xt73bk16mf8w_733 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [573] J.B. Tuggle v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [573] J.B. Tuggle v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_5/10603.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_733 xt73bk16mf8w .
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Afiuruvge at 1L? 11111
HAZARD. KY June 87, l9i’o.
Mr. S. 1. Yilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Eleaso note the cases of J. B. Tuggle vs. L. a E.,
and Algy Ruffner vs. L. e E. and L. e h.
Have you any information as to whether or not
the agent refusefi to sell these men tickets at Typo?
If so, please let us have it. I am today preparing
zeneral demurrers to each of these cases which I will
file the first Honaay in July.
If you have any idea different from this,
please let me Know before that tie.
Very truly yours, //
//, gig
JEE/o ( U

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Dear Sir:—
J. B. Tuggle v. L&N and 1&E ‘
A. G. Ruffnertr L&N and L&E
_: Perry Circuit Court :-

Referring to my letter to you of June 6th rel—
ative to the case first above mentioned and to your letter to
me of June 7th.

I am now handing you herewith hr. Warren's let—
ter, dated June 20th, together with papers referred to therein
relative to the Algey Ruffner case. After noting please

gagglaoe with the file sent you on June 6th.
Yours truly, 7 /«
_V , ;‘V; fl 6 6‘4 vat/LR“
Chief Law Agent. ‘\\\\W

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/}%”””2;Z£%32$?354mwn s/W7WJ”“WWWJ@%I June 6th,1916.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, /;ZL£‘AAQ;7 Ié)
Lexington & Eastern Ry.Co., _
crington, Kentucky. 1
Dear Sir:— ' *’
J.B.Tuggle V. L.& N.R.Co. and L.& EoR.Co.,
-: Perry Circuit Court :—

As you know, the shove styled case is a suit to re-
cover $2,000 on account of alleged wrongful ejection of plaintiff
from one of our trains near Typo, Ky., May 6th,1916 because of
his refusal to pay train rates, he not being provided with a tie-

' ket.

Mr. Warren‘s letter to me of June 5th enclosing
papers covering investigation of this case is handed to you here-
with. four particular attention is called to statement of J:

~ E.Kidwell of Cardiff,va., to the effect that on the occasion in
question he had no difficulty in purchasing a tichet at Typo.‘
As my. Warren says the case is one in which a person fails to #
provide himself with a ticket and then refuses to pay train
rates. It seems to me we will be successful in defending this
.case. At any rate I think we should try to do so rather than
take an effort to settle same.
///i “X It Chief Law Agent. t».

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‘ HAZARD, KY. Kay 10, 1915- /,
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fir. S. E. Wilson,
' Lexington, Ky.
. Dear Sir:
Enclosed we hand you copies of petition
and docket report, ease of J. 3. Toggle vs. this
Very truly yours,
0 / ,. an,
I 11-1 ///?'”7724 n /
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LEXIneroh a slashes RAILWAY
For cause of action against the defendants,
the Lexington a Eastern Hallway Company and the Louisville
& Eashville Railroad Company, the plaintiff, J. 3. Tussle,
says that both defendants are corporations, organized and
existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Com onwealth
of Kentucky, and operate and maintain a line of railroad
through Perry County, Kentucky, in the name of the defendant
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, and own the same; they
have all the powers of corporations doing a railroad
’ business. One phase of the business of defendants is carry-
ing passengers on its trains, over its lines in Perry
County, in the capacity of a common carrier. Defendants
have the power to sue, and may be sued, to contract and
be centracted with.
Plaintiff says that on the morning thgilwén
' 1916, he appeared at the depot or station of the defendants
at Tyne, Perry County, a place where tickets are sold by
defends ts for passage on its trains, and over its lines,
. and there asked for a ticket to Hazard, Perry County, Ky.,
. and produced and offered to pay to the agent or servant of
the defendants in charge of such station the regular price


or fare for said ticket; but he says that said agent
failed and refused to sell him a ticket, although he
well knew a passenger train would soon pass that station
bound for Hazard, Ky., and that this plaintiff desired

, to use said ticket On said train in coming to hazard. .
Plaintiff says that said passenger train did pass said
station within a short time, and the train on which
plaintiff desired to take passage to Hazard, Ky. He
says he boarded said tram Without having a ticket, being
desirous of coming to Hazard, Ky., that day and at that

‘ time. He says that rhen ahout one mile from said station
at Typo, toward Hazard, the conductor in charge of said
passenger train came to plaintiff for a ticket; that e
explained to him why he did not have a ticket; that he
attempted to purchase one, but that the agent and servant
of the defendants in charge of said ticket off ice at Typo
would not sell him a ticket; that thereupon he tendered to

‘ said conductor, or agent or servant for the defendants,

r the exact fare from Typo to Hazard, Ky., and asked him to
accept the same and give his passage to Hazard, Ky. Eut he
says that the said conductor, agent and servant of the
defendants, wrongfully, wilfully and without right,
failed and refused to accept said cash fare, and demanded
of this plaintiff additional fare, which he refused to
pay; thereupon said conductor caused said train to stop
and he ejected this plaintiff from said train and left
him on the railroad line, one mile or thereabouts from
Typo, and about four miles from Hazard, Ky., where he
wished to go. Plaintiff says he was forced to walk on to

 Hazard, and was greatly delayed thereby; that there were
many peonle on said train at the time defendants' agent
ejected him, and he was greatly embarrassed and chagrined
by being discharged from said train Without cause or right,
in the presence of so great a concourse of people and
caused to be held up to ridicule and ignominy by his fellow ~
passengers. Plaintiff says he was sober during all this
time and all these transactions, orderly and peaceable.
He says he did not desire to ride Without paying, and tried
to pay, and insisted on being allowed to ride to Hazard, Ky.
V his destination. He says he has been damaged by the

defendants’ wilful and wrongful treatment of him in the full
sun of Two thousand dollars ($2000.00) none of which the
defendants have paid to him.

WHEREFOBE, plaintiff prays judgment against
the defendants and each of them in the sum of $2000.00
for his costs herein expended, and for all proner relief.

» Faulkner & Faulkner.


The plaintiff, J. 3. Toggle, says that he is the
plaintiff named in the foregoing petition; that he has
read the statements contained therein, and that they are
true, as he verily believes.

Subscribed and sworn to before me by J. B. Tussle,
this the 8th day of May, 1915.