xt73bk16mf8w_796 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [642] J.W. Sumner v. L&N, Letcher County Court text [642] J.W. Sumner v. L&N, Letcher County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_7/12626.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_796 xt73bk16mf8w ; ,
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‘ ~ in .fl/l/zfi’i/‘é/g/ ge//WJ»/I//%e MM/Wfl/ [/z/flfl/If/
, ,.,,/fl/l‘flfi/iz/lec /// October 5, 1916.
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#% YSXFE “212% F5; i2.
Mr. S. Li. Wilson, Attorney,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:- '
I attach hereto an order of attachment is sued by the Police
Court at Blackey, Judge L. Whittaker, in the case of J. 17. Sumner versus Forrest
Lumber Company and S. E. Patton, $100.00 debt and $15.00 probable court cost, also
a copy of letter written by our agent at Blacky September 30th in the same connection.
The logs mentioned in Mir. Cox’s letter compOSed the lading of LdN
car 20808, consigned by the Forrest Lumber Company to Mowbray & Robinson 00., at
Quicksand, and'which reached “,uicksand and \vyslfi/eliverired to consignee before we
could act on the attachment. Mowbray 6’: Robinson slanted they had settled with
the Forrest Lumber Company, and the agent at guicksand stated that they had recedi-pted
for the shipment and paid freight thereon, and he was accordingly instructed to make
' Len 90521, containing lumber from this comparw consigned to themselves
at Lexington, Ky., is on hand in Lexington yard held at our instancewpending settlement
. of the attachment.
As the agent at Blackey states, there is on hand at slackey on our
loading grounds a considerable quantity of lumber and logs awaiting shipment, and
I have requested the agent at Blackey to advise me promptly if any attempt is made
to remove}; this lumber, and also to refuse to accept it for shipment unless so advised
by this office. I

Sm n. Wilson, Page 2

The value of the property on hand at Blackey, the agent thinks,
will exceed the amount of debt and costs, but there is a question as to the
prOpriety of our holding this material, since we have not accepted it for shipment,
although permitted it to be stored on our grounds awaiting shipment.

We took up with our attorney's at Hazard as follows on October
2nd, after the two cars of lumber had been traced down, and received the reply
from them next quoted:

‘ "J. J. Sumner has obtained attachment order through Blackey police
court against Forrest Lumber Co and S. E. Patton jointly and this order was
served on our agent at Blackey September 30th with intention of our holding up

. delivery of a car of logs forwarded from Blackey 29th to Mowbray & Robinson and
a car of lumber forwarded on the 50th to LexingtOn. Mowbray & Robinson advise
that they have paid Forrest Lumber Co. for their logs, and I presume shipment ir//
on Lexington has been settled for. Could we under this condition withhold de-
livery of these shipments? These people also have a small quantity of lumber
on yard at Blackey awaiting shipment, which is included in the attachment order.
Could we legally hold this in our pessession to cover the amount“of‘iEEEBtednEsS‘
and costs which is $115.00? Wire me today if possible what stand we should take."

Their reply:

"Hazard, my.

"M . Seargeant

"Telegram Sumner attachment jist received. If shipment to
Howbray & Robinson and Lexington have been paid for lumber belongs to consignee
and can be delivered. neuld advise requiring indemnity from consignee against
loss on account of attachment before delivery. As to lumber on yard at Blackey,
should not undertake shipment until attachment is settled as to whether you can '{/
hold it in possession if it has been delivered for shipment, and if it is still W
the preperty of Foreest Lumber Company you should hold it subject to order of
court. If it has'not been actually delivered into your possession do not think
you should have anything to do with it.“

"Morgan and Knuckles, 637 P.M."

No further action than has been outlined in the foregoing remarks
was taken, and the matter is submitted to you at this true for advice as to what
disposition we should make of the car of lumber now in Lexington yard, and what

- action should be taken with regard to the property on our grounds at Blackey. I

Please let us hear from you as soon as poasible.

/é¢ 4¢:/éggpixzféf7fliég:

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