xt73bk16mf8w_793 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [639] Gwen Baker v. L&N, Perry County text [639] Gwen Baker v. L&N, Perry County 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_4/12477.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_793 xt73bk16mf8w I ,
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1:“ fisher-3.11.717: 'to $111111 latter 0:3" 17:11:: 27:13. ’inetegfit, e1.»-
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{ t-‘é’ovftiz‘mr {1,9, relrévccive to "Elie ““1 oi" Greer. Shaker,
55235.5”11182 1:17:71. 111 3114 on Tiltit 11 :1; "‘“‘-“.:."; 1’1””1711'i‘t1f9 FIE/7.:

l' semi you ‘.1ere‘fitl'; F '?1:1».1::‘:1'11‘~,~s:11 on“ "tough-110.-
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In View or? “21111:? agjf;r-:;::‘s=1'.‘t :1-112111113tagn3e oi 11.17:}
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icrwt" Me‘s? 1:: not ix: :1 ;_:o:':.it:3.oz. to 13:11!
that Iir. 'L'iii‘f is; not r‘-'-‘s;t:i:'11:12‘1..y correct in {1111-1 tootsiiim;
text; 111:1, 73.723.151.311o11 a; the groom-9,131 1271:3111: 2 dent 1:.ri‘1:.11
1-1 1.". not (mint-19 the <3r11;t?€0<.r<:1:‘:‘8y for all tit'fe to 1:11:33.
~11 21:71 1110111117215. to 1.121.111: . "wetter 71.1110311111 ili:.::.<ér'::~:

) 3311121110253.ticm. II" you 111‘.» not seriously citject to 1211
i 1 2:211:11: 00111715619 please 1115;113:7131 1393:1113. 1’1:11.1rra11 #- t-I1.1.31-;ol:3 2:
001.1311 11;: 1y .
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‘ / . . /& 9
\ fly" a gigg;;%%%ZéZZ/€§;Q/ Novenber25-1916.
Mr. J. J. Donohue,
Assistant District Attorney.
Dear Sir:

I return Mr. Wilson's letter of the 25rd, hearing
your notation of the 24th. I also attach copy of my letter of
November 10th as requested by you.

Yo: will note that Mr. Baker still declines to maPe
deed to us for the area affected by the slide, but demands '
settlement in the sum of $5C.OO.

As stated in my letter of the 10th, we hold deed from
Mr. E. C. Fugate for the original right of way at this point
which wrovides that additional area affected by slides will
be conveyed at the rate of $100.00 per acre, and, as I recall,
the area affected to date by the slide is somewhai less than
one-fourth of an acre. However, there is a question of fencing
destroyed which enters into tho matter.

It strikes me that if Mr. Baker declines to maEe
deed to the right of way that he coxfld not support his suit for
damage from the slide, or rather that he could not recover in
excess of the amount that would be due him for the land affected
at $100.00 per acre. However, since the cost of defending the
suit would probablg exceed the amount involved in the present

 ‘ . :1.
controversy it probably would be well to make settlement along .
the lines suggested by Mr. Wilson rather than to get in litigation
over it, but it strikes me thatthe clause in our deed from Fu—
gate - which reads, after describing the right of way, as follows —
"together with such additional widths as may
be necessary to cover and protect the slones
of cuts, fills or slides which may he made
in or result from the constructi:n and main-
tenance oi the railroad to be constructed on
the strip of land above described, and also
the necessary widths for waste banks and
' borrow pits for construction of said rail-
road, provided, however, that the party of
the second wart will pa; for such addition—
al widths at the rate of $100.00 per acre."
should he a bar against him securing any judgment in excess of
the value of the land at dl'(.00 per acre.
. //" 1‘
(177‘ l/" I/ f
hie: Engineer of Construction.

211::‘112'151v1'2‘c 197., 191C.
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Jams-t. '.'Tis't. :':“:d.;_.'.. 15.91.?! iii-i Co.,
Li) 1. i, 3 7'_ “:3;: , 131.37 .
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71.11:"; 1'1921.”»;‘:?.1'>7‘.e1:1 31:11:31.: :2.’:i:‘:‘: 1.13; 21:11.11. 3?; -i':.:_:i<£.:‘;, .315}. 41:13: 1.110;; strzte
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Zoe '..':I'li. 31:11.1 :.:111'16 1;;; 5;,-1111:} ti. 211.11 V 3.1 ‘.:)10 :‘1."1o:.‘§, fizz-1 113.111: between
K 61.1151 -1--7.'3=:< 12111:}: 33;:71‘? .:Jficlzsxiji' 311111.“:‘134‘19 1.71.119 :’1":_:1.1ir28 out, ‘15»? 3:0
5 331.; 3112511 2:11.110 “it- 11".]. "1111» x 7‘ That there (101.2111
be t'fisecr'y the 1.110 1.1-{..;}.111153 :2 1.11.11_1117.K.3 11:31:11,111"! {hit 111.11 11531.. .'1»; 3T1rr.:‘1.‘crf-‘. 111:1 7
them. 3:. :.“? 1730170115.! 31.1131 ‘15; .'t "'.:-.52 L 17.7. 15?; .111] 1:- :ji,';'1‘ :L'lii'iillL‘l‘
claim :50)" ‘. 1 1 -..1/1, out 0:: {.1115 1312.135: {1(3‘1‘12wes1 1'111121 2351:) silicerts 13:10]:
as fair :2.;: the f‘:.:'1:1.;11 iron: tit: to trip 1231' 11110 5111111225, 12.11 i;111‘?.c:;t-o=‘i
by 11351511311 on the ”‘int. iic says that 1:31-15.111: no .:le not HUI-7.113 a

 JJD~2. , 11/23/16.

deed to the Company, he will Sign a stipulativn to aha effect that
if the gROLOO is paid him, he rill not make any claim ior the slip:ing
0:3; 12319111116. :3.11fiicated, in the event it slips out any tine in the: future."

In 7:117 (P31311011, evém. :3...]? no 9912110 with 1532631" 31mg it is
":i'xelff ‘ul‘r'z‘i; 14:71]. .11-1‘79 2:1«121'0 1, 1"3111710 “.’.’11711'1 his; in than 21111211330. lIz‘zver-
ill-':?.L’Bf‘iét Chi? «511023714221 1'011,‘ 11:: ii: 2513:1101" ‘.'.'c :'::‘111? not to «1,3,5:-gn::::‘~c3 of the
1:15:21“ j’vgwmajgn, C1333)" before 21:3 .‘_LL‘f-‘L, 1r; '1: 1m 1m:- :’.:L'L’f-GLL' t [:9 (:‘:130 of itself.
J.:“. ‘2’-{~232m';r_2:'.':1‘e Virgr'i’iz'i’zrfan you} I 120137.62 VG EL ::-;<>‘:;*L7_e?":c;zt on 3513?)?‘8 terms
at _i3ff.£I>.OO 1:1 be a S‘FVL'HJ‘if (2; WOW};- ii‘, ivyifiing; such. Bet'LLL-nn-zzl‘c, 'C-r'e
f‘J-LWPTU “:75? .‘.'fcn'waszfi to litigirfex.

Pier-1.52:3 let .:;:e 1139? ;vzw'nmz‘z;;‘;.y what course you think: 5311011161

‘ ”rise ,r2,(10}'>1:22 H. in the #:2175321" and 126:1 ieve MG,’
\e 1;; truL; your ,
. Counswl.

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 l“ -
November 1;, 1013.
Messrs. Morgan & fluckols, Attys.,
Hazard, Kentucky.
Herewith please note copy of a letter of the 13th instant
, from Assistant District AttorLey Lonohua, with enclosures thereto
attaches, in rarerence to claim of Green Jakerg Please carefully
note the contents of fir. Ecnohus‘s letter anfl, also, the note of
the 10th instant, writtag to fire Donohue by fir. E.C. Williams, and
Einfilj nrosaed at once i: accordance therswith, afivising me.
, Very truly yours,

‘ November 14, 1916,
Jr. J. J. Donohue,
Asst. Dist. Atty., L e N E E Co.,
Louirvillc, Kentucky.
323: L4:11“:

. ieceipt is acknowledged of ysure of the 13th instant,
Tith enclosures, in reference to Green Baker claim, anfl I am
advising HOSSIE. Horgan & Huckols in accordance with gnu: letter.

7323;? tziiljr :lelIEE,
' Counsel.

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 r EAiEY ; woeswoN Jess: MORGAN 1} , ,
Attorneys :11: 31311111 /'/
HAZARD, KY ..”"! =_
October 27, 1916.
Mr. s. M. Wilson, ‘
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

IN RE:— claim of Green Baker, First Creek Slide.

Since the receipt of yours of the 25rd, we have had
this matter up again with hr. Baker, and there seems to be no
chance of effecting a settlement for less thanfshotdbt.’fle;wm
find in a letter written to us by Mr. Seargeant, on June 25rd
he says, "Our assistant engineer says it will cost approximately
$50.00 to rebuild the fence, and that his land has ween injured
about $20.00." So far as the fence is concerned, Mr. Baker
tells us that the fence which was destroyed was a new one,
built of locust post and white oak sawed plank, five planks
high. If he is correct as to this, the assistant engineer's
estimate as to the cost of the fence is probably not far from

Mr. Baker says that under no circumstances will he
make a deed to any land to the company. In our talk with him
this morning, however, he made this further concession, that

77if the comoany will pay him 350.00, he will not make any addi: E


K tianal claim in the event the dirt between the two slins whichjg
% have already occurred, also slides out, as he seems to feel I
_ sure it will doffifi flfléfflgf

Affuruvgxzx at E21117
October 27, 1916.
_ g -
In order that you may thoroughly understand just what he
means by this, we are enclosing herewith a small clue—
% print sent us with MI- Searaeant's letter of June 23rd,
g with the request that you return this to us when you have had
5 an opportunity to inepect it. By looking at the blue-print,
you will see indicated by red out—line marks, the portion of
Mr. Baker's land affected by these slides. You will see that
Eithere extends down between the two slides, a tOngue of land that
was not affected by them. Mr. Baker's preposition is that he
will not make any further claim for the slipping out of this
land between the two slides back as far as the line drawn from
tip to tip of the slides, as indicated by pencil on the blue-
y’print;fihe says that while he will not make a deed to the company*p
he will sign a stipulation to the effect that if the $50.00 is N f
paid him, he will not make any claim for the slipping of the /
land indicated,in the event it slips out any time in the future.€%
In order to get the full benefit of such agreement, we suppose
it should be put in such shape as to be recordable, in order to
charge any subsequent purchaser from Mr. Baker with notice of it.
We feel sure that unle s this matter is settled on the
basis as indicated, there will be a law—suit about it.
le told Mr. Baker that we would give him as speedy an
. answer as we possiuly could, and we hOpe that you will let us
hear from you about this as soon as you can.
LAN/WE flim'c’cu‘é/ , /'/‘gyw;fl /. {> 2724 ,4" , ,
, /» "A ‘ “V

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