3:» is» .(J'nihfdg

"lax/WT 1 1%" ‘I” ',.rpiwe“
~. ”.._, “-._“; : ,“.- J,
kiln ;’a ‘
. /
UC [1119131 .,

 ‘ /0J /7~-2;;
' ‘. @wurtmmt nf 31mins
L flatbed Stairs @tstritt (Emmi 6;
Eastern flifitrirt nf SKlzntnrkp ' ”
(foivn nf tilt 61.22:}: 5
S. M. Wilson, Esq.,
Attorney at Law,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
- I was told yesterday by Mr. Henry Spencer that
you desire a statement of the costs in.the case of L. & N.
vs. F.S.Messer, et al. #172, and am enclosing herewith cost
bill in that case.
Upon direction of ur. O.H.Eollerd I have hereto—
fore issued execution for the amount of this judgment —- i55.42,
Interest and costs, and seme is now in the hands of the marshal.
The item of 55¢ on the bottom of the cost bill is for a 00py
of the judgment furnished to Mr. lJollard, which is not chargeable
to defendant.
Yours truly,
J.H.Menzies, Clerk,
BE," * " no.

 WOOTTONa MORGAN _é; It . .1’/1'55 " :‘1/1‘:
‘ Atturnvgs at Iain 1,1" .
September 28, 1916.

Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky. ‘
Dear Sir:

Referring to yours of the 2bth concerning judgmait
in the United States District Court, in favor of the L & N
R R 00. against Messer & Petrey for 935.42, with interest and
cost. You ask if this can be collected without further trouble
of execution, and whether or not defendants are execution

We think this matter will be paid off by Mr. Petrey,
without execution being raised. We have advised him of this .
matter, and will_1et you hear further from us, when we hear
from him. Rev. A. S. Petrey, one of the defendants in this
judgment is good under execution.

‘ Very truly yours,

/j%é%1#??2;a’-V /Z?%284/x9¢pr

WR/r /

p.m!“ rf.‘ ‘.rx.
”"7 I. C 7‘11}: v. [31" “3:16.30
11011. U. 11. 1113.1;‘1'1'88,
‘ "f, 1 n I) : “‘. ' 3 y}. .7
9: ‘..ailace cc hau'lfo, nutytfic,
751;. ”(325.5 '; ‘3 “q ‘f'\'
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ii..‘y".l1 3‘ » W l . TWH’l ,w; ;.'“ ‘.., ‘,' 1 ‘:‘ "7 ,1" u, Ix” . A ‘_',”
.,_,H. .»L;Ly .:: -»v~-'_»:.v (1,», .. m. JAKA-L\J 4..“ c. c ._-. .1
‘., .:'“ m A: A; ; .'..- «: .. ‘ v .. -, ~ ,,. I: ,; :3., ; -. ' ' ‘,r
13.1“ .L.], 5.03.. :.I; ”1.35) 7,)” LIJ. V:J 1J1}. .I. :3, \;:.=1.1;.,“.' {hm-1 L;.-..‘u .‘ ..:. -;‘..: .1 a; _»4
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13L ‘ulib‘ Up ;.‘. Jinnzixfiu vblhfil. .;.04. ‘...L-r; up u “.:.:. »v’ln211-_<\5|4 04. .J'LuZCkLr,
Q) -. 14.1”,ng ..‘; c‘ \/J_y_‘\_/,51L’ ~-~"1*L'~'"*'“u a J. -.-.'J lint, \}.1.,_-.,; ..._...L.| .‘.: , «__.;
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.:'-K- 1); 91.1. -‘§J_:tf}.l.dr ;.111.‘2,L.Li3i1 li .LJl ...~»;=.,«)4L;_Laldx. ‘.J H; b la.-. 31:91:31,.
~ ”9 .1.}. ‘. .‘ .1 ..1 . . ,. _. \ r1 . j .'.'..‘.." '_ “ w ‘. ‘. .~ V
.L ‘,';J.{f\1.‘.l,. «Aim. “.IA ”.143 Seblumt (L :;Jymit ,fll. :521‘).L?_.- 3.11
4.':, ~. .t _. .. - ., J. '.1, .:.‘ , ._., . k .. W . . 1 .,. -‘:? ‘ . ,..,_ V 1.:.
“11:; Gabe clg.).J:;SL mo d.:2.;.a_1Lu1L:: .ma, L.Li'lifixr imzl, «on
. -c r ~ ,..:~,.. '. - ._ 3" \‘7 . . “_.,? 1W1”.
3); J.J.? .‘.. “ml 115x” Lg: LO I‘ll—Liz“? \JIL LIL: .Jlu(:_;u‘.u41u viiILy i~hufiugdu
7‘” _..v- ul— ... ‘ »p— —- . ..
an”! L.th; $011422»;
\ , r i
,,_, /
“LN/ '2,
w-kW-MZJLLE‘Q? ‘_ e

 .‘ ' .
I t3—z2;‘:'t. 2:}, 1916.
...:esssrs. ’l’footton .:; Liorgan, Attys. ,
Hazard, 21;].
In the case in. the United iitetns District Cozi’rt for the
.::)astorn iiis‘triet OI .’:Cmiti;r:i.{;;, of. ‘1 if; i Co. "I. idimfllr .:'i‘». Petroy,
r1 judgment has been 3;'~:->:2zwer:3d in 31117203." 0::.” the elixizitij 1‘ for the
_.‘urn of $35.42. net}; interest :»:-'1. (mete. I ‘:‘:ill shortly nit-2.17. you
: 003;] of the: judgment and Glorlz’s "Janet-10:: oi .:oste. and hive to
ask that you see if this); jitl'fifijliifl'i'i} 0.‘-inlet be collected ':sithont the g
nr‘di‘c ion-51.1 trouble 211111 expense of 3.:: 'éxzwanthon or whether the
t”:£l311d€11’.li?8 are each of tires.) execution $312701.
V let me hear from you about the nictttcr, and oblige,
Yours truly,
sun/a. '
U 01111:: :21 .

- ssept. 25., 1916.
Juégo O. H. ?oilard, r
Jackson, Ky.

Dear Judge:

Renlyinz to yours of the 10th instant, enclosing
carbon copy (unfittcfistrzi‘) of Jurigg‘ient for filaifitifi’ in tho (If-3.2%
of 3 & E 3 Ca“ V. moosor & ?otrey, ii the U.£. District Court for
the dasterfi District of Kontucky, fitting at Jackson, 1 note that
there is no all; once of interwot in tho jufijmont on the principal
33m recovered. ought not interest to hnvo gone as a HFEtOI of
Course and are wo not ontitlod to it? If He are, kinfily take

I an gnondad JuCgment and thon forward we on attested cooy of the

Judgment and Amended Jufigmont, together wifih the Clerk's taxation
of costs, and I will see if the money cannot be collootod without ,
going to the expense and trouble oi insuing oxooution. 1

Floaso lot this matter have your prompt attention,
and oblige,

Yours truly,

. n; m* .
Sept l9, 1916. /' ~u.¢’x
t, ’
l ' 45:11),
Judge S.M.Wilson,
lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:- . l
2’ A/ Liftu't 7;
Find inclOSed copy of judgment in ones L.& N.R.R.Co.

vs S.F.Messer and A.F.Eetre in Federal Court.

'V‘ .

iours truégg

, > " ’ [fl
{lyre/flew) ,
T: <2 /\ '
. ... .U C
I note from your files deli-N3243 to me by Mr. J.C.Fitch
that the plaintiff deposited with clerk ’ifty Dollars on costs.
As there was no contest the cost will not amount to anything like
that sum, and you are entitled to a return of the excess.
’ Jz’k/Q/fl _xj ,4 \
M7 {1”,/ ,,1h 4.)

 . 17;
u ’ V
Ujéi'fliTiiT' €33 273234151353 3118373103? CHEF-.’.3,
' JAB ’:‘ilf‘i3‘7‘3ZC‘Efl "T‘v‘ KEEPS-'Ué‘lfsi’. '
1112::£.::“;'1ff.i.la: 2.'; Adaicshvi‘ll3 3‘.2=::.:Ts..1:3~::2:12;1. (1503;3'3312‘32125‘ C0237 1111251272214; .
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”if: ’:‘?‘322": 75:32:; ::t':3::‘;7=;;7ai:> 53:32:23"; 2.721“: 733?. 427233.53 F“ .
i-‘s’tzi': C1237 ”3:37;? 5231:3221? T131331“? 111.2273 7’3 ‘7'717.:.=:-. *:":.2;'.\..‘f'd”'*2 7322'. 3:23:77 123;, 7:23" ('.;.eliv-
’32 "':'; 5:22.27. 73125217532223", “he 3:25.437. 2"??9faf":2i:j?42_2?t 53.373f;.332~32€i:31?€2,223? W"?
’ F ;t" T 3 3“ 3?
3 30th". (22:? May 1”?} ‘L.," A”? T! .;232"4.2.r;"4.7r1~ 7
5:15:33 2122:??23’21‘127? :;‘2‘2‘3.’ .‘3.EP3'5232'T'311;‘:?212 ;‘?."‘.:233;'3: (2’:-W f‘ffliri? “L79
T..-227 i'.’.»¢4.‘;5:‘12{2';”‘ 27:". {3:33:72'?";?:?;<2 .221. ‘8’13 ”83’2""."37’3 ‘ 2;;7'.‘ 237323142 35716
3 -‘ ~~ u‘ ' - 7 3. . 5
2 2?:???a i: :1::13'3i‘1. 7'2 '."ff-fté": 73:23:32 .3.-32.2.23 :‘f 57'; 5:23:23???32133221232.';i': 12102243
Hit-21 $2713 " :.ijji‘r't 77937’7'.’;'j2?"&? ‘..‘ 221‘. ”51",?" 2315‘" 272;?" 2:33:25"; writ; 5233:1433 if; fuzfiha:
£21717;2321‘:37:33:25; "7 3”" “ 2?:?" i232??? 112:2"; "7 53.251333???
:1?“. '??3'i:~3:?.';‘1 5:27.25. {1, .?:?3‘?t"'::.2t-i’ 12'; ;.':2;;‘::"-.’:. 251:7 I?f‘(1)l’-i.C§.'§IC-‘I‘ 27 43:31:»??? 110112.32 Cf S3515: _
." ‘212-‘2."1:>::73 7:417: ’2 3 :2 :1:-73? 7 7.,
> ~ 3 ,3 ‘ ‘ 1 l r
Emir, t.";<::~~’.2;?.si:-:;:- .3“ :17 57.,1 ,‘ if? 72.2.1? ".;‘Z’o":"C'Liiziiérfn, 5.131.:1311333 for
(::S‘s";.j:~1i'=.:‘s_2€zit.22.";, :7." :7.: =:;':*{"-3:-::f-:42.": 721.272“ 2’:.312'.) ;i ‘22:". 27; 32:13; 1?.72. 3"? 323-11332 ”3):: ‘?.:a3‘.?:e:21
3‘01“”? 2.‘-.22":- "if-3'C] ..’.‘523 :74::::'."".~5:31'7:." 21‘13‘3373 3"“? 2:231“: ‘3‘-E13
2:12.135? 53.27. " 2'332721-3322: 7 227-327-1622? .
I? is}: “331:22.‘-4272337?s $15 2" 72‘22231‘72 2'12?" .27 ”222272122, Taliifxvfillg {2116.
11.—.2 2"!" .“:» 22:42:77,132", 2:232:23323 ~33??? 7:211. 3 32> :3.T3212:353r32239:r“: .,‘-3.27% .3 if" T?’i‘=.:1;2f":f' ‘" 332.311.523.223: 33.1232“? ..‘.5‘617'313" " Bait"???
and .2.?1 22.2.? :61? :25’2'133? 2:1??? 37.12:”: fun? "7.2123? {.2733 a(27:37'l.3.:‘7321::2::23‘?;s7. 373007.242; :2.-:5”? 2‘3???) ”772
Gm :7;"'3:r; 523227.23 127202722‘:f-.=C ‘I';.~J:‘u::=:‘s-:‘:?., ‘7??‘3:—i2.“: (“‘1‘ 3323723452 "for
‘ 2:27:15: 3373(7j-"'T‘.23:.j37"2f7? 2:721“: 00;3'§.:3.

 o. H. POLLARD '
'.’ ..
Sept 20, 1916. fig ‘3
g/ '
Judge 8 .I.E.‘x‘!3'.1son,
‘ fiexington Ky.
Dear Judge:-
I herewith hancl your your files in 08,35 22.92351. vs
. S.F.Ii€esser and. A..??Jetrie‘ .
‘ Yours truly, ,
, /\_’L/‘; f/' [fr/[f > K¥>
fligf’? @ a z’ ”44’

 " ‘ Sept. .17, 1916.
Judge 0. fl. dollard,
Deer Judge:

hcplging to yours of the 15th instant, in rcfercnce to suit
in Federal Court at Jackson of g & H v. F. 3° hugger, my iile shows that
I have heretofore sent you.a cosy oi the Pctitiou in this case. After- I
wards, the original was forwardcd to Goviugton for filing. This is a
suit brought ;y the l a H, under imperative mandate of the Ecflcrsl law
and lulcs oi the Interstate Coumcrce Commission, to recover from the
doionficmts 335.42, an undordhargc on a shipment of freight from Uincin-
nuti to Hazard on October 14, 191i. The petition fully sets out the
facts one is accompanied by two exhibits morkcc "A" and "B“, to-wit;

a cooy of the bill of lading and a copy of tho wag—bill. The oetition
also refers to the tariff annlicable to the shipment as being filed,
marked exhibit ”C”. This document has nchr actually boen filed, but
on account of its bulk was held at my oiiice to be sent you at this
time and it will accompany this letter.

Your letter asks for data in reference to the cane, ”together
with a orief of legal questions”. The corrcSponocnce in my file (all
of which is herewith sent you) embraces all of the data I haVe resnect-
ing the claim and, as for the legal questions involved, the Case is
an extremely simple one and I to not anticipate that you will find
yourself at a loss to handle it. I count very much whether the de-

' fondants will make aiy écfcnrc whatever to the claim, since liability
is indi8nutablc, and I imagine the Court will grant the plaintiff a
jufigment as a matter of course.

 su *
‘ OflP-Z .
Plaaso carefully preserve all of my file herewith enclosed,
to be returned to me latér, and oblige,
Yours truly,
/ a

.JACKSON. KY. (A, X], ’
- Sop'b 15, 1916. 1‘?“ .fé;
‘ Judge S.M.Wilsoo,
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:-
Fedoral court convenes here Monday Sept. 18, at 1-50
P.M. I received in ihe mail last night printcd copy of docket, and
I notice on docket coco of L.& N vs F.K.Mesoor et al. I havo no
data with refcroucc to chic caso, and if you do not expect to be
h. ... . .1
present ploaso sond me your Illos at once together Wltfl a orif om
legal quoctions involvwd and full directions wiih reference to how
thio case Shouli be practicei.
Yours truly, U
/ ,/ //
// ‘,gflak :///,{2_ ‘v~
( /' / / '
‘.’/V, I

 flmmimmt [If Ensure
211mm States @istrui (Emmi
Eztsttru flifiitirt 11f zKmtnzky
Glffitc hf the @Itrk
COVINGTON. KY. NLay 26, 1916.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Attorney at Law,
Security Trust Co. Bldg“
Louisville, Ky. ‘
Dear Sir: '

I am in receipt of Voucher for fifty dollars from
the L. & N. Ky. 00. deposit for costs in the case OI" L. & Ne
vs. Messer 8: Petrey, and same has been credited to said. case.

The pet it ion and exhibits thereto have now been fil—
ed and “placed upon the Jackson docket, being No. 172, and
process has been placed in the hands of the marshal for
service. ~

Yours truly,
‘,, F-‘ Q/IQ
fl, ,4,, ’,,/4 , / I,
I /} kg. flg/z/f/VV‘ Andi/k

' s
1‘ «me
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 I = 4, flmartmmt 111‘ 311511;): - I
“ “”i . ' 77'; i fit '
Emailed Stains gimme (Emmi / %
Eastern flisirizt uf EKminrky .- ' 1
fofm: of flu: @1211;
nay 4:, 1916:.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
Attorney at Law,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
In regard to the case of L.& H. vs. Messer and '
Petrey, which you sent in on Anril 18th, and referring to
my letter to you of the 19th, i beg to advise that I have
not as yet received the required deposit of n40.00 from the
company, as requested, and am still holding this petition
up awaiting same.
,é .
Very truly yours,
J. W. Menzies, Clerk,
’ =42???
By \/ _,./3",: m //
. / M'

 s, ‘ ‘
_ . , f‘ .
Aprll 20, 1910.
C. H. Hoorman, Esq., ,
A3817. Dist. aitt :VT.’ It (i) J] I: :1 COO,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Sear Tir:
h ramith plaanm note a letter of the l9th-fr0m J, Ya
L nzies, Clerk of tha J. a P strict Court at Coviafitwn, asking
for a deposit for coats in the 0390 of 3 3 I ? Cog v. IOVSér $ 30..
latelj‘fila¥ by he thrar L uh» derk a: Ooviuétfin uud intwnfcfl to ,
L3 Gacfitafi w? icakfinfin Iitl gnu kjnffiy Envy vvucbcx 10? wficaOO
irsuwd in TWTJS of fhe lerf 19 GJVBI his coat? and fees of the
I Hirshel‘fufi? fcrnurd to :1: 5;, ii';inz pr:fn:, fii: ct Lo i212 Glerk.
1 fine. -

 ' 7 ' 77. 2777 W 7- 2 .1.-22.22%':17::22.-.172.“-:7 2...; .-.7.7;5::r. 127.717,? 57.7.3117.“- 7iF‘A'.f.’.F..‘,1zf15:353.17"1'33'3‘":"77.’5’?‘£§";
‘2 *7 2 227 .
.2; 575:1..i?;;s:2..7321§15 ,, 72.2.7;5.9 32:72.273723331333523:2145; =, ,2”: 7. 4.3 , 4747.44.42 42234473441443.5454. 4.4344 4.4 444,444., 4 ..4 4444,44; 4. 4,444.44, 4 44444.44, 4544443444444444,44444444444444 4444444444444444444444 4444 444444444444, 44444444444444444 444444444444 444444444444 4 4444 444444444 44 4444444444
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' " 77 1.2227:
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