xt73bk16mf8w_751 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [593] First Baptist Church v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [593] First Baptist Church v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_67/Folder_2/11195.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_751 xt73bk16mf8w JESSE MORGAN LEWIS E. HARVIE
June 26th, 1917.
In re suit First Baptist Church v. L. & N. R, R.
Co. now Eendigg in the Letcher Circuit Court:
Judge 8. 12'}. Wilson, .
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
No stape were taken in this case at the April
Yours truly,
‘ 5" / ’
Xféfi-fie ’55?» M110“

a n ml- 4 1131!; *
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Juan :1 1mm m nah-upyfll was _.“ w‘xfil or. JJum ..\; a :.rzu 1mm”,
- a ~ -. . _5~, r v- w ~_.? 3 ,- u, ‘ 1* " '=> “3 HM ~., _.,
“211:! '_3-13121: 00:19:: 03! rm? ;ram _.. ;.- «RH-.3)” LO 1 r; .'I _ ”‘:., rJ.m~y~*.,:J—-
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"LL-2. .:'],r'ILL 31 15;.Ja_}"'7§(.7n 13; ivdfilJ‘! :.1 *J'CWIUERJ'a
1'11 . . .:...V , .“'. , m , +4.,.1.: , .I- .:. .- ,_._ -. ‘ -r ‘.
.LJ‘llL/lgLJL: :'fiY'Ll $01. :‘7 L1,; .‘Lub .‘..‘LLJ 233.1 40 uhi.“ ELL—LL .‘«}, .’. LlLJ9
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 3.4 \‘~ "2
~ " :3" MORGAN & HARVIE . . .':; L
— ’_ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW _f 1,, "‘"
‘ WHITESBURG. KY; ,2-7’"
' {fl/r . I
August 2, 1916.
Judge S. L. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Deqr Sirze
In re suit, First D'aptist Church v. L. & H. R. R. 00.,
now pending in Letcher Circuit Court:
Replying to your letter of the 17th inst., I beg to herewith
hand you attested copy of deed from L. & E. Ry Co. to L. & N. R. R.
Co., conveying the right of way, &c. in Letcher County, also one
carbon copy of same.
Yours truly,
dwk f/WT’" '6
'2 ..‘. } Xi,- $ 2

‘ 0 ‘
Deed Look Lo. 52,
Pane of,
It..33335:f’:“i§j:r, Made and entered {into this; Fit}: (127; of
. October, 1015; by and between the Lexington and Eastern finilu=y
Comoany, a oorworation org-nixed and existing under the law: of the
otate of pentu:ky, warty of the first mart, and the Louisville
and Nashville ioilrowd Com any, a Corporation organized and Aristinfi
under ant IUMS of thu SJid atgte; warty of the suuond cart,
Ehat Hhereasp the Louisville Ana hashville Aailroad
Comxxny bx: Loretuiore submitted an offer to the Lexington and
haatcrn flailrood Comoany for 25¢ ;urohuee by 531$ Louiaville and
~ Hunhville Yrilrood Uomuany of nil the riilrnacisa real one geroonul
orovcrt/s emf aosotg of VLLtOSDGVGT character and whereoOever
located, inoludinw euaiaueut: and all the rights, fganuiwtz {exuoot
its franchimv to be or to coniinuv to exist as a ooroormtien), and
Drivileyes of the flexinyton and western iailw y Company; 3nd
’W"MI39 at a meeting of the stockholders of the Lexington
and Last rm Railway Comoony theretofore duly held, efiifi offer of the
louisville mud n shville iailroafl Somonny was only submitted to said
"Zee‘tinra uni &chfiifld by the affirmative vote of the yeroona holding h
‘ ~ the larger amount in vwlue of tha capital atook of s~i¢ Company
wrosent and votinx, and” Ly resolution duly adowted fit Seid Keeting
(- L.':‘JZI'JvL-ijinee :;ié.‘ tn. "J!“l'l‘fwiil‘tjf', franchises (aria-"v.23; its I‘E‘mmi 1:56 to "no
or to uoutjnuo to @XiEt am a CDTUUrutESDJB and nsoets of the Lexing—
ton unuommotoru Railway Company to the Louisville and fiashville '
fiailraod Company was authorized and directed to bx made; and
“raw AS? at a meetinp ox the hoard of Direotors of the
‘ Lexington and Eastern Railway Comoany, heretofore duly held, said I
‘ resolution of the Stockholders of said Company was laid before said
. _ 1. .

 i ‘ v.

dire taro and it was yeoolvcd by xix ouio Boayd that the firesident
of amid Unmwxny La, and he we: thQFCUJ umttorimofl and uirocted to
cxowute wad dolivor on bcbmlf of saiu domgany u deed in usemr- nae
With the Eff-5803,11 Lion ::«,;Jo::=t<_z-d. ‘.;.y' 'LI'ZJ. a;L4)(:.i;}c..;1du:m; 63.-f 13:11:: iLx:;;-v;7*.-xny;

U:‘-flL, tut rvifiyo u lines of tho Lexington vnfi Lattern
sfi:..ili:.;.y (3:3,wj~;x:'zy connect it}. '1' lines; oi" the Louixgxrigju; 1
iymhvi Le Lwilku: aonuuny mud fora an imwort mt ling in aha lines
oi“ 35m" '1.(>1;:.isja“<.v"i31 Zia": :31'21‘ ~h'.:.'~:=.}:.viLilac :.:jlz‘oégd Cc;xr;;::e..r1y; :2:-1d

* ‘ , two moxinphon and unstorn .rilw y Montany has
Quifivm“ity} ’V"fiirtL¢= of ;uzm LJMEG? {Ema Zayrg oi‘ tLe LLEQiHE oi‘z.orfiniohyfl
to $813 it? Sfiid tuilroufiv. org ortt, francbiooo (exact: its frnnohioo
to to or to zontinuo so axiut no a cargo? tion}, and riplto to fibfi fink
Tuuisvillo sud .vfi%V113e Luilruod Comoany, onfi tko Louisville ano
sthvilic i ilTGifl $uu::u1&eority, by virtue of mud under the Rams
of tho said »tato. to urchase anw aouuite t}; Sfime,

5” : V“v~5“ , for and in oouwjuevutfiou :m o: the nreuisos
nforestifi, -afl of tkw flflfiMM”LiGH ug tho tvrty of thy ueuond part
of J3E out fiuuiah unu obliputionu Jhifih Quid or can be iuufully
roouirud of tho warty of tho first ourt fih a canton carrier; anfi
for tho faraway conujderetiom of tfii sum of ion flollnrs (£1C} to
filo yutty of tLv firut wart =uiu my LLQ :urty of th; Se 0nd Hurt, the
receivt heyoof 15 here:y usknomledwod, the unytv of th< first
part out granted, burp ined, sold, aaoirnod, Lronoforrtd, and oonm
veyod, wuu docs hwrony prhflt, tarp-in, sell, assign, ta trunofer,
and convey unto tho warty of the oecond Hurt, its sucoeosors and
aooirns, forever, all unu singular its entire line of railroad km on
mo two hoxinuton uno Luutorn “uilway Como my, situated in Tnyette,
Clark, “0:611, ‘olfe, Leo, Hroathitt, worry and Retake? Counties,
Rentucky, Una doooriuod as follows:


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.“f‘ ... .";"' is '. '..... ..,»,.‘,.,;. ...;‘ ..,...» ,._‘)...q ,.‘.I" ‘.l._-.J. .(. ..
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fig . . 9.19 “GI-mug," Kaitfiie

 . .

1, Alfred Russell, Clerk of thefiaunty aforeeuid, do
certify that an thim day :hie deed from theLexianon % Laeteru
Railway Cnmoany to the Louisville W hashville Agilroad, Company
was received and lodged in my office for record having been
DTOOGTtV stained as required by congress“ afid that 1 have truly
recorded it, twgethpr with this and the certifiCate thereon
andnrsed in my S“id office in deed Book 37 page 10?.

"itneee my hfina, this 37th day of December, 1915.

flfred Fueeell, C. B. 0,0.
By Ida 1. Eiffe. Beauty. Clerk
QWAvr mt «wwwnwzv
“m..“ ”U” ”l ,
i:"~€i'i~'1‘f‘f t Set:

I, be ;, Ocmug, filer: of txewouniy Seurt of the County
aforesaid, do ceriify that on $313 day thie dead from ihe Lexington
& Eastern Railway wompany, to the quisville a fimshville hailroad
Company wee received and lnfiwec in my office for record, and that
3 have truly regarded it, together with thie and the certificate
thereon endoreed iv my evideffice in Used flock 31 Jaye 592.

Witnees my bani, this zit} 32y 0f December, 1915.

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