xt73bk16mf8w_735 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [576] National Sewing Machine Co. v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [576] National Sewing Machine Co. v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_7/10626.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_735 xt73bk16mf8w Jackson, Ky., May 27, 1917.
Nat'l Sewing Machine Co. v. L&n,

Breathitt Circuit Court.

Apr. Term9 1917. _
Apr. 7, By consent dismissed settled.

 t iLz'arch 12"., 1917. '
Jm‘zgte 0. ii. ‘I’ollzzrd, .
Jacltt‘om Kentucky.

Dear Julius;

““1’711’1’3‘--105313151: yours: 0;? the 7"th im-zt._s.nt, immunizigif: Clerk‘s '
taig-‘i‘ztiA-n oi’ costs in 1 case in ..33:w.-s,thi‘t't ’Ji,r.;n:‘:,".: Coin“: of l".“;:icm§:;l_
5’3"":i‘f“ 4'7’52‘3‘ilt-J’1'3 IEi'iVljf 131:3, ..?:tl; :\,.-.:~.1w;-w,w:3("~. as; .'.‘re.;v1.;.-:;3E:m‘z, I have I
;‘ri:v"i.‘r;;‘r."-'?I‘71 this 77:11.1 to "1.01:1?:~";i”,l_r~2 $01” 1.“:311:E"..>i‘.

: ’33 dim 111139 w.)‘»i_‘>1“=::".wém3. '_hv; .»tct'I:-,2':’r:nt in mi letter
€311? -- "In vim: of the Lie: in»: the court;- 3::.Lye <";:.<:_;i(.=.1(2 inst
13‘1“» “*i’TZ‘u“?-"'S’.LZ'I3 «'3fo M2 ':1522‘}: ‘it i::‘,:“£;’1;.:‘:1 e; .:"il- 12:??? I‘.,zegwalxw‘: 5'38 .53; .
EluCl 2t :.3: Iaz'm‘mt, the .;’-o:.‘};: (Io-:;:“. not; £6361 (‘.isspos m‘ t0; recoint‘
'.561‘ this bill ill ‘3<:5".’:-Ll'lr’;t¥3’ ELEM I 31:11:11ch 1311113171129, jiffy} 1‘31“ 1:24:31: 130 as}: ’_.. *
'1 " H .'."? ' '- " w . '3 / < “- S ", .”’ ;.1._..'. r ””~" ‘:.‘-: w “pg/‘3:_.n 1.1m .'w «v v“\" :14— a
_LL.. .1.- ILL, 1113,“. dual zg)(l.§_(:.>.w_ til-n, .1, -._.J.L’ili- .:. lea/Virgo “a“; ”“.' f‘J‘CHLGl
l'ii‘iEV’Tl (TriffOOC LIL-.3; ’I’L'iif: ;‘veei wt :2;" :2;-Lg other i.n<‘:1\r:’.(111ril, ”Liz-<7 titliné} .«
("SCI“)??I’E me, 63:163. I 14.1.1311 ..m gleam-:36. to have gym: 3:'-":_.:.°e:=.:r me :3.) the an-
Cheri. 1; r1 Inn-‘:.mining? 3mm st:agtsiynioziL‘.
l/J“ 7‘31“..." 741117.? .79113735. nouns-.21.

JACKSON. KENTUCKY (5%" ,f 5‘ '" f7
;VL/ '
bah 8, 1917.
cudge 3.1.Aileon,
r ‘4.', A, 12»
Leading-J c3 I; ind ‘
Dear Judgcz— Rational Sewing Liohiro Co. VS L.L E.
”“”.-.‘- _ .. .1.” «inc . c - , 7“" ,L -
I herewitn retail toiction of costs duly O.“ o as re—
In View of the fact that the courts have decided that
the Signature of the clerk at the bottom of fee bill operates as a
_J ” receipt for the amen t, the clerk does not feel disposed to receipt
‘ for this bill in advance, and I hardly thing we have the right to
ask it. i I wish you woulfi rush this as much as possible, as it
is becoming annoying to me to have daily inquiries by plaintiff‘s coun—
C‘ _': n’. 4"H. C‘ 1'\1.'\’}""
we.» ..I]. [JJ.-LO ulludfikabg
Ygure truly, :
a"; j / i AM

 .757” //7
1b , ,
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Yékyfluxdz .0) Y/(///////(/ K , / / ,, , / /. é 3'42
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///////// / / ., . ,,,/,,,
/ /’//I'/)/Z////‘.,\[///’///. , » r/'///—// ////’,’ 1 ”y, Harcn 12 , 1917.
i}. S I Lanfimt‘n, qu. ,
Lee Agent.
Dear Sir:

Referring to previous corresponfienee relative to
the cage of Rational Sewing anhine Company V. L. e H. R.
60., Breathitt circuit Gourt: '

Judge Pollard has celled on us for a voucher to
cover judgment,and Beets, amounting to $39.55, and I have
requestefi er. Olmstead to issue voucher.

' Fleaee return the file relative to thie case,
which file I eent you acme time ago. '
Youre truly,
v/ Ageietent District Attorney.

copy to S. M. t.

(“"‘ : » ”I 7' z” /

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 ,, 2:::
;.;:1rch Q, 1917. 2
321621222 2;. 11. .‘101121-322,
Jack's-011, Kentucky.
.132“: :2:: ;
11231212221:5221,§2'.*nj-‘: ;,rmxr two lettnrs 01112152122112.5233; “7th and
1.1.-111311 152%, '2" 721‘}: 0213135211122253 2'21. ::‘<2;E‘2'2‘;-2i212.::23 to 2222524; :12. ..31'e:,—‘.t1;j’2;‘2:
(31132252.? 32:22.72“; :2;? 33:113. 12.1.17, f.T-':»'.'.‘i;:g. .‘1:;(‘31211110 I.': 222321.213: 1:. ..;¢-f«,£f, it is
211.1, in 21;»: ,1:12";:21~:2;2.12, to :20: 1'_-1,52 1.31122. (12.11319 12?; 222:2‘2: 23:702'22261'115;
-,,‘~1“i‘;.1'-‘i. In 2.215.122: 11.2.".‘2'; i125.- 231:_0:-':'}':72“2 1311.1 for 112:2 “ts: 1153' he “re- .
1271011215 _:L'oir' Tonc‘mr. it is: ;2<><_2222:f2=."2,1"';' that (‘:'.‘2'10 2322 2275111112226. and
.'-;.-m;"2_)‘2;mT 327' ‘,1-2.221.. :2::21, ‘1}:e::3:’:’0:'5‘1, :5 3703222221 1222:9255 51 the thI 5221216.
2520, in ‘.11'2‘121: "-'-...’. it :1:2;' 1112/21 Jam 2" 3111212137 271.121 52.322.21‘231-ME...
.:'.‘2: 2". 2.2213: to 2122 2:12: 4122;33: .31; 222.11.:1 .::-.1520 1:35:13: T2212» :1ig-.115'«.‘2.122:'21 .1‘, the
'i'o.1£; I.;: hif2 13:31.1 21161., 2: 32:-:1 11;.527112 2127'." 1:121: "21:?17. 7:2:“02wr‘2gr rap 2.:-(221426,
‘_2 2:111 segjft 1.320 23.2.3152 122 3:21." ‘22/2.2233202»
“012:1"? ‘:3:"221.;_". .
f?l’~.OD -
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 Axonstmw ,1 ' ' . .
“use? sanitary/x
\y f Mch 1, 1917. d ‘ M
1 Ju ge S.I.=I.E‘Jilson, 7' ’ '1
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge :- Nat. Sewing Machine Co. vs L.& N.

Herewith find inclose the balance of the files. You will
note from Mr. Landrums letter, that Mr. Donahue authorinafisettlenentlw
at $140.00. I had already received a proposition to settll at<§l§0.g0y

gas per my advice to you of $87th Ult. I suppose there is nothing to
i do but have voucher issued for the latter amount. Please have
ithis done.
a Yours truly,
ex" , C\

 ..‘E’eE'NZ‘iLi’i‘erAw/ " ‘ . *
.. ~39" Feb 27, 1917.
\V::)‘ dee S.Q.Wilson, :j ' /’Fi?
\' ”ff Lexington Ky.
3 Dear Judgez- National Sewing Machine 00. vs L.& N.
Judgment was rendered in this case at July term for $491.00 '
The case was tried before Chester Back acting as special Judge. As
the L.& N. did not agree to the special judge, I have notified par-
ties that I would enjoin collection of Judgment, and Plaintif¥%::§:L6§
concedes that judgment should be set aside. Plaintiff, however offers
32", v? ;-‘»::3,'i';f / to settle at $100.00 and costs. The plaintiff's costs amount to $50.20 .
(fly : ( and our costs is $9.55 making a total of $39.55. I am of opinion
that it will be money saved to settle on the terms named. I have been
negotiating with these parties several m:nths, and this the the very
lowest figure at which they will settle. They contended for $150.00
and costs in the beginning.
You will note from inclosed files that Norfork & Western
are primarily liable for this damage and costs, as shown by letter of
théér claim agent Mr Howe.

I return such of the files as are in my possesion, and
suggest that you have voucher prepared as soon as possible payable to ‘
Holliday & Prater attys for Plaintiff, provided you approve.

I also inclose fee bills.

Yours truly, ,
‘ /

. k . _ 1"
.., LEXINGTONKY, Jill] thh, 191”.
June" 0. 4. 307.1137,
Tn 135. I - !- dw—
U:1.L:\.,§‘Qll, run hum-1 . -
"‘ _ .V'_
rear 01; :
hatioiml sewing; lighting Co. v. L “if 2~5; ii Co.,
_'31*=2:1thi1t d'rouit UOUl‘t.
hraiexxith l 11mm”: you copy 0:2] latter oi {,11-:2 Fill :i,n:-:‘L:.L;lt
iron insistmit -Ais triot .;‘it'tr:wi'n:;;;, onelosing: i‘ile. I h detaefmd
iron this i‘ile and herewith 131:.an you 0031:; of Li“. Liegmr’n litter,
,: V4- . :. ' ' -., I 4-1., ,~r _, N . _i - . - ':. V a, ‘ ,. v“: - M .7 _
klinbtiu duly You, ».1le leLL 3i llC-s’: :1.). ROM"), Li‘Ol:iil‘L lehlu l.l.?~IE;-JLL,
- 7‘ 9, H ..L‘ x «i - »A- 7‘7. . ‘ '.‘: ., - '.‘. . .,m ‘ ~ _ m V...
onion-570 no; tn ..»;siein u;,/.\‘O., hated Jule,- 5th, to union paltioulzzr
.‘.'. xi __ V.4. - ..~, 1 i a ‘K‘ ,..., 7,, 1 ' (vi 94' .- - “...,. ,.-, . -,, .,, ' ...—2; ~
{fittedilblUll llif.§?‘ U130“ (“L_LlJUo ._.Lle ill? .LS laigée 5111C. I ah! _‘.:JLngilillg
- J. ‘7 4.". - A .1 .i-- .." N _ H 4 . ., . i ‘ »_.: —
lb in this Ollie}. I.L you (it/‘»“t’lle it, plow e Lute me.
Yours im-"Ly, * ‘
y ” ,
\ 1;) .- .
64-55.73. u A V; J"!!! ,,- ,1 ‘r as:
,, ',m 9* 9- ; .1’] ‘}'/l _rr
’,/ 9' . V‘ ‘ ,I’ ,.’. .' /." ,3 A" ' f
‘ , V , , .9 ,4 .I' ,',z ’9 9.x]! ’7,
A ' " ' ‘:‘: [,'7’” ; f I“, ’7 -':‘*'~1
a" ' " ' ~ v I" i .. .’ ,’ '1‘. ""‘,/.7 til-"'I.f .
.- - . . .7 - W~Wwoounsel~z ~ " "M1"

 J «
” (ocPY)
c Louisville, .::/7., July 33th, lilo.
ur . :- .1: . ‘.‘Ii 19:0 11, 0 01111881 ,
Loxing-rton 6.»; Eastern 557.00.,

Lorri mg to n , Kent uc 15y .
Dear Sir:-

lioi‘cri‘iug to your favor 01' the: 1’,/t1"; ins-rt. :JIiLclosiiiggg powers.
in the: case Oi‘ i-lationol 531.1'3‘3132 Machine ’Jo. V. f). :5:: H. 2'2. 00., flirttnith—
i‘t't Circuit- Court.

‘ Ervight Claim Agcit 3:23:31”: i'ilo 3‘3-24.0171-LS corr'ouiuing‘; 33a—
joci‘s COVTBZ‘ilif—f the inv'go‘uigézftion o; tho cacic ill :1u;Sti0u is and/3d to
you hexagutitli. Your particular attsmtiou is called to lir. ::Segcr";
lottrz-r, clot-ed July 7th, in 1:3 ttcr iron llJ . Born, Fraigh‘o Claim
Agcm‘t, Chicago North Haste-r11 1333.00,, ("1:3in July 5th, Islsitivc to

' a fiscttlorrnit o; tho cl xii I11 jll"55}<331t'3\11 "53;; the .LJILtiOZlRl §?3:-,~.\:.'ing i-izmhino
Co. As you 3 ll 513:3 llr. gov-- ic3 willing to authorizo a Sc‘ctlm’acut
031‘ this case on account oi glis: Cor;1_235;1'1y if 1139;:aoim"olo terms can be
obtain..ch cut 33:: (lots not =' :33 :1 to “on; Viilliugi to. cattle at migftlting
lilzc the arnomit claj. In 2d. 3;; _’plziutii‘i’s, nor do I thin}: such a
cacttJ'lc‘nxz-ut would be ::iulra. Ii" Jung-pa Pollard can obtain 110211 the ’
at: 03311525753 5»)131‘“:::‘3-34'L‘Lii1’1g—t the £33». i115; machine U0. =: fg':.ro}')osj,‘i;ion ‘to
:::-cttlo this; 0:11-36) orb ,plcO I can ccmsiunicsatc Mi th iii“. 131017.} t‘lu‘ouggh 1.11“.
bogoa. and learn ii such a outtlcwellt will 1:43 ugbma'blca to the) (5. (2?,- 15.1%".

Yours Limly, :
(HnSi 231 mi )
A Sistaut 33iiiti‘i0t Attorney.

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Uaguixhiérung ‘jsq.,
Law Agont,q & A 3 Co.,
Lear hir:
{ours oi guivst 35, 1‘13, with attached papars in rifergnce
to Suit of Rational éewjjg hashina Company v. i & fl; I have not
y:t hgard anything item Judge Bollard regurfiug the action tfikfln at
1:2 lxta tern of the Breathitt Girauit Cuurt zegarfiing this case,
Jut x111 no flouot hear from hifi on the Subjgct in the near future.
E’s-:i;; truly Jamrs, .
J.:.: ‘ /'/ 1'3.
7 Counsel.
. \X‘
. \

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:::w. 11, 31.-’?.
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113516311 5.512., .5.- ;ix‘, 131‘: 12 Co.,
Clue innat i , 1.' .
I‘.-(2:31 1.311”:
L-.:;g:12_.b,I-':L:.xa; to ;,x:>n;;‘;:: O: 13.511531: I 7.!"531, 1‘16, your £17.92
Aims. in {13523, lff’,’"§l~"§fj, .3.;01371~..L :.‘, in :"~:L‘r3::.‘.:w::zc> to suit in Jrenth—
Lt Circuit 6975.13, .Li'z',‘L;;LO,.,i2=OIL I'.-1.1141,; $333341]: 1.1{Ol_;}’2'3'j T‘.. '3) L I.' 2'; Co., -
1:111:33: i:111:.;:3:.':;:l'a'ulgf i1 :Eod, I :::.2 not get 1' I to 1271:3231 tho. oz‘ginal
.::;31»: of Jig; four pro Ou'ssrl'fl, <1::;;.:-C1 ,:J 21, 1916, but \ill do so
:::,Ls' soon. as the-:30 _g)::-.;*~::.:’;3 13.11.55-“ 31:31.: faillgf Garvcd our ‘:uZ‘ijmS. 1"“:
I701 cit TLihart-gz 1‘:-J :..:‘.2:I;?.;1<2 :1:? they do not I; 341:: to your harms within
::wnfloL'Ifl-EJ‘L": tine 21.,:2r.2:-2:,i’.'tt:‘.
no“? ‘5 3.113,
/& *

 Form 16
0FFHJ:()F FREKHrrzlanT.
w. w. ALEXANDER. R .‘.‘: ‘1'; i- CINCINNATI, 0., Aug. 15, 191.6.
FnEumT A(‘.;'NT I“ /
. [1;;-(L ’ ‘ . 15731—35
k" Claim L-Qfiiiix 240l7l-LS
Mr. Samuel E. Wilson,
Attorney, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-—
Suit, National Sewing fiachine Co. vs. L&N RR.
Big Four Prepay-Sewing Mafihines, Jackson, Ky.
Pro 0-3484, Cinti. W/B ICU—550, Apr. 13, 1916.
Referring #0 my letter of AMP. 5th afidrcssed
to you at Jackson, Ky. Virr this letter I gave you our
original file of Big Four pro 0-3484, dated April ll, 1916, //
for shipment of sewing machines covered by my KD W/B 550,
April 13th. If this pro has served your purpose I would
be glad if you would return it to me for my file. /
Yours truly, // i/
7 I /
/, / ; é
Idfeight jggent.

‘ KrNrInn’V
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 Adopted 1245 NEW FORM 0.0.0. AP. 148 FREIGHT BI LL
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To THE CLEVELAND, CINCINNAH, CHECAhO & ST. LOUIS RY. (30., B:., for Litarges an Articles transported

1 . ‘5‘ , .— ‘ . ',f‘jr' a. "K . ‘5‘"?
Consignee . , _ . . . , Date >‘ 3 ‘5 . Pro. . ’ ‘.‘ ‘:.-At“ A V
Destination . . ‘ ’.‘ i . . t ' i ‘ .1 I 1' .1 "

(Point of origin to destination) ' ' : »’
Route “1) . ' : “ :',,h “ l "1 h 1 . _- Via 1 ,1“. _-‘;. 1“.
Way-Billed From .3./th11 Date and No. Full Name of Shipper Car Initials and No.
Point and Date of Shipment 4 t : it > Connecting Line' Reference i “Previous Way-Bill References. t' i ‘ Origir‘i'al bat (Initials and No.
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——--—--—-————————-—— . . i .11., j . j torage,
Make Checks Payable to Order of PERl'CASHIER , . _______
1 - W _. Demurrage,
C. C. C. «51. St. L. Ry. Co. 1; ,.’ ‘,M‘ '
191......Puz- Total to Collect, -—-—
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state hereon €255. reams why ;‘nc Chafgfis are no. .::;Eiectrsd Leia: putting 514.15 unpaid Expense Bgil back mm: mqm files mas this
must in all cases be szgned by the person who does the collecting. ’.1 " \. . /

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. Cincinnati, Ohio. April 17th, 1916.
. Big-Fourpro.\§<\<3484 4/11/16. -
Mr.Geo. Metder agent,
BiguFouz' Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dear Sir:-
-:Cincinnati, Ohio. W/B KD-SSO 41/13/16:-
prepay $153.35
Please refer- to your pro. K3484 41/11/16: aQGQ let me
have correction for full prepay 531%:7555 including. r' c arges
shipment Sewing :Aaoinee for Jackson, Ky' account 90118? ee ding
. prepaid bill of lading, Our Minimum south is 16,0 ' é\ F :11 8 per .
cwt. Please rush reply, W
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