xt73bk16mf8w_797 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [643] L&N v. Morris Colwell, Perry Circuit Court text [643] L&N v. Morris Colwell, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_8/12632.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_797 xt73bk16mf8w _ ‘ ' ' ' FORM 1~Revised 'Ju1y, 1909 . ' ' . c ‘_ ~-
‘ 5") gacilssages whichtiarebapzpareptlyt'hunnetgesgfirg, Off thatdccauld lze seqt by Train Mail, will bq tra‘psmitted and '
TELEGRAM ° W y' u imam“ aggirmznzzszpéazfisfsg fasrénspmm °r TELEG RAM ,
Lexington ,Ky. , «Hovember 20th, 1916. l
, Morgan & Ihzakols , , 7 '
. Hazarfi , Ky. ‘
V H w Tongs of 15th. N‘Z’ill be all right to file proposed suit against
:30. rim ualflwoll. suggest you arrange with Mr. E‘Jarfield direct .
abou ,_; executl on of 1302151 .
' Sufi. 11111130110 . \
' l

 1v 3w ori \1 JESS M aAN / ”'7‘ J r
5.5 ‘ O“ 0' ‘ E ORC )’///.’ :.:. 4'. ,’ I‘é
Attorneys at E31111
November 16, 1916. '

Rh. 8 . I‘II. Wilson,

Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:

Enclosed we hand you copy of Petition in Equity which
we propose to file in the Perry Circuit Court, if it meets with
your approval. hr. Seargeant, Superintendent of this Division,
has instructed us to file suit against Colwell enjoining him
from doing the things we allege in this petition, but before
acting in this matter, pursuant to the general letter of in—
structions to attorneys not to incur any cost by executing
bonds, etc., until approved by the General Counsel, we prefer
to await your advice before filing this petition, and we
therefore hand you copy of our petition against Colwell.

Yours very truly, .
JLI/ l‘flJ—R. A/ }/’// (Ii ’1:"); J” , I/ ’/i//" K”
/ /I ‘ * ,-
1: 2C>,l{“=l‘—.
lacinqlan ¢;_ Iluclcsls, littyc. ,
hazard, ,13. .
’ w . Yours 0: 11:-n lr-th. ‘.."ill be all :‘ipzht to file
p10 051.530,}. 1111 L. 1:23.”.3 Iii") C- 4-031153 £101 ‘.{3q-—L . Uuu‘sjifut ;fC-Ll ari‘ftiiifo ‘.‘ j .L.}:
hr. x.:1‘:.3;'iin’>ld «':ii‘réct snout execution. 0:" bond.

if ‘:1 .{C‘UI'B COURSE.
LCTIUI :3;" Ill--.1 5}; :VILI".L.‘.
ix JL--‘.0. L.‘.‘) .5..}; LL“. LIE, P3}. 11;/L'.‘ IRE.
V5: SP ':1TETI‘.7.“ILL)._'; ISA i.:;"iIIi£"‘i-"'.
L..-1.131 2 JCL {E.G‘LL, 3)“;i?;-.‘.'.’E'13.2.;;71‘.

The pie-.igrtii‘i", Louisville .7.:.I‘.;91Vi.].l(: :.‘;::;ilro;::d Jem-
grr-ny, r"'t.-.tr:.-:-.: Ll: » it is eorzooi";,;tiox:1, =-2ul:-;; mwvauized £416.. exist-
ins; alder 22...:1d rig: L‘.'UL‘ o no lbi‘ik". oi? the 5' size of: icflruciqr,
ariti'z power to il‘if‘: to *:=~:,: €313.51: d, L o -:::<;uit:r:pe't k to he cam-n; r....cted
*::itll, 21:5; to 015:1 L :3,-cl; Eritle to ;:ur_«:h real 2570 5‘.-..:: is:- nec—
osxriy for it: u: £~‘ :: 1:*>;.,ilro;;-.d o r, 31:2,. :.. common :3. rrier,

..:...:'i:; _u null r-i.~-::1::,-.»‘~. flower»; - m. privileges usinzfi to 2.2.»..i'iroud
«'3 or; :1:: ..ii r. 53 .

>71.;.l:i‘tl if $23.37;”: L it i: L. ;z» 2711-13-3? 1 .Lv: the c .ual
jgiosssgion o; ,..‘ollo;:11.::r;: (3.4:. ‘.:..L'ia.‘€.2'., u ,.‘:th of l-znd. situated -
ill. '.<'_".::'~r;;:’ )r.'>:..'s_m y, - xiii-ecstgr,

;i;_.",i,i;,;sl.i{if.j1 a :..: L:..1.,:e . ... Lit ‘10ufl‘t:§-" '.:}inc, ne-
{niffiex}. ':T'Jcrry‘ :..,‘1; -.:;c.-;,.t;.,i"a;'1‘. Counting, in; ‘,Torth for“: of the
.;Cz.z.rtucz.1:y Rivet", '..},C illrl .Lza“ Moises Wilmetficwuliy :..;loru‘c with .:.-;id
glitz-for throuzfii ':1: rry io'z,.:'.;:t75' to the in; L. 2hr: r Stilzlbjfi‘ 1".-inc; that :'.‘r;...i d
171‘“.th 01'] 1221:“. is: ; :;ni o lieu": 4.15m"; 0:12: .’.;utidred :f‘c'éei: ids,
rid ufg‘vori ".rhich strife o if J.:-ind it 31:18. its}: "astiu IL. m 073.“ 3::-.;.}.11'0 :26.
through 490 231‘s)“ ‘.:OU.,IILI"/7 lee tad; 'ml anon the a; south. : 0:3? :;guifi athr'ij;
.,‘:FL its: ’Iifzifl. t...=.,,e;‘;, '.1.r;;--'..r.’.*'imf pgroxi .. toly ifty :‘L‘cet on each :':.id 0 g
oi’ the center lilo oi“ suit. malt; track; that it daily ogmgcii'r-mes
both igusscniif: r .r fill Irwirz-ht trains ugj-z: ; ;a; id tr;;;.<3i-c uad i111: :':: so
coca-.‘::ited :'::z'sm :.'.inco tin: ye I" 1913:, do. ‘:1»; been in the --.ctual
;'?0§§:s<2:-.-:,éios;-1 1;;E':.::2:cs.n>:(7 r .:.:i o=.-=-:::r:;..tinf: lti. trulms ':..heroon daily fluid
hourly (1-10.6;- (Elli time.


Thaa in ordar to maintain itu track upan xhich it:

t; ‘iglfi yuan: rm? iwLi, it if 1193£M:9;4ry"t0 3ngvc3 fignxiruxamn ngtelgaa, ma‘ 1'
fills alOHW, mm a, 'bout rgia truck, ;nd ox uamh nine thereaf,
.ad it i; also zcgcr: r? to keep its said rimht—of~vay clear of

11 onatruozionfi in 0; c: that it: txgine mgy 3.98 Lné run to
:36 £30 on Enid liifi “ibh Quiety to 15L smiloyces and pagcengors
tad gyoporty of «arsone tn.t iu heijfi ;hiaped .nd carried by it

Ad »130 :0 keep o-en each uni .11 of LL13 a: image ;iLches in
ardcr in‘i L‘ifi rang—bod g.y dc firminefl gm; Kept er, VD thit
ib'xlll 50;? bis 1r££tvm3 of trains EAGTCOVOI‘iJléRISCty to Bria
Ex.11a a; n LIGRTCJY therean, wad yrogerty Heinr carried there-

The pl iatiff rays thy: viihin 5L0 Evolve manths 143$
fi.ssefl, :hc Agquu it _0 xi: Julamll, h,i by'hifi elf, ;dfi hifl
w"ents LAQ axplmyanr, :ntmzafi Ufi‘i its Laid fi“hi-Df~fim¥, and
t;uled lows, ti berg and Qfihor things ova: fiafl 33:033 its Hmii
railiO;fi trwc; Had Alon? itr riwht—of—wayg and i; uhD daninage
ditcheg thereon, and h;g thereby oortructe& flaifl afaiauqo iitchefi
iajured 9nd born them down and filled them Q3, gnfi hag also
hauled .Jd firmwu fileds wgé other veuicles gith animals)over rad
alonq its gala querufl zmd .orogw 13% tracks, had thorcby hin-
<%ering ::ui flcltgflgr? itu 1$JDOTGIE,TfiK)iLJG caustanrtly‘fIJ‘xork on

ad “lonw Boifi Lguox, and fimifl QEuiflfi“fi Jitcho§)ia OIdiI to
Keep them i1 Lhe wropor repair, ;ui h¢: ;lso del¢yed wfld hindered
hie p Svmwo of ifis 531133, .1& but Said Br in? Una the persnas who
39 0 Grating Elwyn wna the ;r:ssenmexms azczeon, ichlglger of
Wrecks, to much an extent thfit porgons ;JO liable to he fiillefi
_nd that all of fiflifl acts of treawass on the gift of the defend-
3nt ¢re "ibhout the aouwent and awninst the will of the plaintiff
:nfl AfC very injurious to its firOfiorty and very much hinders

 ,f' . \
.. if, -
one: o‘rasijr‘rug’ix: 1;. in. 532.1; :'3:.23:v.t.o-:: it; over; tho public f‘.‘%l’lt~’iI‘£1]_l:f;
.3:...t: :I!‘ site. (2:11" trorJt;-=.-.;:3.€t 1;..ve 13121371.;“1‘011 17.1.1131111 Ferry "
1131.11 :1 1 use: 1 1031?? 1L1; lira: E) at; .::-..:: :1 7.1:. e .‘1t2..=.t' 1021.2: o i‘ Elia/1:13.11; :....rtd Tier-
lies, in E’forsry Jour'r’sgy, 51::.-1t;ttof{;r.
1:21:11’5111'13 .:.:-75: 1211-312 £2.37 re 90114:)? the :‘asymre described
not: wf Greer; 3.3: Erna 2.;.:.=.v;n,fj:r~2<1 1-11111? sum 01" 31300.00.
.7.-3'1; 13':“: "Punt, dieiff'vaic'i 21:. is} (37131tiraiafi‘ to 0011?;
11.1 acts 3"); {1.2.11ij 31113117 111;: 7111, ..ar. :3 1.31037 :..:re
r.) :317111‘112‘1aec1 .1: 'Jé.r..:.1:z;‘ 31:. are 1‘»: 11:35:: no .':iif'lti'tlr’iL‘CG 1’”.".'"l€:1(3.:;' :21:
1.1-x r- 51*: 33:21:11. :‘01‘;r:<:3i; 114:”: :3'23703-317; rty t 5.212113111‘13 '1;-fie 3
3.73.:p;:€.:€cg:¢o o. 11;- :1. t;;.'.3.1-::‘:= ‘1 .1111; In it, .':/11%. :;'%:."‘c 11:.110:.;’ iii-Jo tle:ii‘:r:f:.~it.-pat
is: .17:1::<~2e..1u..813. raised '11») 3-“.‘11'162'5. :535'13111 :".‘:.1t'i .rr.‘ .;‘11‘1
-..':'.1‘*.::::‘».:.> ..::Lf. of We: .3 _c- ' :30. 13m .i":’:.'i';it.33 1.3.51‘111": 27111
L 11- 1w» 132-: it: P, _J 13.06
- 1.5.. ’1 IL 3:: ‘ 1 ~ 0 o: itte
1422.1.13'11‘ L "71.3.1, 3‘ 4} 3:1; 1.11.1 51‘ 311:}: {Hill-52171333, if” 01.111111110d,
:3.-"3::: 1t. 5. -. :3313115: 5.2. 1.1.?” to 55:3 o v’.‘ its: i:‘;f;‘i}“.'-:LO:?'GL¥S or
r :5 C11’3'3371‘: 53:1. .1; 51’ 11.11:: . .
1‘1.3:..1:1i.t;i. . 13" .1 53:} .=.;;: 211:3: {.‘.-.0 3.3:r::>‘vi.oa.§e Leiafoz-wr'r :reé 1.112.111139;
r; m .i..:."ri:t:iet,iort 7: 1“? seem. £176. KER”, T2::.zrtot£., (:3.: rer'ae ed. .1 t,
.1.». '1;f.i.r.'- car-e W is: :‘lozuiw‘t; ‘3’ to ate ‘if-ereolfi, or
3.:);2‘ may JPJ; o 1:: liaise of 1111‘ 512.1215 3.:: 5:10.11, suit}. 5131:: a Heart
. 21:1 .ir-re;V.‘.:.v.;:~‘-.=,‘:>'.l.o .1;i,iury "-'0‘<11(i result; 110 1t"- :-:.‘:37x;)m (10121:); in
"“1VZtilff.‘ tartsze of 11113:. Met-ion :ifor 1.217113'u3‘iu‘113n, iii." the e (47.11:?
Circa 5.11.: ‘:.{tldif‘g}, at. i.”o.:.;.!3:-'-:':.ble John. '1). f.’Ve:.:‘..01e. 5.1“ 1313.2: 3);}.5't'rei‘ts,
. .210: ;.‘erzjy .50112133J, 1;: 3101‘; .31.}:3011‘5 from .31'33331‘3; zjouzrtgr, and are. t;
1201;," would noose: r113; retailt; 1a. a '1:; fort: mid 311613033 £11111
i‘i'.i.Vi."ll-”.‘ the 51-31:“v"‘:.u‘1...:.i‘1i.- I-ia'itleo .':):t‘ the 5.1: plies. aim“; 0:17 “5110 331:; iatiff
"for the relief ..:}:ett. “for in this Game, 21.1.2. 1331.51; there .15.: no 01132.01“
.~'fa.3;'l.{7>;c 01‘ :z'::1;:t:1].:i': ,t'ariréiietion 110"; 121 Perry density.
‘L..t.:.‘..i._~‘O.'l.' , the plaintiff 'z’i'JZ‘i..3l.j$7£f that, ..'-:19 5311,2111: ozt‘ thie

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