xt73bk16mf8w_775 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [619] C.S. Wells v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court text [619] C.S. Wells v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_8/12079.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_775 xt73bk16mf8w - Form '2
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 I WOOTTON 8. MORGAN 9' ..‘-ii»
‘ Attorneys: at E2111:
September 15, 1916.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
C. S. Wells v. L & N R R 00., Perry Quarterly Ct.
Yours relative to this case received to-day.
The case was tried on yesterday and the trial resulted
in a verdict for the defendant. So we can say we have
won one personal injury case. We are not advised as to
whether or not the case will be appealed to the Circuit
Yours very truly,
/i7 ' _ ,
..rl/jyzi‘w/fl g 4 '
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7(“”;N/fi/C/’,§’”,H -.f/zém/éfjayg Sop't run 1915
C.S.Wells v. L. & N. R. Co. Perry Quarterly Court
' fix / 1 M
Hon.Sam'1 M.Wilson, ” _
Dear Sir:-
Roterring to your favor of the 8th 1nst.enclosing capy
of petition and docket report in the above caao.

A: the time necessarily is short we will have to be con-
tent with information contained in Mr.Sargeant's file relative to
the accident in which plaintiff was injured. That file is handed
to you herewith.

If it should be determined not to make an effort in good faith
to defend the case in the Quarterly Courthleaso have plaintiff's
testimony there preserved so that in preparing tho case for the
Circuit Court we may have the benefit of that testimony. do do
not want to pay this negro unless forced to do so.

' Yours truly,
Jim/w 9 . ‘Asmefi 651%?" attrition? "

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Lear Sir:
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, vs . L o: l»; _»~; g; o . , libbeld‘ riled. in the Perry aha." early
Very truly yours,
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’ -"’ ( _C; .0. ii I )
C. S. WELLS 333253233.

The plaintiff, C. d. Hells, Says thgt the Louis-
ville and Moshvillc Railroad Cempeny, is a corporation,
created, organized and existing under and by Virtue of the
laws of the Stito of nentucky, qflfl in its corcorate nene,
the T20 i 11“; o; .L-Lfi'lilifille 17.5.1 1306:31le {'_goigngrijgy, it has power
to contract and be contracted with to sue and to to sued, an.
that it wee e corneretion acting and doing business in the
aforesaid Lane on the doy end dated hereinafter related
and long orior thereto.

The plaintiff 3. S. Tells, for his cause of ac—
tion herein, says that on the 4th dey of August, iglo, he
wen doing labor for this defendant at its soeciel instance
and request on defendant railroad track and in the year just
below Hetcrd, Perry County, Kentucky, on Esta date, he says

8 tnet his labor consisted of his laying snitch ties in de-
fendants said railroad yard, and thit while engeged in said
labor, ind thile acting within the scepe of his emcloyment
and under the direct contract of this defeaisnt its agents
end employees superior in authority to him, he was ordered
and directed by defendants foreman to place a large switch
tie, 16 feet in length, eight by nine inches reigning five
hundred pounds, upon top of other ties Tith WgS on 5 Even
oar, thot defendant directed him end onother employee to do
weid work, and that while he was carrying out sgid orders
end doing the things and acts to was directed to do, said
tie fell upon his left thumb end thereby out, lacereted and

 . .

bruised the flesh of his thumb and broke and tore loose
the nail on said thumb and broke and crushed the bone of his
said thumb, and that said injury occurred on the dat and
date aforesaid by reason of defendants negligence in failing
to furnish him a safe promises upon which to do labor and
safe appliances with which to lo labor, and also by reason
of defendants o :;lessneos and gross negligence in failing
to fusnish him with sufficient help to do eiid labor with
safety to himself; that defendants know or could have known
by the exercise of ordinary care and due diligence that the
Jenner any way in which it directed him to do said labor
was hazardous and dangerous to his life and limb, and it
knew that it failed to furnish hin ith sufficient help to
do said labor in safety to hinoelf, and th;t defendants
carelessness and gross negligence as aforesaid was the direo
and proximate cause of his said injury which injury is of an
annoying and pornsnent nature and from the nature of said '
injury it is :easonaby certain th t he will never be able
to do and perform labor any more is he did before he sus—

‘ tainod said injury, which injury has lessened his power and
ability to tork and earn money to his damage in the full
and just sum of $103.00, which ho believes he ought to re—
cover of this dlfendant.

I he says that defendants carelessness and gross ne-
gligence as aforesaid, was the direct and croximate cause of
his said injury and by reason thereof he was totally deorived
of doing or performing any hind or character of labor whatso—
ever, from the éth day of August, 1916, until the day
of , 1916, covering a period of days and that at
the tine that he sustained said injury he was working and
earning $1.40 per day and by reason of his loss of time

 I I
aforccaid he sustained damage in tho sum of $64.00, which
(i.. . _ J. i I - ._,- 1-‘ ., .:‘ .:. .1, , ,. ,.'} J.‘; - .- . .0... . :1 ‘._.;
imouao no colisves co oagot Ob locover oi onlS udiuu1&xu,

Es says twelve months has not clapse_ oince
accrual of his cause of action heroin.

YESREEORE, the premises considered, the plaintiff
C. S. Yolls, prays juigmont ogiiust tho iefondant, lotio-
Villa and hcohville icilroad Company, for the sum of $100.00
for oompcncatory damages, and he prays judgment agiinst
the defendant for the sum of 534.00 for hio loss of time.

He prays juigaeflt for his cost in this action ex—
bcnicd $31 for ail protar relief.

( Q1“) 0 . :7. ;:_;311333,

Tho plaintiff ;fld affiant, C. 3. 7olls, says that
the statomcntc cont;i;oi in tho above ;:i forcfioing petition
133 true as he verily calicves.


Subscribed end sworn to before mo by C. S. Tells,
this tho flay of Auguct, 1916.

Ho. 153.

( Stile)
Filed in my office, Tax poii, Ono summons and one copy
issuod this the 17th dgy of Aug. 1915.

(Signed) lanai :ornett,
C= 99 Q. C.
C. *. Japior, Attorney for Plaintiff.