xt73bk16mf8w_765 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [608] Gideon Cornett v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [608] Gideon Cornett v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_67/Folder_16/11884.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_765 xt73bk16mf8w /
Ordinary no. 1065. Letcher Circuit Court.
Anderson Cornett, Admr. Plaintiff,
V9 General Demurrer
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, Defendant.

Comes now the defendant and demure generally to the petition
of the plaintiff herein for the reason that the same does not state
facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action against it.

Wherefore defendant prays judgment of the court.

A» ’K . // v
//%VZ ,A/L,‘—~» i/x/i/ez‘Lp/‘L .1,/2,4. a,
Of ccaZsei‘rot defendant.

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Gifieon Sornetfiis hemiuieeietom, eepellent, v3 Efifi E« Co“,
epoellee; yell Germ 151?, hoe ; in court of ipysals from
beecher Seunuya
r I o a” a I a
Re 9. Keeuoe, jeq.,
Giexh, Court of Appeale,
Sreehiort; iya
hear Sir,

1 ea returning to yea unuer Separate cover, by eXpreee
eeauheeflu toeay, the hreneoyipte of reoore an& evidence eni
epyelienoPS brief in the eheveuehyleé eeee, which you sent
me June 389‘wifih the uhaeheteuiing thefi you woulé charge me
with only the treneexipt ei record, ena nofi uifih the treme-
eriyt of eviaenoe and opueilanfi‘s brief.

1 am also eeheing you in the sage yeehuge epyellee‘s
typewritten brief, which please file on its receipt by
you an& eleee with the EGQUEQ and other hriefe. informing
me when you shall have aoue so, eni acknowleegihg the reoeipfi
of the reooré.

in eppeilehi’e brief enfl in fihe receré reference ie mafia
to a map which eeeme to have been mafia $02 apyellenfi by Z.E.
Lewis, aha was testifiee to by him. no such map accompaniee
the record whee you sent ii to me. An& 1 &0 not find on
your echeaule of ihe ease any reference to the filing of ihe
may. 1 am merely making thie ehetement in Grier that you may

 » umdcrstand why the map will not be with the recora when E
weturn it to youo I do not care anything about the may
ané if plaintiff'e counsel has failed to file it, K see no
reason for enlightening time While, under the rule of
. court. no receipt from Opposing counsel for copy of appellee'e
brief is necessary, as the case is not yet on the docket;
I am MBVQrtheloee eenfiing Juége Bearing, Opposing counsel,
3 copy of the hrief for appellee today, the receipt of
whieh I have askofi him to sign and mail to you,
:5 c or :':: ve It}; '33:"? ‘ 5. I -’
/’ / / // ‘ a ‘7
_ ‘ / )/’ ‘w __/
‘\ r ‘ 0k L2. ,4 (/
\\\\\:> hietrict Attcviey.
Copy to Juige 5amuel K. Kilroy,
Gouaeel, ;exiagtono E3.

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/ /‘ f/IIe/[flnufr/(I/ll. “' ' 2/ 321227 9 , .L’JLV
Gideon Cornett‘s administrator, apesllaat, v. 113 E. 60.,
appeiree; Fall Earn ifilr. Ho.“ ‘ 1; in Court of Appeals
from Latcher County
a v .- u o O
Eessrs. Lorgan e Harrie,
‘ «bf-A ... ....-. 1.: ’. “...‘
fiuuvruejb, Loavesuarg. Ky.
E herewith.hsna yea carton copy of brief for appellee
in too aboveustylea ease. .Affer you 3335 the trief. please
delirer it to Judge Fearing, take his receigt therefor on
the enclosed $1322, and mail it to ‘Le e123? of the Seart
of.aepeels in the enclosed stamped and aaersssea envelope,
advising me when you shall have done so.
I am returning the record to the 81332 today. sad sending
him the original of the hrief for filing.
If you have any comments to make upon the brief after
you read it. I shall he glee to hate yea write them to me.
tours vary tea 3. 1*
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(IA/fiyHAY/ZngQhwwmw4 ,./¢207/V/7?,-/?94, May 22, 1917
Gid Cornett’s Admr. v. L&N R 00.
Judge S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I have copy sent me of your letter of yesterday to
Mr. Harvie. Inasmuch.as you will probably not return from
Plattsburg in time to prepare appellee's brief, if
plaintiff files the record in this case in the Court of
Appeals in time to be an appearance to the fall term, I will
endeavor to prepare appellee's brief here. Therefore,
please forward to me the carbon of the transcript of evidence
which Mr. Harvie has sent you, and request him to notify
you, so you can notify me, or to write me direct, when the
appeal is perfected by filing the record at Frankfort.
Also, please have Mr. Harvie arrange with Cornett's counsel
to furnish us a cepy of their brief for appellant as soon
as it is prepared, with the understanding that we will
reciprocate the courtesy when our brief for appellee is
prepared. And when Mr. Harvie is furnished with a copy of
appellant's brief, he will please send it promptly/te~mewwu‘ 4
Yours very truly, 'idw p Y /
, vi . 7
W t° .Lfiiirfigfifiiissfifig: Ky. mm“ Airway-

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May 17, 1917.
_In_.r.§-,.silmit fiwndermson ,QQEl‘EEifiQE-Eiwhillm- ‘95 $4.32-...fliR- 0.9-
Judge S. L. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed please find carbon copy of Bill of Evidence
in the above styled case.
Yours truly,
w— XK/WM 1
Copy J. J. Donohue
Morgan & Nuckols.

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-‘7¢/7/4”/i/7/7+«/€}/~ Aprii 13th, 1917.
Mr. L. E. Harrie,
Whitesburg, Ky.
Dear Sir,
C rnett's Adar Vs L & N
Your letter of the lOth to Mr. Seargeant.
I do not recall any other witnesses than those neferred to
in your letter.
J. M. Lucas fxnm whom you state you have issued subpoena
is now extra gang foreman and you should make requisition on fir.
Seargeant for him. P. H. Piersall is now in the west, somewhere in
Okla. R. S. Stewart is traveling for some Cincinnati house.
Richard Riddle for whom you sent requisition to Mr. Seargeant
is now in the National Guards as a member of the Whitesburg Company
and on duty at Corbin, Kentucky. If you consider it of sufficient
importance I presume it will be necessary to take his deposition.
Yours truly, ..’.’”:if
W M.S. S.M.W. A.M.W. I blaaivAéént:

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 O ,.’L 3
, Also please notify me at once if any of the above named
former enployees have left tflo employment oftbe Company in
or or that I nay hLVE subpoenaes ismued for them.
Yours truly,
g/fi ,I, . .f ,
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 FORM l—Revised July, ‘909
Messages which are apparently unnecessqhygor that could be sen} by Train Mfgil. will be_transmitted.and delivered '
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 NOTICE TO TAKE. DEPOSITIONS. Printed and Sold by Paragon Printing Works, Beaver Dam, Ky.
mmonwe lth of Kentuck
7‘ 9136129011 cornea: Admr. 0f the eetgt’e. Latcher Circuit Court. ‘
o. Gideon Cornett deceased.
EEQQISOOfCOIflfibfiycde . . . Circuit Court.
_lml~_ Plaintifi‘;
Notice to Take Depositions.
Louisville and Nashville Rallroafi
Company__m_-__..w_ efendant.
Tl defendant, Louisville 8: Nashville Railroad Company .
Z6 , 7. ., e. V.

will take notice that, on the25d'2day OfFebrvarvl‘al'I, Mgr/#-
between the hours oflq ., ..._...o’eloelc...m..,. "4147!! . andso’clock.“Henngf...M., at the

:.I eff...,I,so.ns.,.,.S tors and, residence.,,... .A, . in Blackev,Kv

the Plaintiff will proceed to take the Depositions of witnesses

' to be read as evidence mPlaintif‘i‘s behalf in the above suit, and V
will continue the taking“ from day to day until eo7rnpleted.
This 30th: day OfFebrumM; é ‘

“HQ f? z :2 ”W flttorney.

 I I If
' mil/kM/ZZZ/%4M1H Plaintiff.
i Notice to Take Depositions.
‘ 7’ ’ /'0/7 g ‘
lg /. ........1..Defendant1.)
will take notice that on theflday of. W . . . , . . . . . . . 1. .1912 between the hours
of 8 o’clock a. m.. and 4 o’clock D. m., at theWW/gém W
%/W .1..1..inLetcher County. Kentucky.
the. 15¢;7/W%/ . , will proceed to take the depositions ofVV/W 1
/ ./I V ..:e w
‘ and others to be read as evidence in. «.V....z‘Wbehalf in the above styled cause.
and will continue the taking from timezto ti until completed.
This the. .’./Jggday ofglgefifl/ ...‘...191) ' V
By f@€ W/Z‘Muomeys.

 eff—”Wfl/ ~¥€/ .
a ’3‘" fl/U/ _9
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