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A‘ . . a1-- has
7,47 0r// ~ w >850 ,
,7//////// l. 1”?/fl 1,. / ”y/ ,5 U I,, ,,/- / I '1 ' . m
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x l7/ffl/[fl/I1‘lfl/7h’. , , /’///J/’/ (a ‘ ///., harem .919, 1.917.
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky..
Boa: 9:3: /%f5
In connection with my letter of January :9 rela—
tivc to ECCCUht oi’J. D. ?itzGibbon 10: Work iouc and mar
térial inrnishei for new icpot at Jichwon, Kcntncky,——to
which letter I have not yet reamiVui ? reply, for the ream
son that on February 1 I tel graphed you that FitzGiPPon
would go to JacKSon whortlv thercoftcr, icr the purpose of
attempting to settle the Raleigh and Barnett suits now egfl,§'
pending against the Company and FitVCihcon, in the Breathgfwgigtfiéé
. . . . i. t . . . W‘ ’7' ~ ~C'5'
itt Sironit Conrt,~—(Scc letter tc Juggc Pollaro, catou ‘\,§ flVmgt//
February 2), I now enclomc you a latter from Messrs. Lcahya jfi“f
Saunders & Barth, dated St. Louis, March 19, l917, and Mr.
Landrum'o report to me, of March 24.
/ I shall be glad to have you considfir now my letter
i to you first above mentioned, in connection with the papers
3 hereto attached, and then favor me with your views and re0~
iommendations, having in mind the oueaiions asked on page two
of my letter.

 3. M. U. 2
I do not much fancy the idea of‘setiling these
cages indenendcntly of Attorney Lucick, even if such a
result coulfi be accomnlishcd through the efforts of Mr.
K Landrum. The simple thing to do, it seems to me, is
f for Kr. FitzGibbon to execute the bond, as heretofore
j“: suggested to him, and authorize us to fight the cases
‘ out on his account in the event We find xxxmx they can
“not be settled on terms which are Within the bounds of
With your reply HEE??¢V?G?UT“ the enclosures,
t9§3§DCI_Tith the papers sent you on Jaofieiy 29.
Yrfllrfié'?§?llig// _
’fijfiijfiV‘xd" a x a:i}::i.ng;, I would say that they _
refiniii practicrzlly in stein we as of the «Tints of the institut ion

WM... .
oi" one}: :3 121:3. t .
enc. Very truly gmuiiz,

Counsel .

 ’ T
37"t’,§bl‘llail‘jy’ 2, .1917. :
Judgie :1). ii. i303.l.513'c3,,
{Trick-‘03:, lentil-LEI?» -
1’30 ~11" Juf‘thO: ,
I have :1 i;0fic;j;1‘rzz,x firm-.1 121‘. Ign:>]1u.73, (hated hybruzary 1,
1917, mivisiila: thnt T. Lififitzfii 513.3031; the <3i';;:ir.-'z.»:::0r the aid some
'n J ' _' .’ .~‘-'
' dumbing: ‘.iork :;11 the z:=zw:s:au1;:s7.:r statiam 1'.; amazon, am: “no,
f;3;;-c:>1‘<‘1i.::,r; 1'20 the engiei'ztiogi «.117 the ..';(ii, 1:,; lit-ale 170; "we claims
:;:.‘a;:7<;1*t:13<‘: 3,23” :;:;,:r:7'37 .3531210 it 51;:1’1 ‘3.-7.1:; 1 I'Z:7.Zi,<:-it;h, :.1; :.1 ::‘tud by suit
2.51,:‘172 7.121: the. 711-’13 in *’.:‘EU‘; .‘fzu'e‘evtLAitt Vircziii 1123141, till ”70:13 to Jedi -
31011 icon: L53. 1 mi :.;1.1..!?-1:/ 92' .0:?{117237' ::.q". 1 :.::fa'xfi; :0
Battle in? ‘CZFU <::7.:"7‘~t ':72‘1f:3'.<.:;;":;3., I ‘.:1'27: “i: ;.FUU. ill cu -£>3?-"57:Cr;:e
fifth L.:". i‘iifiZi‘Ti.l)§Jo;-z 72:9 ft": :3:: 370351;? 271?: in bring-ii 112;: 903221“;- 5.'; ‘:"et‘cle— A
sway-n; r31“ @3311 :17: 1:51.123}; wits; «)1: terry? *5:':::=>_)‘e;zr,:11:3 L3 :i‘c-zm‘iinbon.
;g‘itggibbun ;{uma‘zi 3‘.-1:1: his: ‘:_ir‘ahi' :11"? EC- tim 1 $7: the £31—Elma
“11:3,(12 '.1-"1,? 7.773), 11‘ $751131:'7i'3,3.<3L;)3",’5' £01533? "35344 2’3 :11‘3.‘;i}11.:311, 2';!) Iii}.
, 7351;; 1111x111 without 3572:2213:  3‘!2:711fa’.t thesxamfa
. "Liking: turn},
(2;; ~ J.J.D.

 477/7” //7
/ , // / ,,2/ f7? / / 17/]?

/. ’ ' (7’ C ' ,. 1 , /. , 85843
”42?;fiyfqb:,;:ié£Zi%f::Zz””f“ .igfito".{Zléyfianbézvryy(;4éél}%;}/A577<;},000775}32357éz/2/.
'jXMZ;“A?Z%Z$7tmwymn ,Q/ghaJ/v/7éj/Jégt, January 29, 1917,

Hon. Samuel H. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:

Referring to the attached papers relative to fi—
nal estimate in favor of J. D. FitzGihbon on account of
work done and material furnished for new depot at Jackson,

As you will note, the gong Qrepared in this of—
fice, and forwarded to Mr. FitzGibbon, was intended to
cover the cases of Nancy Ann Raleigh v. L. a N., and Sarah
Barnett V. Same, now pending in the Breatnitt Circuit Court.
FitzGibbon refuses to execute this bond (see letter from
Messrs. Leahy, Saunders a Barth, dated January 26), on the
ground that the provisions inserted into the bond are not
contained in FitzGibhon's contract with the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad Company. I am at a loss to Know what

{i}? provisions Messrs. Leahy, Saunders & Barth have in mind.

i » I insisted on a bond, in addition to the one referred to
in Messrs. Leahy, Saunders & Barth's letter, for the reason
that that bond covers a period of only one year after the
payment of the final estimate to PitsGihbon,——assuming that

 ‘-“ s. n. 2
the Raleigh and Barnett cases Wouloi not be finally ad-
/1judioated before the expiration of that period. Do \',
you think our chance of having our independent—contractor
5» defense sustained is sufficiently good to justify us in ,
making payment to FitzGibbon of the amount due him—meome
* $1,800 or fil,900,—4without an indemnity bond of any kind?
1 Can you tell me anything about {55 present etatue1of tnew
4’ __.,. the
f attorneys representing both plaintiffs made any effort to ~
g settle these cases? Or, if not, do you or Judge Pol— 1
; lard think they can be disposed of at approximately whatim
litigation will cost? If they can be so adjusted, it
may be that we can prevail on Mr. FitzGibbon to consider
favorably the matter of an amicable adjustment.
Please return all papers with your reply.
Ymmetmfly, ,
ec tant District Attorney.
lama/tr «a m _, 4 4
4M Ila/',,),a are/44 i z ' ,,
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111/LU: 111111, 471/1 A 4111/4 11‘ 111/521:8 Cf. ow; 404ij clef/94%;, 0(1 1/(3
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