xt73bk16mf8w_761 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [604] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [604] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_67/Folder_12/11481.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_761 xt73bk16mf8w ’ "'.,-1
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National Reporter Systeml {American Digest System
Every Case Reported l Every Case Digested
Atlantic Northeastern ADDOtated Century Digest—16584896
Federal Northwestern t0 Decennial Digest—1897—1906 :
Pacific Southeastern American Digest—Key-No. Series ’
Southern Southwestern Monthly Digests—to date 1;
U. S.‘ Supreme N. Y. Supplement Reporter Digests
you need f
The authority on legal interpretation of words
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Bound Volume Edltion, with Advance Sheets, $4 at volnine, Buckrum Binding.
l Weekly Advance Sheets--Not for Blndmg

menhubnmhh ., M..,MA __,”; Win- ,. ,..“. _u....i.e,...-.._n . 7-~.1;-.-,.-:-, -k 1'» «+»M:1&weJM*-*'wmm ’ " ‘ " ‘l

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’ ..7/ea»? “'~‘ ""‘" . 3.2:; 2»:: - ii *1: iii coma... m by West Publishing 00-
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1 i‘3;* .zfa»:g‘g:.;,;>;w..-,:.giamssL--=s¢ fi.:; ‘—~~W‘W .. vvv_\—/ , VOL 186 WEDNESDAY JULY 1 19 .
. I W-W W fiwfififim WORDS I'I/€235 . ““2305 . I , 1:. y I
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mum imam Wm"! WIN "WIN! "‘“‘” .”'“ .»_...” ,, VVK‘ ,.» ,I
I 31:33/ WWY six—..' “$1. 35% )3,“ we Make. .7 3.9 : Ii . 1 TABLE OF CASES REPORTED. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
L'.:«ivcf; «Mesefiiww—vwks—w vavm I f" Y
. W"W wgvvvv I,II,I..; ._.... air-mm! 14an ,,. , -\ v‘_-_,. TABLE OF CASES ON REHEARINJMW... . V
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. -fi - ‘if" ' ‘“' . »_ , i - INDEX—DIGEST 1x
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a I .3‘“: ”5.3; , fittes ‘.;». ‘2 w‘ ,,:; ; .23.; ~, ., 2.9.;- I I v; ; 3' TABLE OF SI ATUTES CONSTRUED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxvm
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' . ‘ "i“ The West Publishing Co. publishes this week:

; of the Mame Supreme Court , I " ,

I P1 in defining . i' :.’;f 5"" VOLUME 184 SOUTHWESTERN REPORTER;

I cites WOI'dS & 1121565 t” 'i I ' 1 VOLUME 13 SOUTHWESTERN DIGEST (VOLS. 166—180).

“ “ Olntmen , 3: I. :~ .

, . Power of App ; . I i .

, _ ,, . ,l I '. ':l ; . —*

I A “power of appomtment 18 defined as a 130“;r 1 i? ; I, .

I I f d" sition given a person Over property nOt ‘5 . I F“ \ % Bender's Penal Law and Criminal Code for the The Addresses of Elihu Root on international
0 lbpo . th Ode in which that h! ‘ 1 ’ I State of New York, 8th Edition, has been pub- subjects have been collected and edited by
own by 501118 one WhO dlrects e m. _ ‘I l ‘:.-q; ‘I:. ‘ lished by Matthew Bender &. Co., Albany, N. Y. Robert Bacon and James Brown Scott. The

_ . ‘ n . , la e price s . . collection includes the addresses and state pa-
’ 159d by a par 1cu a1 1 strument . , Th ~ 1 $4 00
‘ power Shall be €X€1C ‘ . E i 3:! ti pers covering the period of the author’s service

“ ‘ ‘ V ' . . as Secretary of War, Secretary of State and

I‘ Words and Phrases, 5480. t. R rier 109] I ‘__f - bnA n:W.l:ourth, gldlthlog gr Ends: onBAugomcg. Senator of the United States. Published by

_,,, , e 0 ._, . I ‘ es as een pu is e y at ew en er H ~ ‘t p - Ma 5.

I In re Luques EState’ 9514170” lC p ) 1 II 111 . Co., Albany, N. Y. The work has been com- 46312;; Lyric/$3230 ress, Cambridge, 5

i ""‘éi pletely revised and enlarged and new chapters ‘

. I («971 have been added. it cites the Reporters, and

I 1 " . ‘,‘I’g ‘ is a complete and comprehensive treatise on the 3:1 33

I RASE I « “Us; . law relating to motor vehicles and motoring.

'. W I '.“ i»7i‘§ :1, One volume, buckram binding, originally an- Judge (of divorce court): "Aren’t you at-

, I; §‘ nounced to sell for $6.00, but the price has been tached to your husband7”

‘ i - ., 1'». reduced to $5.50. . . . . ‘

. . ' ' I . l - .» 1 Plaintiff: ‘ Certainly. i came here to be de-

I 12 Olumes $72‘00 dehvered BUCkram Blndlng I I ‘. if?” Q CI tached.” —Boston Transcript.

Iv V I 1 9;./L" Glnn & Co., Boston, are the publishers of a '

‘ I 5 1': ;"J‘g‘i‘i‘ revised edition of Municipal Government of the Q 3:!

I . . ”gm ‘ ‘J — City of New York, by Mrs. Abigail Gunn and
- . . - - - i , * - A ' . .
‘ FREE ”A booklet contamlng many JUdICIa] definltlons , . ‘”‘ i ‘3‘ bby Huntington Ware 1 388 pages, 90 cents The evidence was absolutely conclusive against
I" I M f -,“1"“‘,‘.‘ 1 .3:? CI the old negro who was charged with stealing a
" t. Pau 17171250 0. J Commercial Law, by J. A. Chamberlain is chicken from his neighbors, says the National
‘ WEST PUBLISHING CO, S ’ “Cut (1 b l‘I'.‘ ' 7 4 1 practical manual covering the fundamental M0M_h|)’- The Old negro was a. familiar fiQUI‘C to
I d C0771 limentafy copy Of your bOOklet, l e y -‘i i - r'i ( ' '“‘clples of law as applied to business in gen- the JUdQei who addressed him reproachfully:
I Please $271 a .p [i 't' 5 taken from words ' ‘ . ‘,i‘ era... with special reference to common law af- ”NOWi REStUSi Why did YOU steal that Cthk-
“ h C uTtS H Wthh contams hundreds Of de nl 1071 . . , ' "II fecting the most usual commercial transactions. 607”
‘ t e O ’ ' . thh the courts have Cited the First ‘ I .f/ , American Technical Society, Chicago. 316 pages, “Bekase ma POOh family WUZ StarVInQi yo'
I and PhraseS. Second senes' In w - I ‘ " price $2.00. Honnor.” whimpered the old man.

"I . , I..' a a; “Family starving!” cried the judge. “But
I Series. .“1. they tell me you keep four dogs. How is that,
:_ K ,1.; Maxwell Ferguson is the author of State Reg- uncle?”

ii AddreSS——————-——-—-—'—“— - ulatlon of Railroads in the South. The work is “Why, yo‘ Honnor," said the old feIIOW, re—

I i Name—___————-—-—————-" published by Longmans, Green &. Co., New proachfully, “you wouldn’t ’spect ma family to

I i York, 228 pages, price in paper cover, $1.75. eat dem dogs!” -—St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Ir/ny—f Entered at the Post-(Mice at St. Paul. and admitted for transmzssmn through the mails. at Second-Class Rates
“‘_—T “‘_' C11473 ‘ A4546 (1)
I ‘V ’W, .. .., __._ _A N m._.. __._ _.__ “”‘_.” ,_, .. ,,,, ,,.—._,

( > ~
Reports of Every Decision of the Courts of Last Resort of
MISSOURI :‘::-m? ’
TEXAS Extcffgféav‘irfgfif“ Am" a
Every Case in Full Immediately After Filing
Issued every \Vednesday by “‘
_ .
Subscription price, payable in advance, Advance Sheets only, $5.00 a year; single numbers,
250. each. Bound Volume Edition, with Advance Sheets, $4.00 a volume, Buckram Binding.

Register your letters when you send money, or else send draft or post-office order. We will - -
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The Entire System Embraces
Northeastern Reporter. Established 1885. Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Indiana, and
. Illinois.
Northwestern Reporter. Established 1879. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Ne-
braska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. _
Pacific Reporter. Established 1883. California, Oregon, Kansas, Colorado, Nevada, Nlon- C (1
tana, \Vyorning, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. ‘1
Atlantic Reporter. Established 1885. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island,
Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. '
Southwestern Reporter. Established 1886. Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri,
and Texas. ‘
Southeastern Reporter. Established 1887. Virginia,West Virginia, North Carolina, South ‘ ‘ 4
Carolina, and Georgia.
Southern Reporter. Established 1887. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. /
Federal Reporter. Established 1880. All the U. S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, the Circuit“
and District Courts, and the Commerce Court. ,
Supreme Court Reporter. Established 1882. The Supreme Court of the United States.
The New York Supplement. All the decisions of the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court (all departments) and Appellate Term; also decisions of the Trial and Special Terms,
Surrogates Courts, City Court of New York, County Courts, etc.
610% Sold separately or m combmatton

 NOTICE Vol. 186, Southwestern Reporter, closes
- with the issue of JULY 19th. ANY .
AUGUST 2d, for incorporation in the permanent edition.
Address Editorial Department, West Publishing Co., St.
Paul, Minn.
ARKANSAS. > MlSSHl‘lil (‘ont'tL
l):l)'i(ls(>11 V. Rietl' & Son (Ark.)....... SIS ( M‘W‘S \‘- N'. INUiv‘T- 1- 3L & S- R- CO-
Derer V. Lam-r (Ark.).................. S271 l.\lo.) 11).)?
B First Nat. liank V. 'l‘lioninson (Ark)... S2!) Monieinal Seenrilii-s (‘orn V. Kansas (_‘itV
l)‘1§z1mtriek Y. ()\\'en,\- (Ark). . . .. . . . . ... S33 IMH.) ............................. 5’51)
Grist V. Lee (Ark). . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. #23 Northwestern Mat. Life Ins. ('o. V. ('al
Iinshhrook \'. (,‘ole (Ark). . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52:1 Ilil'sr-li A; Sons iron t\' linil (_‘o. (Mo.

: Alt‘l'l'illlzlt‘Mi'fJ. (‘11. V. liilll)tAl‘l(.)........ NlT App.) ““1
Moore V. \Vade (Ark). . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... SIS l’riee V. linnselie (Aim). . . ...... . . . . . . .. DUNS
Rowland V. Arkansas lnnnlwr (‘o. (Ark.).. S21 ‘ l‘roranee V. Missouri Southern li. L‘o. (Mo.

' Security Life Ins. (‘o. V. Met‘ray (Ark-.).. 81:)? Ann.) 935
Sternlwr; \‘. ’l‘rnehlooil (Ark). ... . . . ... Slit‘yl Robinson \'. ltohinson (Mo) .. ..........1().‘I'_'
“Vilkes V. llieks (Ark). . . . . . . ._ _ , , . , , ,., NIH) Svales \'. National Lil'e & .\l'('l(l('llt lns. (‘0.

(Mo. \])|)) ‘.HS
Kl'lN'l‘l‘t‘KY. Slate \'. Allison (Mo. A1)1).). . . .. . . . . . . . .. USS"
American Exp. ('o. \‘. (‘onnnonwealt11 (K_V.I SST :“m‘ \V' [Elm-k IMW)‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' " ' ' ' ‘ ’“HT
Barnes \'. Si-otr (K31). .. . . .. ........... SIM 21”“) “13"”111‘M"""""~~""'""'"l‘m’
Bennett V. t'olnlnonwealtll (Kn). . . . . . .. ‘Jiii; State, ‘.. (”.Wl“ (“”'l' “" " " " ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ _1()t)‘.)
.linrns V. Lavkey (K31). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘.ItIS) NHL“ \" ‘.;-”','" AMHJ' """”"“"""‘ 1N;
(.‘llreste \'. (,'oInInomVeaIt11 (K.\'.). . . . . . . .. ‘.ll‘.) State "- (’lH”'l-t."\1”')' ‘ ' ""“‘ ‘ " .,.,..lt)t)3§
(‘inrinnatL N. U. & '1‘. l'. 11. (‘o, V. Jones" 51:11" ‘.‘ lintrlnnson 01”" “ ...........lt)l)()
Adm-1. (In) SOT State V. .laekson (Mo) {V._H)
Cincinnati. N. O. & '1‘. 1’. Ii. (‘0. V. Luke :E‘IE“ V‘ 'Il‘ll‘llis'm “‘1"” ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 131:)
(K31) $75 '. ”U l" ‘11“. l' ”1 ‘.."
Connnonwealtll V. First Christian (.‘hnrelt State ‘V' [“':21“ AMH‘A' ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ’ " ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' " ”(‘.'
of LonisVille (_K_\'.). . ' . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. SSH State V. Manuel (Mm). ... . . . .. ...... . . ..lIHL)
Commonwealth \'. liiVing'ston (K33) . . . . . . .. Ult‘y :tate \ 31.11111: ".M‘\"I)‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' """"" ' ' '10.?
U011)111()11\\'(‘:lltll V. Starks tK_V.). . . . . . . . . .. S81)! Sfm ‘,' .1‘“ W“ (‘ y‘l"""' " "" """'1=L—"i.
DoliertV V. First Nat. Hank (KV.). . . . . . .. Sit)? \th \- 511nm“) (Mm). . . . . . . . ', . , . . ... Jll)
(vil'flW‘S V. “'allaee (K31). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not) State V‘ Ni“”uptufllW‘ll‘lll 11"” ‘& Steel ( 0‘ —
ll:ii'(li11‘sl£.\"i'\'. 11.-mun (1{.\'.)........... sm: 33‘1“"). 's‘1‘1"'\i”" """"“"""”1003
Marlon v. \Vullm'l- (l\'V.)............... not) :1.?“ .‘: 1 912‘“ ‘A ‘,""\~~""--“""'-391’:
Mason V. Fnson lK.\'.). . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. SSH “9.01111.th \. “him-H.” L I‘LL ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' H ' ' ' " 'HJ
l’erry v. l‘lng‘le (ml (‘~. (l\'.\'.).......... s73 “ “1 " “”1“ WWW"""“""“1°“
l’ratt' V. Bog-74s (l\\) ‘.Hll n ‘ . - , .. V ‘
Sliront V. t‘onnnonwealtll (K51). . . . . . . . .. SS3 lll“\‘\ REEL)"
Smith V. lioarxl of 'l‘rnstees of Shell): (ti-.ul— lllinois Cent. R. (‘o. \'. Moriarity (Tenn). .1035:
ed Seliool Dist. (KL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘.L’T
Sparrow V. Sparrow ('KV.) .............. “(Hi TEXAS.
Stanley V. 'l‘o\\'nsen(l (K31). . . . . . . .. ..... ‘.Hl . , x . . \ (. . . ‘ , .» .
Stearns Coal & Lumber (‘0. V. \Villinnis l AIHHTI“ l-‘\._]"1”1HH1 ( 0' \' Mdnnnett ‘.—
('KV.) ():zli.(10‘\'{1l"\mr)')"""'"""""""'NH
Sil‘t‘l-AV V. (‘onnnon\\'ealtli IKV.). ... . . . . ... SN): }£;1\1‘1::1\\\£9.Elt(.":((li\\-(([i‘1.‘\]\m')')”H ' ' ' ' " ::(i
Steely V. t'onnnonwenltll (K31)... . . .. . .. SS3 FitV of (.131 \I ‘ n 5". l l “.1" [.1' '(153 L7 _
Sn‘lliran V. (‘o1nlnon\Ve:tllli lK.\_'.). . . . . . . .. “(MM "‘1”) _’ “ ‘ 1‘ H” l' '“ mm” A (x. 1" SUU
’ \\ 1lllanis V. (onnnonu‘ealtli (l\_V.). .. . . ... 851 1‘ (‘oIIlinonm-altli “mull-11:2"t\.(.‘:.1.;l-I:il.i_‘\"‘l‘lis‘.
. l . ('0. V. lieleel's ('l'ex. (‘i\'. A])]).). . . .. . . . S39
. ss . - -
.‘U (H “1' _ iCHIHIIIUIHYeHlill lionilinj: & ('asnalty Ins.
‘ —' Iiilglt‘fi' V- St. Lotus (Mm). . . . , . . .. . . . . . .. ‘.Kiti) (‘o. V. Brannin (Tex. (YiV. Ann). . . . . ... Sti‘.’
t I'h)_\\'iii:11r\'. Anderson (.\lo.). . . . . .. . . . . . . .1013 l)on:ula V. Fo\\'el' ('I‘ex. (‘iV. Amn). . . . . . .. S71
" lirlnelm'lrth‘s l‘lst‘at'e, In re (Aim). .. .. .. .1043 l’nnlnp V. Squires ('l‘ex. (‘iV. A111>.)...... 545;

. City of East: l'rairie V. (ll‘eer (Mo. A]m.).. “52 First State llank ot' llollnml V. Mills (Tex.
(‘olI-nian v. noon] (Mm. .. .. ............ie21l (‘iV. \mo s70
(il‘ullt‘ V. 'l‘l'oll (Mm). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HHS Fox V. llonston K: T. (1 II. ('o. (Tex. ('iv.
Hrnendel‘ \'. Frank (Mm)................1()(H Ami-l .. 5'52,
Hobbs v. Ilenley (Mm). . . .. ...... . . . . .. ‘..)81 l llnlier V. MM‘Iain (Tex. (‘iV. Ann). . . . . . . ST]
Lemaitre V. National Casualty (‘o. (Me. i ll:lIan:1('l( V. Sellle)‘ (Tex. ('iV. .\[)[).). . . . . . STE

App.) ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. EH14) Henderson V. Mehaniel (’l‘ex. Viv. Ami). SH?)
Mangold v. l’liilllns (Mm). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “SS Johns-on V. State ('l‘ex. (‘1‘. Ann). . . .. .... Sit
Miller V. linsey (Mo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “SJ: Jones \'. State ('l‘ex. t‘r, .\1)]>.)....... ... S40
Moore V. St. Joseph & H. 1. IL (To. (311).)..1llg5‘l’t‘llsllol'll V. International K: t}. N. R. Co.
Moses V. I\lnsnie_yer (Mu. App) . . . . . . . . . 9051 (Tex. t‘iV. ;\])[).l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... SUS

A4547 (iii) (Table of Cases Cont‘d on page v)

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TEXAS—Cont’d. TEXAS—Cont'd.
StBLouis Southwestern R. Co. of Texas v. 86 VValenta v. Wolter (TeX. Civ. App). ..... 873
Iowns Tex.Civ. App.)............... '4 ,. ,
Southern ’S.‘raction Co. v. Frazier (Tex. Civ. \\ ick v. McLennan (TeX. Civ. App.). .. .. . 84:7
A\1)p)8(5:l: “'ills 11.01. TeyI CiV A)) 7. 862
- Stephenville N. & S. T. R. Co. v. Stewart 7 V‘ ‘3 ( ' 11 ) ..
(Tex. Cw. App) 863 Wilson v. State (Tex. Or. App.).......... 8‘58
[n the follort'mg cases, petitions for rehearing: are pending:
Babey V. Commonweatlh, 185 3- Seliensich v. Empire Dist. Elee- Dallas Fair Park Amusement
W. 81. _ trio Co. (Sup.) May 31, 1016. Ass’n v. Barrentine (Civ. App;
Beauchzlmp v. Snider. 180 S. W- Slack v. St. Louis, 1. M, & s. R. May 17, 1916.
S68. 7 Co. (App) June 17,1916. Davis v., Converse (Civ. App.)
Coinuionweatlh v. Halstead, 186 S. Starks v. Liisk (App) June 17, June 5,‘ 1916.
a \V. 194. 7 1916. Great Eastern Casualty Co. \'.
Commonwealth v. Muir, 186 S. W. State v. Miller (Sup.) May 31, Boli (Civ. App.) May 17, 1916.
lili. 7 _ _ 1916. Holland v. State (Cr.) May 31,
Conley v. EnniS. 18a S. W. 001. State ex rel. Hadley v. Gi'eenville 19m.
Doyle v. Brady, 185 S. W. 1133. Bank (App) Fell. 8, 1916. Houston Transportation Co. v. The
Ewald’s Ex’r v. City of Louis- State ex rel. Missouri Poultry & Texas Co. (Civ. App.) May 1,
ville, 181 S. W. 10515, Gnlile Co. v. Nolte (App) Feb. 1916.
v Henry Bickle Co. v. Hul'faker‘s S, 11ml. Hutli v. Huth (Civ. App.) May 1,
Adin‘x, 186 S. W. 474. Swift v. Insurance Co. (App) Jan. 1916.
Illinois Cont. R. Co. v. Evans, 186 17, 1916. Jackson v. Walls (Civ. App.) May
S. \\'. 173. VVanipler v. Ateliison. ’l‘. & S. F. 11'. 1916.
Illinois Surety Co. v. Hendrick. R. Co. (Sup.) May ::l, 1916. Jel‘l‘ress v. \Vestern Union Tel. Co.
185 S. \V. 112.7. (Civ. App.) May 10, 1916.
Louisville & Ski.) R. Co. v. Thomas, TENNESSEE. Johnson v. Masterson (Civ. App.)
185 S. \V. =1. , _ , _ , April 21, 1916.
Mason v. Fuson,186 s. W. 391. A31ffi‘emgllsfigp‘es‘ 00' V' FOX' Johnson v. State (Cr.) May 10,
Mills v. Lantrip, 185 S. W. 514. "' ‘ 1916.
Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York TFYAS Kiol‘t’er v. Keough (Civ. AppJ)
v. Spohn, June 13. 1916. “ ‘ June 9, 1916.
Noel v. Harper, 186 S. \V. 503. Abernathy—Rigby Co. v. McDougle, League v. Bi'azoria Co. Road
Pittsburgh, 0., C. S: St. L. R. Co. Cameron & Webster Co. (Civ. Dist. No. 13 (Civ. App.) June ‘.’,
v. Collard’s Adm’r, 185 S. W. App.) May 17, 1916. 1916.
1108, Baker v. State (CD) May 17, 1016. McDonald v. ZEtna Life Ins. Co.
SWitt Coal & Timber Co. v. Lew— Barger v. llriibaber (Civ. App.) (Civ. App.) May 25, 1916.
is, 186 S. W. 479. May 9, 19113. Peil v. Warren (Civ. App.) May
Barnliai't V. Kansas City, M. & O. 31, 1916.
MISSOURI. {217C0. of Texas (Sup.) 184 S. '\V. PeS7l719gh v. Moody (Sup.) 182 S. W.
Abritton v. Kansas City (App). Bergin v. State (Cr.) June 7, 1916. Pickett v. Michael (Civ. App.)
Albei's v. Moll‘itt '(AppJ Nov. 2, Campbell v. State (Cr.) June 14. April 28, 1016.
1915, 1016. Shirley v. Lainbertson (Civ. App.)
Carradine v. Ford (App,) June 6, Celli & Del Papa v. Galveston April 12, 1916. Second petition
1916. I BreWng C0. (CW. App.) March for rehearing pending.
Craig & Binks v. McNicliols Fur-l 30. 1916. 7 7 Short v. State (Cr.) April 26, 1916.
niture Co. (App,) May 2, 1916. yCity of Houston v. Scottish Rite Texas Glass 8; Paint Co. v. Reese
llildrltli v. \Valker (App.) June, Benevolent Ass'n (Civ. App.) (Civ. App.) April 26,1916.
17, 1916. l June 3, 1916. Texas Seed & Floral Co. v. Chi-
Keller V. Yzabal (App.) June 6, , Cole v. Knights of Maccabees eago Set & Seed Co. (Civ. App.)
llilti. i (Civ. App.) May 10, 15116. May 10, 1916.
Kolinle v. Paxton (Sup.) May 31, Commissioners‘ Court of Trinity Tindel v. State (Cr.) June 14, 1916.
1916. County v. Miles (Civ. App.) May W. B. Clarkson & Co. v. Gans.
P. M. Bruner Granitoid Co. v. 5, 1916. S. S. Line (Civ., App.) June 2,
Glencoe Lime & Cement Co. Commonwealth Bonding & Cas— 1916.
(mm) April 4, 1016. uzilty Ins. Co. v. Mreks (Civ.
Regal Auto Co. v. Old Colony App.) March 8, 71916. Appel—
Ins. Co. (App) Feb. 15, 1915. lant’s second motion.
In the f0/107t'lizg cases, relicarmgs llat'e been granted:
Armstrong v. Denver 8; Rio Dawson v. Flinton (App). Opin- Commonwealth Bonding & Cas-
Graiide R. Co. (App). Opinion ion film .1111]. 17, 1016. Granted ualty Ins. Co. v. Meelis (Civ.
' J filed Mzireh6,1916, Granted May Feb. 21, 11116. App) Opinion filed March 8.
"y 1, 1016. Harelson v. St. Louis & S. F. Ry. 1916. Appellee's motion grant-
'J, Bank of Jefferson City v. Ren- (App) Opinion filed Fell. 7. ed April :26. 1916.
terghem (_=\pp.). Opinion filed 1.016. Granted Feb. '_‘1, 19111. Pierce Fordyce Oil Ass‘n v.
’ Nov. 23. 1914. Granted Dec. 21. Sliawlian v. Shawlian (App). \Voodrnni (Civ. App.). Opinion
1914. Opinion filed March 6, 1916. filed Jan. 18, 1916.
Conley v. Chicago, D. & Q. R. Granted May 22, 1916. Self v. Coffee (Civ. App) Opin—
Co. (App) Opinion filed Feb. Strauclion v. Metropolitan Street lon filed May 3, 1016. Granted
1, 1915. Granted Feb. 27. 1915. R. CO. (App). Opinion filed May 24, 1916.
Davidson v. Hartford Life Ins. Oct. 4, 1915. Granted Nov. 22, Turnbow v. J. 713.7 Bryant Co.
Co. (App.) 132 S, \V, 29]. Grant— 1915. (Civ. App) Opinion filecl April
ed June 12, 1911. U, 1912. Granted March lo, 1916.
Missal!” Supreme Cmm‘ [uses transferred to Court M Home:
Davis v. Dawson, May 25, 1915. l Rueeking ConstJ Co. v. \Vithnell.
A4543 (v) (Reliexu‘ings Cont’d on page vii)

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fillssourz Court of Appeals cases transferred to Supreme Court:
.' Callahan Bros. v. Kansas City'Jolinson v. Dixie Mining & De— Minten v. Tootle-Campbell Dry
Stoekyurtl Co. \'elopment Co., 1:76 S. W. 332. Goods Co., 173 S. \V. 4.
Funk v. Kansas City. Jones v. Anheuser-Busch lirew— Smith v. Atehison, T. S; S. 1". R.
Holder v. Cllltlt‘SLCl', 162 S. W. ing 00. ’l‘ransferred June 3, Co.
702. Transferred Jan. 28, 1911. 1:112. Titus v. Delano.
Kansas City Coal & Material Co. Williams v. Springfield Gas &
v. Logan. Electriu Co.
Texas Court of Appealx Case's CCI’fl/lcd to Sit/irmzze Court:
Camp v. First Nat. Bank of Al- FI‘Ollf‘ll v. Southwestern Telegraph | Perry v. Greer (Civ. App.). Cer-
pine, Texas (Civ. App.) March & Telephone Co. (Civ. App.) 162 tilled to Supreme Court.
10, 1916. Certified to Supreme S. W. 4011. Rehearing denied Pye v. Cardwoll (Civ. App.) 179
Court. Jan. 8, 1914. Certified to Su~ S. W. 651;. Certified to Su-
l)unl)ar v. Texas lrr. Co. (Civ. prenie Court. preme Court.
App.) June 25, 1912. Certified to McKneely v. Armstrong (Civ. Texas Bank & Trust Co. v. Smith
Supreme Court. App.). Certified to Supreme (Civ. App.) June 26, 1912. Cer—
First Texas State Ins. Co. v. Court. tilled to Supreme Court.
Smalley (Civ. App.) Feb. 17, Nichols V. Galveston County (Civ. Watson 1’. D. A. Paddleford & S011
1915. Certified to Supreme App.) April 1:“», 1915. Certified to ((Jiv. ADD.) Feb, 11'. 1915. Cer-
,\ Court. Supreme Court. tified to Supreme Court.
, Afflicaz‘lons for [Profit of Error 10 [was Courts‘ of Civil Appeals fussed upon
by the Supreme Court.
American Construction Co. v. tom (1‘ ('(de'
Kleinie (8th) 177 S. \V. 1176, Atcliison, T, & S. F. R. Co. V. General Bonding & Casualty Ins.
May 17, 1916. llargl‘élvc (8th) 177 S. \V. 509, Co. v. \\‘aples Lumber Co. (lst)
Arno—CmOperative Irr. Co. v. May '31, 19113. 176 S. \V. (351, April 1.‘), 19115.
Pugh (8th) 177 S. W. 991, May Bankers‘ Trust Co. \'. Franks Greene v. City of San Antonio
31, 1916. (2nd) 178 S. \\'. 802, May 17, 19111. (4th) 173 S. \V. 6, June 7, 1911;.
Barton v. Cox (2d) 176 S. \V. 793, BI‘HZilC V. lllziylock (lll‘dl 177 S. Guarantee Life Ins. Co. v. Evert
Apr. 26. 15116. \\'. 1.35, April 19. 1916. (2d) 175 S. W. 613, May 31, 11111;.
City of San Antonio v. Stein. Brown \'. First Nat. Bank 01' Gulf Nat. Bunk \'. Johnson (8111)
gruber (itli) [szplit-ation of Corsimlm (31.11) 175 S. \V. 1133. 177 S. \V. 1000, May 17, 1916.
Steingruber] 177 S. \V. 10232, May 3111! 31. 1111);. Hall v, Dzu‘ison list) 170' S. \V.
31,1916. Brown V~ Foster Lumber Co. 612, April 19. 1916.
Commonwealth Bonding & 0215— (150 178 S. W. 787, May 3. Harrell v.11011nes (8th) 181 S. W.
ualty Ins. Co. v. Cator (7th) 175 151113. 28.”), May 17, 19115.
S. W. 1071. May 17, 1916. Brown v. Southern Gus & GuSO- Hooker \'. Elllilll ((5th) 176 S. W.
Davis v. Howe (7th) 1715 S. “'. 759, 1111e 13112.1“? (‘0. (3th) 176 S- “7. N0, April 19, 11116.
Apr. 26, 1916. 73:: Al)!“ 19. 1910. _ Houston llelt & Terminal R. Co.
llenison Cotton Mill Co. v. Me— Ilufialo Pitts’Co. V~ AldCl‘diCO (01.11) V. Burger (8th) 176 S. \V. 870,
Amis (6th) 176 s. W. 621, Apr. 21;, 177 S. W. 1011, May 21. 1916. Apr. 215, 11111;.
1916. Burlw-Slmmons Co. \'. Konx (2nd) Houston Lighting & Power Co.,
‘ lfilza. \'. State ['Stli) 169 S. W. 633, 173 S- \V. 537, Mill’ 24, 19W- 1910 V, \Valsli (»1th) 177 S. \V.
May 31. 1916. China-.10. R. 1. & G. R. Co. v. 10:35, May 24. 1916.
Freeman v. W. B. Walker & Sons Riltlil‘f‘fith) 177 S. W. 571. May lnlormitional & G. N. R. Co. v.
(3rd) 17:3 S. “1.1156. April 21, 191."). '10, 1911). \Voldert Grover Co. (6th) 176 S.
Freeman V. W. B. \Valker & Sons Clty Dr 55111 AMONG. \’. Stein— \V. 6121, Apr. :36, 1916.
(31rd) 175 s. w. 1.3;, 11:13, June 7, .:'ruber (4111) iniiiillctltion 12v Kruegel v. Murpliv & Ilolanz (5th)
1915. Cur of San Antonio] 177 S \V. 177 s. w. 1013, 111w 21, 1916.
Gulf. T. & gv.‘{7t. ((13. \'.{Diekley clilu' Maya”. 1911}. 1‘ t t (41) Lane v. Miller & ‘Vidor Lumber
(2nd) 171 _ _ 117, 1\ a 7, 0(0!‘ v. oopers as a 8 ti 3 . —‘ . ‘
1911;. y 171; S. w. 115, May 14), 1916. {#193,299 1‘“ S' w 100’ ADM
31111. T. & W. R. Co. V. Dickey Coleman v. Crowdus (2nd) 178 S. Ledgorwood v. Dashiell (4th) 177
(2nd) 173 S. W. 967, May 17, W. 58.1, May 17. 1311:. 5_’\\', 1010, May :1, 121m,
1916. Consolidated Kansas City Smelt- Liverpool & London & Globe Ins.
Ilutelierson V. Amarillo St. Ry. ing & Refining’ Co. v. SL‘lillltO Co, v.1.ester (8th) 176 S. \V. 602,
Co. (7th) 176 S. W. 835, April (Sill) 176 S. \’t'. 91, April 19, Apr. 26,1916.
0 if), 1916. 1916. Lummus Cotton Gin Sales Co. V.
Kirby Lumber Co. v. Henry (“11) Cooper v. Golding (6th) 176 S. \V, Furniors’ Co.—Op. Gin Co. (5th)
178 S. \V. 25;, Julie 7, llllti. 1113, April 19. 11116. 170 S. \V. 891. Mflv 3, 19m.
‘1 . Mt-Collum v. Dollar (7111) 170 S. liallam County v. S. H. Supply MCAllllS v. Gulf, C. & S. F. R. Co.
\V. 871%, May 31. 1916. (lo. (lst) 176 S. \V. 798. Apr. 26, (5th) 18»! S. “'. 3‘11. May :11, 1916.
Richardson v. Wilson (2nd) 178 8. ma. Memphis Cotton on (."o. \'. ’l‘nl-
\V. 5136, May 17, 1916. Det'atur Cotton Seed Oil Co. v. bert (7th) 171 S. \\7 2:09, May
’ \Riggins v. Post (3rd) 172 S. IV. llelow (2d) 178 S. \V. (507, May 1|I,1916. ‘
210. June 7. 1916. 31. mm. Missouri. K. & T. R. Co. of Tex-
Rowe v. Dyess (4th) 177 S. \V. Fordtran \'. Cunningham (8th) as v. Edwards (6th) 1711 S. \V.
521, May :1. 1916, June 21. 1.9111. 177 S. \V. 212. May 3, 11111;. (1“. April 11). 1916.
“’edgwortli \'. Smith (211(1) 173 S. Ft. \Vortli & R. G. R.