xt73bk16mf8w_771 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [615] Oscar Spencer v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [615] Oscar Spencer v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_4/11975.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_771 xt73bk16mf8w EAlnEY FAA/{JFK 'ON 1 JESSZ‘MOR’SA!‘
Atfurnvgtx at 1" 21111
H A z A R D , KY
October El, 1916.

Hr. Samuel H. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky. '
Dear Sir:

RE:— Oscar Spencer By, etc. vs. L & N R R Co.

We acknowledge receipt of yours of the llth enclosing
original statement from Oeear Spencer.

Yours very truly,
"'73? . ,

Elli/271m fl/‘I7W/s4/ {fl / 41/114145 7: ., w; ,7 , a,

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as we h46fi9fib a gledfilhc kuoang Samai UAQLH. muCT@;GEC,
i fihiflk yam Shoulfl at Ehe fivgfi ecflvarianfi onwaftuuity so—
cure utefienextg from the fiecfiian mvm fiorking wifih TsfieS 3f
V. L: . .. r V, n a! p .../v.5» =.‘.”, : .‘: ‘._ .0- ,r . . J.:. .2.
Lhw ;lma a, ;L;& flCGlufigu gab aLbo ;SAi LNG eng¢se crew
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:rcm whiCL 1t 13 allfihfih “a: lump 0: gag; lul$ ;;0m nne Lem-
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GET. @110: we be suggGSL Lu“; LE uzgifib rucEC Suabemeuu,
‘.'.. ..’: x .. a. ."' “ 1 1" m" ": Chan—.- ma— L2,.- . , ,:.: . JAM“;
at: .2 8,1“ 333 37:02:31 {31.0 370 G. ELIOLLic 2'.-flu»! :1;3: cut} fifiC‘ui 3‘13 SflC‘l’} i,i;

‘ » (3. b. 3;. - 2
...A , ,. ., .L . .l. ‘." , " r s, ~L ,.7‘ — .— . ‘ ..
the; Jifi “0s acuice hOu tne Coal on the usndec was ioaaea,
and by fihe traln crew fihat it wag @30terly loadefi and fihe
tr&im prudently handled. In this comnection, befoye inaer-
Ash, H _, A 4.5 ,- .o _s - ”..L.: _, V ,‘ ; .~, m
;dn4flg Lo Juaa Lnls ;nvesbl syson, please fiuafl u.L.O.& s.
m H ‘ .-‘«- - ,M, A . r: 1‘. .2, I: ~.- 3- - ,
~.w.wa. w. viaynuarne's ;flm:., 189 ~.s. 90c“ if you 4133
..5' ; "‘.‘. 4. . .. ,. $ .. . ~ , . m .7 ..:?J.‘ “..':- .. -" .~. -
shun wbbuS was uflmarrled s33 less no ”ssc or Chliurefi surv1v~
ing’ him, 02‘ 1‘.}16327‘ 03.? ;“.-:712229'7“ 3;:-'33‘:?::;?.:‘~;::11;,7 17:3'{;c7=::=<7:17'b-3d in his
life, please confiucfi each invetfiiyflzifin 33 will (3 E10 us to
Show fihat the feae?:1 as: apwliss, as 13 this way we may be
able so Ei:”oua a! the nsw euifi an a Quéstion 0? law.
fignaym heyewifih ratuwnefl.
“Fr" ‘3 “'~‘"; '- "'-'V"1 ‘1‘
w ‘J‘Ls _f s“ L‘ .L {’11‘}? ’
M/pzm/J/ /
Chief Law Agent.
21'1“. 5:31., Ii", .: iii-2011 , 213011115731 ,/
Lezziz’sg‘tmw S: ~~ ~35: 12' :':-13:71] : 77 .C.?) . ,
Leziigfien, feafiucky.

. 0020;: 1.1, 3.??‘1‘1.
. iforfln's. :‘:. slirczolfi , .»‘fi: 137"»,
:‘lzlii/Lé'.;l‘('} 3 .:./.1 7e .
Hitlsrien; Uses: )i-mnccr by, etc.‘ V.. I; 83; if.
."_:.1.:':'.'.">:1"‘i.:=L.'-i ,‘fifilllffi 23:2.“ th= (51th in? t :v't‘ta I he 2271:7112}: head
. 1 1h: Q:”'i’fl!"t.1 {1'522‘1‘Ejg’l‘3ill? 1:51;»; (Em; =12 121-21.: _ ‘2 in
_'.19.. 1%”1‘1.‘ :.;';»:::"v ;.:.;~ off the "3:21:21 .‘.;‘1..'.:‘.;:*::i:.
Flo" '-:> (3:3..5'v‘::§.'&‘.7.:'.jf {;3.‘i.$: $335.7; v) the: t
r-r ...J... - x
:,3.‘-.3.:..7' >"’/"_:.C“I‘ZE-‘ '._,‘ :’:: 7...“; 13:111..
' :-' .‘.";213’,
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I (3'377'W'e’? .

7’ Afiurnvgs 3’: 31111111
/6/ -.. _’.' ‘_‘, I 7‘
.C , October 9 1916.
.. /{ :
MT. 80 ENE. TY'IYVri 18011., ‘
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Oscar & Thos. Spencer v. L & H.
We acknowledge receipt of yours of October 7th, re-
ferrin to these cases wit enclosures as follows:-
g ,
Gabon copy, letter Mr. Donahue to you, October 5th;
Telegram, Mr. Landrum to Hr. Donohue, of Harch 27th;
Letter, Mr. Lsndrum to Mr. Darren, April Both;
Carbon copy, letter Mr. Seargcant to Mr. Phelps,
March 2nd;
Letter, Mr. Jarren to Mr. Donohue, February 27th;
Letter, Mr. Landrum to Mr. Warren, rebrusry 24th;
Also the following statements;--
3. L. Graves, 30nductor, E. C. Reeves, Flagman,
L. A. Fuller, Brakeman, R. E. Talker, Braneman, E.
B. Robinson, Engineer, 0. L. Stevens, Fireman,
E. S. Lutes, Concrete Foreman, Oscar Gentry, con—
crete Laborer.

f The statement from Oscar Spencer referred to in the

3, letter from lle Landrum to I.Ir. "-..’arren of Rpril 25th, is not

i\ with the statements sent us.

» We note that it”is Hr; Donohue's idea that he does
not encourage making any settlement of these cases unless
purely nominal terms can be obtained, and we will so advise the
plaintiff's attorney.

Yours very truly,
LAN / mm / (p ,
/ ,

 "' .’. October 7, 19159
‘ Hesors. Morgan & Nuckols,‘dttys.,
_ Razord, Kentucky.
H xxuith oloaso note oooy of a letter of the 5th instant
from Hr. Donohuo, AUHiStaHt District Attorney, in roSETG €3 the
' “rooosition for rattlement of the two Spencer cases in the Perry
Circuit Court, and I also attach hereto all oi‘tho papers which
aoxomuaniad Mr“ Eonohuo‘s letter to men Pl aso acknowlooge row
coipt of theme ;nclosuxos and oarefiully oroflorvo some in your file.
From £39 Ionohuo‘s letter, it will be Haen that ho doas
no: onoour go the ifloa of nzking any settlowont oi fihwso cases
unless purely nominal torus can be obtriuodo
Very truly yours?

 October 7, 1916..

J. J. Donohuo, 33.1.,
assistant District Atty“ I; 3311 I; (30.,
Louis vi 7.1-:- , 253/ .
"Boar Sir: V
A line to EiCkllOVfledfi-fz yours of the 5th instant, with .
enolosnnas, in reference to smite. in 20331:; Circuit Court of
Decor 6136311093.“, by :E'nga v. .72. 55. II, and 91101113153 Spencer v. I. d“: 3:3.
I an advissing Morgan 5?: 1311015013 in conformity with yam“: letter
nova-3 also trsnismittefi to the:.1tho o;.-i.g;:i;ri:.>.l pap are annoimd
to your letter. .
117313;; t 1111;? grows},
C 01111 sol .

E. : ’3;?j i§~ {/”',27 . . any . ,/C/7) ,2 , /c/g,/,) , // ;..)111:,2, Axl_~13.;t.‘ué.lrs.u
5 _ I »~—: 4 ‘:' - . - ’, V ..v ”.5.-‘:. 1 s 1 (1 1:: I. 1 4;. ‘;11- ‘
‘- ..'. ;v . - -. \'.L . ”_'; , J.:.. 1% ‘~. xJ.».u.-,_\. ..L'I.’J.1.\/44. abut), ,1“. win-'.1 a sh. QUOHLL
:1:? ,:_ f;.:‘...~y_ _I . 1.» :1, .l (Ll- ',- 1px. ‘,I J_‘, 1.511.114.
[Lilia “- a; 5' 13"!) ‘ ‘VrtlfLUJfljljig; .'.l'. 3:13.11.“ 31.0""? .'.1.) Q'L’il‘
nu" "(VV‘—awrt-l-xqw‘ .7 " .'1" T l. 1“: t'l‘ ‘1 ""1 .- l"- S“' 1 ‘v"‘7 “."' W " \’~ " . ’- ‘ A
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meflf‘x'MML‘ V , 1“...”v, L-';s.'.. ~,_:..l:-’, L11-:£;~-.: u". p.121”, Lanai; .«2-“,.: \«lJ‘L‘L-ull {.10
UH' .11: . J. .(u 11A, L ‘ .'L JAE-\Jit ..uL ‘» “1.1L L ‘.L “>111 lion; , cum ‘.'-11:35: 5.1;. ;.L
.::..__+‘, “m..“, 1._: _ ,',._1_ ,. ,-.. V ...1 \,,»,,A . v. .»._-- ,. 11_ K
~- ”A s" LU 5 171-51! r11. ".H. Uighur. i;_y L, .‘La: .J.‘.Ill.i|;- w l‘..{.‘;.‘ ().L_1.lk.:8 .L i;g(.‘i(1.Liib 1111-230
s. , a 1
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Gill}: 5
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V k)l.l.1.tfit...’-o

,4 _/ ,
‘ Aftul‘lu‘gfi :'rf 753371? 3 f I
‘ HAZARP, KY”: -'
iii : “".» If, .
‘1 Sept. 30, 1916 .
Mr. s. M. Wilson, / _ fix;
Counsel, L & N R R 00-,
Security Trust Building,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Oscar Spencer by Next Friend Vs
L & N Railroad Company.
Thomas Spencer (Father of Oscar Spencer)
Vs Same.
On to-day the attorney for the plaintiffs in these
two suits told us that his client was wanting to leave this
State, and for that reason was anxious to have these two
cases settled.
' He proposed that if the defendant would pay the
/€’°‘“ Mel. (‘:’/LL
sum of $150.09’in full settlement, this amount would be .
accepted and these two cases dismissed at the plaintiffs'
If you will refer to Mr. Warfield's letter to you
WMQiof Sept. 15, 1916, a copy of which was sent us, you will
find the only report which we have on these cases.
Yours very truly,
N/H x/5:2Z2Z2?:;?L¢LA“ A " N V'
Elk/(J.. .Io ' - ‘.':'.V,‘\ I -
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{Ix/ww.).//i%%/%gW”n him/waflg/Jz/ September 13, 1916
8 4 9 9 5
Oscar Spencer, by, etc. v. L&N R. Co.
Thomas Spencer v. L&N R. Co. , Perry Circuit Court.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I have read the copies of petitions in these two
cases covered by your letters of September 8 to Mr. Moorman.
Mr. Donohue tells me he has forwarded to you the
investigation papers. He thus summarizes the facts in a
memorandum he has made to me:

"The facts in these cases are that Oscar Spencer,
probably twenty years of age, was employed in an extra
gang working near Hombre. On the day of the accident, the
gang worked only about ten minutes, returning to the camp
cars, on account of raihp where the laborers had dinner.
Spencer lived near Hombre, and, after dinner, decided to
go home. He walked a short distance north, on the side of
the main track, and then attempted to cross between two cars
in train No. 50, which were standing on the main track. The
train moved back Just as Spencer placed his foot on the
draw—bars, it was caught between them, and several of the toes
were broken."

Of course, the facts are very different from the
allegations of the petitions. On the facts it would seem
this case is not to be distinguished from Brackett‘s Admr.

v. L&N R Co., 111 SW 710 and the cases there cited; Age‘s
Admr. v. L&N R. Co., 148 Ky. 224; Koke's Admr. v. Andrews
Steel Co., 149 Ky. 650, and cases there cited.


In the petition in the infant's case, on page 4 of the
coPy you send me, it is alleged, "plaintiff says that twelve
months has expired since the accrual of his cause of action
herein." I suppose the pleader meant to allege that twelve
months have no: expired, but he has not done so, if the
copy I have is correct.

I notice it is also alleged in plaintiff's petition
that his injury, among other things, is "annoying." As
I wrote you several days ago in connection with another case,
I do not think the fact that an injury is annoying is an
element of damages. (L&N R. Co. v. Logsdon, 114 Ky. 746),

Yours very/truly, / '
/yx ”:/}471 ,/1‘ ,. _ - Leim,r“”
District Attorney. ‘

0y Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, I

Attorneys, Hazard, Ky.

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The plaintiff, Oscar Spencer, by his father

, and next friend, Thomas Spencer, says that he is

under twenty—one years of age and is a resident of
Perry County, Kentucky, and has no guardian, curator
or committee known to him in this state, and thatthis
plaintiff sues by him as his next fiiend; and that
Thomas Spencer is a resident of Perry County, Kentucky,
and is over twenty-one years of age, and is free from

The plaintiff says that the Louisville &
Nashville Railroad Cenpany is a corporation created,
organized and existing under and by virtue of the
laws of the State of Kentucky, and in its corporate
name, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, has

' power to contract and to be contracted with, to sue

and to be sued.

The plaintiff, Oscar Spencer, by his
father and next friend, Thomas Spencer, for his
cause of action herein against the defendant, says

 that he on the __ day of February, 1916, was doing

labor for this defendant at hts special instance and
request in Berry County on its railroad track near
Hombre Station, and that his labor consisted of his

doing the acts and things necessary in the construction
of a concrete culvert for defendant company‘s railroad;
and that on the day and date aforesaid, he was doing
labor under the direct orders, supervision and control

of defendant’s agents, foreman, hired hands and employee,
superior in authority to him; and that while engaged in
said labor he sustained injuries on said day as will
hereinafter be set out. He says that this defendant,
through its foreman in charge of said work on said day,
ordered and directed him to do and perform certain

labors incident to the construction of said culvert, and
defendant, through its foreman, directed plaintiff to
cross its said railroad track to do and perform said
labors, and he says that at the instance of this defendant,
he undertook to so do, and in carrying out its orders, he
was forced and compelled to cross said railroad track;
that at the time he started across said track, defendant,
through its employee, had upon said track and was Operating
thereon a work—train, and defendant company's engineer in
charge of said train was looking directly toward him
when he started across said track and was yards
away from him; he says that at the time he was crossing
said track he was Within the scope of his employment
and under the orders and directions 6 this defendant
cempany; and he says that the engineer in charge of
said train caused said train to run with so great a


speed on said track toward this plaintiff that he

could not get off said track before said train ran

up to him; that said engineer could have seen this

plaintiff in anple time to have stooped the train

before it reached plaintiff and could have, by the

exercise of ordinary care, prevented plaintiff’s

injury; but he says that through the carelessness and .

gross negligence of this defendant company, said train

ran over plaintiff’s right foot, thereby bruising and

lacerating the flesh of his foot and also breaking and

crushing each and every bone in said foot, thereby

injuring plaintiff both internally and externally.

He says that defendant‘s carelessness and gross

negligence aforesaid were the direct causes of

plaintiff‘s injury, which injury is of an annoying '

and permanent nature and has greatly lessened ,

plaintiff’s power and ability to work aid earn money,

and, from the nature of said injury, it is reasonably

certain that he will never be able to work and earn

money any more during his natural life as he did before

he sustained said injury, to his damage in the sum of

Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, which amount he

believes he ought to recover from this defendant

therefor. _
Plaintiff says that defendant’s carelessness

and gross negligence, as aforesaid, were the direct

and proximate cause of his injury, which injury is of

a painful, annoying and permanent nature, and which

has caused plaintiff great and exdruciating pain and

mental anguish, and, from the nature of said injry,
it is reasonably certain that it will ever cause
him great pain and mental anguish for the remainder
of his natural life, to his damage in the sum of Five
Thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, which he believes he
ought to recover of this defendant. ,

Plaintiff says that twelve months has
expired since the accrual of his cause of action

I herein.

WHEREFOEE, the premises considered, the
plaintiff, Oscar Spencer, by his father and next
friend, Thomas Spencer, prays judgment against the
defendant, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company,
for the sum of pen Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) for
compensatory damage; and he prays judgment against the
defendant for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00)
for punitive damage. He prays for his costs in this
action eXpended and for all proper and appropriate

§;_fl}Na ier.
Attorney for Plaintiff.

The affiant, Thomas Spencer, says that he is
the father and next friend of Oscar Spencer, and that
the statements contained in the above and foregoing I
petition are true, as he verily believes.

Subscribed and sworn.t0 before me by Thomas
Spencer, this the _~_ day of , 1916.

Filed 63/4/16. mm.

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