xt73bk16mf8w_783 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [627] John D. Fugate v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [627] John D. Fugate v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_16/12309.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_783 xt73bk16mf8w Form 162 l..\\\' IHZ)’.1\R'1‘.\HZV\’I' ‘ LOUISVILLE 8:. NASHVILLE RAILROAO COMPANY I I OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT. J 2101180131, K3 . 1 I'B. D. WARFIELD. 370777777" 121(7)’ U/ Allg w 1917 5 [9] District Attorney, LOUISVILLE KY. REPORT or PROCEEDINGS. [II My mxw (VI/l Jno. D. Ell-Sate 2's. DECK RR CO: . . . ‘ ., " . V '7 //z(: mlloa'zng'prna‘udmgx awn /ma’ a/ //n’ . V Jul“; 7117111, 191V! _ o/l //1(;VVVVV G jVI‘Cllit V Cour! 0/1 V Bl"€;8.thit t V V ”VefiCmm/y. DATE PROCEEDINGS July 27 Jury empanneled . Verdi. 0t & judgment for deft 1 A V ' O h Pollard [SHIN/5D] ' ' V V. ‘ V V V . Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co. Lvn' 1. Give (late of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etCVV etc. 2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc. 3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cost. 4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing. > 4;.1153115313 f), 1917. _ .': - x ‘ ' ' Juugs I-:, 3;. .=?'<)_L1é1.1"<‘i, Jacxaon, Kan tacky. 2,05%). .‘.‘l _UK’E'CC IV. ICE}; if: (300 . .- ......L .- ._.” -‘...”..W-.,...E-.W.:_ Dear Sir: I mm in 1‘:-Point 0"“ r~ ' --+- — ,. ... > .-4_ ..,.___,, J. ALL in J“ /" 1"“ ':' ‘ L " " . Jru Ex ”tn v.4. ._'” ;Otu Ll“, m=V1.»‘:i21g the remflt in the“ “b" "‘ " ‘ _. . mm. mac n ' 4' " " ' ‘" , m k w ,DJLFMJt‘lnuc eye-E myoa your Success. m ’m‘:- _.o ,‘,. L.L ._._, fiLH/a ’,.‘. ,_ » ’.I, V Liz? ’. k: if 5 V ' " ’,' v ., ,. ; ‘ ' ,,;; \/ . ' ,rw ».,“..fj: .~ I , 3 . ...:. a I I L» i I, ’ ‘ ‘ V . :‘. - / ‘1‘ \/ “I’I J," ‘ (x ‘ x , O. H. POLLARD ATTORNEY AT LAW JACKSON, KENTUCKY ; H :4 i. i . A a -H.,I, _..., «4- V , ,_J-,_,,, ... ,, ‘.” ‘_ . . ..1..;‘.._>_‘ , , .a ._ e u. .,. ,. . — D ,,. U _- . . <1 I‘ , .V. , n ‘ v (f ,. . .7 . 77 rva— .... .,. , . . . , . ..A“ ..».— y ,. .:‘. L,,-... y i, 4 i 1:..» € > _., in. . _ " . W»,/‘flh¢>- . . “”.. . ‘ r - ... 6.4 ‘ - ., .,, . ... n ,. c, c , .. - .- . , ..3. .i .. V..—w , ~_ u. _‘. in .. . 7 ['VW ' R L Northcutt. . Jackson '?— 2'?” I'? . - ' r ‘ “Varaiet :E‘e: sinf'en'gn ":2. _i"..=v.>1:2 Jury in John Fugate ease. ' . ‘ “ if . I . /’ “3‘ C S Luann: , (’1 1212 r1: 1 \ 4;. .3 I f“ .3 . _ " I - l l 1 x IN \\3. ‘3 I 3 / k KKK gr"; 1 , / x \ .‘. .. =- L‘- (45 ..;f‘ “\ w." -» —' ”=4 a , July 24, 1917. 3011:: .‘1). Bugga‘toxfi IE'H-‘aH If” Co., ~- Erezfiflzitt Circuit Court. '- u"e"e"o"‘o“¢"‘o 1 ’ II. 31 53.111111111111111, new ..‘lgent, Lag}? 1.3-L Co., » Jackson, _éiontuokyu Lear Sir: 1 Ealoferringg to your telephone rogues-st that I phone- you the names oi' the witnesses in the above case, Elias 11b- boft and I 11mm gone through the :fi Le and i‘ind you ‘..'ill need the following; witnemtee 1- I 1 Silos Jones, Harlan iitro 11g, Biromzm, 15° .11.. Sehoen‘oaokler, -.fingirmor, Green 2.100111»), .11/61101, Arch 1'JI’:.1'1.1'i’o:.17(l, (if he will testify that he stove l-‘T‘ugete money to buy T-i‘gliskegf.) E'i’ilgue 1321011, 1?11;zsaioio.n. ‘ I now have in a telephone call :'or you and as: soon as I get you will give you the names of; the witneeoes. I. think you will need the Iile, 13.5; it has Sig-augments of all the witnesses on it and also refer-.3 to some authorities, 12,111”: I therefore an Sending it to you 1);; roilroad mail" I believe this 31:" the coee you and I talked about, in uni oh I expressed 1:116 View that the street car oueos where pore-one were Standing, in. the street and were struck 12;] the rear end. 01 the our as it rounded :: comer would be emslioeble hero. I 1135.170 run over Green 11:.-eye‘s depo- Si tion and it does not look to me like there is any morit much CSL~2 in the case. I hope you will win it. ELIE/a Yours very truly, enc. - Val . 7.72:0 * 589.118 “"i‘flifl‘ GIN/w ' f.