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Mr. Samuel E. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

Replying to your letter of January 20th, further
inquiring as to the probability of Mr. Jerry Donovan securing
employment at some future time on this division. It is beyond
my province to commit the service of this division relative to
future employment 0? any narticular person. I have known of
reformations on the cart of ex—employes and their re—employment
in the service when additional employee were needed, and such
instances have usually, to my observation, been handled in accord-
ance with the circumstances governing each particular instance
for consideration thereof and Without any predetermined promise
T , .
or arrangement, and L would say that i CODSld9P such as the usual
procedure, and that such might be possible in this cese.
Yours truly,

liS—cb ”.'-.\)J. ,
T-.~,‘."‘\ ’ ‘. ..’-"v‘f'fip’w"
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r, [[2224é3VZQQQQZ{a. :;la January 19th, 1917
_ ‘ Y Y ‘ TO DATE AND FILE NO. R“ 267
Mr. bamuel L1. 17113011,
Lexington, Ky. ‘
Dear Siriw
———- Regarding Reinstatement of J. A. Donovan -——-

I return you herewith Judge Ernest S. Clarke’s letter of January 3rd,
your letter of January 4th to Mr. Warfield, our District Attorney, and his reply
of January 9th, received with your letter of January 15th to me, concerning mr-
Donohan and his reinstatement.

Personally I appreciate Jerry's veracity and straight—forward testimony
as referred to in your letter of January 4th to our District Attorney, Mr. War—
field, and if I could consistently, with my duties to the service and to the
seniority rights of other individual employee in the rank of engineman, reinstate
Jerry, I would gladly do so, but such is not consistent with our service and the
rules governing same.

Particular effort was made with Jerry in his behalf to get him to amend
his ways and conform to our rules concerning same, without the necessity of
having to take the action which was taken, but such efforts were unsuccessful.

‘ ‘ It is not possible to reinstate him to the position he occupied previously
in our service as engineman, in justice to the rules regulating same and the
rights of other individual employee in similar service, regardless of our appre—
ciation of his veracity and our personal sympathy for him.

'Ycurs truly,
his—Cb ,fi 7; ’e
,4 ’7 $3;
I” z/j—gfani/«fl/M/
“ K\4

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Ron. Samuel H. Tiluon,
lexihgfon, FY.
Dear Sir:
Jugqe filarh'u 1811?: it you, of the 3ri in~
Stant, in rm J. A. Donovan, for 931V loconotive aLfii
weer <91" The Eatiffil‘h Plentucqu fiWerfxxz'a, receivw‘; ".':?ih
vow? latte? of the 4th instant, is Hfirefiith reiwrnej.
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ter of J. A. bonovan‘s Tfiinsiaie fiat 1m in? exient of
awging fWa firitcr,io interC9fe with Kr. Sofirfieant in
Donovan‘s Pnhelik This van done. but without mzc~
098$. We Wuderutand that afiurwaris II. F. J. yew
Dermot? asked that Donovan Ye giv&u another trial, Put
he was not able to have 1h“ case rennnened. The in~
thmation with respect to Goveanr Kchvrgott‘s activity
Cause to us through sovrcés ”Zone to innovan, and not

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(yo/777/,//]/f,/'¥l:72mnWW]. , ////:/J/////l -///;., Feb. 15 ’ 1917
' Q ~ 4,17 7,7
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I have just received your telegram, asking if you can see
me at my office about noon Saturday, the 17th. In accordance
with your request, I have telegraphed youyan affirmative answer.

Your telegram speaks of seeing me "about noon Saturday."
Saturday is a half holiday with us, and I generally try to get
away from the office that day bywhalf-past twelve o'clock.

I assume that you expect to come from Lexington to Louisville
Saturday morning on the 0&0 train which is due to arrive here
at 10:55, forenoon. If so, I shall be glad to have you come
direct to the office from the train, in order that we may have
our conversation before lunch time. However, I will wait at
the office until you come. g

Yours veryéifuly, \\:14?7 XV

/: ”,,3 / a/ 1:.: (me. [than \xr "
Distréct Attorney.

4 "'I . l.’ r
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