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"WOOT TON & MORGAN f ~~ ~1../:.’. «.,. «f
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Atfuruvgs at *Lu‘m -
October 14, 1916.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Rllz— John Galloway vs. L 8: 11 E: ii Co.
Ye are in receipt of yours of the 15th enclosing
certain correspondence and Statements in the above natter,
also cert in preliminary motions, demurrers, and an answer,
in this case, for which please accept our thanks. He will
follow your instructions in filing the pleadings.
Je also note that you want the plaintiff's deno-
sition, as if under cross—examination, as soon as the answer
is filed. This we will attent to.
These papers Cannot now be filed until the next
Rule hey, the first nonday in movember.
Very truly yours,
/ , /-
/7/#/Yflfl}z /V ///((/C {#64, ,/
LAJI/ $11252 /

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333? Sir:

I acknowledgzc with much '23')p1‘ac}.z.ati0’11 your valued iavmr 01'
it: 11th :'Lnsstrzmt (your file EEO. 86474.) in rcfertgnce‘; to thi; (5:1:352‘111
Parry Circuit Court oi John L) 3.101‘.’€L;7 v. .z; R Go. You Lit-3V“, in a
yuan-111.311; subjected 13hr; 711i’:i!1‘uiif?i§ ”5.31:3 $1011 1'30“»:315113 Bobbie -‘:iurus:
would Hall a “critical disacmcti .11”, ‘-:‘ith tin 1":25121‘5 thm 'Ch’; Pl’zin»
viii" is. left very little g;,s;.;i;:z.,1f~' :;o sis-Lad 0a,. the minus; yam -0
.211”: all so good. that I into to 3.';221220 :‘./1,7 03‘ 1:112:21 for .1.... the: plain—
tJJ.“ <33.‘:£"L()rne:-2;,7 1.:in patch the thing. 12...». In militazzxg ;::;.1‘;..::.:~, it is
r. 2?:-sad ;:u;‘-;‘l;.7 Oi 51:1: :unitiofl :;GI have ;:..11171433-5 :..-u." I :-_:1-'_:.".'?.T; :10“: £231].
‘.0 malaria new. of it at this proyar ting}. '.L (:.‘-..';“L' .2131: .21.}‘1‘ing tnizt all
1.':.~'=::7~. c‘ocument S 01 {iii'enilul' Lixl‘iggin ‘.‘:hiuh mg 1.1;; 3:51;; night. .‘:sz :’ubjoctné
fit. the same “,zz'L‘ailex—tzz scrutiny. I

‘J'exy’ truly pram-x, ‘ L
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4‘ “unis: =55. .3..}.«3 , $1,].
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~ ‘ “Jory truly ,,'ours,
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meg“: 7 4
John Galloway v. L&N R. CO., Perry Circgit Courtffwmwy‘, g ._
...-... “ijé/ZZ /g .
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, '0/
Counsel, Lexington, Ky. v 4
Dear Sir,
I have read copy of the petition you sent Mr. Moorman
with your letter of Sept. 8.
The petition is a remarkable document. It alleges
among other things that "a piece of steel from said hammer
or 'T' rail flew into his left eye," etc. Construing the
petition most strongly against the pleader, the averment is
that a piece of steel flew fromflthe hammer which plaintiff”
himself was using. This fact seems 13m§¥ing the case
within Hoskins finger: R Co‘_, 167 Ky. 665.
It is alleged that defendant knew or could have known
by the exercise of ordinary care that the work was dangerous.
1.; But there is no allegation that plaintiff did not know or
i have equal means with the master of knowing of the danger.
_ltkseems to me the petition is fatally defective for this
reason.;;While there has been considerable modification of
the doctrine of Bogenschutz v. Smith, 84 Ky. 550, as
applied to fatal injury cases, I do not recall any case
holding that a petition is good when plaintiff has failed, in

an action for an injury not resulting in death, to allege
that he could not by the exercise of ordinary care have
discovered the defect of which he complains.

While it is indefinite, the petition seems to
complain of the manner in which it is claimed plaintiff
was directed by defendant to cut the "T" rail. Please

kpconsider whether or not it will be advisable to move to

E} flgffihave the plaintiff required to say in what way the "2" rail

“ if 6 should have been cut in order to make it safe. Inasmuch as
ithe accident seems not to have been due to the manner in
which the "T" rail was out, but to the flying of a sliver from
tygmhammer plaintiff was using in cutting the "T" rail, I do
not suppose plaintiff could truthfully allege facts showing
that there was any natural or proximate connection between
the manner in which the rail was cut and the injury.

Several times in the petition, in characterizing plain-
tiff's injury, it is alleged that it is "annoying." The
fact that an injury is annoying does not seem to me to
constitute the allegation of an element of damage for which

\ha recovery may be had. (L&N R Co. v. Logsdon, 114 Ky. 746).
Nor does it seem to me that the averment that the injury

‘\Vis of "a lasting nature" is equivalent to an averment that
plaintiff was permanently injured.

You will observe plaintiff seems to seek to recover
$10,000 compensatory and $5,000 punitive damages. To say

 , }
nothing of the modern trend of the decisions of the Court
of Appeals condemning the allowance of punitive damages
(Lam R Co. v. Wilkins' Guardian, 145 Ky. 572; South Covington
: & Gin. St. Ry. Co. v. Barr, 147 Ky. 549), it would seem
T3 there could not be any possible ground for the recovery of
r punitive damages in such a case as this at all. Y
1 I call your attention to the fact that the averments
in the petition as to amount of lost time are in blank.
If the blanks are not filled (and, of course, you will so
practice the case as to avoid suggesting to plaintiff’s
counsel that he fill them), any testimony or instruction
on this subject will be improper, on authority of Lexington
Ry. Co. v. Britton, 150 Ky. 676; Same v. Johnson, 139 Ky.
328, and Lunsford v. Hatfield Coal 00., 166 Ky. 119, 125.
Mr. Donohue, if he has not already done so, will send
you the investigation papers and any suggestions he has
to make. A
Yours very truly, ,"’ k
/; /""~- -~ , a ,.
Z »o f h " T
//7” 1\ fl?;,q I ,1 a l ,~ to
District Attorney.

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~/,//r?W-é/ f :9;9;’,’-,{;¢f,’,f7;,_,,,,,,‘ 7720/7/2773 ept . 11th ,1916 .
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel
Lexington & Eastern fiy. Co.. ’
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
Referring to your favor of Sept. 8th enclosing
COpy of petition and docket report in the case of John Cal-
lcway v. L.& N.R.Co., Perry Circuit Court, which is a suit
to recover damages on account of injuries sustained by plain-
tiff while in the serfice of the Company as a section labor-
\_§r near Hombre, Ky., Aug. 4th,1916, and following Mr. War-
field's letter to you of even date.
Herewith please find Law Agent Warren's report,
\ dated Aug. 22nd, with papers referred to therein. VJWiiiwytu
kindly instruction Wootten & Mbrgan as soon as our answer is
' ‘filed to give notice and take Galloway's deposition as if un-
der cross-examination.j> It may be after this has been done
you will desire to have/::2: additional investigation. If
so the matter will be promptly attended to upon receipt of a
letter from you to that effect. ,
Yours truly, ;
, Ghief Law Agent.

 , . 0, ,
{x », x ’ _,H
WINCHESTER,KY. Aug. 17th, 1914.
Fields v. Hon-Tomlinson_Co.
File #1253.
Messrs. Wootton & Morgan,
Hazard, Ky.


I am in receipt of yours of the l3th,advising
that answer has not been filed in this case