xt73bk16mf8w_753 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [595] Thee Combs v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court text [595] Thee Combs v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_67/Folder_4/11281.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_753 xt73bk16mf8w . 3;;/11,: //7
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//[UM8J;//A~(Giza/(fl:///ue/ Cjfl/fld/wflt/g%/ October 15 $1916 -
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel,
Lexington & Eastern Ry. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,
Referring to your letter of the 11th inst.
relative to voucher in the case of Thee Combs v. L&N
RR Co., Perry Quarterly Court.
I beg to advise voucher for $45.75 in set-
tlement of judgment and costs in the Thee Combs case
_ was mailed to Wootten & Morgan on the 12th inst.
(’1, x]? g (576' : g I I ,
/,ASSlstant District Attorney. ““'“‘

‘ d
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rewrite 1319:;0 .Cl.il{J;-;9 3' 2:; H ‘.'. (Ida,

.1107: i Vivi '!.‘E,a2,1-C:7 l
Dear Sir:
‘ ,. -"\ v,1 ‘ .. w :7 ‘1.—~.w »1..! ..L.-.‘ m 4,’ —. - ‘T ..,
In ’Bh:,.-e vomnf: \. . ‘1 3_., ..:-”id Mlu‘llizl court, t’_oigan
("c Lluckols are: ::sl'ri‘alg; ch ‘: ‘3»1'122321' Tor: ;‘.Z):1“::.,1vged €13“ ':31’()::1‘.I")t"_2/‘ as
~ .:r , L. a ,.‘ r." 5'" a .7 1:.: . ~ : ,:.” r, ., 1:“ . .0 9‘ .,
m; be, .:L-~ Lllx! plai-A,‘ 3 1.,-.._L-Zm1g on tn-m lor
. nu. A“ 4. <3 . .~.., L1., ‘(s ,.,W ..‘ L.'“ - ‘,_”, 'i a... L. ;2... ‘... l \ '.‘
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1 i‘j'romr ,~ .~
. Counsel.

Afiumn‘ge at 3'; 11111
‘ v/z ~. (4 October 9, 1916.
I. .8 _7 > [1,1/ ,-

Mr. S. H. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky. ‘
Dear Sir:

RE: Thee Combs vs. L & j g R Go.

On ;eptember 19th we wrote you enclosing Form No. 4
Bill for V43.88 together with costs to be paid in seltlement
in the above case. The voucher has not ye; been received.

The attorney ior the plaintiff Keeps prodding us
about this, an& we would like to get it closed as soon as
the voucher Can be sent in to us.

Very truly yours,
/7/,,; ‘ '___/<17? {/ ‘5 -
/l/7/17_7f\é;, M] \f ,» LLLCJW’PL,

71AM / ’R J

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 a; \.‘?Y P WOOTTON ’1’»; Jasfi‘MORGAN
.’,\NOOTT0NSJWORGAN 4;".i>(* f/
. 47“,“ Aifu rungs utifém ‘1 " k" ,—’ Q22
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\- ‘ ’
September 19, 1916.
Mr. D. M. Wilson,
Lexington, ientucky.
Dear Sir:
IN Rh: Thee Combs v. L & N, Perry Quarterly Court.
We are in receipt of yours of the 5th inst.,
authorizing settlement of this matter at the lowest terms
possible, not to exceed $45.88. We are unable to settle
at any lower figure than the one mentioned, so we herewith
enclose you Attested copy of order of diSmissal of this case,
together with the Clerk’s cost bill. We also enclose on
Form 4, Bill for $45.88, amount of settlement, together with
Costs, as this will show the amount for which voucher is to
be made.
We would be glad to have you forward voucher for
these amounts as early as possible.
Yours very truly,
WWR/r l/L71‘1y1,_7flfl . /;,, l ,7
P.S. We note letter authorizing settlement at $45.88
comes direct from Mr. Moorman. However, we think it proper to
handle the matter through your office.
7 «7 // 1‘

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