xt73bk16mf8w_741 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [582] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&N, Powell Circuit Court text [582] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&N, Powell Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_13/10792.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_741 xt73bk16mf8w July 1, 1916.
- lion. 8. D. ‘.‘,‘ar‘fiold,
135.9130 .Att‘yn, I! ((:1 II I: ..: 00.,
I. ouis: v illc , .’I-Ct ant uclqr.
lilo-:13: Sir:
Referring: to the broseeution in the ”012-1211 Circuit Court of _
Gomzionv-Jenlth v. ’3 5’: it“, Infictmmi’c 37:75, ‘tri at the recent June term
oi‘ said court, {£1167 in which the jury irr‘wsocl (,1 fine of $0.00., ’I
have to renort that the Court ovwrrolcfi our not ion and {granules for
:1 net: trial and, since 1' he amount oi‘ the judgment does not zifimit of
an 3133931, I am hex-moth ”naming; you :2 c 05);; 032‘ the Jufimgent and
- Cl ork‘o taxation of costs, with hill for 3116;330:145 €2.36, costs on ls‘om
Ho. 4; also 3 c 03);? of letter of the "(71:13 ult., "an-ritfr‘m rm by Hosea-rs.
J ohm 13'. Atlzins’son 5?; is: 0113* which 02:315.: ins: the :xttitufie of the court
rum ::cting our anilicat ion for 3 new trial.
At 1:133 first oo'ooz-tunity, will you ole-anon have voucher
i._'<:au»f;c‘1 in pngmeut for the full amount 6.17.3, vi::: ~.;359.05, 3:151 oblige,
Ymirs tmly,
.‘.'? i‘f/a -
0 322115301 .
I / .,I] ,~”' ~' ' . (..’; \‘i ' 'l v‘ ; ! .‘.' 4’: .": /
2' 4 ..‘ ' .I §.:‘ ,. // 1 ”a 1 it! _.' __,:E ' u .V.—Iv" ‘4 , . . 5 i. 1‘. 1 , ’_ '5. f-
4 "“”"'.I'\,.-w“€ in“ .1/ _,1 wed/M 37"} ' ».4 I, " '/ “‘7‘" U"
f 1“”, .W ./ . y I], ,‘ r (If.
"J .<7 > . t. ‘ ' «Leigh-t ,. Jr" ,
2 n -\ . ' ‘ ~ ' o 5’ . r 5 ‘ W1 [,‘_-.~‘... "
:‘ ‘»‘/- ’ - ‘- 1; ‘ ‘ , ; I .' f, {f ' ,.K." .-‘ "I A ~ -»» a; ;' 3' u" ‘76” ‘»’/V U
\\§ fl ,.. __...r J ’9. H “(‘..' x,“ , J. .. .
“74 ,j ' / z
. ' _ .‘ ,r’ z
-; we:
, ‘_ ' _ ,r . ”gimme-
”1.1:/I HIV"? .1' ‘ I; v :5 " . '~ I“!
. . ’ . ‘ I ‘_1

 July 1, 1916.
mcemrs. John D. Atkinson ¢ Sun,
Attornuye afi 13v,
{£32111 1‘.. I‘m. (an:

. I acknowledge 1wc=iyt oi yculu oi fhe {9th ulto, with
gnaiovuray in iba cafiw 0; Con ;nmwalth V. L & 5, lnfiictment £0.75,
in the ”ouwll Circuit Court, tried gt ihe rcconfi June term of said
Scurt¢ The matter of jnignont and costs will th¢ my prompt atten-

Very truly yours,
Lg; F}.

" _ , I g 92. Window 9; ym
; t. \\‘1 if Qauwgané
\ \\ J/A‘ yfiuelon, 313%.
t .
June 29th 191$, ;_;L‘
'Hon. Sannzel.i{. Wifxaon, //"‘;i*~“i/ '5'//53
Lexington, Ky. “Vi "' ' "' “‘ '
Dear Sit: N '
I am enclosing copy of judgement, also brief in case of Gomwfn.
VS. L.&.NYH.R,“ lndict. for nuisance, No. 75, in the Powell Cir—
cuit Court.
The dourt overruled our grounds an; motion for new trial,out

stated that he was mislead by the allegations of the indictment
to start with, and SMDDOeed that the State womld be able to show
that the Heft. had at diVere times permitted the charge to go on

‘ but as the jury had rendered such a light verdict that he would
let it Stand. The State then ccntinnol Ho. 89 until Nov. term.

I think that the case of Wilson vs. Oomwth. :2 B.M. page 3&0.

clearly settlcn this No. 75 case, wish you would look at it if

V you do not remeber it.

; Find also taxation of costs.

i ‘ Very ttnly.

LEXINGTON,KY. . A ,,V. q r
v 9141!] ._ 4' ’ _LV‘L ,o
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.-..-)::...5..~.. Jenn D. u 49...! 113011 (,.I. , 0», 1.3-.“ .9
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fvthnt 013. ;C'It'iifwo‘nm
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._ \I I. : ». - ‘-,.r ." .'I ,:v r .... . -. _v» .».-, . ,. . _,_ ’" '2 : .7 .
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0 ...
.0“ g Q. Manama 25 W
WM .
W042, 553/. W2? /5
June 28, 191%. i
Hon. 8. 3‘31. “Ii."LsoTL. Aiz’iva, - .
L33. “(713151; on , K2: .
In Re: Coz'reroTr-m:31th of Ky., V33. L. 8:. II. By. (to.
No. 75.
Door girz—
As 313.333.? your lethal“ of’ the 20th I 53:3 iz'mloésimg; 37.011 Hm
record in the 5111130336 (3315335211 and also inoloso vou a bill of the
n (3+6 9‘1": ‘ .’::-32:3“)?- 7 -.‘~'\,: 'rn'LwLuwT -F“ '-' ‘.' [1
UOIJv',J ..‘,z. J1.1\_kbltlllln J I'll :IJJJ 1.1‘4- (Jva 3,4. LOI‘JLJ. HO. 1'.
Yonrsz: firmly, ~ .
SCI. “~. We also attach. vow ta:x:<7.i:-iz:m of dofon«:1>f«.:ot‘ s: oosto.

Ho. 75. ‘
Povnwll Cijflnlit {nnirt.
nonwonwoeltn of Kentucky, Plaintiff, V
neuterilie % Headwill' R ilroal JCQPHin Defondflnt.
Dafzml-Qt HHVGH the dowrt to grint it a In“ Trial upon
tfi~ followin: fJWJAS, Viz:
l. 'l'llf‘lf‘r'.‘ilj‘ «is? 15.11 ,2 a twirl: 1;: :77 1‘?ij fir-=3? ‘.i‘it’li-Illi Warrior to
tax indictment, to which duvzni'dfi excepted rt i1» +i;w.
2. Prror of tn; Vcfifit in admitting. owe? ohjeetion of defend—
ent. i cowgoteut and tr? layuxt testimon y to Vliah annnjafif eremyt~
girl “i ‘1; 1"; 'lflis'i).
s. Freer of tho fioirt in rufweiog to admit and mxolndlng
(3,'}'_;_1115t4331’i; 1 jij.;1.-;*\rrv,_jn.t taut, 11101197.? QfT’TrflTEECi ”Mir cirrf’rfll‘iF-‘ilt, 13f) “,1'11’371 -
‘f‘il* ~3‘:<;:v3112"7162r1 ft that ti. 1:». ,
4. Errwr of the dourt in uvwrrwling end refueing to grout
defendint'e motion for a :eremptory instruction to find in its fiver '
“..' '3‘/11» axlowi of” fill tow ‘~<1’l.“7,-‘f71(1€3, to which ri.e77:":ir"rj_ri’rt 3+, tiiz: . 1
time excepted.
5. Error 0? thw Court in rnil‘ng to rivz the whole lfiw of
the oeee, to which do indfiit at t , *1.w oquph;g
°. Errof of Rh» ”ourt in failing end r~€weing to give to the
(jury any ry-[j‘ nth; four (4) ’L?],‘~‘;l‘;fif‘i’lt’)l}'l_l3]'1ff: (‘i-l:’vjfv}3?(3l’i hf" ’lai‘f’? Eli-“111+; “2717,“.
market re reotivobr 309. I, II, II: and EV, to which error the
.ji;:j"zt';n;i:;31t, :.izi; tic! t‘mu OX!) .1'r*.f‘-v‘7..
V. Error of the Court in giVing to the jury over defendant‘s ’
objection the two inetruotione giVen to the jury, marked 1 and 2, l '
l to which and eeeh of which defendant at the time exoepted.. .'I
',_ . 8. That the verdict in flagrantly against the weight of the - f
' evidence, is contrary to the law and the evidence, and is grossly . (-1

{BXCHfgSZl'x/E, end appears to how: he an returned by the jury undortno
ini‘lumice 01‘ :.>r'1:3:izi;:7“; of? [fifojudtime or ”From. .
1307‘? +31“- i€(i)3?*?:7"i>l~?1fl 7“” Emil. on the 71‘oroH-01318? grounds

dc‘t‘.:7'1‘it:~.nt prey-3 tn' ‘ verdict my "me set aside and s new trial
317.7 5:3 it of; . ‘

John “‘.. ffl.’ii:ri.~'r_7:: ”on,

Sr;]11‘l. ii, "’ilcmn.

007137.077. l :::“or «.1.v:7r"~h<:'i;3'1t.

ISO. 7"795‘
41 . ' 1. ,1.- r 1" '1:. 01' RV. , 1’1? .
“ . 4. ‘ -.» _ .1
.11) "u 1 1?: 1. 75.310. -
V82 — flfioundw for a
New Trial,
Ecuigville % NQSnVille
flailrond dompahy, Wa?i,
wilwd Juna 19, 191‘.
. . , , ..,
’7. .I. 11min, r711...

 v .
POWF: l, 1 ("f 11‘" ” All; ("WWW .
C 0;.r'1'3nwe :27. t 71 o =‘f‘ }<=»e;r1mm«:v , Pl eint 137-“ ,
Veg; -— —~ lIZ‘II’3TRUCTfE03W.
l,xetlir‘:‘\“ifiil.» FIT-‘:sh‘f‘llle Railrcmxi, errant-cey‘,‘ neffindént.
”O—(j*“~)"lf)-l’r‘l-I\)-—I’)— ”00170331 *7 ‘7‘?”»“"°’n3~r~’1‘3

doubt, T in imr-r-NL‘I rum/1+7" :5:-1; ~.rixt‘1iu twelwe untru‘vtli'w belie??? ‘"31-‘3
111; of.” the inclietmrmt, the 'Le"‘:?:3‘.rl‘ Fit, the 1J01.1'%.«;*-ri_llr~; 11:2,si;?-1‘-'ill-T3
Hailrmvn :_njr'. :1:-17.2w “179.7? and '=:Ti“~l.fn,l.lv fin-'3. for an 31.713533510T1-m
able length of tiny; no ”1* .1: T:rT»::--' 03:1”: ears on the ::‘TTLe tree? of
its reset in +311} cit}; of cli? STU-7:5 ”ill t's'wt'v‘rtr 1*:‘a‘r71'1it 47.71 i: in'zi‘sir
+,<:> he 11 7:31; is Pm? in «min-r--’~1em»§'ie‘r:)lc> 1:311:51 OTC 4" g1417i", ’"‘?er 1171-91
unlzi'xriffl1:," suffer Dull’nllt ) ;x i“ train 71"}. free“: 5::-id
care to sell *‘Sffillfi‘lfim‘hfi. vinozs or ;r’slt ll’ii‘lorfi' to iii—"”373 37““?“07‘5
in. el; r' :.:hifi. wilt-3::: “I re “ 1::-lie on sundry eject in ::.
't:'“::fl"l'if.03?':7 in which at ".11: tit: tire local (,‘.Dtizisir‘. 11.2.1." ::. 7711 1‘71“
form»; end, ether rut-1 Dei‘rgfit zljixxre'ere 1i"=.*."7*<‘>3’-'~J to. 911L3- 33.332131 on 3m:
i3"; wail cer‘; :1:-'iiu‘~:i '13:. it) .12 Lfizreyi’wa’i?‘."_i‘ HZ‘Jl—i'.‘itT-.IO".S, vineus
or melt l.";.«:y2,./:ur:; to tire {J‘f‘mllm‘i firmiswnera of the cii‘lizem}: 0:11” '12an 0:21am
;:1-envzeelth of Kazetuolcvir 71nd .3:.«133ecizlly those 17375311? in (718V 93.31" 93‘5"
in Jlv-"nghhmf'hOOd of? the tracks of mil T" T3101? mt and refillfifi'fi‘d (30111-
Penv, titer will Firm tee (1e Emu" Ht guilty emi fix its-<2 Iw'u‘rirzf1“;ant .2:?
Lift- :‘im; '1'_;1 fin; glJZGCTL‘JJClOTl.

' Unles‘ the «i‘2_cf‘enr3_f‘ut has been Drovrm {THU-1‘31” 7"“\"‘i‘.’03’1‘i1 a
1‘;e’2,01’12fi;\,l: «grout-wt ”L‘1???" will 'C‘iT'M. m: FW'F‘F‘J'T-uflfi‘f-“Lt not ETTI‘IJfiT'.

 Pew;ll Clrewit Court.
No. 75.
, ‘ V, n ~ :3 ?'_ T .013
Gun-i 1. w. \x. . BL...
V9: » IweTPUcTIONe.
Louifl‘xfilie .94 ?J:1.~;VT1i§LiLe
Railreafi Womyfnf, Weft.
4 ~

NO. (J.
Powell Circwit dourt.
Comnnnweqlth 0? Kentucky, Plaintiff,
V8. 089?”.
Lajuissvifiiza 9. Elmfihri‘LTe Railrora .1 TOTJE‘FZJTJ", “If???" 3311““-

- . , - .. ‘ ~ . . ./l » .

nccanirnt‘w ”@10?51 Demure? to two indictment ($78), #113
(lav rmtmfl'zd. 1H '.': ("av ,:1?:C'U_1“:d by 1‘31» 001.32%, +Em defrmrig'a'fi; WWW:
its ©1093tion to Hail vuliny.

Aff r variiet Tetwrued, 0“ma thn dwfiwndfint, in OBCL
Cuur*, “id $1131 ifia wrifi*vh motion and groundm f0? 2 new trial,
vri1i.<)?1 $13?z2 rjjl‘Ltr :1«i t»3‘1, (31? 7?:ér3233?r1 i.71 (>13 13: <:<=‘1??4',


‘4 f
_[CY!‘=,'_17, Circuit court,
/ K ' ’ I
Comth. 0f K121313773
, Louisville 2: 35:21::th 1'3
Rm 1 loo 1 if! m 3'1". “Wt
A . 1 I t" I'

'1» "1“ 1fl"r
:Jdfle) L... , -‘:.L )4
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~‘1 . -‘ _. t; ' z" _‘_ Vivi .'I 7* ‘7' 7“
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- 'v- ’.‘ 'u' , 5,. .,' ‘ ,1 , ' :..
L.1 '2‘ LI =' ' ;:277 = r ‘ .,, :-
_, _. A.. ., . VV l .. -L-rJ -_.A '. ‘.; 4.1;;
UK . , ‘: .'1
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, " '37:?
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1‘,-gm‘ ,fl 3_.3,

 477,23», ///‘
K K j/ , // / ’7/7 ///A/ , /“ K ’
A) . . i ,2’ '
I ?’flfy47}Z/IIV~Giii/31:)?QZI/m iC/fzyzz ' gW/ (l(///////i//; Jana/”(fl / 5
mm m // /
//”’””'fi/‘=;/;§’,’;}éff,ffj.4¢e,,,, JM/Mw/é/f? June 29th,19],6.
.g ' “L
Mr. S. M. Wilson,_Counsel, fiy/gzééftedz/ I /é
Lexington 3 Eastern Ry.Co., "ff€flya
Lexington, Kentucky. .‘ ” w
Dear Sir:— I ' j '
Please refer to my letter to you of June 17th
relative to indictment returned against the Company/Ege Powell
County grand jury at the Larch 1916 term of the Powell Circuit
Court. In that letter, having been misled by your letter of
June 8th tracing me for a report with respect to the indictment
growing out of the sale of intoxicating liquor at clay City in
September last, I referred to the fact that there was no inves-
tigation of the alleged blocking of a public highway at Clay
City. This mroning, upon a careful examination of the indict-
ment in question, I find that while it is stated in the indict-
ment that the train was unreasonable delayed at Clay City, it
\\ddoes not charge us with the offence of blocking a crossing at
that point. I should have read the indictment more carefully
before writing you.
Yours truly,
fléz WM
seeistant Distric A orney.
COpy to
Hr. W. H. Anderson,
Supt., Paris, Ky.

 p .
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 Juno 20, 1916.
Messrs. John D. Atkinson & Son, ~
Attorneys at law,
Stanton, Kentucky.

Dear Sirs: '

herewith, as promised, I am hanfling you a brief for the
defendant on our motion and grounds for a new trial in the came of
Uommonwcalth V. L & H E Co., for the alleged commission of a nuie
sauce in the Town of Clay City, in September, 1915. The verdict,
as you know, was too small to admit of an apneal to the Court of
$393313 and, while I think it was whobly wrong, I am afraid ifi the
court rhould grant us a new trial upon the idea that the indict»
ment is insufficient, the matter woulfl then be referred beck‘to
the grand jury and a proper indictment returned. NoVorthelces,
if we can get a new trial, I think We ought to take our chances
on that. I am reporting the matter to Louisville. If the court
Should overrule the motion, please imrediatoly secure and eond me
an att mted cony of the Judgment, with the Clerk's Taxation of the
costs, if any, payable by us, and make report of the bill for judg-
nmnt and coets on Form no. 4, so that the amount due can be promptly

Very truly yours,
Sin '.'3/8,
P. S. -~- Fleece send me e COpy of the court's instructions, of our
Motion ior a New Trial, and Marion'e Report of the firidenco.

° ‘ June 20, 1916.

Hon. 3. D. Warfiold,

mist. Atty., L a: N u 1:; Co., '

Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: 3
Yesterday morning, I Went to btanton to look after the

Indictments there against the Company. After careful consideration
of the Indictmsnt for cOmnitting a nuisance in Clay City by suffer-
ing the sale of liquor in local option territory on Sunday,etc., I
becexe convincod that the Indictment was insufficient and both hr.
Atkinson and I argued the Eomurrcr at length, urging to the utmost
tho palpable defects in the Indictment. Judge Shackelford, however,
got off on the wrong foot and ovorrulco the Lemurror. We then
concluded that it would be just as Well to proceed With the trial,
although We had no witnesses proeent for the defendant. The Oom-
monueolth introduced three witnesses whose testimony (even waiving
the sufficiency of the indictment) was, in my Opinion, insufficient
to sustain the charge of nuisance. The jury, after brief delibera-
tion returned a Verdict, findixg the defendant guilty, and fixing
its fine at 950.00, too small to admit of an abnoel to the Court of
Appcnlo. I immediately prepared written fiction & Grounds for a New
Trial and left sane with Hr. Atkinson to be filed. Since my return
home, I have prepared a brief in support of the Motion for a New
Trial and am forwarding same to Mr. Atkinson, to be presented to the
court. I have little have that the court will grant a new trial,
although I am still thoroughly oouvincod that the indictment was
bad onitficxdcmurrcr and that the evidence was insufficient to sustain
the indictment, even taking it in its most favorable ampcct for the

 it" ~

BEE—2. 1

I have instructed 1.11”. Atkinson, in the went our Motion
for a New Trial is overruled, to obtain at once a copy of the judg»
ment, with the Clerk’s; tc.:zati«:m of cost-8, and fox-Ivard same to me
for voucher.

For your: fi 172, I q rowith 431101 0:30 a carbon copy of the
brief I am sending to Stanton.

Very truly youro,
001131391 0

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