xt73bk16mf8w_83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [51] Jeff Brothers v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [51] Jeff Brothers v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_9/Folder_5/65317.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_83 xt73bk16mf8w 5M~:'Z—V3--437e V
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 (2.»1. Cu 541» Form 161.
\ ‘,‘. I1.“ .4 u' 4 4 FILE No.
. OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ’ " "'v":’ ' 4
I .
District Attorney, ..I . ‘ ‘ .'I /(//4
. . 4. ‘.4. . - : ...z. 4 . -
_'[II (If/lull /mx (Inw rwmm'I/(uz HI Mr ‘ I...‘ .7 1 -, (rmr/ u/ )4 . __ ..1“. [4+ (um/f}.
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/ a / //// WW
/ -/"/.\'.s‘/: woo-,',1 :\///fl/7/rf(: , /
r”””’“r/(5211955211:4m.”/. // WWW/91,77: January 24,1914.
Lt A» (a / V)
Mr S. M. Wilson, ‘
Counsel, 1;. & E. 33. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Jett Bros. v. L. & N.
Breathitt Quarterly Court.
Among papers which I received today from Mr.
McDowell relative to the above case,which seems to grow out of
loss and damage sustained by plaintiffs in shipment of pipe from
Lexington to Jackson, Dec. 9th,l912, was the attached summons which
was served on our Agent at Jackson on December 18th,l915, and which
fbe probably forwarded to Judge Pollard. The papers referred to
(above were sent to me bgéthowell with the request that, in con—
formance with settlenent agreed upon by Judge Pollard and Attorney
representing plaintiffs,voucher be issued for $4.70 - judgment
$5.00,court costs $1.70. In order not to delay matters this will
be done but we should havefcopy of statement filed in the Quarter-
ly Court and a docket repor277:;fgl juégments and pleintiffsf costs
should be certified to this office for voucher on regulsr form,“
' l Ymmstnfly, H

(Zé;%%2/,/ir fl z’dg, ‘*¢¢ai,lk::{;’

JJD/w Assistant District Attorney 7

 v I . SUMMpNS 0R WARRANT—$50 or 1m. Printed and Sold by Paragon Printing Works, Beaver Dam, Ky.
, The: Commonwealth of Kentucky, ,
You, are comma/MW 7K MFR, OW
2‘0 unswvr in my fiat/”W Quarterly Court, at fix mart
. Mr . Tm'm :bvg‘innim‘i not 70.9.9 [mm [177' (luv 3 Offer Ha) 3077711) of this
. , @0 . A. ,,V_..__........Aag'(1f/Isf' fl/Z ,
which claim has/26671,]‘iled in, my ojfive, mm’ warn, Mflmt upon, %
failure to answer, lhe claim will be Mic/1n for (“OIL/$88607, 07'. W .“u'i/l be
proceeded against for (.3011t6'l)1[)f.
Give/L [UNI/67" my hand, as Judge of Hz, Cour! ((f'0772wt7'd, this ,r ’.I. g (lay
of 191 , ,
M _A . ' WM ox; um , Judge.
_7 M ,,,, ,7 W7 77 (By WW, . 7 77777.7, _- Chi/q.

$50 or Less. . -
: No. _- .
. To the day of
Term, 191......W. '
(The day of the Term is the
day of the Month.)

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I E12319. you hermipluj: :11: the j):“;n.::.~:: .5 have regarfiing
32:0 fruit Jets 7:” 3v: 5?"; f: 1053:; ":.:? Gr‘iiT 3:0 to one barrel
wigw. 37633732":‘.ECJTTI 1:.:- J’r'e‘isor i,"r‘3,"j"i,’?.l 5.6153, .,o’” ’,3 531, 19152.
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