xt73bk16mf8w_795 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [641] Jesse Napier v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [641] Jesse Napier v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_6/12622.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_795 xt73bk16mf8w '7 ‘. 7 A "
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b’ ‘ E
, WOOT TON & MORGAN / {,1 w 1.12:». :22 ,5 ...:g;
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Afiurnvug at 11431112
Oatobcr 25, 1916.
1. cl 2.5118011,
I.. 233:}. .'11-i722; on , Lent 12.0323].
Iii-0:212 :11“
Agar/«10:300. ::c mum. 3,7022; docket 11e2i2ort and "Spree co'nics
v.21 -n~‘~-'—' - ‘21 ,_ L «A _. - 2— _
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Vet very truly,
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COhPth, and J. L. SULLIVAN ;ND

BUsIIQsS UHDER :3; Elfin jinfi
.lfin sfiYll OE .ULLIVlH & iDAhS, DEEEHEAHTS.

The plaintiff, Jesse Eapiur, says that the defendant, Louis--
ville & Jeshville Railroad company, is a corporation duly created, or—
ganized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of
Kentucky, and as such is authorized and empowered to contract and to
be contracted with, to sue and to be sued in its corporate name store-

he says that the defendants, J. L. Sullivan and Adams
are partners engaged in construcuon work under the firm name Hi and
style of Eullivnn & Adams.

He states that he is the owner and in the actual possession
of and net been such owner end in the actual possession of the herein-

, after described house on the following described lot or parcel of land
viz: Situated, lying and being in Perry Jounty, Ientucky, on the waters
Korth Fork of the icntucky niver, and more perticulerly described as

BSGIHEIIG at the corner of the rerden near an elm stump;

thence running éfi-poles up the hill with the garden fence; thence

a straight line to the corner of geyne Helker'e yerden; thence

down the hill with the werden fence between Jesse Lepicr and

Jayne .Elner’s gerden to the lower panel of fence; thence with

the carden fence to the beginning, containing one—half scre, more

or less.
said house stending on said tract of land being a three room boxed house
both weather—boarded and painted on the outside, end ceiled on the in—
side, end eeme being practically a new house h;ring been built on said
tract of lend about two years ago.

Pleintiif States th,t within the lest'Melve months last east
the defendants, by their erents, employees and laborers, have been en—
Enged in the erection and construction or a railway roed bed leading
from and near That is inows as the Hazard funnel down the Jorth :orK of
the Kentucky River to a point on .elker‘s trench pascinr by end over

 . '.“".
this plaintiff‘s said lot ene just in eaiately ouch of his house, end
that while so engaged and while areding eiid railJay road—Jed the de-
fendenpe were compelled Lo and die excavate in the hillside a part of
eoid road—Jed axe iill end MUKG ; fill some eight to twelve :eet nigh
on the lower eide and imuouiutely ebove and on tLe upper side of his
houee, and ehwt in so doing euid eojemd ups, eheir hiree genie, enente
eervante ;nd employee, nroariully and without rifihp, eat a: Lift fie
will gnu nichoue she consent oi t;is pleiatiig, enoered upon his Said
lot and covered up one upper eide biereoi to :iuhin a :oot or two of
said gouge, en; formia: e 7111 or cubenkaenu eoge eighu uo t:eive feet
high 41o we LiTQ we ehe eaves oi eqie house, so dict i3 is glnoet in—
pOSLible vo fee: oround said lonee “icnout elimbinv myon said fill and
xgxinx Lie e:id house iiu Lieuieee iigeeeeeible, nu; Lave thereby 3e—
Lueed Gui; poreion 0; lie lot cox; to (ge a:‘inxe hie gOEEC no its
yoeee51ioa, "labout his consent end Mr lltb ,ie will, in;.L;Te or {gid
gets oi ureepeea doe.rejed Lie avid lot and LOLee i3 aleir usefulgees,
eeid ,ouee aeiav oeauoiei or ellineifi L a d ellini' : the time, and
by the eOAtiuu_uimi oi aria :ill 5,; Q; 3*? Lia 3f e,ii ILllIOLQ
over eaid road bed are ve,diole velte of his grogerpy gee leei end is
permeneutlv impaired 1nd rendered greiciimllf northlen,, to hie da age
in the sum of ,500.03.

;TLZLJOI., the ‘Ieuiee; aouriiered, phe Algintiji fir;FE LNd?‘
went an inst the defeadante, Louisville ; Tashville , ilroed Jomwany
and LulliVLH 3.,dgme, go: phe gum oi 1537.00 in Lemaree; 10: his eostS
herein expended, .;Q for ell ieneral and ;§Ojer relief. ,

”'»' a . z. / ,
/’//5/4:£C{/7"‘ éi/Z/Z/Zéé fiflgg/Tx
nttorneys for fleintiff”/

Che gl iiui f Jeeee Zeuier,eeye the staeements contained in
the iorerotnfi JeCitiou are Sure re Lo verily believee.

iuweeribed gal ETOIH no iefore me by Jeexe ,g‘ie:, this
filth dey’ f October, 1916.