xt73bk16mf8w_826 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [679] E.H. Combs v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [679] E.H. Combs v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_70/Folder_9/13277.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_826 xt73bk16mf8w . . JESSE MORGAN LEWIS E. HARVIE
June 26th, 1917.

In re suit E. H. Combs v. L. & N. R. R. Co. &C.

L‘liaawl~:2.._m_.2.w '0 ”_31—.1..1....l1filg’fiéfigflgi
Judge 8. L. Wilson,

Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
I beg to say that the steps taken in the above-
. styled suit at the April term are as follows:

Demurrer to petition filed and overruled. De-
fendants filed written motion to require plaintiff to make
petition more specific, and also to strike, and not waiving
same filed its anSWer. I hand you cepy of answer herewith.
This answer contains denials only.

Yours truly,

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7'»: ~< " :‘1 x 1 -"'-. '7' "- ‘»rr 1 1"“ 7‘-’x':'-‘)‘n>“r—" .'\.» "‘v‘s (gm-«4 3'131‘1 1. v'“‘1,~1‘;."‘.::'n 'u"‘~.,‘- 1'". {:3 "I” (‘2
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4 \"'I.I.£ 3...! '
§ ‘ .

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A///'/////////// i./. /(//’///’///, /, z / I / /‘ ,1 7 , .
f V Vim/N”. ‘///”/'//<’I7 l /;///’_C //’/////’/////'/////1 ///’//////// ////// , Hy/fl/fl.

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70/ «‘7'/w ' / 4 . ~ W/
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/ /%/}/'/r///‘.‘///I’///. ’ ' /'///'// ////r ‘ ////or ALB-Lil l” 9 1"1’/'
A, ;,~,,»
Hon. 3. r. Wilson,
1&1“. “r, ‘
Loxington, K7.
flea: Tl?:

me'r“:nf no ”on: 1 tier of February 27, enclos—
ing: 51 iOCL‘LFPt réi‘OOl’t «31:115. C copy 9 i“ ‘t-ii-‘% 13:31:15: ,' 11, in the: "‘"‘
aif'T‘. ‘7. /7oufl"a *'. L. a 7Q. 2113. L. é~ U. , 17,:L911 is; a Silit 'to
recover tl,GOD lamages on ac; uni of fine alloyed failure of
the Lexington and Famiern Railway lompany to egtablish a
private road—crow in; lo connect Chowo n3?ts of the plain~
tiff‘s fawn lying on ooposite alias of the iompany's right
of way, don“ fivc or mix silos Holow Whitosburq. on the
North For; 01 the Kontuohy River:

Enclosed pleas» find 7*12? Engineer of Construc-
tion Williams' loiier of April 11, iogother with a copy of
the deed from F. V. Combs :ni fife in tho Lexington and
Eastern Railway Comoany, an: Mr. Williams file No. 405.

Partiowlir iiiwntion in inVitoi to the letter from
J. O. Ely, Roadmaater, late: April 2. Do you not think we
vhonli wove to strike frquflihs,potition all of the firat
paragraph of page furs; thoreof, “horoin is set up the Char—
ter provimion of the Lonigvillo and Nashville Railroad Com—

3‘ . . ‘3'. ‘3
‘pany r qwirinfi the construction of crossings 80 that a
‘:Efitiéenét can go from on: part of his farm to another,
WgheremthE‘road rune through Shah hereon‘e land and di~
Videe it? It is, it Seeds to me, ghenrd for Judge
Bearing to claim that the charter provieion referred to
has any application to the case we have here. The
North Fork theneion, as you nnow, vie not conetrncted
unier the L. a N. charter. As you will see from hr.
: Ely‘e letter, there is :lrceiy a crossing over the rail—
iroad, through Ir. Gombs' croperty, finich ie locatei about
2550 feet from the coal bank referrei to in the cctition.
iAnd, thie bring true, it does not eecu to me that tombs
has a common—law right to compel the construction of en~
other croseing; certainly not at a point There it is im~
practicable to conetrnct such a crossing.

The allegation a8 to contract mile With Combs,
with respect to a caseway, at the time right of way was
obtained from him, may give us come trouble, although it
is oerfectly reasonable to say that, if there wee a con~
tract of that Kind, it wonli have been incorporated into
the deed. Note that it igficy'o recollection that, when
the right of way was purchased through the lombs proper—

ity, extra compensation van allowed on account of the fact
,that a croseing conli not be constructed at the coal bank.

_ s. h. T. 5
Jertainly something, in adiition to the value of the right
of way, was included in the i850 fihich was said for 5.17
acres of hillside land. If Mr. Day did not negotiate with
:Mr. Combs for a right of way Through lie land, it is prob—
ifble that he Knows who did.
X If there is any further inforxation I can furnish
you in regard to this matter, please let me hncr What it is.
Yours truly /.«
72%4263 5:” a, gaze/’:Ze; .:, ‘.'-_:.‘“

2.3.9119 .1!» . ..;..L [1:31.
, ’
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1‘5" 1' “71’! 7 33.27.
Mrs i. H. Tilscn,
G POlol Course“,
Lexington, T3.
De 1 51::
I beg tL‘*FVVCfiltiT€ “oceitt or tr oizx sex? is
with four l ttcr of Lurch Eth in C"vi ctivr' it} tic
L. . Crmhs‘ CLG¢o I chol"¢( ‘”orx3*‘ 1”: Ti is of it fir
you: iile. I will re? in tlr tg;cir' wn“ expect to oro3:re
another p‘on n,i:7 o*r of t”r ir?:r :f’n She n or this
dzw‘xviiz“ f‘:;‘ Liw<= i : tiu‘ r re 7F“'+ “‘1if'.
Y: 41".: 11‘ .
, /I 4/ » i - i /
' 5110/222;{222Q2agq«?' _
L '6; ofij-’ETT t: ELLntrtutfi'-

 ' 5 7 w; Les-ax;
' i. MM ,Zé/M A. -—/ WWW
, ' K
4 /
d 15 v V
/ ’ 4(125
TO DATE AND FILE NO. 3.33370}; I',-"-1312".
jig-r. .. L411“? firs-mi”,
. ragwiz'ir 32"81"; ”L,
*5”? 533':
3; ana'igi-‘tn Elie 2.,-s .1:: v to suit (1:: I» ’ » BTW??? V55
the em 5812,?" recently iii 1:.-:.:? :r: the 'iff? {Iii-3021314: Court. _
191"; 3 lott- ‘::3'? Cote-33:03. 7371.353 n i -if‘:"‘::r‘i"~3'"= 5. 19177
3.:: “1 mar:- U31; tit-r: 2:16? 102-31; fruit 1...: :.3‘.’;.):-'31"Ci":tl§ the renew-Fl
371E? ::: mortise :55? £2 Ruit tried in .?":’=i:ru:1'y, 3.916, 313m *rE
(suit the itch (‘;ixvszri’ai’kf’a ‘3? ‘1'-’.’;‘0 5'15" 3‘05“??? T31 J" {39"‘I‘i‘35‘fl 1;
cl'ifmiflf were elf:;r':.;‘=.3-';:1:t2-?-:E “ 511:9“, trial €131.55 are 02330:!” 312.7
the. nor ::uit. In %. lilo ‘3.-.:;; will no is :2 2:11:37 :.ch pre-
heated at the tire fins: 333.1 oases :3 ilrr: rigid: 5.'-.3“?‘-":‘S ff: 3‘3- 51
used by tiles-3n {it ‘ :13: 1.:: t“:=<;_: (firs-.ratya ':::i' e 3".'==}_-
rsd and :11? the“;- "a magrtfiji.11135;“; ” 5 aft; 11???- <17 5'5t3‘11513l3’3?
: 3.2m ;ézfrtit'a. 3 3". ‘
Etna. wi‘él note in the neti'triirn {2”wa fin preheat
cause that p?i.2“;.inrtj_:éi'fif ::4t!-":;es that he had re :14? find the deferdilé’it?
' to .'"113-(7 5, f:’$:1'i"i.:.blfi 63:35:33.2? {and “:3.-‘:”I, 'i-d‘fg,‘ hwe ‘.1 ed. and
refused “it (it) so and become 33‘ in??? :.:mn. 53.2.1335»; E in.
the ::am :ET ‘:1,(§:£,.«:J.» LL. 3,732.: i 31 I'm-vie €31.51 the 2‘"3"'-.’E-‘.t633‘; im‘Effi/ETB
to 113413105162 that he has: :3 (32‘35'353‘5.I’;§’?j' can the new rend battling:

 .. /,7 _ ,7; »1/ ///7 .2275”.2 g/
)»'« ~42 264' . ,2” , .
' ‘ éggémq/fifiéé/Q%ywwwa¢g/égkdéamé¢w
. ,. #23523.
to the cwfl_banh.
Will you please advise me if you have any record
0 this party requesting that a crossing be provided on his
property, and if so whether the Name has been_refused?
You might also advise if he now hos a practical crossing at
any point on his property. If you have any information
whatever that will be of service in the defense of this
case, I shall be obliged if you will write me fully in
regard to it that our attorneys will be fully advised as to
the conditions out of which this case arose.
Please return my file with your reply.
Yours truly, . K

' ief ngineer of cs§S§§§Z¥ion

Cy SM. Wi on
V J J Donohue

 “12’ 4g;
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.1211 Fate J‘1.:111'1;”;‘.' 1?, 1$711. I E11711 31:1 “1111:1-»~=1:r;.:t '.:-.':. 12.5w; :1: -.": 11h?)
9.11:1, i..”: if; is 13011111“... rurf'L‘icj '11'1‘-? 1‘11: :1??? ~1111‘*'’*DTU,_‘ZI‘ 32711“; I”; 111,I.
Dansh te, relative t3 the suit 31° E1. 1.. Grabs; VS ”C719 0331739133,
, " :«nu'ww—‘W—“W-Wmmda ‘
filed i; the LetCPur Circuit Csurt February 27, 1917. A, §?‘fi?§
.,,.“)? S51 :33:
; Does not this suitjprecticzllg cower the same x: ’7 i
‘ ‘~’ ».:” '
, -—
\7gr3unfis es s arevicus suit hr the same pirty, which is :k: a 4;
/ ' ' i-w‘
; 5f referreé to in your letter t: me cf Jun: 5, 1915, WEich 1?:7 K
g V t; \
\‘ , ». \
' euii is either stiil outst'ncihg 3r was dispssed of in same (.,,.
way? ‘~":V f“
h‘ «V X
1 . 1 , . . n . . . fi\
I Delieve you have 3 file caveriig lull investi‘etLTnswwa
an the previififiafihii and frcm such carrespcnflerce as I have ’
in my file and the petitien in the present cs e, it strikes me
thzt this party is attempting to caver the same grsunds es are
covered in the ether nit.
I find that an Jenuur; 27, 1915 I sent ts Messrs.
Msrgan & Nuckois my file N3. 405 in the previsus suit. I else
,_1 ‘.'» p
' 11nd that in your letter t3 me 01 anuar; 5th yam state
that ysu had the original tracing preparedin the previous '
I am sending cap; 3f this letter to Messrs. Morgan &

SIX-."." —2
Nucko": :1: with request that they return 23.}; file to me and
would ask thetyyxou 791-315-73'19‘3’?‘the."..‘?Tfifgl‘fi and on receipt ‘
I will take the matter up with our division people to see .
‘..-.:het, if any, etepe have been taken by Mr. Comte to secure
crossing, and 51.1.: if he is: entitled to one.
. You. will note in the present petitLonhe states to t
/ he had re ue teal the c‘efendante to make. :2. suit able cr:e:i3:g
ard that they had. failed and refused t 3 do so.
Yours truly,
. /'/ _,/' ‘x
V » /'C/€2é/fji:(fl ,J’c < ““5/:7
i gin: er of fillEEErué'tiSii.
Cy Messrs. Margin Hue-Vols.

 » ' 1 I‘ M wry 1 r. .1
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i '( S H . ..,.- if .,. r,
, i f“

, ; ‘.L ‘ i L ,5!) . ‘,,-"'1 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ,1 ,L, 4. IL ,‘,
L\ i\\ ’." j “‘"» L\ 3 ‘V. WH ITESBU RG' KY' ,)J/ A "I; t," I 1‘ LI!
E \ ..'!ij ',,-“r,
\ ’ (j? g“ f": I,“ February 23 1917.
y’ . H/LL I,
E , if //f
)wiiJ/fiudge S. M. Wilson,
lj ' .Lexington, Ky.
‘ hear Sir: .
In re suit of E. H. Combs versus Lex1ngton
& Eastern Railway Co. and Louisville & Nash-
ville Railroad Co. now pending in the Letcher
Circuit Court:

Enclosed I beg to hand you docket report and three
copies of the petition in the above styled suit which was filed
on yesterday and summons in which was executed on I. B. Fields,
Agent, on today.

This is a suit for one thousand dollars damages for
alleged failure to establish find a private road crossing to
connect those parts of the plaintiff's farm lying on opposite
sides of the company's right-of-way some five or six miles below
Whitesburg on the North Fork of Kentucky river.

You will note that plaintiff alleges that the Louis-
ville & NashvilleeRailrosd Co., the present owner of the right-
of-way has a provision in its charter which compels it to es-
tablish a private road crossing where same is necessary to en-
able the land owner to go from one part of his farm to the other.

. Judge Bearing told me today that the suit was filed
mainly for the purpose of bringing the matter to a focus as the
plaintiff had been promised a right road crossing at the time
he executed a deed for the right-of-way but had since been unable
to get same established although he claims that the railroad
company's officials have repeatedly promised him that they would
establish same. I will write you further in regard to this