xt73bk16mf8w_723 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [562] John L. Combs v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [562] John L. Combs v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_65/Folder_12/10414.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_723 xt73bk16mf8w ' ’ . ” '. H. -» ' , , j * . - ’ .n ' ”PW?
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, ' September 19, 1917u ~é
. .4
John.L. Combs v. L&H RB Cog . . '
Perry Uirouit courto - '
a o a - ' ‘
I J. J. Donahue, ”Sq., _ - - 3
Asgty wisto fittyog 4&3 RE Coo, - ' V
’ Louisville , “(331311ch019 "
Dear Sir: - ' 'I
g. 3 23.3 ‘3 c 3;; ” -S-3 " “11L do: UL“: $233 I ‘ “'3 .”‘-RR}; “3 £5; ,.'
{315 JOVE :6 0 11a moo ‘3 "7rw'9 3c 3 ho) 3 “’tp 11 nd
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' - you Clerk‘s taxation of COSES, amounting to 93.70, for which , - i
voucher should be issued to E. Q. Q3mbs, Ulark of the Perry ‘
Uircuit Court“
‘i'ou‘rs: firm?
3- 333°, ,
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Affurnvua‘x at ”law
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HAZARD, KY- [8.31:5 191:9.
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13. S. I. Hilson,

Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

‘2 L. us 3‘. L.

'I/f‘NV‘Q amp“! ‘3‘”? "v0" '."" ’,f‘ 2"“ "3” "V H “Ti". fi fi "

- .. -_- .3 31-3 .._Lb,.1-3. .. Spa- u DJ. .. ‘ ..-. :.L-1_J.LpS,
sactie: ?oreman 01 sacticn 29, rgceived ani noted.

Tar? truly yours,
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'..— (fllfl/VZ/Z/lm, {Z/A‘, M33], 8,031, 193.5.
‘ we.
-Judge 3. M. Wilson, ,2
Le:\:in.:;;ton, Ky. //7y ; /é
Dear Sir:-
Ileese refer to your letter April, 12th1 end the Ass‘t.
District Attorney's of April, 15th, suit John L. Combs seeking to
reCOVer $65.30 as value of 15 hogs killei during the year 1915 and
pz-‘Tt Of 1916.
We find that a payment was made to John L. Combs on January,
2912:, 1915 of $313.50 representing omhog killed Deoer‘oer, 1:11:11, 1915.
There is attached hereto Section Foreman Phillipss report showing a
hog found dead March, 50th, near Lothair, reported to be the property
of Mr. Combs and statement that he beleives the hog fell over the
cliff and broke its neck as there were no marks to indicate its having
been struck by a train. Mr. Phillips is now working as section foreman
at Hazard. He states that wit? the exception of the hog killed on
March, 50th, he knows nothing of others. Section Foreman W. Wells
. who is now at Viper and R. P. Johnson who is now at Heidelberg, both
of whom were Within the period above mentionea, at one time or another
in charge 0d the gang in the vicinity of Lothair, state that they do
not know of any animal, the preperty of J. L. Combs as having been
injured in anyway during their service.
C.H.M. & W & M Yours truly, &J%\ -
-1 20W 1: 1:"
/ |,

 _ (7/ . . 2” //..7 ,2 . ,,,/:47) 2 (5:27 I
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' ‘ / Ami]. 1:5 1'.-31,1915.
MT. E. Seovgeahb,
Supt., Favehna, Hy.
Dear Sir:—

Judge filesn has fomrarded to you cepy of petition
in the case of John L. Comb: t. L.& T.?.Co., berry Gireuit Court,
in which ;laintigfi seeis to recover W65. as the value of 16 hogs
killed on the right of way during the year 1915 afld jart of
191-5.. ‘

l pyesume the claims neon which the shore suit is
based have ne;n fully investiyetod or 1:. iawdgsty» If so
kindly forward full iufovmotion to Iv. Wilson in order that a
defense to the suit may be arranged.

Yours truly, '
Assisirw? District fitty.
Cosy to
Hon. Q. E. Jilson,
Lexington, Ky.

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