xt73bk16mf8w_794 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [640] Letcher County Board of Education v. L&N, Letcher County text [640] Letcher County Board of Education v. L&N, Letcher County 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_5/12515.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_794 xt73bk16mf8w ..
~ September 29, 1917. ’-
_1350 _ant-xsi'LI-‘I 'i, ;;'1;"‘:I‘i-‘3, -
i . 11331 (11.1 s: 111113; , I'I-fie at :10 kg] 1 '
3312-111" Sir;
. I an in 3:‘G;:ci23t (1:5 letter-1‘ from, fir. Zlozm‘mio, irl reference I
t") 811:1) in Lletcher Uircuit Court of 711211331613" :31‘11111232' 30:11:11 03'? 5‘: vacation
3:11:61 Matcher County va 31:11}? If}: 5305 21m" 11.-:.2} 31;/5:301 .3537. '.,011023ua states
that; aft-or conference about “1:11;! misfit“? 1 $111 1311101 -21igcj.11(1e;'ri 0;" Con-
#ti‘uctim‘L, 12,61. ‘..’illiasrzsze be is (131’ opinion 1,119.1; the U:312t}1::1;;; (1:13: “:33-
15.1371"; to 1.1513,? not exceedizizg; $00400 £1.11." 0.111311 :13“ ?.‘}19 lots: taken '21:: the-3 -
. 116:}; 31316113, or an amount in «(111 not 33:01-11":cling; 93.1300000, 93111 in {La-
(Eition 517.1011 {the 430111ch 01‘ Educatimz 1:.:- :"1(>ve {:'.Qi‘ (137 1.11:: lots, taken .
11;; Eh") railrom‘: 0022;151:1577 tha “1111176271215" 111° 111:»17L'E_:‘i:19.ss ;1f:f>:rr1I:>r1;~r 1:31:20.
1'01" Hahn-511 11111~31013<1s° 4.11).. 3311(1‘111151 0.59:8 EH ;JT-ll we :;‘I‘; 031150 :.'haz‘u '
(3111 be; '-3,:.:<::)T.'1}‘)li(3110if {111111.51 "U119 lines EEG 1113:3221“ -":‘}i.3‘0¢‘s;er:s U10
. CIj'JiiiiOfiL that manila: the fiil‘fiiérsancn '?.:eira-I02111 :'I13 :.'.iilga’1::.<‘1 1191;411er
:‘znf the Board of Ltizlcmfigion is: 1.101; .,I';'I:2:«_1;, 5521110115 11111013. $314117: we
ha? bw'tter try ‘the 43:15:13 out 31.111113 th‘vn 11.-112:0 r:,:'1;;' «30210052810112; be-
, yI‘Iud those: :.111thorizmd humid-.31.
Tuease advise me :15: man 511-: Far-"ix" im 1111132.: 3:011 1.1::ch a1c~
‘ <1011¢1713T1€3d t«1*-.‘J<.137d Se ‘1; 131011“ '11,}, "I110 1101517511."€= 1:51,
Vivi-g} 23:13]”,- ;""'.‘r?'1"5'.',
I Liminnr'lc V > ‘


I Segmeiimr 79, 735,417,
.I.I."w 15‘-':. '.‘T‘=.).1316me,
so lists. 3.4.743” a 11 L31 Co., g
51:3 3. mi ”ale , 2; :n t1.La:3:.,/..

' Iain! {.‘:ii‘Z' -
if“; :3,':3r;:.2‘1.;4=1.‘1.<>('3red of your LEV-‘::): of {the 7371:};

inatzz:‘:i;, in 3,‘<:;f'w,‘s;‘rmv:ca I'm :3:-.1?: in ['.,ex‘toher circuit Court of J.‘>oa;'=(i
of 1»:"‘1‘:<3:‘-.i:"-_ 131. <21? Wu'fi‘az‘sr 3017.45.13: 9:162 f',.~<‘>ta:}1r:r County “.7. i321? to.
..;:15' if: Eyeing,” (..‘SE-u-V'Qffi'fiw 2121-5 I an writiu-gf 1,12. L‘ii‘iifi »... 1-3‘:_:.rv:ie,
as therein r_:72,:;_g:cHater". of you”

It ':tj:‘?7:~'“e=~‘ we that the 172"'r)‘vf}‘?3".ti(>11 you have authorized
to he made is :3 mart T,:'Tf:m;':uj. oweg 571.:1'11 I think we ought to "be able
to ;.> of! {Liar-e <.:? 51:17:" (3:; the terms 7:?11.«:>§s:'>e,;‘-;00,

”7:21;." truly :7‘<>zr_::=s,
‘ ' x“ ',.
‘4,“.,.. /:_1.

 jam //7
. ' K/ 7 ./ . ,// /, ///’ / ,7. ~// , ,2 7/”
, ,« Q ,fl/   " /;>"V ,
_,_ ”my/7%, A /////’/// //////{z///////////////
v ‘ fix“
.j/KV/l/K/fl/U/ Ql////§//I’/r/, /, 2/ /4 ,/ l/- ,/ I 1,. , ‘ 9537
f /, V.”JV/{’7'“”7"?“ -.I/(///’l/%%(/i////fl//////>/i ixw/fl/‘y,(MM/my/x/m;
////m} /,Q/mm//M, / /
Z 5” .x/.)‘.5'/ WILT/Wl'f/r‘ll/Ill'l/I‘I'C
/’,/,’ / 7/. I / / l/ //
.l.-F///////,////’//Hrw, / f, // / /— O \. , ‘ ,.,
, MflMflmwmmL ,, fizauzv ,fl,- /¢A, Seotsmber 57, iui/a
fl‘ - :
V~ 1.1““/?
' /
' Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Rsnlying to your letter oi‘ths 17th instant rela—
tivs to tho case of Board oi‘fldncation of Lctoher County and
Lstcnsr lounty V. L. & N. P. Go. and L. d E. Ev. 70., Lstonor
Circuit Court:

I havs conferred with Mr. ”. 3. Williams in regard
to this matter, and it is his opinion that the Gompany can
afford to pay fiSOO for each oi‘ths lots taken by the Lexing—
ton and Tastorn Railway dompany, or a total of $1,000; and,
in addition, allow the Board of Education to move off the
lots taken by tho railroad company the huilding or buildings
formerly used for school ourposss.

Will you Kindly instruct Mr. Harvie to see that can
be accomplished along the line suggested by Mr. Williams? The

3 difference between the railroad company and the Board of Edn-

E cation is not grsst,-bui it ssoms to me vs ha; better try the

3 case out rather than mane concessions in addition to those

1 outlined above. ‘*“““’““”' “‘ '“‘~
I Vith rssosct to that part of Mr. HarVis's letter

 ‘ v 9‘ if. 1"‘:! O
which refers to the authority mule:- i‘rhioh he has been
acting, While I iiid not. question ‘Mr. 1.711.111args on the
point, I rather suspect. that. the latixs-‘r orally author—
ized Mr, Harvie to dispose of the claim at not to ex—-
ceed $1,000.

Yours truly, . --
mars}??? stan‘E ulstz'lct Atfiornetr.

. AK/l/Jll/K/ ///3 1M // ,3 /¢(/////// fzz/flmy
(a: [_,7 , ,/ ‘ 33 / fl). , .
(K (A) //// )1 ,- ”3 fll/fl/K/yA/lfllgélfl/ ?1
fl’//" /7/ 3“ - —-
‘7/7)" .. 3’ '
‘ /////’/////Z//.k Ayn
Vii" ; it {.13 '23," 7? 3'? IJib’bR ”népglgarm
”“335 '
1:35. 7‘"“ "5,, 1:93;? 53; 334.3353,
9‘; 3513.;Pii'f‘ , 4:531". ISM-Lia?
31,33 ‘3 _ 31 z»-
,,:.;-‘:-,\:,‘::7;z53 :5 sga;“3i"\.r:3.‘ (:23: 1‘. I ..= I}; ..: ariif ”03'? "if? 3
:--. 35123135333 {aiujip:“jf}' ~ 3 1'3: (1.5 diluayi'iog, 3:33: 3333
crawl-'31 3):? .i. «..Emszi at m1- 2:;; viii “La- 1333333233 03
: ‘,i'~;3_:~:‘izf, ‘ L; ':‘:i: 3-132.303“. :’.: :53: 1.3;..- sail 133:3 rm”? 0:33:3-
3 {L 5:731: 3:3; 23429:;.i‘xaifi". €23 23.-r .i'."‘.v'f.e."‘
.sj ,“_<.3‘>:'»:'<3;<39 ;.>:\:1 “ - xiii ;; ii)??? :“1'375313'31£3111.
. \;_ . \z ‘.‘:1'
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/ ,’l" ‘1] 3
3:; I , :1. / Q” P <

be Myrrh-1:31: I7, 1‘ 1’7.

Lewis I}. Karmic, Lleq., '
Attorney :1:: Exam
‘LTI'titma‘oufig, :Irmtuokg.
30"”; ilizr:

jiCji’J’iOleHgiflq§ “#0111153 01" the 15311 instant, tragsnitting
locket 1102:0371: ::.:ri tZ‘II‘C-‘M? (junié‘fi‘, a: _‘c:ti‘;;;§_:)n 1;: the 3:31: 11114013.:
ff. 13d 1.21 the 3117:5191" Uircnit dourt 0‘3? ‘L):)11;:;ty »i-Oiu-id OI' :}«,~‘.1.1(:::t:':r.>n
of .'gtztujrlm" $011113; and .f':CL;’l'1~.:~:' «wrung v. J 41213 ::‘k'l, 03:61:13};
No. 115453, I 3.41 2101:- :xau‘e 7:11:23; yam are correct in Lam-,:,ximzf; the»; 22.7:33220rity
W318 :17; 3:3 time given to :;e;;‘.;f_3 u‘hiz. 31332.21 101' :PI,UUO:UQ, ise. ,jfiinO
for (a.m.-Uh 01' the 1:213:30 The: Hugrcnviam I nave it; that 9390 was the

‘ ex rent; limit; to which we 2:3-_'1: .~z,ui;3;».):«f;i_;aed to go in cm‘lpromissing the

01:11:11: :Lowovers it may 33 that gnu 02:11 1111:3131? enlicznten :’.-13 on
this point-a I an trilm’jng; :11 2:3 matter I:;;.‘;,;el,;,f Lo :1:] 2133:0263],
as "the ,,:}Oilli‘ if; not (2111113313 31623: iron L110 i119.

It 312313325; me that Jemima: 1:03:11}; 1:31:01; a: proper
J-‘prar‘q; 1'113'111Eii‘i‘ Lu “ciziz; Suit: U.m?..‘:r the ::cikzouI Isuv‘, as it mm
stanou, it: no; the 3:213 to 1332;).‘21 property c:;_pra::;;1;r vomited in
the -;‘.ow_z.:‘!.:;/ -309:ch of -;(.Eu<3:;‘1;;311 and. not, ::.:1 L113 001:111Ly‘ as such in 1
its ccn‘;;:;:r"~..tu 031).:3113"?

“533:7 truly ;,,-"<‘-1L':‘:t,
221.11: /:_2
k: mum: a I a

 '__' ‘J_,,.l' . ‘1!" “('1)’
”a: ammo: 1.19 .LV-1-, a
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t,-'».,,' I .'i- . ':';IIr 1'. H,. \—“ . ‘ ':'I-r I'-~,
.I.".JLICIL‘QI‘ 110m 1’0 :.’LC’,' .‘.,Y. ‘x/K/a (.‘I/JUL. .‘_.I(.,.‘. ,.,].U‘LG
1-.~ WV
,“L’jfh 1° .. U3“. I. VOL», Lu .
13.“- ,.' 4| ‘. :,. . : .L_»: _. ‘, '. ‘ , .. n A ..‘..‘ ‘.' .,.,
mitteuiv-l (‘.I‘. {I I? L >I 'Ji,r.~'3I4 ..‘qu _._“ bA;L' «Lyon».
~«J..'V,,_:“ A a ‘ J.» . 172,7.“ ‘V'Jl‘, ,‘.,‘H‘; 7"“ '1, :.J.,,v, .“‘ V‘.: :... . ' ."”.”
L'_/ ,'j:, 04-1157. :x‘ ".’:. :' .i 12.“; Va)", (..V .431”... H,. “”_..- Ju ..L.{..I‘:.3;.;_.b 4.A.UI(
,xgyl': ‘, ?fl’r‘wfien
-r .. .’.‘ . .. ,'1 ._., .I.. ., ‘.'. '3 M ..7, W,» ,.‘-:. -, , . ,V .: .
$1; H! mm. .‘..'. .ILW'J k; -. ..I) 1? UL); .:.:rut
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, . .
:.‘); Iii ..'.LLL'U £11?) «6‘17"2!‘;£)'§'1i,‘ ~’.; (IQQL, 1211' Ili. ;I -n,:«1.;;i}.";17'z.'ni.L
I “(‘:’ ;I v xivvr‘r'u‘ ,‘* .' I if "r .,I‘ a“ w -" " XIx. :‘.1'.J\ ' .’: v.,.-"',' ', I :0 {.‘4 ;:r;"~ ~. 1
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... '.--7.137.. ». .- A. . ‘ my . ‘1‘. '1; » ,.' ,. I r
I. .Ig-Jgn, vb-Lgh- ?..III V .‘ ;_.‘ m ; '...I, J- ;_15 .....JHALH .1:; 0;,
‘»IVIJV-I; .'. 3’.IL,I!I.'.‘IL"_I‘ 23A ;"L; 1§.jiLJ""-‘.,, “I.'”.- .x - 9 Skin)“, L}; .._..fwil.“ _Lb
31:1,}: It": :"LI‘CL 31:3-:79
" »Iu-Y. ,_..,,.'\,. ».\‘.,,,-.
.'.‘..h‘, W/ :.‘35Iu‘u' v,
‘ ‘_L./ ',‘a
. : {.‘- . . 1 -.. 3:3. {'1 v‘
Isuzu}. I;.m<;..-_z3.nm ...ommelt ,
A, .
‘..‘_ v Q.."1‘,‘,’A{A;,’.).§, ». ‘V
V” $75” .:.-,9 ,,,L. .1“; \i. “.43“ 3 I\. ’,‘Ln 5
' r» v)"-r1 .'I;~‘“1I07r“f -
.‘.‘xcLVbiUl-m, ...-.,.n, I. L..; n ,

’ ;eoteubcr 15th 1917. j/
' " .1’“ r/
/ ..’ ,: 7
Judee 3. I. Eilson,
Lezinrton, Kentucky,
beer Jir:
In re suit County Eoerd Cf gducation of Lotcher
County and lctcitr County vs. Louisville R Leshville Anil—
road Comoany and Lexington & jestern nailway Gomonny, Crdi—
nary Zo./V?¥} now neniine in ietoher Circuit Court:
;nclosefi wicase find docket renort and three conies
of the petition in the above—styled suit.
This suit charges ihst the I; lroed conning forcibly
and unlawfully entered upon the school house lots and con-
structofi its reiiroad, but a: a matter of fact the railroad
entered unon these lote unfler =n agreement with the County
Board of Education, wherebr they were to reimbusse the County
for same later. I was authorized at one time to settle this
claim for ’.;1000.00, that is ..;5oo.0o for each of the lots and
to hermit the County board to move the buildines to new lots.
The best offer I have ever had from then is to furnish them
fiam /00033

with new lots and 9566?80 in cash with which to erect a build—

ing on each of them.

On Lovember 23 l916 I wrote you a letter and returned
you your file covering this claim.

Yours truly,
@KXMMC—vfl '

 I .
;{AAFJ Letcher Circuit Court.
, County Board of Education of
Letcher County and Letcher County, Plaintiffs,
v. Petition.
, Louisville & Eashville Railroad CO., .
and Lexington & lastern Jailwey CO., wefendsnts.

Plaintiffs state that they are each cornorutions existing
under 5nd by virtue of the state of Kentucky with never to contract
and be contracted with, sue and be sued and all other things usual
to such corporations; that the defendant, Louisville & Esshville
Railroad Conceny is F corporation organized and existing under and
by virtue of the lens of the itate of lentuchy with power to own,
operate, construct 5nd maintain railroads and to do all other things
usual to such corroretions, contract end be contracted with, one and
be sued; that the defendant, Lexineton l Tastern Leilney 30., is e
cornorction orgenized and existing under and by virtue of the laws
of the state of “’ntucky with newer to acquire lends, build, con-
struct and meintzin railroads 5nd to do a general railroading busi-
ness, contract ind be contracted rith, sue and be sued find to do all
other things usual to uch corporations.

Plaintiffs sey thst on or :bout the __. day of Bovember,
1912, the defendant, Lexington a tastern neilnsy CO., {seinst the
will end without the consent of nlaintiffs or either of them, en—
tered unon tno trects or norcels of land belonging to the nleintiffs
and held and used by seid oleintiffs for school purposes And unon
which tracts there was at the time, school house, and that said de—
fendant, Lexington & nestern deilwoy 00. took noseession of said
land Lfli nortions thereof 1n; er cted and constructed thereunon c ‘
railroad. :eid tracts or bound ries of L;nd and improvements are
bounded and described as follows:

First Tract: Lyine and being in the county of Letcher and
state hf Kentucky, on the waters of the Tentucky Liver about two
miles and a half east of Jhitesburg, 1y., and consistine of a school
house and about __ acres of land around and adjacent thereto and
being near the residence of Benton Blair and being the same property

 ‘ .

conveyed to the nlsintiffs herein by td Combs by deed dated ___dsy
of , .

decond Tract: Being : nsrcel of kgnd and school house erected
thereon, situated on the waters of doone Creek :bout 1&4 mile below
the mouth of Potter‘s fork and being the same land conveyed to the
plaintiffs by Henry Quillen by deed dated 7th day of July, 1898 and
recorded in Deed Book 3, st eggs 146, letcher County Gourt Clerk's

Plaintiffs state thst the dcfendcnt, Lexington Q nastorn
fiailwsy Comesny took charge of said lands and portions thereof and
constructed thereon, a railroad so close to the buildings erected
thereon end used by the plaintiffs for the nurpose of maintaining
a public school therein, that it has rendered said buildings use—
Vless for school ournoses to the great and ;rrenerable injury and
damage to the nleintiffs find to the nublic schools nein“ained by
plaintiffs in said school districts; that said defendants did said
sets ersinst the will end without the consent of nlaintiffs :nd
that said acts tore unlawful and trongful end th“t by reason of the
sets hereinbefore connltined of eliintiffs have been damaged in the
sum of 31500.00.

Plaintiffs ststo that thereafter the Lousiville & :eshvilh
hailroed Company either by nurchase or lease, took charge of said
railroad so constructed through said nroperties and running through

Letcher County, :y., and is new operating amen maintaining same;
that by reason of its taking charge of said railroad oroperty and
railroad and by the terms of the transfer and otherwise the said
Louisville a heshville neilroed Uomneny became and is responsible
to the nlzintiffs herein for the injury and damages done to them
by its co-defcndant, Lexington fl rastern Aeilway Company as herein—
bcfore set out and described.

wherefore, nleintiffs nray judgment against the defendants
in the sum of fifteen hundred (51500.00) Dollars, for their cost
herein expended end for all nroper relief. .

Felix G. Rields E J. 2. Blair
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.

The affiant, I. ?. Blair, says ho is County Attorney of
Letoher County and by virtue of his office, the attorney for the
County Board of Education of Letohei County and tbrt he believes
the statements of the foregoing oetition are true.
subscribed anfl sworn to before no by J. H. Blair, this
day of 1917.
LIT—«:1: ’ y C./ ‘ Zy/A [:7 I! I: ’
/5f 5 ”' w .__4'¢f~; :7 t J” \ Jr
.,,, a, 2, / 9"; .» ' ..4 E v “ gill.”
a, V t v 7 / C/‘Hf-l?’ a.) /./ ‘ . . '4’
‘f I ~// , x5 , J, N_} .
" 4,114.; 1 \ wr- ,
.' ‘ \ .//, M ‘r
( .«-';f: _ / \
\N: _ » , ' t ,I
i i. *7 ~ 2’ ’ ' - , ' , x. ,v’
f! ‘ “ ‘1. ..,“

 (’;mL 2351'?
' "5/7‘ 'W/ /‘7? J %
(lawman/4% g6/flzéww/é1 M mm/ fiaflfiaflg/z
7’ ' ////

MflMé/fi/ a //// Hev‘ez‘nxr 10 ~19: C .
Mr . . c i... ";'j,]_;€;;’21'_ , incl) YSX‘SE :ENDDLYFIRLEFEEZ.
Genir;l Counsel,
LLL;:iirgtth-‘, Kg). -
Dear :ir:

Your letter 1? Save her 6th relative to letter ad-
dressed to ;gu.hy L2; 1 Liter e; Frrvie under arts :3 Hive her
2nd, rel tire i: thr t : self31 plifitrties t}; ;wiicl riplt
;? me: ha; n:t ;et bven securrd in L tehor County.

I disca‘assei this guitar i t3: L_'1“. Lizrf'f 1:- 171:) :L'; at
Hazard ngiig le~t, ::i he :lvisei no that he under too? fro:
tie local school pifplh that the? de~ired to LTVG the Lower
Boone school Link a s):rt li3f5nee on the gr: art; of tie
Consoli1ati‘n 6341 Can any. I suggested to him tLet he isw
certain definitely as to this, and if possible fur 15h g‘ with
a sketch efiou'rr chit addit'onel property totld e nece-s r; 4
for school purposes iii I stall take the matter up;.it) the
Censolidaticn Coil Csnpany with a View of Lavinfiiii deeded to
the County and then enter into an arrsnjement nit? the County
to pay the cost of mav'ng the present building back on to the
new property in considereti n of their deedinr the porti n 3f
the present school lot now occupied by our right of was to
t); e C 3:11,: an; .

Hr. Mérg n stated to no tint he wvs of LKC opinirn

 I .

that the wchool boari mm id «refer in Tsve tie CQupfiD: ,L:
fa? thr presemt gckaoi pr;:grt5 3p,amiie the u:u;1 sf P»rt
Cxwmk bwlow Coll; Greek v: 3 L: ‘ennit the Bahia; Easy? 1?
relscate this builfiig . I aQTiE€i him tL*t w w":ii e wii?irg
ti‘ qug‘02,mr55 t71w '1 3 1n :‘3 L? r gyi-e.re1‘t 3L*,; STL 59;“:5~9171; i?1 A: f] e
sclsol bourfi far a: much as fi?Cb.CC, :'rmLttiL: them ,2 r gzce
the present bail? n: if £1c; :: dejired anfi u~e tlu anterirl
in file erectiin :f a new builfiiij‘It Suit39r gi 9. H5. Lar—
gxn advised mfi thif he woail takg iii: L=ttcr @j also :iiL the
sclsol bogrd at? uozlfi wivi‘e iicir iecisiég i: i191LTttBrw

e waxilfl much _"1‘ mflafiuking to securi :2: the 1101:?
school lot £13m the 0:5u415711i:; 03:1 Csng“ny 111 Qty the Ccuniy
a stated sum f3: gavixj ttn kwili'fig, rat er thjr LC uniertake
ta xsve it surgelves mffing it 5 tin? ctorg t3 tie schnol b:ard,
anfl me well? vi 9 frcfer purch win: the schcol lct oppgsixe
the mouth of Bart Creekzsther Linn to undertake to damate a
let frsm the PrfifleriJ girchasofl Cram thc CitbS' heirw helnw
Golly Creek anfl ave the buildix: to the new Sfir.

Yourw 'trulg,
/ 4 Km. H
" Clfie‘.un371§§er i=f CS€E§E%fixéfii:u .
Cy Lew-1s Earvie, Atty” ”.‘Litesbm‘g, '
Jesse Mjrgfih, Att;., Hauird, Ky.

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 K / .-’ .'
JESSE MORGAN LEWIS E. HARVIE {’5’ H, , ,_'. ,5 é
= g ‘ ‘v
,wov. 4, 1916.
Jodge S. l. Wilson,
Lexington, K3.
Dear Sir:—
lirl.;=:.=“=r.2:==.<,ir;.,la.;:pe~tc:’_. you 'tU raglove ’31'16 01:}. “r‘O‘=.Js-:e to ~74. new lot 01‘ to 1.55.3120 :3. cash

coppeimzfi‘ion in lieu. thereof.

I ‘8.sz I‘e’a‘,;:7"uj.;1gj 01.1: the file- r-tmzt Le Wit. 32%.}? let 1161‘ of Lato-
Ccr 3rd if: order ‘itl‘z‘ij 30:2. 2.6.; r: V63 'ULL‘ ;.C’CESES‘dI‘h‘, data. "'20 MRS in
.Lr-‘r' .,. , 7 ..,7' +7., ‘27.“) (\flh] ' ‘, J..." 7 ’1 ,7 1 “1 J.‘|,. 7 .. . (3’1": 7‘7‘ 1- "CH1 4.41.,“ r,
Latitlgla L‘Li,’ ‘.wiw; Luv LIO_qu,_QlL.!7.e-QQ_O£. \..7UL.L..1. L70. L176 (11.16:; blCl.’ Oi L;\.7ULA.LAL:_’ a
1.871; school 31017.89. site.

‘75 01.2. I‘ :3 76,117. 1;] ,
Copy to .773. C. ‘7.«7"j_l]_j,e711.5.
Jesse 1.01" 2.1.11

fl/////////’0€//} M/ e /./,// /////////%fl//Z/
J) u”. (ltv;¢{<’ , ,. ,
ZZQ/f/A -/’/ //%M//mur, //
. 01431. @31/7Zé :71/Mme}: [we /_ / / ,/.
flfig”adg/glgég/ZI/égéé/fix/yeul. Judo/$5? October 4 , 1916.
J , w’
Hon. 8. M. Wilson, _
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to my letter to you, of the 2nd in-
stant,relative to controversy with the Letcher County
Board of Education in the matter of school property
taken for the right of way of the Eastern Kentucky Di—
vision in Letoher County:
In the last paragraph of‘my letter reference
is made to a suit filed against the Company by the Board
of Education. I find now that this is an error. The
suit I had in mind at the time my letter was written was
the case of Breathitt County Board of Education v. L. &
E,and Lg & Nu, filed on or about September 20, 19169 at
Yours trui:;¢7{
(:fziigééf:;%fii”fiié%§fiot Attorneya

‘ J. " ,, ,, ., /‘
LEXINGTON,KY, I - ,,-, , , .
.. . 2 , ..f 14,
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I " W ‘ ' ' " ' l ‘ » ' T 3 I x; L. "' "
2 h, .1 2 _2 ‘ 1- , 1. ,. ._. ! _ .2 , r . . , . ., ,.,
_ ‘- 1. ~ ' '2.. A. , . " . t - _ 4‘ ' ' -. ,_ .> ' "v . ~ ‘ ‘- , i 2, ..
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LL21] ...
’ ' . ‘ , _i 4 t . ‘ , 9
DJ 740 Nye 7/

 {I .
K October 7,, 1916.
J. J. Donohue, tsq.,
Asst. Diet. Atty., B & N R R Co.,
.Oouisville , Ky. ‘
Dear Dir:
heccipt is acknowledged of your favor of the 1nd instant,
with enclosures in reference to the claims of the Letchcr County V
Board of Education against the Gomoeny for the taking of certain
- echool property for right of way purpOSes on the Qantcrn Kentucky
Division. ‘
I will handle the matter as instructed in the last
paragraph but one of your letter.
Very truly yours,
.'.-13:." / a

. October 3, 1916.
‘ Messrs. Morgan & Nuckola, Attys., A

Hazard, Ky.

Herewith please note cepy of a letter of this date to
meagre. morgnn & Harvio, at Vhiteshurg, with duplicate copies of
the two letters written by Messrs. Donahue and Eilliams therein '
referred to. Jet me ask that your fir. Morgan proceed as sugges- .
ted in Mr. hilliams' letter in the paragraph thereof at the bottom
of the first wage of the cony I am enclosing. I trust that through
the co~onerati0n of all of you gentlemen an early adjustment of these
matters on satisfactory terms may be brought about.

Very truly yours,‘
I Geluisel.

 f . ' ‘
‘ .
. October 3, 1916.
Mccsrs. Morgan Q Harvic, Attyw.,
Horowith plocuc note cosy of a letter of tho ?nd instant,

written me by fir. Dgnohuc, Aosistnnt Dinrict Attorney, and 00wy of
a letter of Leptoumcr 30, 1315, written to Hr. Warficlc, Sicirict
AtLorncy, by dr. Villiaus, Chief anginocr of Construction, together
with tho filo attached, all in reference to the matter of tho claim
of the Lctchcr Uounty jonrd of gducation against the Company for the
alleged taking of ceytain school nrogcrty in the building othha

3 Stern Kentucky Division. I call your particular uttcntion to the
last paragraph out one in Mr. Donohue's letter of the 2nd inStnnt,
cné will ask you to proceed accordingly, bearing in minfl what is
onifi in fir. Williams‘ lottor oi the BOth ult., about getting Mr.
florgan‘s ouinion as to tho most )YDfididnt courfio to pursue under
all tho circumstances. Duplicate copies of the cnclosod letters
above referred to will be furnishofl Messrs. Morgan & Huckolc for

their infornntion.

- ’lcaoe acknowledge rccciot oi‘this lettor and all on—

closures and keen mo advised of the progrcss of your negotiations

for a Settlolsmnt. '

Very truly yours,

encs. ' V


Cong - Morgan & Nuckolo. Counsel. ,

' W5 flb’i7?027 .

‘ ' 4 ,v ' fl ,« ’_ [A / 7 , / /
. ¢ A%Ziw/é7fl/féj%//éc%//flémfl%/{W
r . /
52£%Z”¢”maélgzéiggfiéégggigy cgfiész*'LZZZg/éczi497zctza£3/ééVa/ZZ%;zéZac{€;/a
;g%'fiéfz"%/%flflfi’zaflk "I
/* #3320321sz jimmy: / 3,7 . 1)} W7, 2
(y %172€J/fh%gf€$fzfifyeu. j/flJW/fl&<fl/}k 0 ctober 2 , 1.9 16 .
,,7y'f ii‘ //5/
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I have before me your letter of September 25,
with a copy of letter from hr. Lewis B. Harvie, our Whites—
hurs attorney, relative to the clain of the Letcher County
Board of Education for alleged taking of school property,
on the Eastern Kentucky Division, for use as right of way.
Your letter was referred to Chief Engineer of
Construction Williams, and I now enclose you his letter to
Mr. Warfield, of‘Septenber 30, and his file No. 1508, which
contains correspondence relative to the conveyance of school
lots near the mouth of Port lreek, about two miles above
Whitesburg, and near the north end of the Neon yard.
\‘ I shall be under obligations if you will refer
these papers to Mr. Harvie, with instructions to undertake
to bring about a settlement of our controversy with the Board
of Education along the lines suggested by Kr. Williams, pro—
vided Mr. Jesse Morgan—awho, as Mr. Williams says, is familiar i
with the matter of the purchase of’property between the mouth
of Pert Creek and the mouth of Golly Creek——is oi‘the opinion
that the Company is now in a position to make a transfer to

_. s . M. 22' 2
the School Board of a lot from the Edward Combs tract, in
area equal to the present lot.

k, Inasmuch as the Board of Education hag now filed
suit against the Railroad Company, prompt attention to the
matter of settlement of the controversy is requested.

Yours truly,
flislstant District Attorfiey.‘

. Q /flMéfl/p/fl/ gé/yazn/Vw/VV/L 5! WM/ W?”
V, €;Z7 . , /z o)
x m/flmi/w/éz/gg
a C l 1 5 o 8
‘ To DATE AND FILE NO‘ September 730—1916.
Mr. 1: . D. l'isrficld ,
District Attorney.
Dear sir:
I return fir. I lson‘s letter of the 25th, bearing
your notation to me of the 27th, your file 7955?, relative
to school properties in.Lctchcr county, parts of which
were taken in constrictinj our North Fork thension.
/ It is 8 feet that we are occupyinf with our right
, i of way a small portion of the school lot opposite the mouth
, J - ~ 7
' g of Bert Creek, about two miles above Jhiteshurg. Also the
4, '} rr‘efl‘It-er—p.;taoi the school plot at what is knotn s the Letter
( / Boone Eschool house, near the north end of Econ Yard, and ne—
i gotiotions have been pen ing for a considerable pcriod with the
local Superintendent