xt73bk16mf8w_781 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [625] Johnson and Wells v. L&N, Jackson Police Court text [625] Johnson and Wells v. L&N, Jackson Police Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_14/12191.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_781 xt73bk16mf8w November 8, 1916.
V M. Seargoant, Esq.,
Supt., Jastern Ky. Division,
. Ravonna, Ky.
Dear Sir:
' Receipt is acknowledged of yours of the 8th instant
(your File No. 2798) returning all papers in the suit in Jackson
Police Court of Johnson & Wells v. 3 & H E Co. I note that Hr.
Hardesty has eifootod a settlement of this case by paying Qilo25 '
’ to Chegtor Back, plaintiffs‘ attorney.
Very truly yours,

 , ////';n'1,/,‘ /‘}‘!vl fr," / ’,’/4’i “a; ,1; .3 .

smnsm?Jammmwtunmsrmtnmmwm m>mmma




Dear Sir;

I herewith return all papers in the above syled case
and beg to advise that I finally settled the above case by
the payment of $41,25. to Chester Beck Attorney for
Johnson and Wells; ’

' Yours Very Truly;
Stock Claim Agent.
Gy.e.zat.wilson, ‘ '

 // ' // Q” // /%’// // /"‘// ~
{Mg/(50%] [y 1,,/(M, IZ/g/[/ ,x’. /{IM//’{/fll/ V/fl/l/VI/fly
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6%(3; a/ i/zfi/a/(w/I/Zéi ZK/gfi/
{WWW/M 2// 17m . 8t}: ,1915 .
1.13. Samuel 1.;. ..'ilson,
Council, Lexington, 1;?.
3921" Sir ; -
I am. .‘:-eturning :':-.1.1 gainers , L‘I‘eiéj‘n 3 Claim
3,;-en‘s ' ::: i‘ile Luz-3463.94 , suit; 0 Johnson o'c ..’ells , i: 0
horse from Cynthiana to Jackg on, 1:;, , i. ovunbs 1‘ 912131. ,1915.
Loin: that i.frJiaj‘dest; 1:131:23 r11afi.e settlement
:‘Jit‘r; their attorney, Chester Back, 3,;-£1.25.
Yours: truly,
. a- 7 7
, 1,. k, . 1M
/ wum M11?- .fi
d—a 9

 ‘ . /C"‘ :1? 5‘:, //(.:
//' //Q” /”/ ///7D / g7. ~
..,.- f/I/J/I/fl {.II/11.x} Mn 1.- Mil/W ////%”/”%
67 Vl;”” ’ ,n‘ . ..
/%fi// 7527 5 ,. -
, (I'I/#72724. ZI/ October 25th, 1916.
Mr. Sam'l. M. Wilson, Counsel,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of
October 24th enclosing the Freight Claim Agent's file in regard
to suit in Jackson Police Court of Johnson & Wells V. 1&N R. R. Co.
I am to—day presenting the matter to Mr. Hardesty to handle as
requested by Mr. Donohue.
Yours truly,
, /;. ,”
' ///I//I , >‘ w /’ " "I I I: » //V


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Sept 6, 1916. ’3;!
If; I .
- , ‘" 2' /
Judge S.H.Lllson, W "
Lexington Ky. ‘ ” '
Dear Sir:- '
Find inclosed docket report and three copies of attempted
statement case in Jackson 301199 Court,
Ben Johnson and Bige Hells vs L.& H.
Yours trulx,
4 47774,»? 5.4.4.)
f ‘ —~ ’ J
WeWMo-mwwww mms-xwzgummumm‘mmnwu.w»xm‘ _?.M~\'hb“iuwwm . m-wA-rawu ..,.. “"’V‘vica 1;me“ “A.” :1... \
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xmwygamangmmmammdyumrx‘finwhwg»"‘.““nga: .: . . ‘

 .' ' Jackson Police Court '
Ben Johnson & Bige Wells Plaintiff.
vs/ Statement $40.00
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Defendant
‘ For damage to one hofse while in transit from

to Jackson.Kentuoky during the year 1915 th sum of @49¢00.
Chester Back
Atty for plffs. -

 , \(/// . ./g/ //1 yflf/ fl/ , 49/E7zj .// 7%7‘ .
,:24é;léj7tvéa;iZK-x/{/%ZA{;776%;”L /?Z£/§é%fl77¢ :26&a§AZaee§7eem«flnfse-
' . / ‘ {.:‘ 3"
* ‘ .,2 ’7
RavennatKentuchy&§ggg§pe£;§§h.1916. /
_ TO DATE. AND FILE NO. ‘ ' /,
1 Superintendent;
_ Building.
Dear Sir;

I herewith return all papers in the above syled case
and beg to advise that I finally settled the above case by
the payment of $41;25. to Chester Back Attorney for
Johnson and Wells; '

Yours Very Tru y: \\%{

I ,_ /&ZZ;

. ‘ took 0 ai' Agent. \_

LEXINGTON.KY. 4V fut-J] ‘L’ -; ’ “2’ .
J. ,,,L «,,., ,_ .
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(17'/’1'! Chill and Abkr'Jf/(YII, // '/ '//// , '//{ / q
thfinwfl ‘_./WYA1fl/ ,(;e {;fi,Cctober 30, 1916.
¥ :1va (I,IIIv/E‘I’éq/l/.4717”. //
f /; l/"l/‘J/I’l/l/t’.
’ Axs‘r (Iv/WY1"}‘1‘I:I//I/;ly/71/. IN YOUR REPLY REFER A _; V. n
[,73/(47,», ' TO DATE AND FILE No.L—.‘?'1«0,;_{J4_—L;)
I ['I'I'w'fy/I/ £71m” .11/I'll ‘I.
Are J. J. honohue,
Asst. JiStTiCt Attorney,
. City.
+ Johnson & Hello, Vs. LEN R3 Comguny, Jackson Police
Court, Amount -— $43.00 +
Dear Sir:—

Returning Ir. Moorman's letter of the 12th ultimo with enclo—
sures. Pieusc find Horowith my(:nti“e inventiqotion file coverinq thee
handling of shipment involux. in this; suit '.‘:hich consisted of ”.’.- mile/”colts
shipped in car LfiK-13091 by Y. M. Roberts to himself *Pom Cythiana to Jack~
son, licntucky, Rovcmblozx ".‘-1th, 123-15.

1111;; rgttleiz 17;;5 lrjaLlegi :.t 170:11rt (J? 0141/3111 l73' tlie Slni§n>01= IEOX'eItlJCE7
24th at 11.5.7 £2.21. onl 10'“; there :1 t 11./1.0- P.TI. in truii‘ :r'r’f‘vl, con-;luctor (I.I...

The ..;;on t at Cynthiana reports; these mule colts TIC‘K': only .’:”. or 7'
months 01;": an“; by not beinra; accurrtomefz. to each othcr whom place 7 in the our
the; were continually fifihtinf onfi kicking for onito a while after Beins

Ca]? arrive? at Porio, Iielltncky DIOVCMTEQP 94 th at ":- . 22’. P.1‘f. and

no . .1_ n .' , m .. ',‘ '. .,.,“,N .;‘L-‘. ~ 'V, ,,.. “‘. _I -.
lett there at v.30 P.¢. the some note in Llulu W75, confiicto; J. J. udVlhon,
no exceptions being noted in the Paris Earls.

nrrived at Winchester, Kcntucky November 24th at 3.29 P.¥. and
Forwarded at 10.80 P.H. sane date in train #89, coniuctor Gilnon, no ex —
centions being notefi in those yards.

Arrivofi at Ruvenno Hoveuher 33th at 13.?0 A.F.

Arrivcl at Jacnson the HQNC date anfl former oment P. D. Jameoon of
that station was present at the stock pens when car v08 unloolod and he
noticed that our actually contained 47 horse and mule colts instead 0? 44
mule colts as sgecifie& in the contract ana billing, and that one of the
horses had his hind leg skinned undxwus bufily swollen. In this connection

 \ .
Number - TWO
note his self-exnlenetery report detofl. l)0001;fl:>c:14 5th, 17315, 'gmrticulerly
w ‘ n.“ . ~. . :_ , ‘1 ., ‘ 1; . 1 . -.
the fact that hen Johnson. lilCL/i Claim For $40.90 to Pnprgsont :.,;awerqe sus —
taineil on this one horse colt while the actual Peerage war: estimatm‘, at not
b exceed $10.00.

Accmfiinm to the ill-Pulmext1011 on'teilmf; by the investigation this
shipment I‘GCGiVCxL no rough or unusual attention while in transit and it is
possible that the (Luggage susteincd wer; cause-i ”my the actions of the animals:
tlmmrselves. .

”£0111“; ”Emily,
fl fl ,
W7 u/
‘,'; ‘k" r/'/’/
3:791:335 Claim -msbalt
/"‘ r / . t
, /'

 FORM )1 8
/ , 7' < l/’ ’I’. 4‘ , , , Vfl’:, , ~ ’1“
Mum/491 I,./,4 ./ .. ~ m. 2/ u in // m. mm/ . ////%r//37/
, 5/
H flu / 'C/ /Q“ 2 » -
9.- ////M//” 7/11, K/flf/Z'fl/% jK/eriméa/r fiayé/fljr/nz/
WNW/w //'}'}'Ij//I/. ‘II/I’ll /. / /
77:/1.477(le ,/ ,7 7 1 ,»
[lb/II'I'rr/K'mr/(F fillet/fly”, / /// fl ' /
7"“ "‘”/wil ‘ kl ,../mun»? , fl; ., V
AkVWWfiflthm/ //Octobe? 20, 1916.
7f! 7220,1’01/111/
// 4J8.“ ”””7//."’,.'//’/“’.’/””/ IN YOUR RE PLY REFE R '
7.4? ”I'. TO DATE AND FILE N9. >
// ”via/II ////I);I,'(I/r'///. 1.1-346194‘IJS
Mro J. J. Benohue,
Asst. mistricfi Attorney,
City 0
+ Johnson & fiella,}V3. L&H ax Comgany, Jackaon ?Glice
court, Ameunt ~- 54$.GU +
wear Sir:—

Returnimg fir. Maorman's lettCE of fine 12th ultimo with enclo-
su?es. §1euse find herewith myeentlre igvestlgntion §ile coverlng tgg/fiflfif
han$ling 9f Shipment invulvei in thls su1t whlch canalsted of 45 muleAeelts
Shipped in ca? L&N-18891 by V. M. Roberts to himself fram Cythiana to Jack-
gon, kentucky, November fidth, 1915.

rhia steak was loaded at paint of origin by the Shipper November'
24th at 11.35 A.fi. and left there at 4.46 P.fi. in train #91, conductor C.L.

Eué Agent at Synthiana reperts these mule colts were only 6 or 7
montha old an& by net being accustomed to each other when placei in the car
they WG?G centinually fighting aué kicking for quite a while after being

~ Car arrivefi at Paris, Kentucky November 24th at 6.25 P.H. and
left there at 6.30 P.m. the same Gate in train #75, conductor J. J. nav1son,
no exceptions being noted in the Paris Yarda.

arrived at Winchester, Kentucky November 24th at 8.30 P.H. ané
.Forwardad at 10.38 P.M. Same date in train #69, canductor Gllpon, no ex -
ceptlons being noted in those ya?ds.

Arrivefl at Ravenna Navemhe? 35th at 13.20 A.M.

’ Arrived at Jackson the same date and farmer agent R. R. Jameson 0‘
that statlon was present at the stack pens when car was unloaded an& be
noticeé that car actually containefi 45 horae and mule colts lusteud 01 44
wule CDltfl as seccificl in the contgact and billing, and that one of the
,:. I *- i i . / ‘ . r1 .
horses had his hind leg sklnnei andflwas badly swollen. In thlo connectlon

 Murine 1“ - Two
noae big sglf-explanatory repert date£ Hecgmher 5th, 1913, particularly
the fact that non Johnsan filea claim f0? $40.30 to represent damage sue —
taincd on this 0&0 horse 031$ wkile fine actual Aamage was estimateé at mat
' h exceed $10.90.

Acaariing to tkc information obtained by the investigation tbia
shipmcnfi received 33 ?wugm or unugual attent‘wn while in tranait aufi it is
psgsiblo that the damage sustainad was caused by the acfiionsef the animals

- Years truly, .
Freighi Claim Agent

 /’ / // ,,,/H */
‘ \// -~ ///g/: ///// %€7f / /K , J,
_ «xv/147 / :/" (ZJ fi/l/J //(, flé/IWK/ ///%M;/
(a _ , /Z;’" _ /Oi' < ’ I
‘ /7 /// yK/y (/- > _ H
flzfifl/ Liz/Mé/WZwM/efi/Z
,i23;279¢7273539,/é3/¢ October 16th, 1916.
9 ”I
' 4?: $121 “ENPDLYF ‘ffé. 3-54 5
_ Mr. J. F. Seger, Freight Claim Agent, ;fll_
Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,
A: requested in yours of October 7th, file L-245194,
I am enclosing herewith a statement from Agent R. P. Jameson of
Ravenna relative to the handling of 44 mule and one horse colt
in L&N 18091, shipment covered by Cyhhhiana to Jackson w/b-239,
November 24th, 1915, Mr. Jameson being agent at Jackson at the
time of delivery of shipment.
Yburs truly,
/ // ,
L./ I *’ / /
Supegifi/endent. ‘

 1 . (if/W/éWfl/Wy/fl/ZZV/fiifll/ffl/fl/ flW%///% 'V
».uv..zz'-‘:‘~ r " " ‘. _ ' /
_:_w:;2 I:   V _ ‘._:L:W:":i:f
W, ,7 , ,, 1,35 7, @111, 3M6©wf d “___
Mmaafi2M¢jm ,,___
éwjm ewbvfifl Am MW _S? M_M_
Av/JW» 2/ iwgé/mn M flaawgg
MWW g M mmfifivgéé
«Waco/_:V/Li/ WAA #AA,/7flf3:o,- ®\¥va%~_~‘" _ fl

 ° ' 7/ FORM 30.
‘ (‘fl’l/YZ/////yl////j//%%/%W// flfl/wy
' WWW --- V anjy/j/fi/fl/l/i .. --__W/9ZW
. / ,
-m3 W
,_W -_ ..;WW ,WW-W-W-W W-_WW W72 bear Birg-
Roforenoe is made to your file mentioned above relating to the
' handling of 44 Mule anfi one horse colt in LfiN 13091, shipment covered by
Cynthinna to Jackson W/fi-BSQ, November 24th, 1915 on which suit has been
filed to recover allegefi loss of $49.00 on the one Horse Colt. Mr. N. P.
Jameson who was Agent at Jackson, Kentucky at the time this shipment was
handled made the Following exception:
"Checks one horse colt, has one hind leg skinned
and badly swollen uhout hook.”

The Agent at point of origin advises this shipment consisted of
colts $rom G to V montho old which had just been woonoé and not beinw ac -
customed to each other they foughfi uui kickcfl quite a while after being
loa$od in the our from which it appears that the damage sustained was
brought about by the action 0? the animals themoolves. NP. Jameson had
the our in question thoroughly inspocted afitrv'hoing unloaded and no fie -
footg were founa of ouch a nature as woulfi cause damage mentioned. As Hr.
Jameson made an examination of this horse colt at the time of delivery ana

afterwards, he ghould be in a position to say What caused the damome and

 ‘ 24' umbc 1“ - TWO
whether or not it was apparently due to the kicking of the other animals
and I wish yen would take up with him and secure a ccmplcte statement to
cover along that line anfl as the case is in suit I wish you woulfl tinfi out
exactly what facts he is in a position to testify to shoulfi he be called
upon to act as a witness in the Company's behalf.
Please give this special attention as the case is set ?or trial

at an early date, ‘

yours truly,

Freifiht Claim Agent.

 ' I . FORM 1049': x I ‘
Revised Novemhér, 100:;
‘ ’ OFFICE OF Ingram:
. W_m+_—I_;TZ__1924"
M r. _.7;?~____1;_#_’____WVWW_-_ ‘ .
__;______R#H_*__ caaim_;;__w,,--,,,.;_,,__;_;__
%_mw Claim;______________‘__
Siaimw*01a_imants ' ‘ > _M_
;j_____.____,W,VWfiiw;# fieference.._____w , . .._fi_#____.~
: ,1 W ‘ .
Dear Sir: ' '
' ’ Yours truly; ‘ '

 .\ .
. ’ FORM lf—Revised July, 1909 '. I ' " I _ '
Message: which arebappareptl:,tvhuuuefcessfirfi, oft thatduauld be sent bydTrainfMail, will be trainsmitted and . l .
TELEGPW dehxere ,prompt y, ut coplseze Reflux-1:085sw;ud gaggirMezxnégesx‘Pspgxl-gufir :3:. ngTransportation or attention. TELEGRAM ,
a c 2 .2; I ’ ‘ I .
' , . _ I '.' :1 g 11;: ,/ ’ » ' ,

 Ravenna, Ky., December 78th, 1315.
t .J
. Hr‘ Re P. Jameson. ‘
egent, A
“‘ Jackson, Hy. ' ‘
. Bear Sir:-
’ On DOCGTECT 33th T wrfifie you regarding the claim of Ben Johnson
' for one sorrel 3a1i d: Zed in transit in LAG 18091, covered by Cynthiana
' to Jnoioon vh¢~fill 773 of HQVw her 74th, and tolfl you to see if you could
make 3 iilonwrt with Jchfiecn for '7U.OG. fieu you now_edvise me that
?rc#rnsiy if (my: You try? been able to rake lookinfi to w settlofiont of
is" (:‘:-sag? ' ‘
- Eoure truly, »
‘ . . Stock Claim .I‘-gent. ‘
, k .

 ‘ .‘ ‘ X: ‘ l > 1
- j . ‘
‘ \ .
u \ ' h > '
' Ravenma, 1y., December 10th, 1915. ’
‘ ‘ / P¢O.erino, Hy»,
_'Lr. 1"1.: :7.» Jameson-v .
Replyng to your lotter'of 6th relative to the claim of
, Ben Johnson for one sorrel colt damaged in LEN 13391, covered by Cynthiana
to Jackson wayabill 2399 of Eavoihod 9éfiha See if you can make setfile—
1 . — :1 , m '1} _ u .. g _
, ment 11th Johnson for “EJQHO. 1? you came advise 39 and I W111 send check
“at we hue? as soon 38 you can ccmvenlently do so. . > 4
0. ;; Haréeaty
. 4
. ’ ~.. .
> . > ' I . ‘

 . Ravenna, Ky” December 10th, 1915,
:11: So“
Please note the attached papers from Mr. Jameson and advise whether
I shall handle this claim or shall refer it to I-Ilr- Segrer, the Eyesight Claim
Agent. “ ' 1’
. . " 0. 2.1.11. , z \7
" ‘. \. ‘ ' 1 I V.., I, ‘ ‘
\ '7 r _' if. I; \ , k - , _‘
" -. . \ ‘ I \ / .,f" 7 *1. ‘
_ f k. 1.. ~ -- 7 ‘ x ’ ' ‘
.5 .« ‘1 \'
... . - ~:\‘ 7 \,
. -7 . ,.. I . ~ __
‘ x/l ‘. v 9" .
7 . .'. ‘1.“ \.__. 3)

 ,.’- /‘///,)/‘/ fl «. V/fl)'7"/3”///’2 ////~/’/fi//// /:”/7////{//y,"
Mr O.M.Harde§3y Jackson Ky Dec 6th 1915
Stock Claim Agent
. Rave nna. KC] ‘
' Dear sir:-

’ As per our conversation a few days ago I hand you all
papers in the claim of Ben Johnson damaged to one sorrel colt
received in LE1? 18091 covered by Cynthiena to Jackson W/B 239 a
of Nov 24th - '

When this car was unloaded I was at the stock pen and
noticed this horse hdd one hind leg skinned and same was badly
swollen, the next day 251- Wells who was in charge of this stool:
rezluested me to come to Deaton's stable and look at this horse
again, I did so find found that both of the horses legs were skinned
You will note from the "gamers that the claim Was filed for Iii} 40.00
‘:‘ahicb in my judgement is excessive, if we are liable at all,I had
Hugh Needhaim look at this horse and he estimted him to be worth if
sound about £3,125.00 or I“; 30.00 this was a. yearling; colt and in my
judgement ix a. very common animl— I also had Mr Deaton who runs
the stable to look at this horse and he stated to me that he would
not make {:3 h0.00 difference in the price of this horse if he this sound
and in the condition that he was then in-

Kindly investigte this matterhfl the papers have to go to a,

, . ' . k“
the ‘. claim department return them to me as earltkas possible inAthat
the {matter mciyfiae delayed -

Yours truly
Cy to ELS. ,
I e/ 41371]! («I m\/
( nt

 hh4(%a774w,f¢c/_E afar/_L , «LLM/ZQ/Awéyédéw 'A

‘_Lflégdéyam‘flf/QM Lkvfi+fgébg®l

_ ("1 /4#L£_MVKL1__Z/%AA’MV‘ .,_ .___ ,,W—fi


 ‘. I FORK l—Reviséd'July, 1909 . , ' ' 1 - ' -' . ' ‘_
‘ . gtfififige; whichtilrebaxgpareiiztl3Zh1éunefes§fir%, oft thatdcecaultd be sent tbyd’l‘rainf'Mail, will be trait-lsmitgedtgnd / .
. - r -
TELEGRQM “we ”Pm" y' “ “°P‘s§eRuli°35¥;uaéefiéi‘fi’Mana‘éesri‘spéfié‘uiéii‘éi $017“£5P9“““°“ "at “m” . TELEGRAM, _
. " , Jackson 11’37 Nov 27th 15 . p .
‘ J G Easter 1 » p . » ' . ’
(lax Inspector . - . f ‘ -
, Jackson Ky ‘ 1 - ‘ .' '
P“ 3'31 ~ ’ 2 1 - ' ' fi— '
J- 1 53 1103:9801; 1.8111 3.8091~¢0I defects that could cause horse t04nl‘ipplea1 ,
by being 8111131113131 in this 'car- ’ l i ,'
I , Yours truly ‘ . »
’ ' R P Jameson 1
. ‘ _ 1
Agent -

 V. _ . ' FORM 1—Revised July, 1909 ,
. ' ' \ ‘ Me§§age$ which are appareptlyhuunefcesgary, or that could be seqt by Train Mail, will be. transmitted gnd
TELEGRAM dellvcred promptly, but .coplgzet3312085;ngdb:gaggirgieaiizsospggfigggg (lygllragsportanon for attentxon. TELEG R AM
Jackson Ky llov 27th »
R P J' .
Your letter at hand~ ‘ . ' ' . ' ' '
I have this day inspected L621? 18091 and. find no aefe'cts
that a. horse could injure his self- . .
Car in first Gales condition on the inside- .
. . . Yours Truly _ 3.
> K 3‘ G Easter 3 -
_ ‘ Car Inspector '

 ETWE’M, 5387137. iZF'éIfi :WQ'REI ? . :"§"~3?.e‘-J!;3ad 24‘ 7153 1938',
" 1: x, '2' 77 if:- r .7 *7 .'.‘ W15: <3 3“. .»:5' .7 11:31 '31}: =1: 7:“ {7:5 :35: 7:7 5:3. 5.2:. F
5,7 “M: *7 :77 77‘s“ :7 77 .7 77,7 %fW 7,. / X a 7 / 7» Z «3
. . ‘ ‘ ' 4,,77'41‘ “$_7? 51217733541333: 7\‘ {5235P777731’Qvfg'15€§£?j 17751735,7_17_1f¥i;~;;.‘;g gum 35.25.17. 71; "'7 732:7;a.s:€'.:l.,.-.,.,.- mu.-. .-.,...7729ri‘}. 7-3;:.;7,.cn~__.__-_w_... ”77...”.-.“457-27 5‘3 17t=.---~m—-~- ~—--~~~Ei‘?"=/7w‘f'-»-‘ ‘r-‘rfwig’: 7W :»——-- ._.--. 77‘ '7 -' ~ 7.- --~-—»~~~«
--.;$ . ’ 7 ‘ 7 ‘ I ‘
' :7 77‘ ii 7:7qu 57‘s” ‘5' “377“?this??? A 44.x.» u": fl/C/fééjl’D/Y/ ' :7 i'3752?‘::2— / / " 2 :7
‘“‘ :7 }’-,,,‘:‘U~.' 753,74 7': 7"} Egon" {1'1 ‘5 1‘3 {1 $32 7‘1 ”'3-7; " '71,, ._.._.. . .. H..V..._w.... :. V ”-._.. i-,:7.:—.~V-~—.——7...-:.—7- 7.7...- .7 t; 7.9-) _ 7;_ m, _ 3 :: ‘ 7 ,.. , .,--.-.......,_...--_-%-_.__... 7,#_._‘_._ __ _H.fi.- .,._- ,-....m... -..7. M7- . _,_- .fi .. 7 7