xt73bk16mf8w_832 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [684] John A. Duff v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [684] John A. Duff v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_1/13650.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_832 xt73bk16mf8w m /~ ,7 fl 0
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Mae/”Mac. 5%,
June-50th-1917 /
Mr Samuel M Wilson,

Lexington, Ky
Dear Sir:—

See your letter of June 16th addressed to Messrs Morgan and
Nuckols, suit of John A Duff. Section Foreman Bradley Loomer who
is in charge of the :Eavies section which Mr :uff‘s property is
located and writes to the ioadmester on June 28th as follows:—

"Your letter of the Teth. Mr John luff's fence is in
very bad condition. There are pl oeé that look like hogs hrve been
passing through some? the fence. lost :2;? I drove hog: out of his
field under the some fence."

T'is for y or information.

Y are truly,
«.1.: erintenEBnt‘ " ;N‘r' "
Cy Hergfn and Emokols u // “

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Afinrnvgvfi [It IL‘ztiu
Eeb. 28, 1917.

Judge Samuel M. Wilson, 5"; ova
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:
We enclose herewith, docket report and usual copies of

petition in the case of John A. Duff vs. L a N R.R. Co.

Yours very truly,
L M JAM/L Wok/L—b


The plaintiff, John A. Duff, states that the defendant,
Louisville a Nashville Railroad Company, is a corporation, created,
organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the
state of Kentucky, for the purpose of and is now engaged in the
business of owning and onerating a railroad line through Perry
County and other counties of the state of Kentucky, and was so
engaged during all of the years of 1915 and 1916; that in its
corporate name it has the power to contract and be contracted
with, and to sue and be sued.

The plaintiff for his cause of action herein states
that he is the owner of cerulin improved farm lands in Perry
County, Kentucky, and was such owner at the time of the con-
struction of the LexingtOn a “astern extension of the Louisville
and Nashville Railroad Company, through Perry County, and has
at all times since, been the owner of said improved farm lands,
and that the defendants right of way extends through this said
improved farm land, leaving part of said improved farm land on
either side of said defendant‘s right of way and railroad, and
that his fence enclosing said improved farm lands extends around
the exterior boundary on either side of defendants railroad of
said improved farm lands, and makes a terminal at either side
of the defendants right of way, both at the place its right of
way enters said improved lands and at the place it leaves said
improved lands; that said lands were improved at the time de-
fendant built its railroad, in 1912, and in order to connect
his fence around his said improved land at the terminals thereof,


the defendant did in the year 1915 construct cattle guards

. across its track connecting with fence of defendant company
extending across its said right of way, by which cattle guard
and fencing connecting with fence of this plaintiff his said
improved lands were enclosed. He states that he used said improved
farm lands for farming and farming purposes, and did during the
year 1915 and 1916 so used his land, and planted crops of corn
thereon, under said enclosing fence constructed by this plaintiff
and defendant, and the cattle guards constructed by the defendant.

,Plaintiff states that during the said years of 1915
and 1916, while he had his said improved farm lands under cul-
tivation in corn, the defendant wrongfully, carelessly and
through wilful and gross negligence and with full knowledge,

‘ permitted its said cattle guards crossing its said track enclos-
ing plaintiff's farm and crons to become so impaired that hogs
and cattle and other pronerty could and did, and were so per-
mitted to enter this plaintiff's improved farm lands while his
said gr0wing crops were thereon during each of these years, and
to eat and tramp down and destroy his said growing cr0p; that
during the year 1915 through the aforesaid negligence of the
defendant, plaintiffs crOp was destroyed or damaged to the
extent of $150; that during the year 1916 through the defendants
aforesaid negligence in permitting its cattle guard to so become
impaired that stock could and did enter his said improved lands,
into his growing crOp, that said stock, cattle and hogs, so tramped
down, eat and destroyed his corn and growing crop thereon, in his
damage to the sum of $175.

Plaintiff says that his said improved lands on which
his said growing cr0ps were enclosed by said fence and cattle
guards was not at such a point or place where defendant was re-

» 2

quired to fence its right of way on both sides.

Wherefore, the plaintiff, John A. Duff, prays judgment
against the defendant, Louisville e flashville iailroed Commany
for the sum of $150.00, and the further sum of £175.00 damages
and the cost of this action and all prewar relief.


The plaintiff and effiant, John g. huff, says that the
statements contained in the above and foregoing pleading, are
true as he believes.

subscribed and sworn to before me by John A. Duff, this
the 10th day of Jan. 1917.

Examiner, ferry Circuit Court.