xt73bk16mf8w_768 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [611] Ira J. Holiday v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court text [611] Ira J. Holiday v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_1/11943.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_768 xt73bk16mf8w ., iii/”0M, /,(/2%//1J 222 {gal Magma/fly”?
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. 411'; t :11:'21e;;.1‘-::: , Hazaarfi , Z'y .
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l.”:fio.g ”e333 Quarterly 6 curt, which is a suit fo recover WEB.
a5 fihe value of 3036 allogeé to have been 108% in firansifi be»

' i oex Blackeye (y; onfi 332336, 5y.

fisc- “Loni. ’v‘lezim «cm flog/5:1” 3 77119 3:1— 245990-413 con—-
toiming wooewa covering his inveetigotion of claim upon which
suit :bovo mentioned io based fio you herexith. As you will
Smog the Comwany is liable ior the loos of plaintiff‘s 50063
and vouoho? to oovcr will be foyvaraei juet as soon as you $5-
vioe me thxt the amount of the claim hao been vo?ified. 9here
13 nothing in iho mowers attached Showimg the value of ihe goods
vhioh were 103% boo, i take it, fit. Horvie can, without dif‘iu
culfiy. oatmin ihio informafiion either through plaintiff's afitor—
Bey or from if. Hollifloy himself.

”or your informatio: l fieoivo fio any that in coon;
of this kino claims ough fio be Gmoouraged to file fiheir claims
Wiih the Company's agent insteafi of rushing to an attorney‘s of—
fice juefi as soon as loss is ousiainoé. In that way money
will be saved for fiho patrons suetained the loss as well as the

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1f ‘1 O”! ;‘I'V'W" 7"':f'm

i .x. o M .‘.. .L.-..J. “Q-V- xi: .1‘
EOEIE 2113 ; ;ififlVITLE
ELIKILD UlLLUY, Jiflflmfif.

:;: pleiutiff e ates th;t the lefejflggt,
let, i. a: T _ l :5: .1:???1‘1711ifille '_7L‘r.fe,7,_‘:‘»;i:;: 3, 11“»: ff;‘f},;i;; , i c:- 1; e 1‘—
ycrution, ere tel, ergenizel :;i ::ietifik unier eri
“I Virtue o” the lei? SE LE: diet: of Kentueky, for
the yurieee 3? loinq ; busineee is 3 scene; carrier
end is new ongaflefl i: such engineee i; the state of
Kentucig and other fifitffls and i: it? cereerate ’
QEJC Rae meter to caitreet Lu: to by cegtreetel
With, :;5 t; rue uni be 3131.

Tingjalcrixti;if, :3;; f. €07Qlidagy Sfteimae
thgt the defegix t, Railrogfi Coupeny, is indettou
to him is the sum of 1J5.QO for goeis, mares onl
merchegfiiee delivered to it as a eonzex carrier for the
nurpeee of boinr carried by it from eluekge, 33., to
Hezeri, L;., Tor which he nail the defeuu;nt t”e freighte
t war; for“ :;C “Thicil thc; deifiuiisuit ‘feilned Lari lTLQlEECL CC
deliver to bin at legrl, If.,i“hioi goede, wares all
merchandise are reasonably Worth ti: eum of 3J5.0Q.

Filed Jul; 28, 1916.