xt73bk16mf8w_785 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [630] Martha Hogg v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [630] Martha Hogg v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_18/12323.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_785 xt73bk16mf8w _ . ,
Mal-T 30. 1917»
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hr. L. E. Horus,
Attorney, Whitcsbn-g, Ly.
Dear Sir.
.nartha Hegg Vs n s 3.
Your ;ettor »f tn: Alth inst.
- ,3 - ».4- ':W/; .»-~ . -. .~ firms.“ ~~ » A ’- ”‘r '4 -
1 n, nee Iceman .nnnng shy Invcotrnotisn st kin n; this
ones out show that it grow: nut of the fact that tn: Cincdcter
,‘ “I” 17" »‘v '5? 1' ~r1- .47 5‘ 7' ‘ * ' mr- 4. . 'n w r --~ - '3“ ‘.M. ~~~ ~ "4
~13- “ wife. held-n vil -»’1 {ma-:..: Essa-:.i"; u'u. ct; .nnt ..;-I. nor: ruralndl to
say the fare of her child that To; ecccnycnylns her I this 7f
no witnesses in tho rotten other than rsfcrred to ;n your setter
of the ntth inst.
(3. .:«-~,... ,sr.~, J- - -. .. +2.. ,3.-‘..... ._. ‘ - "
on tutu fidcbtidfl l quiu tux Estes? E; from the case of
’3; 'i I.» ‘ .5; '~ 3’ . m ‘F‘l« r; ':x i 2*: rs .,r. - - -.~ -~ ~ ~
races Vs m n A n ny vi. Inn 59 one, doctood Sec. Inth, 1 LG:
I? :':-.3 i ”.Q..? ,..-.,‘, . . ,-,-,.- .1..-”... e .. . . ~..
. no: runneus to coy lure fui not con ;ustitlcd the
“‘..'." ""' ,f'“ " "’3 --:"I.»">-r"’ A ' . .v’r ‘: ‘." 4" (‘.‘:tt 4‘?" 'v 'ar" i" r ' - " '
(:.‘:JII..l.-|t€,by..g '.L}, Ednrvtlflb £1131: .quiil inf-1, filming. £3.19 Lliy 15.5.15} Kilian fin
' ' It» "7'7-f,“ '- “:‘:".‘I :..;c» "»..-“n- i l—~.\.r~ ..~.“ . gee - . r- .
511.. 11:11:“. My «LL-.‘Jof uni; AI}. ALL: Cit-1.5.; l-;.i.t.<. K-di‘r'l-L‘ag}. flirt} 1‘:*:..L,l_1°c:.d
3 ‘.5 t!" " ’., .v .3:--,- 339:}.2- ‘, 2c. mac-1r :‘:-i . . ~ .r irr'l . l" « > - .. ..c "
,'T‘ILE c.d e Let en-lunnj LLmflwart min HAENVQL charge, and
_._.-f :1:-.“., ..‘;u —, .1 ': «Y of. '=- ..‘4 -». -3f3.'_V .. i .V,--. ‘ -. (..,... . .. ,. xi ~ ~ ~
its-Lulu}. L’JIl..'.‘~J. 1.1, ,,«do ill-iii ~.:-Ll. Inti- tnalfl ditti J.:.-312%: rill; ‘:.“! 211 Ill-'1 one
1.. 4. 5.;. .51.”.1, 3.;-s .‘,; . .,.. (..., , -. .. ,.‘ ,_. . I . . ‘ n. ‘ I V
EU corn Ldl nth. In those circumstances It was tne rleht n? the
,“'_~:‘::‘.',’ ' " " " ~.."? .».;l-s ‘: inn/.,“. ‘:.i E .3 —..E;- wry-w =. 1 .__ u,- , _ . _ I. I H "”‘ ' ’
winch-.15: 5,) 2;“: not ..,-1.... :.i-A..“ ». nth tilt.» Day Optimise of." Iii-Bl" Tilf‘dlufil
"" ' inw-r '»v we ~.~."v: ~. - ‘5 m .~ ' ’ I" v '. r 57‘ 1' .». - - v ' ' I -
to ,ey non isle, ifluujéfldudt or any refusal to any her own fare. ”
m: (.'. , ..'.. _... .' ..., o ,, ..,. ‘7... _...3‘ .:.- . H . ~
icons are non; KLMLULny authunitifin stung this sane line.
yearn truly,
)7 $713": - : ‘ I
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..I ‘ ... :. 7“ \ .'. {if ,._ .;. ':.}:
ILL-So Sufi-I.I} c Atgivioli‘ilio Ld‘ rhbéflwlt.

 April 11th, 1917.
In re: suit $‘e1r'i:.hr':, hos-'5' vs. E-. 6:: 7'41. 37;. fie. new
newlixs; it; '53:“: Li.£-:"tc}?-.'ar :..ircuit Court:
jar. J . ~'»"(-:uf$,I'£f';‘:?u.U'C, :7an12”
-:eve sum-=- , Fir-3n 5' a. city .
Jel fii'i‘: ix
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unite“ agave etylec 2:111; ~55; set‘gex {rial on me: 5618.3},
,.., \\ \‘~‘ \x "‘\\' \“x
April 221%.}; at EE 1. ism .:_h'zs 1%va @319 {or ,iQCvmnxe garages
‘\ ‘.‘», \\ SA\"/
, .. - . n ’( \ \ \ E ' " - w . n
for :.:filegyzcd Wren-"11's.! ejection u‘g\we\lyhfler traln oetxxesn filacksy
».» " ' -:« "' -‘:.“\\\\’ ‘.‘.. “K '\\
ny. 2.3-.,‘.241, semen :.y. en ‘22,}, {sariih_l§1~u\.x
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I i'eg' is :'::Hziri fi7f§>3g\\éu} requisition; for 2:. E..-. (;ombs,
' A:\\ *’ h '\.\~\_,/
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.1? \ <1) LXV/
wondul‘ “Jr. A \ .'l\\\/
{ "\._ \\ <\\\ \
‘~ \\ \ . . .
hear? (is, \sfkmieena issued. for .i)e.w Adz-1.,: s an eye atlltness
x f‘v ‘,'QV‘
v \\\\\ ‘/A\,\‘\e> , 1 , 3 . P -. - 4,11“ 1,.
Of “133:1? t3‘3aF-1E?’<1(:JF-3-OTI\.\V33$es statemegzvt has :”*€‘I‘:':'L~O‘f0?'r sea—n screen :.sy
E r . 1.,: .1: dream.
11511.3. you Hesse have 1r. Mandrum imp-'.edieiely comaunicste
With me? in the EVCZTi‘, he has ‘:u 2'-z-'....::zee :.T' any adf-éfiiocal witnesses.
"yours truly,
Copy tn 3.3. .7' . ;iilsen,
u. Jig-.'.;nriruxra,
. . v , 0
screen muekels,
{Barren “72mm y -',u. Richmond, Vu.

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..:-.::;srs, Lina-5:391 3:.- HILI'ViC, Jittgrso,
33" 7'13. f; . 2" 11112.13, QC}; 9
1'? wzt'i. ::.-man:
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.3.:‘iiii-z’3tii13' 59152727133133; 2375-1)?) 1'5“} :12: -'..2£.=.:-;;;.:«.:1:- to the suit in .'1r>*':r::E1._:;"
Cil‘GIZ'L'fi Com-"c of -..??ver‘tnz‘a. "r. .’.; I~.". ii‘uvwll‘m :‘trzgr‘ that ":In
the: light of? the) :ffirgj'ffl: 1.3.23": C. m :z‘; ‘f; 310 131*;,?<“‘i;i.:7;"=.’=;ix'>31. 51";51'11
“0,: .2313: jjrilreéaifg ow, 11:377. " 7.; ;;~ :L;"=.:f:€,:::1u,;iii-7:11. :’é‘f': may
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<17 . -1;/fl //9 ,,A/ . //(7) , 2 (L97
fifl/z/ml/HLQIX/(M/I/z/f? 7' 7 \\ («A 2 7 /
-7&;'/ /, ?F“”QMWW?Exgflhv"afifleéfliflbbawlyérx)%énékaéhfi
flfifl'v/I’J -//.- "[40771/211/723 - ‘,y it ~ / //
(a .rlff!.?)y/.s4.//2L¢.;]/Mme.“ x5 g» /-,//, I K I.
z/ém’fl”);@52’,‘J7§fffljwufl ~, I/M/aufl/fi/ October 4- , 1916.
Hon. 3. if. ‘..7.>'ilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Referring again to your letter of September 14,
enclosing a copy of the petition and a docket report, in
the ease of Martha Hogg v. L. & N., Letcher lirouit Court,
and following Kr. Warfield’s letter oi’September 20 to you:

The investigation oi‘the case ha in question has
been completed, and I enclose Law Agent Warren's report of
September 29, together with statements referred to therein.

I agree with Mr. Warren thatfqin the light of
\-_-r ' ' \
{ facts developed by the investigation, we shall be entitled,
3,5: _ E on the trial, to a peremptory instruction. At any rate,
wlfr‘ g I an inclined to think it should be fought out to a conclu;m
&W fly”; Yours trul>,
r" (f/7"//nssistant District Attorney.

Sefit. 75, 1916.
Hon. 3.3. Warfield,
Dist. Atty., 3 & N R R 00.,
Louiflville, Ky.
Lear Sir:

Loccipt is acknowledged of your valued favor oi the 20th
inst. (your file No. 35546) in connection with suit in Latcher
Circuit Court of murtha Hogg v. L & N. my recent experience in the
Jarrie Cox cage at Beattjville admonishes me that suitS for female
plaintiffs must under any circumstances be Colicutely handled
Fat, 011 the strength 0:: your suggggmstions, I think :1 W51;- 1712:;7 be
found to defeat thia claim of Martha Hogg.

Very truly yours,

 .777,” L;
\ f , w . /, /.
’fjflfl/(‘mflfl“Q'YZZZKQZI/‘IW J/flja' lf/r/x/xk/M/ fl/'/r////. J/flil/fll/I/
”“7”” ? ”'”’ {/Zézixzrzzzm .
/ 7N] Gail/(IN ___/[2427514, fly September 20, 1916"
Martha Hogg v. L&N R. 00., Letcher Circuit Court. ‘MW
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, ‘ §?~» ZL/ /¢é
Counsel , Lexington, Ky .
Dear Sir,

I have read copy of petition in this case, which accompanied
your letter of September 14 to Mr. Moorman.

The rule seems to be that where a parent or other custodian
of a child boards a train with the child/as passengers, and
refuses to pay fare for the child, if it is of such age as to
require a ticket or fare, the child and the parent or
custodian may both be ejected; but if this is done the
conductor must tender back to the parent or custodian his
ticket, or at least an amount representing the value of the
unused portion thereof. LS&MS Ry. Co. v. Orndorff, 58 L.R.A.
140; Kirk v. Seattle Electric 00., 51 L.R.A. (NS) on page 995.

The petition in this case seems to have been drawn
in view of the cases cited, for the reason that it is iterated
and reiterated in the petition that the defendant never offered
to deliver back to plaintiff her ticket or to pay her therefor.

But there is another aspect of this matter which seems to
me to be in our favor. The petition does not aver that the
plaintiff, at the time of ejection or at any subsequent time,


attempted to have defendant redeem the ticket. It is alleged
that the defendant has never paid or offered to pay to plaintiff
the value of the ticket, but it is not alleged that she ever
made demand for payment. As a matter of fact, if the ticket
had been presented by plaintiff to one of defendant’s station
agents, with an explanation of the circumstances, he would
probably have redeemed the ticket.

This case is somewhat unusual, in that the person on
whose account the plaintiff was ejected, was not plaintiff's
child. Nor does it appear what, if any, relationship said
child bore to plaintiff. But, if the eight-year—cld child,
who, the petition admits, did not have a ticket, and whose
fare it is not pretended plaintiff or anyone else offered to
pay, was on the train in company with plaintiff, and in her
care and custody, I do not see why the same rule that would
apply if the child had been plaintiff's child, will not apply
here. In other words, I take it, the conductor did not require
the plaintiff and her infant in arms to leave the train, but
did say that he would eject the eight—year—old child for whom
plaintiff had no ticket, and for whom no fare was tendered.
Plaintiff, if she had’seen fit to do so, could have remained
on the train with her baby and suffered the eight—year-cld

3 child to be ejected. Therefore, it seems to me plaintiff has
. no cause of action, because what she did in the matter was
““ voluntarily done by her, and not as a result of the requirement
' of the conductor. Of course, I am making these suggestions
1 off-hand, and on the strength of the avcrments of the petition.
I am not informed as yet as to what the facts are. Mr.


Donohue will write you sending the investigation papers as soon
as he is in a position to do so.

Again, the petition seems to make the place of ejection an
element of plaintiff's right to recover. There is no statute
in this State requiring that passengers be ejected at stations,
and the Court of Appeals has recognized the right of a carrier
to eject passengers between stations. While I am not able at
the moment to find any express language of the Court of Appeals
to this effect, there are a number of Kentucky cases in which
the passenger has been ejected between stations, and in which
there has been a tacit recognition of the carrier's right so
to eject. In other words, the cases have all gone off on
other questions than the naked right of the carrier to eject
between stations; as, that the place'of ejection was unsafe or
dangerous; that the ejection was accompanied by more force
than was necessary; or that the conductor was rude and
insulting; or that the ejection was improper, because the
passenger had a ticket; or the like.

I also call your attention to the fact that there is no
allegation in the petition that the ejection in this case was
lattended by any more force than was necessary, or that the
conductor was rude or insulting to plaintiff. The sole
complaint seems to be that the plaintiff was put off between
stations and had to walk back, and that the conductor did not
volunteer to return plaintiff's ticket to her or to pay her W
for the unused portion thereof. /7 x”fl4mkw\“\\ .

Yours very truly, @/> /4/ ‘ ’ 3.
///:¢J /AY<1“/V‘<‘ (if
Cy. Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, ‘DiStri f Attorney.
Hazard, Ky,


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WHITESBURG, KY_ v .,. $23.7” ' p
.' s: j - ‘f u “I. .> .. _ I
' 1M _‘17/ {Eff x I" ,
f ‘ ' 1 ,. gr;
Sept. 12, 1910. ; 4_;;: } C m
.‘ _ . :» r 5m}
Judge S. h. Wilson, > n;~;.,v . 1’ .
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
, . w“ - q n
In re r‘L‘i'l Eartha Horn V Louisville a HaSMVille hallTOau
.-A n L .A ‘.'; .. .- 3“ u
“ "' “' 1 r " w’t curt:
German“ Ordinar‘s No. 1088 , new pending in the LetCLei Lirct it C
:L '* a I ’ " u
‘ ‘ w "'- '~ ' l + V- ~ "t in? three Orrin-r611
I beg;'to kiUlQ gmni,neienu.dn.oooxetiAlepOJl c1
copies of +“e petition in the aoove styled suit whicn as you Will
‘ L - . Li, I L » _ -i . _
vv-v. ".rs‘o 5 J t‘ a
note is E suit for $3000.00, daneges for alleged MiOLLlUl BJQC ion
' ' ,. nw— ’ C. —. .__ ' .-’.2: rf r” -' 9985
of plaintiff from defendant's train on La; 2, 191b, PlulLLll_ cll h
l £ . l
- 1 vi . ..'. ‘ ,- 1., (_~ J- ' “1(4
trot etc was 9 basseu er or one of defendant‘s brmlNS mitn a tiblct
...Lfiuu .I' u C A. $ . h,“ __
n ' "'--» - xn ri'3n I“. . 1 V. 4‘“ ' ‘- “'v‘
tron filackev to Roxanna for herseli and uhot she Mug aCLOLpafllefl Ud
_ . 1 — ,, 'r . w ,. r‘~> "fa V W_"x
”er seven nonth‘s old sick oaoy anu by One lle Gill; an eiglt year
' - ‘ - ~, ...1: 7.,_‘+ 1 .0 fia—
o‘d ”irl She alleges that Ile Gilly pad no tionet and the; neienu
‘_L.l 5::, . i . «__-_. ‘
‘ - ' -. 3 “ a}; _
ent's,00nductor demanded e fare from Ila Gilly in encess Ol t-e
‘ D“ ’ ' '.“-i' '= I ”.'". '75 1_ 1“
"“6611191‘ fer-e enrl that unon her 1‘81. seal to paw. sale the COLQLCtO
J 'i '-- h u ~ v» ~ ,. ...
ejected then iron the train.
" m“ ‘ri-L ' (1 w»:
Petition in the above suit was iiied Dept. ll, lglo, and
V. ..1. _ r _ ‘ {‘7‘ r C] {
surncne was executed on I. 3. hlBldS, agent, ocpt. l2, l,lb.
‘ " , - - ‘r\ “\ - rv ‘ '_— '- .L‘k ‘.‘ )r‘ f ."xie
Spot Combs was conductor oh the train wL the true 0 in
‘ . _ ~ ,.., “.2 ‘ ..:..LJV ..
oceurrerce and upon his report hr. Landrum rude an inwesbigutIOH.
Yours truly,
.1 ‘ b y . C/ ’3 ~ 1% '
Cepy to Jesse horgmn, l,¢47yps /,/,V@mr?

. 0RD. 1on . “J_Qfgflmm
IAPTHA HOGG, --—----«~-——-—---——-PIAINTIFF.
RAILROJ-{D CO-, PAMY, - - - - - - — - - — -— - — — - — - - — ~.2JEFE1-i'UANT .

The plaintiff, Lartha Hogf, says that the defendant, Louis-
ville a Nashville Railroad Conpany is a corporation duly
organized and existing under and 0y virtue of the laws of the
State of i*entucicy, with power to sue end to oe sued, to contract
and to be contracted with, to acquire, own and operate railroads
and railroad trains in Kentucky: that it was such a corporation
with the aoove enurerated powers at the time of the doing of the
acts herein conplained of, and that as such a corporation it owns a
line of railroad which extends from the Western border of Letcher
County nastward along the Kentucky River through Blackey and
Roxana, Ky. to LcRooerts, and that it owned and operated trains
upon said road at the time of the doing oi the acts herein
complained of.

Plaintiff says that on or about the 2" day of nay, 1916,
she purchased from its ticket agent and employees at its station
at slackey, Kentucky, a ticket to its station at Roxana, Ky. ;
that on said 2" day of hay, 1916, she with her sick baby, which
was only seven LOchS old entered upon the Conpany's trcin at
its station at Blackey, Ky. for the purpose of being carried oy
it to Roxanna, Ky; that shortly after entering said train and
taking her seat, when said train had proceeded a short distance
from the station at dlackey, Ky. the defendant by and through its
agents, and employees took up and cancelled the ticket which she
nad sought at slackey, Ky. said tiCket which is filed herewith as

 part hereof is in words and figures as follows:

”L. e N. R. R. Co., Blackey, Ky. to Roxaa_a, Ky. good continuous
passage oeginning date of sale only on trains sxhedule to stop at
destination, otherwise passengers transfer to local train. baggage
liability linited $100.00 adults ticket, $50.00, childs ticket unless
greater value declared and excess rtte paid according to tariff regula-
tion." R. D. Pusey

Gen. Pass. Agt. "

Said ticket is numbered with two sets of numoers on its left hand
margin WL lo2, and lo, on its right hand margin No. 3170 enclosed oy a
square and punctured or puncned with a hole through the middle of said

She states that there was alSO accompanying her a girl eight years
of age naned ila Gilley, wno ,ntered the trqin without purchasing any
ticket and that the defendant 0, its agent, servant, and employees
demanded of her that she pay as fare for the girl Ila Gilley, more than
recular fare fron blackey to Roxanna and upon her refusal to do so
the defendant oy its agent, servants and enployees ejected her, the
seven tenths old oaoy and the girl Ila Gilley from its train, That
the defendant has never paid or offered to pay her the value of her
unused ticket, which had seen cancelled and nutilated oy the defendant;
that she could not use it on any other train operated by the de endant,
an: it was and is entirely wort less to her.

Plaintiff says that the defendant by its agents, servants and
ennloyees aforesaid ejected her at a place a mile and a half fron
the nearest railroad station, in a cut on the siie of the mountain

where the/river run oetween ;er and the public road which Was the
only path way or place suitable or safe to travel by persons on foot
in that vicinity; that th»re was no house or place of shelter near
to where sne was ejected then one rile; that the defendant's agent,
servants and employees negligently ejected her from said train in said
lonly and inconvenient place as above descrioed with her oaggage,
her seven nontns old cahy and the eight year old girl, and the only
way she could reach the puolic road or any road suitable for traveling
at tne place where she was ejected th oy walking the railroad track
for a distance of one half mile or more.


 Plaintiff further states that the defendant, its agents, servants
and enployees ejected ner, her seven months old easy and eight year
old yirl accompanying her as aforeseid, without paging or offering
to pay her for the unused portion of her ticket and that seid ticket
which was returned had been punctured or punched in such a way that
it was cancelled and could not De used for passage by tne plaintiff
for passage on any of its other trains, and was entirely worthless to
Bier. 1:1;};

The pldintiff furtner says that she was nude sick and was
greatly humiliated cf the exposure and exertion thct was caused to
her by ceing tron fully ejected iron defendant's trdin in a lonely
and inconvenient and dengerous place; that by reason of oeing placed
in said dangerous place she was in fear, that she and her baby and
the eight year old girl would be monentarily ;illed oy the passing
of defendant's train, and she was caused to suffer and did suff